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. To start with some of the fouls found at VIT, is the place where all the
students at VIT university gather at the time of their recess is the so
called place ’THE GAZEBO’.Here the bricks used for the pavement and
along the way to gazebo, bricks used might be the ‘pavement
bricks’.The bricks are of good quality and varied colour too,but the
layout of these bricks is irregular at one the gazebos.Such as the

comparing the layout of the bricks at one pavement

with the other.

And hence the aesthetics of the well-crowded place at VIT has been

. Similarly,it is with the case of the medium sized bricks layed out at the
edges of the pavement.The bricks are strong and durable but the
arrangement of these bricks is unfinished and not done properly.

It is as follows:
Then coming to some of defects at the hostels at my university.

. The tiles used at the hostel are wide ,large ,and durable but not with
strength to withhold wet conditions .the wettability of inner side of the
tile made the tile to run off , thereby leaving the wall.Here is the picture
of the wall without the tile.
here theman is trying to fix the
new tile into the particular place

The next one is ,

. .The difference in the flooring level,which is caused due to the
excessive heat produced in the inner of the ground ,due to which the
floor protrudes out and hence there occurs a slight change in the level of
the floor.This difference in flooring level is compensated and covered
using a separate new tile covering it

. Following this ,

One of the modern construction materials used in the construction is

neoprene and thermocol.Polycloroprene or neoprene remains a
material of choice by builders as a performance sealing and
waterproofing solution for a wide range of structural engineering
needs.Its flexibility in production has made it a frequent choice by
builder.It resists burning also.WHEREAS,

Thermocol,is a light and cellular plastic material used for sound and
heat insulation of ceiling,walls,and for air conditioning of buildings.It is
durable ,resists dampness
Here neoprene is used in between the wall attachment along with the
plastic thermocol like material.But the materials are scratched out and
no further maintainence is done.the covering of the aterials is
incomplete as follows:

. The eroding of mordern materials should also be taken care of such as

the breakage or cracking of tiles,

cracking or
eroding of tiles
along the edges
of the staircase.
the breakage of tile on a step of
the staircase.

the breakage of the materials in the flooring in one of the building in the university

. Water permeability:It is the capacity of a material to allow the water to

penetrate under pressure.Materials which hinders the water
permeability also hinders heat conductivity,i.e,moist materials have a
higher heat conductivity than drier ones.
water is penetrating into the
baseline of the staircases.
. Next follows,the incomplete work left out by workmen where the water
supplying tubes along each floor of the building are cut off and the
covering which has to be done around the broken flooring,or ceiling is
unfinished.It is as below:
. The maintainance of the structure after the construction of the
structure is also a major role to be performed or taken into
consideration,i.e ,the eroded wall holes have to be modified or
renewed,the incomplete sealing of holes ,to keep the wiring connection
in positions

Such as:
The holes in the walls
The open wall
the eroded ceiling

are a few small things that effect the beauty of the structure.


REG NO:19BCL1051


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