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Preconception care can make a positive difference to health and the health of the
child. It is now popular to seek information and health care prior to trying to conceive
a baby. This seeking of information can help prepare physically and emotionally for
pregnancy and parenthood.
Preconception care is a positive step toward enhancing pregnancy outcome and
provides prospective parents with option that may not be available once pregnancy is
confirmed. This preparation ideally should occur for at least four months prior to
trying to fall pregnant. If this is not possible, try for at least one month preparation.
Preconception care improves the chance of falling pregnant more easily, having a
healthy pregnancy and healthy baby and aiding recovery after the birth.
When a couple is seen and counseled about pregnancy, its course and outcome well
before the time of actual conception is called preconceptional counselling.
Goal of preconception care
 To provide health promotion, screening and interventions for women of
reproductive age to reduce the risk factor that might affect future pregnancies,
Aims of preconception care
 The aim of preconception care is to prepare the body for pregnancies, birth and
 To secure optimal health and nutritional condition in both parents not only
improves the chance of conception but reduces the possibilities of prenatal death
and many congenital anomalies.
 To secure that the women and her partner are in optimal state of physical and
emotional health at the onset of pregnancy.
 To asses’ normal health by a child bearing women, while at the same time
 To promote the prenatal health which include developing positive attitude about
sexuality, womanhood and child bearing
 To benefit women being treated for a condition such as sickle cell anaemia,
hypertension, heart disease, diabetes that may cause a high risk pregnancy.
Purpose of preconception care
 Establishing life style behaviours to maintain optimum health
 Identify and treat risk factors before
 Conceive a pregnancy without necessary risk factors
 Prepare people psychologically for pregnancy and the responsibilities to become
with parenthood
 Health promotion
 Nutrition


 Healthy diet
 Optimum weight
 Exercise and rest
 Avoiding substance abuse
 Use of safe sex practices
 Attending to family and social needs
 Risk factor assessment
 Medical history
 Immune status
 Illness
 Genetic disorder
 Current use of medication
 Medical condition Medication
 Reproductive history
 Contraception
 Age
 Life goal
 Stress
 Financial resources
 Environmental conditions
 Safety hazards
 Toxic chemicals
 Radiation
 Physical examination
 Reproductive system (internal & external)
 Pelvic structure
 Thyroid gland
 Laboratory studies
 General
 Complete blood count
 Urinalysis
 Blood type
 Sexually transmitted diseases Hepatitis
 Rubella immunity
 Depending on risk
 Toxicology screen
 Thalassemia
Promotion of woman for healthy pregnancy
 Folic acid supplementation
Woman of child bearing age get at least 400 micrograms of folic acid everyday
through food and/or supplements. Many health care providers recommended
supplementing the diet with folic acid for 3months before getting pregnant and at least
the first 3months of pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects.
 Proper immunization
Women who are thinking about pregnancy should make sure they have been properly
vaccinated for certain diseases like rubella, chickenpox etc that could harm the
developing foetus. It is important to get these vaccinations before becoming pregnant.
 Healthy behaviours
Having a healthy diet and getting regular physical activity can help both mother and
baby. Alcoholism and smoking (active & passive) should be avoided.
 Other nutritional supplements
It includes a balanced multivitamin /mineral supplements, iron, zinc and calcium.
 Blood tests
Includes complete blood count, thyroid function test, test for venereal infections,
group & Rh etc.
 Other check up
Complete body check up to rule out any pre-existing medical disorders.
Steps the women can take to improve health before pregnancy
 Eat a well balanced diet
 Drink plenty of water
 Take nutritional supplements wisely
 Quiet or cut down cigarette smoking & alcohol
 Avoid caffeine
 Avoid medication unless recommended by a doctor
 Avoid contact with chemicals
 If have a cat, get someone else to empty the kitty litter due to the risk of
infection with toxoplasmosis
 Do regular exercises
 Visit health care practitioner specialised in preconception care.
Preconception care for men
Preconception care is just as important for men as for women. They contribute half the
genetic material that makes up the baby. It takes sperm 3 months to develop so that
they are able to fertilize an egg. So it makes sense to practice preconception care for
men for at least 3 months prior to trying to conceive a baby. Guidelines for men are:
 Stop smoking
 Use mobile phones only when needed
 Avoid increased temperature around the genitals
 Cut back on caffeine
 Avoid medicine that that impair fertility and sex desire (antihypertensives,
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Tricyclic Antidepressants,
Antihistamines etc)
 Inculcate a relaxing schedule
 Stop consuming alcohol and steroids
 Maintain a healthy weight
 Plan for finances


 Think about parenting

Pregnancy, child birth, a new baby, few experiences in the life has as much impact on
someone as becoming a parent. A new child brings new worries, challenges, and
stresses. And also bring new feelings, understandings, and joys. To prepare for
parenthood is essential.
Positive aspects of a child’s entrance into a family
 Uniqueness of a child
 Dimensions of love
 Feelings about oneself
 Sense of family
 Personal growth
 Closeness to parents
Preparing for parenthood
The practical nurse can play a significant role in the process of providing patient
education during pregnancy. The prenatal patient, especially the first time mother,
may have many questions and concerns about this period in her life. Much of the
information she may have is probably inaccurate or incomplete. Preparing for
parenthood is important to tackle all these issues.
Goals of parenting
There are 3 main goals:




 Survival: To promote the physical survival and health of their children

 Economic: To foster the skill, behaviours and capacities that children will need for
economic self maintenance as adults.
 Self actualization: To foster behavioural capacities for maximizing actual values
and believes.
Factors influencing parenthood
 Family size
 Religion
 Race
 Financial stability
 Type of conjugal role relationship
 The social psychological aspects of sexual relations
 Effectiveness of practicing contraception
Sources of knowledge regarding Planned Parenthood
 Preconception care: Includes health care, along with education and counseling
about how to handle different aspects of pregnancy.
 Childhood role model: Each person has positive and negative experiences with in
their childhood. New parents have to be able to perceive how they reacted to the
role model set by their own parents.
 Family life & school: Knowledge will be obtained from family and school
regarding parenthood like role of parents, needs of unborn & born baby etc.
Types of education for prenatal couple preparing for parenthood
 Individual teaching and counselling
Health care providers teach face to face regarding parenthood and provide counselling
where and when needed.
 Information groups
The couples can approach these groups where they provide appropriate information
regarding parenthood process. These will be trained groups for provision of
 Discussion or counselling groups
Couples come together in groups to discuss their concerns on parenthood under the
guidance of trained personnel where they discuss the matter.
 Prepared childbirth groups
Provide information regarding pregnancy, child birth and postnatal care to the
Preparation of parenthood



Psychological Financial
preparation preparation

 Physical preparation
 Thorough physical check up
 To ensure that the reproductive organs and its functions are healthy
 To diagnose deviations or abnormalities
 Follow healthy habits
 Educate couples about bad effects of bad habits
 Psychological preparation
 Wanting a child
 Wanting a normal healthy baby
 Satisfied with any gender of child
 Financial preparation
 Having baby is an added expense in the family.
 Couples have to save money regularly from family income to meet these
Preconceptional health advices
 Diet
It is important on 3 counts;
 The health of women herself
 Her developing foetus
 Alleviation of minor disorders in pregnancy
 Alcohol
Drinking alcohol while pregnant will lead to fetal alcohol syndrome.
 Smoking
Smoking is linked with intrauterine growth retardation, and gross fetal anomalies.
Active & passive smoking is to be avoided.
 Sexual intercourse
Sometimes couples fear that sexual intercourse in pregnancy may harm the baby. It is
preferable to avoid during the first and last trimester.
 Exercise and sports
If mother is used to taking regular exercise such as walking, swimming, riding, or
cycling there is no reason why she should not continue for as long as she is
 Travel
Travel is sometimes unavoidable in pregnancy for some woman. Long unbroken
journey by whatever transport should be avoided.
 Clothing
This reflects the mothers taste and financial position but loose cool clothing will be
most comfortable.
• A vital step in economic and social planning.
• Maintains peace and harmony within the family and also insists on the
government to provide better living conditions to the people.
• Necessary for maintaining better living standard and rise in per capita income.
• Improves socio-cultural changes which accompany the developmental process.
• Provides an opportunity for the couple to decide the family size and budgeting
the family expenses.
• Promotes better health and welfare of mother & children.
• Provides congenial & conflict free environment.
• Promotes safe motherhood techniques and procedures.
• Reduces the morbidity & mortality of mother and children.
• Parents will be able to give proper attention and concern for the child
developmental activities.


The preconception care and preparation for parenthood is important for a healthy
pregnancy and a healthy baby. Preconception care is a positive step toward enhancing
pregnancy outcome and provides prospective parents.


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