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Types of Classes

Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

Map and Page Layout

Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

IMap : IUnknown
ActiveGraphicsLayer: ILayer SpatialBookmark
MxDocument * AnnotationEngine: IAnnotateMap
ISpatialBookm ark : IUnknown
AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope ISpatialBookmark
in ArcMapUI IBasicMap Barriers (pExtent: IEnvelope): BookmarkType: String
IDataSourceHelperMapDocument IDataSourceHelper MapDocument : IUnknown
IBasicMap2 IBarrierCollection
esriSystem.IPersist Name: String
BasicGraphicsLayer: IGraphicsLayer
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer ClipBorder: IBorder
FindAndReplaceWorkspaceNamePath (in
ZoomTo (in Map: IMap) pMapDocument: IMapDocument, in
esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin ClipGeometry: IGeometry
Description: String esriSystem.IPersistStream oldWorkspaceName: String, in
esriDisplay.IDisplayEvents DistanceUnits: esriUnits newWorkspaceName: String, in Validate:
IGraphicsContainer Expanded: Boolean Boolean)
FeatureSelection: ISelection Repair (in pMapDocument: IMapDocument, in
IGraphicsContainerSelect IsFramed: Boolean pDataLayer: IDataLayer, in pName: IName, in
ILayerMasking Layer (in Index: Long): ILayer Validate: Boolean)
LayerCount: Long ReplaceWorkspaceName (in pMapDocument:
ILevelMasking Layers (in uid: IUID, in recursive: Boolean): AOIBookmark IMapDocument, in pOldWorkspaceName:
IMapAdmin IEnumLayer
MapScale: Double IAOIBookmark IAOIBookm ark : ISpatialBookm ark IWorkspaceName, in pNewWorkspaceName:
IMapAdmin2 MapSurround (in Index: Long): IMapSurround IWorkspaceName, in Validate: Boolean)
MapDocument IMapAdmin3 MapSurroundCount: Long Location: IEnvelope
MapUnits: esriUnits IDataSourceHelperMap IDataSourceHelper Map : IUnknown
IMapDocument IMapDocument : IUnknown IMapAdmin4 Name: String
esriSystem.IDocumentVersion ReferenceScale: Double
ActiveView: IActiveView IMapBookmarks SelectionCount: Long
FindAndReplaceWorkspaceNamePath (in
DocumentFilename: String pBasicMap: IBasicMap, in oldWorkspaceName:
IDocumentInfo DocumentType: esriMapDocumentType IMapBookmarks2 SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
String, in newWorkspaceName: String, in
IDocumentInfo2 SpatialReferenceLocked: Boolean
DocumentVersion: IMapCache UseSymbolLevels: Boolean Validate: Boolean)
IDocumentPreview esriMapDocumentVersionInfo FeatureBookmark
IsMapDocument (in sDocument: String):
IMapGeographicTransformations AddLayer (in Layer: ILayer) Repair (in pBasicMap: IBasicMap, in pDataLayer:
Boolean AddLayers (in Layers: IEnumLayer, in IFeatureBookmark IFeatureBookmark : ISpatialBookm ark IDataLayer, in pName: IName, in Validate:
IsPasswordProtected (in sDocument: autoArrange: Boolean) Boolean)
FeatureClass: IFeatureClass
String): Boolean esriSystem.IPersist AddMapSurround (in MapSurround:
FeatureId: Long ReplaceWorkspaceName (in pBasicMap:
IsPresent (in sDocument: String): Boolean IMapSurround) IBasicMap, in pOldWorkspaceName:
esriSystem.IPersistStream ClearLayers Draw (in Display: IDisplay)
IsReadOnly (in sDocument: String): IWorkspaceName, in pNewWorkspaceName:
Boolean IDynamicMapEvents ClearMapSurrounds Flash (in Display: IDisplay) IWorkspaceName, in Validate: Boolean)
ClearSelection PanTo (in Display: IDisplay)
IsRestricted (in sDocument: String): (DynamicMapEvents) ComputeDistance (in p1: IPoint, in p2: IPoint):
IDynamicMap Double IDataSourceHelperLayer IDataSourceHelper Layer : IUnknown
Layer (in mapIndex: Long, in layerIndex: CreateMapSurround (in clsid: IUID, in
Long): ILayer optionalStyle: IMapSurround): FindAndReplaceWorkspaceNamePath (in pLayer:
Map (in mapIndex: Long): IMap
MapCount: Long * DelayDrawing (in delay: Boolean) ILayer, in oldWorkspaceName: String, in
newWorkspaceName: String, in Validate:
PageLayout: IPageLayout DelayEvents (in delay: Boolean)
DeleteLayer (in Layer: ILayer) Boolean)
Printer: IPrinter IMapLayers ReplaceName (in pLayer: ILayer, in pName:
DeleteMapSurround (in MapSurround:
Thumbnail: IPicture IMapSurround) IName, in Validate: Boolean)
UsesRelativePaths: Boolean IMapOverposter
GetPageSize (out widthInches: Double, out BarrierCollection
Close heightInches: Double) IDataSourceHelperStandaloneTable IDataSourceHelper StandaloneTable : IUnknown
GetVersionInfo (in versionInfoMissing: MoveLayer (in Layer: ILayer, in toIndex: Long) IBarrierCollection IBar rierCollection : IUnknown
Boolean, in lMajor: Long, in lMinor: Long, SelectByShape (in Shape: IGeometry, in env: Count: Long FindAndReplaceWorkspaceNamePath (in
in lRevision: Long, in lBuild: Long) ISelectionEnvironment, in justOne: pStandaloneTable: IStandaloneTable, in
New (in sDocument: String) Boolean) Add (in Barriers: IGeometryCollection, in oldWorkspaceName: String, in
Open (in sDocument: String, in SelectFeature (in Layer: ILayer, in Feature: Weight: esriBasicOverposterWeight) newWorkspaceName: String, in Validate:
bsPassword: String) IFeature) Clear Boolean)
ReplaceContents (in pObject: SetPageSize (in widthInches: Double, in QueryItem (in Index: Long, out barrier:
IGeometryCollection, out Weight: ReplaceName (in pStandaloneTable:
IMxdContents) heightInches: Double) IStandaloneTable, in pName: IName, in
Save (in bUseRelativePaths: Boolean, in Validate: Boolean)
bCreateThumnbail: Boolean) IActiveView : IUnknown
SaveAs (in sDocument: String, in
bUseRelativePaths: Boolean, in IMapBarriers ExportFrame: tagRECT
bCreateThumnbail: Boolean) IMapBarriers2 Extent: IEnvelope
SetActiveView (in pActiveView: ExtentStack: IExtentStack
IActiveView) FocusMap: IMap
FullExtent: IEnvelope
GraphicsContainer: IGraphicsContainer
IsMapActivated: Boolean
Map Frame in Carto Map
ScreenCacheID (in phase: Elements
esriViewDrawPhase, in Data: IUnknown):
Integer MSDHelper
MapReader ScreenDisplay: IScreenDisplay
Selection: ISelection IMSDHelper IMSDHelper : IUnknown
IMapReader IMapReader : IUnknown ShowRulers: Boolean
ShowScrollBars: Boolean
AccessInternalObjects: Boolean
DocumentInfo: IPropertySet
* ShowSelection: Boolean
GetDataset (in layerPath: String): String
TipText (in x: Double, in y: Double): String 0..* Map Surround in Carto Map GetLayerDisplayName (in layerPath: String):
Map (in Index: Long): IMap
MapCount: Long Activate (hWnd: OLE_HANDLE) String
PageLayout: IPageLayout Clear Elements GetLayers (in mapPath: String): IStringArray
Thumbnail: IPictureDisp ContentsChanged GetLayerType (in layerPath: String): String
Deactivate GetMapDisplayName (in mapPath: String): String
ISupportErrorInfo Close Draw (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE, in
Open (in FilePath: String) TrackCancel: ITrackCancel) GetMaps: IStringArray
GetContextMenu (in x: Double, in y: GetSubLayers (in layerPath: String): IStringArray
IRelationshipClassCollection Double, out clsidMenu: IUID) GetWorkspaceConnectionStringFromLayer (in
HitTestMap (in Location: IPoint): IMap layerPath: String): String
ISelectionEvents IsActive: Boolean * GetWorkspaceFactoryType (in layerPath: String):
IStandaloneTableCollection OnMessage (in msg: Unsigned Long, in String
ITableCollection wParam: UINT_PTR, in lParam: Layer in Carto Layers IsActiveMap (in mapPath: String): Boolean
IsLayerValid (in layerPath: String): Boolean
esriDisplay.ITransformEvents Output (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE, in Dpi: Open (in Path: String)
IViewManager Long, in pixelBounds: tagRECT, in PutWorkspaceConnectionStringInLayer (in
layerPath: String, in
PageLayout IViewRefresh VisibleBounds: IEnvelope, in
workspaceConnectionString: String, in Validate:
TrackCancel: ITrackCancel)
IPageLayout3 IPageLayout3 : IUnknown IMapLayers2 PartialRefresh (in phase: Boolean)
ReplaceAll (in mapPath: String, in
IPageLayout2 AlignToMargins: Boolean IMapClipOptions esriViewDrawPhase, in Data: IUnknown,
oldWorkspaceConnectionString: String, in
in envelope: IEnvelope)
IPageLayout ContentProvider: IUnknown OverposterProperties in Carto newWorkspaceConnectionString: String, in
IMapAutoExtentOptions PrinterChanged (in Printer: IPrinter)
Validate: Boolean)
DelayEvents: Boolean Refresh
HorizontalSnapGuides: ISnapGuides IMapTimeDisplay Annotation /Labeling Save (in relativePath: Boolean)
Page: IPage SaveAs (in Path: String, in relativePath: Boolean)
Printer: IPrinter IActiveViewEvents IActiveViewEvents : IUnknown
RulerSettings: IRulerSettings
SnapGrid: ISnapGrid AfterDraw (in Display: IDisplay, in phase: IMSDHelper2 IMSDHelper2 : IMSDHelper
IMxdContents VerticalSnapGuides: ISnapGuides esriViewDrawPhase)
ZoomPercent: Double AfterItemDraw (in Index: Integer, in Display: GetDatasetFromTable (in mapPath: String, in
IDisplay, phase: esriDrawPhase) tableIndex: Long): String
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer FocusNextMapFrame
ContentsChanged CompositeGraphicsLayer in GetTableDisplayName (in mapPath: String, in
ContentsCleared tableIndex: Long): String
ReplaceMaps (in maps: IMaps)
FocusMapChanged Carto Layers GetTables (in mapPath: String): Long
ItemAdded (in Item: Variant) GetWorkspaceConnectionStringFromTable (in
ZoomToPercent (in percent: Long)
ItemDeleted (in Item: Variant) mapPath: String, in tableIndex: Long): String
ItemReordered (in Item: Variant, in toIndex: GetWorkspaceFactoryTypeFromTable (in
Long) mapPath: String, in tableIndex: Long): String
SelectionChanged IsDataLayer (in layerPath: String): Boolean
IGraphicsContainer IGr aphicsContainer : IUnknown SpatialReferenceChanged IsTableValid (in mapPath: String, in tableIndex:
AddElement (in Element: IElement, in zorder: ViewRefreshed (in View: IActiveView, in Long): Boolean
Long) phase: esriViewDrawPhase, in Data: PutWorkspaceConnectionStringInTable (in
Variant, in envelope: IEnvelope) mapPath: String, in tableIndex: Long, in
IActiveView AddElements (in Elements:
newWorkspaceConnection: String, in Validate:
IElementCollection, in zorder: Long)
BringForward (in Elements: IEnumElement) Boolean)
IActiveViewEvents BringToFront (in Elements: IEnumElement) IMapEvents IMapEvents : IUnknown RelativePaths: Boolean
DeleteAllElements (MapEvents)
DeleteElement (in Element: IElement)
esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin FindFrame (in frameObject: Variant):
* FeatureClassChanged (in oldClass:
IFrameElement IFeatureClass, in newClass: IFeatureClass) MapSelection
GetElementOrder (in Elements:
IEnumElement): Variant VersionChanged (in oldVersion: IVersion, in ISelection : IUnknown
LocateElements (in point: IPoint, in Tolerance: GraphicSnap newVersion: IVersion) ISelection
Double): IEnumElement
LocateElementsByEnvelope (in envelope: IGraphicSnap IGr aphicSnap : IUnknown
IMapTimeDisplay : IUnknown
IEnvelope): IEnumElement IMapTimeDisplay CanClear: Boolean
MoveElementFromGroup (in group: Name: String
CurrentTimeExtent: ITimeExtent esriGeodatabase.IEnumFeatureSetup CanCopy: Boolean
IGroupElement, in Element: IElement, in CanCut: Boolean
SnapX (in Shape: IGeometry, in Tolerance: DefaultTimeInterval: Double
zorder: Long) CanPaste: Boolean
MoveElementToGroup (in Element: IElement, Double): Boolean DefaultTimeIntervalUnits: esriTimeUnits
CanSelectAll: Boolean
in group: IGroupElement) SnapY (in Shape: IGeometry, in Tolerance: DefaultTimeWindow: Double
Double): Boolean Clear
Next: IElement DisplayDateFormat: String
PutElementOrder (in order: Variant) DisplayEachTimestamp: Boolean
IPageLayoutSnap Cut
* Reset IPageLayoutSnap : IGr aphicSnap DisplaySpeed: Long
SendBackward (in Elements: IEnumElement) Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in
DisplayTimeFormat: String
Element in Carto Map SendToBack (in Elements: IEnumElement) PageLayout: IPageLayout DynamicTimeRefresh: Boolean
CancelTracker: ITrackCancel)
UpdateElement (in Element: IElement) esriSystem.IPersist FullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent
Elements PlayOption: esriMapTimePlayOption

IGraphicsContainerSelect IGr aphicsContainerSelect : IUnknown ShowTime: Boolean

DominantElement: IElement
TimeExtentDefinitionLayer: ILayer
ElementSelectionCount: Long esriMapTimeExtentOption IPrintAndExport IPrintAndExport : IUnknown
SelectedElements: IEnumElement TimeReference: ITimeReference
SelectionBounds (in Display: IDisplay): TimeValue: ITimeValue PageCount (in ActiveView: IActiveView):
IEnvelope Long
ElementSelected (in Element: IElement): GridSnap MarginSnap ComputeFullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent
HasTimeData: Boolean
PageRow (in ActiveView: IActiveView, in
PageName: String): IRow
IPageEvents SelectAllElements PrinterNames: IEnumBSTR
SelectedElement (in Index: Long): IElement IMapTimeDisplay2 IMapTimeDisplay2 : IMapTimeDisplay
esriSystem.IPersist SelectElement (in Element: IElement) Export (in pActiveView: IActiveView, in
esriSystem.IPersistStream SelectElements (in Elements: IEnumElement) HasLiveData: Boolean pExport: IExport, in Resolution: Double,

ISelectionEvents SelectionTracker (in Index: Long): ShowTimeOnDisplay: Boolean ChangeDatabaseVersion in clip2GraphicExtent: Boolean, in
ISelectionTracker GuideSnap RulerSnap TimeRelation: esriTimeRelation pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel)
esriDisplay.ITransformEvents UnselectAllElements IChangeDatabaseVersion IChangeDatabaseVersion : IUnknown ExportPages (in pActiveView: IActiveView,
UnselectElement (in Element: IElement) in pPDFExport: IExportPDF, in options:
IPageLayoutExtensions UnselectElements (in Elements: IServiceLayerCredits IServiceLayerCredits : IUnknown IPrintAndExportPageOptions, in
IEnumElement) Resolution: Double, in pTrackCancel:
Execute (in pFrom: IVersion, in pTo:
ServiceLayerCreditsText (in Separator: IVersion, in pMap: IBasicMap): ISet ITrackCancel)
IGraphicSnapEnvironment IGr aphicSnapEnvironment : IUnknown String): String Print (in pActiveView: IActiveView, in
pPrinter: IPrinter, in pPage: IPage, in
IViewManager SnapAgent (in Index: Long): IGraphicSnap PageID: Long, in resRatio: Long, in
SnapAgentCount: Long
IViewRefresh SnapAgentOrder: IArray
pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel)
PrintPages (in pActiveView: IActiveView, in
SnapTolerance: Double
pPrinter: IPrinter, in pPage: IPage, in
AddSnapAgent (in SnapAgent: IGraphicSnap) options: IPrintAndExportPageOptions, in
ExportInfoGenerator resRatio: Long, in pTrackCancel:
DeleteSnapAgent (in SnapAgent: ITrackCancel)
IGraphicSnap) IExportInfoGenerator IExportInfoGenerator : IUnknown
SnapShape (in Shape: IGeometry)
BeginGroup (in pDisplay: IDisplay, in
IGraphicSnapEnvironment2 IGr aphicSnapEnvironment2 : IUnknown IPage IPage : IUnknown Comment: String)
SnapAgent (in Index: Long): IGraphicSnap BeginLayer (in pDisplay: IDisplay, in
Background: IBackground
SnapAgentCount: Long Comment: String)
BackgroundColor: IColor
SnapAgentOrder: IArray esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer Border: IBorder
BeginLayerWithName (in pDisplay:
SnapTolerance: Double IDisplay, in pLayer: ILayer)
DelayEvents: Boolean
BeginLayerWithNameAndPhase (in
AddSnapAgent (in SnapAgent: FormID: esriPageFormID
pDisplay: IDisplay, in pLayer: ILayer, in
IsPrintableAreaVisible: Boolean
ClearSnapAgents Orientation: Integer
viewDrawPhase: esriViewDrawPhase) DocumentInfo
esriSystem.IClone BeginMap (in pDisplay: IDisplay, in hDC:
DeleteSnapAgent (in SnapAgent: PageToPrinterMapping:
IGraphicSnap) esriPageToPrinterMapping
OLE_HANDLE, in pMap: IMap) IDocumentInfo2 IDocumentInfo2 : IUnknown
BeginPageLayout (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE,
SnapShape (in Shape: IGeometry) PrintableBounds: IEnvelope
in FocusMap: Long)
IDocumentInfo Author: String
SnapShapeEx (in pElement: IElement, in StretchGraphicsWithPage: Boolean Category: String
BeginText (in pDisplay: IDisplay, in Type:
Shape: IGeometry) Units: esriUnits Comments: String
Long, in Kerning: Long, in Tracking:
DrawBackground (in Display: IDisplay) Double, in WidthScale: Double, in Credits: String
IServiceLayerCredits IServiceLayerCredits : IUnknown DrawBorder (in Display: IDisplay) WordSpace: Double, in LineLeading: DateExported: Variant
DrawPaper (in Display: IDisplay, in Double, in Text: String) DatePrinted: Variant
ServiceLayerCreditsText (in Separator: EndGroup (in pDisplay: IDisplay) DateSaved: Variant
eraseColor: IColor)
String): String EndLayer (in pDisplay: IDisplay) DocumentTitle: String
DrawPrintableArea (in Display: IDisplay)
GetDeviceBounds (in Printer: IPrinter, in EndMap (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE) Folder: String
currentPage: Integer, in Overlap: Double, EndPageLayout (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE) HyperlinkBase: String
in Resolution: Integer, in deviceBounds: EndText (in pDisplay: IDisplay) Keywords: String
IEnvelope) SetCmykColor (in pDisplay: IDisplay, in Name: String
GetPageBounds (in Printer: IPrinter, in cmykColor: OLE_COLOR, SpotColor: Path: String
currentPage: Integer, in Overlap: Double, Boolean, ColorType: Long) RelativePaths: Boolean
in pageBounds: IEnvelope) SavePreview: Boolean
PrinterChanged (in Printer: IPrinter) Subject: String
PrinterPageCount (in Printer: IPrinter, in
IFeatureExportInfoGenerator IFeatureExportInfoGenerator : IUnknown
SnapGrid Overlap: Double, out PageCount: HotlinkContainer: IHotlinkContainer
ISnapGrid ISnapGrid : IUnknown Integer) HyperlinkContainer: IHyperlinkContainer IDocumentInfo3 IDocumentInfo3 : IDocumentInfo2
PutCustomSize (in Width: Double, in LayerFields: ILayerFields
HorizontalSpacing: Double Height: Double) AccessConstraints: String
esriSystem.IPersist IsVisible: Boolean QuerySize (out Width: Double, out Height: AddFeatureAttribute (in Display: IDisplay, in Thumbnail: IPicture
VerticalSpacing: Double Double) FieldType: esriFieldType, in FieldName:
esriSystem.IPersistStream String, in fieldValue: String)
Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in Page: IPage) BeginFeature (in Feature: IFeature, in
IFrameProperties IFrameProperties : IUnknown Display: IDisplay)
Background: IBackground BeginFeatureAttributes (in Display:
* Border: IBorder IDisplay)
Shadow: IShadow EndFeature (in Display: IDisplay)
EndFeatureAttributes (in Display: IDisplay)
GenerateFeatureInfo (in Feature: IFeature,
SnapGuides IPageEvents IPageEvents : IUnknown
in Display: IDisplay)
ISnapGuides : IUnknown GenerateHyperlinkInfo (in Feature:
ISnapGuides IFeature, in Display: IDisplay)
AreVisible: Boolean esriSystem.IPersist PageColorChanged PrepareExportFilter (in fc: IFeatureClass,
esriSystem.IPersist DrawLevel: esriViewDrawPhase PageMarginsChanged Filter: IQueryFilter)
Guide (in idx: Long): Double esriSystem.IPersistStream PageSizeChanged
esriSystem.IPersistStream GuideCount: Long esriSystem.IPropertySupport PageUnitsChanged

AddGuide (in pos: Double)

Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in IsHorizontal:
DrawHighlight (in Display: IDisplay, in
IsHorizontal: Boolean)
RemoveGuide (in idx: Long)

IRulerSettings IRulerSettings : IUnknown
SmallestDivision: Double

Interfaces esriBufferSpatialReferenceType esriMapCacheUpdateMode esriMappingMsgCodeEnum esriPageFormID esriSelectionResultEnum
0 - esriMapSpatialReference 0 - esriMapCacheUpdateRecreateMissing 103000 - esriMappingMsgCode_LayerDrawBegin 0 - esriPageFormLetter 0 - esriSelectionResultNew
1 - esriFeatureClassSpatialReference 1 - esriMapCacheUpdateRecreateAll 103001 - esriMappingMsgCode_LayerDrawEnd 1 - esriPageFormLegal 1 - esriSelectionResultAdd
2 - esriFeatureOptimizedSpatialReference 2 - esriMapCacheUpdateDelete 103002 - esriMappingMsgCode_GroupLayerDrawBegin 2 - esriPageFormTabloid 2 - esriSelectionResultSubtract
3 - esriFeatureSetOptimizedSpatialReference 103003 - esriMappingMsgCode_GroupLayerDrawEnd 3 - esriPageFormC 3 - esriSelectionResultAnd
IBasicMapIdentifyObject : IUnknown IEnumMapSurround : IUnknown IKmlConversion : IUnknown IMapEvents2 : IUnknown IMaps2 : IUnknown IRotateOperation : IOperation
4 - esriOtherSpatialReference 103004 - esriMappingMsgCode_GeographyDrawBegin 4 - esriPageFormD 4 - esriSelectionResultXOR
BasicMap: IBasicMap Count: Long ActiveView: IActiveView esriMapDocumentType 103005 - esriMappingMsgCode_GeographyDrawEnd 5 - esriPageFormE
GetLayerIDListFromMap (in pMap: IMap): 103006 - esriMappingMsgCode_AnnotationDrawBegin
Next: IMapSurround ActiveGraphicsLayerChanged (in Item (in Index: Long): IMap Name: String 0 - esriMapDocumentTypeMxd 6 - esriPageFormA5
Reset oldGraphicsLayer: IGraphicsLayer, in PreviousRotation: Double esriExtentTypeEnum 1 - esriMapDocumentTypePmf 103007 - esriMappingMsgCode_AnnotationDrawEnd 7 - esriPageFormA4
GetLayerIDListFromMapServer (in Create: IMap
newGraphicsLayer: IGraphicsLayer) Refresh: Boolean 0 - esriExtentDefault 2 - esriMapDocumentTypeLyr 103008 - esriMappingMsgCode_SelectionDrawBegin 8 - esriPageFormA3 esriValueRepresentations
pMapServer: IMapServer): IArray MoveItem (in pMap: IMap, in toIndex: Long)
IContextAnalyzer : IUnknown TableChanged (in oldTable: ITable, in Rotation: Double 3 - esriMapDocumentTypeUnknown 103009 - esriMappingMsgCode_SelectionDrawEnd 9 - esriPageFormA2 0 - esriValueRepUnknown
IEnumSpatialBookmark : IUnknown LayerToArray (in pLayer: ILayer, in Remove (in Map: IMap) 0 - esriAutoExtentNone
pQueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in newTable: ITable) 1 - esriExtentScale 103010 - esriMappingMsgCode_GraphicSelectionDrawBegin 10 - esriPageFormA1 1 - esriValueRepRadius
Priority: Long RemoveAt (in Index: Long)
pKmlParameters: IPropertySet): BYTE[] Reset 1 - esriAutoExtentScale 103011 - esriMappingMsgCode_GraphicSelectionDrawEnd 11 - esriPageFormA0 2 - esriValueRepArea
GetContextMenu (in contextObject: Next: ISpatialBookmark LayerToFile (in pLayer: ILayer, in IMapEvents3 : IUnknown ITOCClass : IUnknown 2 - esriExtentBounds esriMapDocumentVersionInfo 103012 - esriMappingMsgCode_CustomDrawBegin 12 - esriPageFormCUSTOM 3 - esriValueRepDistance
IUnknown, out clsidMenu: IUID) Reset pQueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in 2 - esriAutoExtentBounds 0 - esriMapDocumentVersionInfoSuccess 103013 - esriMappingMsgCode_CustomDrawEnd 13 - esriPageFormSameAsPrinter 4 - esriValueRepWidth
pKmlParameters: IPropertySet, in IPushPin : ISpatialBookm ark Description: String 3 - esriAutoExtentMarginPercent 1 - esriMapDocumentVersionInfoFail 103014 - esriMappingMsgCode_GraphicDrawBegin
Filename: String) BeginBuildCache (in Map: IMap) Label: String 2 - esriMapDocumentVersionInfoUnknown 103015 - esriMappingMsgCode_GraphicDrawEnd
IEnumLayer : IUnknown Location: IPoint 4 - esriAutoExtentMarginMapUnits
IExtentStack : IUnknown MapServerMapToArray (in pMapServer: EndBuildCache (in Map: IMap) SymbolPatchImage (in fileType: String): 103016 - esriMappingMsgCode_LabelingBegin
IMapServer, in pQueryFilter: MarkerSymbol: IMarkerSymbol 5 - esriAutoExtentMarginPageUnits esriPageToPrinterMapping
String 103017 - esriMappingMsgCode_LabelingEnd esriViewDrawPhase
Count: Long IQueryFilter, in pKmlParameters: MaxLabelWidthPts: Double 6 - esriExtentPageIndex 0 - esriPageMappingCrop
Next: ILayer 103018 - esriMappingMsgCode_LabelingLayers 0 - esriViewNone
Item (in Index: Long): IEnvelope IPropertySet, in pLayerIDs: String): IMaps : IUnknown TextSymbol: ITextSymbol esriMapTimePlayOption 1 - esriPageMappingScale
Reset 103019 - esriMappingMsgCode_FeatureCount 1 - esriViewBackground
BYTE[] 0 - esriMapTimeStopAfterPlaying 2 - esriPageMappingTile
CanRedo: Boolean Count: Long Draw (in Display: IDisplay) 103020 - esriMappingMsgCode_GraphicCount 2 - esriViewGeography
MapServerMapToFile (in pMapServer: ITOCGroup : IUnknown 1 - esriMapTimeRepeatAfterPlaying
CanUndo: Boolean Flash (in Display: IDisplay) esriMapClipType 103021 - esriMappingMsgCode_ExecutingQuery 4 - esriViewGeoSelection
IMapServer, in pQueryFilter: Item (in Index: Long): IMap 2 - esriMapTimeReverseAfterPlaying
IEnumMap : IUnknown Do (in Extent: IEnvelope) Classes: IArray 0 - esriMapClipNone 103022 - esriMappingMsgCode_DrawingAsMaskingLayer 8 - esriViewGraphics
IQueryFilter, in pKmlParameters:
Redo Create: IMap Heading: String 1 - esriMapClipShape 16 - esriViewGraphicSelection
IPropertySet, in pLayerIDs: String, in 103023 - esriMappingMsgCode_SymbolDrawTime
Reset Filename: String) Remove (in Map: IMap) 2 - esriMapClipMapExtent 32 - esriViewForeground
Next: IMap 103024 - esriMappingMsgCode_Rendering
Undo MapToArray (in pMap: IMap, in RemoveAt (in Index: Long) 3 - esriMapClipPageIndex esriMapTimeExtentOption 64 - esriViewInitialized
Reset Reset 103800 - esriMappingMsgCode_LayerDrawingError
pQueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in 0 - esriMapTimeExtentAllData 255 - esriViewAll
pKmlParameters: IPropertySet, in 1 - esriMapTimeExtentAllVisibleLayers
pLayerIDs: String): BYTE[] 2 - esriMapTimeExtentUndefined
MapToFile (in pMap: IMap, in pQueryFilter: 3 - esriMapTimeExtentSpecifiedLayer
IQueryFilter, in pKmlParameters:
IPropertySet, in pLayerIDs: String, in
Filename: String)
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

Map Elements
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7 PageLayout in
Carto Map and
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied) Page Layout
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer

(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>> Element
Property Put by Reference IElement : IUnknown
helper class required to support this event IElement
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type Geometry: IGeometry
IBoundsProperties Locked: Boolean
SelectionTracker: ISelectionTracker
Activate (in Display: IDisplay) Geometry in
Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in TrackCancel: Geometry
HitTest (in x: Double, in y: Double, in
Tolerance: Double): Boolean
QueryBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in
Bounds: IEnvelope)

QueryOutline (in Display: IDisplay, in
Outline: IPolygon)

IElementProperties3 IElementProperties3 : IUnknown

IElementProperties2 AnchorPoint: esriAnchorPointEnum
IElementProperties AutoTransform: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersist CustomProperty: Variant GraphicElements
Name: String
esriSystem.IPersistStream ReferenceScale: Double IGraphicElements IGr aphicElem ents : IUnknown
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference AnnotationFeature esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long
Type: String
MapGrid esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IGraphicElement
CanRotate: Boolean esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in Element: IGraphicElement)
IMapGrid IMapGr id : IUnknown
LocatorRectangle esriGeometry.ITransform2D ITransform2D : IUnknown
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in Element:
Border: IMapGridBorder IGraphicElement)

GridLabel esriSystem.IClone ExteriorWidth (in pDisplay: IDisplay, in ILocatorRectangle ILocator Rectangle : IUnknown IPropertySupport Move (dx: Double, dy: Double) Remove (in Index: Long)
pMapFrame: IMapFrame): Double MoveVector (v: ILine) RemoveAll
IGraphicsComposite LabelFormat: IGridLabel
ILocatorRectangle2 Background: IBackground Rotate (Origin: IPoint, rotationAngle: Double)
IGridLabel2 IGr idLabel2 : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersist Border: IBorder Scale (Origin: IPoint, sx: Double, sy: Double)
LineSymbol: ILineSymbol esriSystem.IPersist LeaderSymbol: ISymbol Transform (direction: esriTransformDirection,
Applies (in grid: IMapGrid): Boolean esriSystem.IPersistStream Name: String MapFrame: IMapFrame
IGridLabelExport Color: IColor SubTickCount: Integer
esriSystem.IPersistStream transformation: ITransformation)
ShowLeader: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersist DisplayName: String MapGridBorder IReferenceSystem SubTickLength: Double IFrameProperties
EditObject: IUnknown SubTickLineSymbol: ILineSymbol IGraphicsComposite Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in Parent:
esriSystem.IPersistStream Font: IFontDisp IMapGridBorder IMapGr idBorder : IUnknown IMapFrame)
FontSize: Double
TickLength: Double
TickLineSymbol: ILineSymbol QueryBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in Parent: ElementCollection
IGraphicsComposite DisplayName: String IMapFrame, in Bounds: IEnvelope)
LabelAlignment (in axis: Width: Double TickMarkSymbol: IMarkerSymbol IElementCollection IElementCollection : IUnknown
esriGridAxisEnum): Boolean esriSystem.IPersist Visible: Boolean
LabelOffset: Double esriSystem.IPersistStream Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in frameGeometry: CompositeGraphicsLayer in IElementCollection2 Count: Long
IGeometry, in mapGeometry: IGeometry) Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in pMapFrame: 0..*
Draw (in LabelValue: Double, in Location: IMapFrame) Carto Layers Add (in Element: IElement, in
IPoint, in axis: esriGridAxisEnum, in GenerateGraphics (in pMapFrame: esriSystem.IPersist LinkedFeatureID: Long)
Display: IDisplay) IMapFrame, in GraphicsContainer: 0..* esriSystem.IPersistStream Clear
Preview (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE, in IGraphicsContainer) QueryItem (in Index: Long, out Element:
rectangle: tagRECT) PrepareForOutput (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE, esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN IElement, out LinkedFeatureID: Long)
0..* Remove (in Element: IElement)
QueryTextExtent (in LabelValue: Double, in in Dpi: Long, in pixelBounds: tagRECT,
Location: IPoint, in axis: in pMapFrame: IMapFrame)
esriGridAxisEnum, in Display: IDisplay, CalibratedMapGridBorder QueryLabelVisibility (in leftVis: Boolean, in
Extent: IEnvelope) topVis: Boolean, in rightVis: Boolean, in
ICalibratedMapGridBorder ICalibratedMapGridBor der : IUnknown bottomVis: Boolean)
Alternating: Boolean QuerySubTickVisibility (in leftVis: Boolean,
BackgroundColor: IColor in topVis: Boolean, in rightVis: Boolean,
BorderWidth: Double in bottomVis: Boolean)
ForegroundColor: IColor QueryTickVisibility (in leftVis: Boolean, in
Interval: Double topVis: Boolean, in rightVis: Boolean, in
bottomVis: Boolean)

SetDefaults (in pMapFrame: IMapFrame)
SetLabelVisibility (in leftVis: Boolean, in
FrameElementBase GraphicElement
topVis: Boolean, in rightVis: Boolean, in IFrameElement

IFrameElement : IUnknown IGraphicElement IGr aphicElem ent : IUnknown
bottomVis: Boolean)
SetSubTickVisibility (in leftVis: Boolean, in Background: IBackground SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
topVis: Boolean, in rightVis: Boolean, in Border: IBorder esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
SimpleMapGridBorder bottomVis: Boolean) DraftMode: Boolean
Object: Variant
SetTickVisibility (in leftVis: Boolean, in
ISimpleMapGridBorder ISimpleMapGridBorder : IUnknown topVis: Boolean, in rightVis: Boolean, in Thumbnail: OLE_HANDLE
bottomVis: Boolean)
LineSymbol: ILineSymbol
FormattedGridLabel IFrameDraw IFrameDraw : IUnknown
IFormattedGridLabel IFormattedGridLabel : IUnknown
Format: INumberFormat DrawBackground (in Display: IDisplay, in
CancelTracker: ITrackCancel)
DrawDraftMode (in Display: IDisplay, in
CancelTracker: ITrackCancel)
DrawForeground (in Display: IDisplay, in
CancelTracker: ITrackCancel)
DMSGridLabel ICustomOverlayGrid ICustomOverlayGrid : IMapGr id IFrameProperties IFrameProperties : IUnknown
MixedFontGridLabel CustomOverlayGridFactory Background: IBackground
FillShapeElement GroupElement
IDMSGridLabel3 IDMSGridLabel3 : IUnknown DataSource: IFeatureClass
IDMSGridLabel2 IMixedFontGridLabel IMixedFontGr idLabel : IUnknown in CartoUI LabelField: String Graticule Border: IBorder
Shadow: IShadow
IFillShapeElement IFillShapeElement : IUnknown IGroupElement IGr oupElement : IUnknown
AbbreviateLabels: Boolean IGroupElement2
IDMSGridLabel LabelType: esriDMSGridLabelType IMixedFontGridLabel2 NumGroupedDigits: Integer IGraticule IGr aticule : IMapGr id Symbol: IFillSymbol Element (in Index: Long): IElement
LatLonFormat: ILatLonFormat SecondaryColor: IColor IFrameDraw ElementCount: Long
AutoInterval: Boolean Elements: IEnumElement
MinutesColor: IColor SecondaryFont: IFontDisp Map in Carto Map and Page IFrameElement
MinutesFont: IFontDisp AddElement (in Label: String, in Location: IFrameProperties AddElement (in Element: IElement)
MinutesFontSize: Double Double, in isLatitude: Boolean, in
LabelSymbol: ITextSymbol)
Layout IGraphicsContainerProperty
SecondsColor: IColor IFormattedGridLabel : IUnknown DeleteElement (in Element: IElement)
SecondsFont: IFontDisp
IFormattedGridLabel GraticuleFactory RemoveElement (in Label: String)
SecondsFontSize: Double Format: INumberFormat
ShowMinusSign: Boolean in CartoUI IMeasuredGrid IMeasuredGrid : IUnknown
ShowZeroMinutes: Boolean FrameElement
ShowZeroSeconds: Boolean FixedOrigin: Boolean
Units: esriUnits IGraphicElement IGr aphicElem ent : IUnknown CircleElement MarkerElement
IndexGrid IGridAxisTicks XIntervalSize: Double
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
IGridHatch XOrigin: Double ICircleElem ent : IUnknown
IIndexGrid IIndexGrid : IMapGr id YIntervalSize: Double ICircleElement IMarkerElement IMarkerElem ent : IUnknown
ColumnCount: Long
IGridInteriorLabels YOrigin: Double
Symbol: IMarkerSymbol
IndexGridTabStyle IndexGridFactory RowCount: Long
XLabel (in column: Long): String
IIndexGridTabStyle IIndexGridTabStyle : IUnknown in CartoUI YLabel (in Row: Long): String
ForegroundColor: IColor QueryCellExtent (in Row: Long, in column: 0..1
CornerGridLabel OutlineColor: IColor Long, in pMapFrame: IMapFrame, Extent: MapFrame EllipseElement
Thickness: Double IEnvelope) IMapFrame IMapFrame : IFrameElement
ICornerGridLabel ICornerGridLabel : IUnknown MgrsGrid IEllipseElement IEllipseElement : IUnknown
CornerLabel (in corner: esriGridCornerEnum):
PrepareDraw (in LabelValue: String, in IActiveViewEvents Container: IGraphicsContainer LineElement
tabWidthPage: Double, in axis: ExtentType: esriExtentTypeEnum
esriGridAxisEnum) IMgrsGrid IMgrsGrid : IUnknown
LocatorRectangleCount: Long ILineElement ILineElement : IUnknown
CornerValue (in corner: esriGridCornerEnum,
in axis: esriGridAxisEnum): Double MGRSGridFactory GridSquareBoundarySymbol: ILineSymbol esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer Map: IMap
MapBounds: IEnvelope Symbol: ILineSymbol
GridSquareLabelColor: IColor
MapScale: Double
in CartoUI GridSquareLabelFont: IFontDisp
IPrincipalDigitsGridLabel IPrincipalDigitsGr idLabel : IUnknown
GridSquareLabelSize: Double
GridSquareLabelStyle: AddLocatorRectangle (in locator: MultiPatchElement IElementEditVertices IElementEditVertices : IUnknown
esriGridSquareLabelStyleEnum ILocatorRectangle)
BaseDigitCount: Long CreateSurroundFrame (in clsid: IUID, in MovingVertices: Boolean
InteriorTickLength: Double esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin
EastingSuffix: String optionalStyle: IMapSurround):
NorthingSuffix: String MeasuredGrid InteriorTickSymbol: ILineSymbol
esriDisplay.IDisplayEvents IMapSurroundFrame GetMoveVerticesSelectionTracker:
PrincipalDigitCount: Long BackgroundTabStyle ShowGridSquareIdentifiers: Boolean
LocatorRectangle (in Index: Long): ISelectionTracker
SmallLabelColor: IColor IMeasuredGrid IMeasuredGrid : IUnknown
ILocatorRectangle PolygonElement
SmallLabelFont: IFontDisp IBackgroundTabStyle IBackgroundTabStyle : IUnknown
MeasuredGridFactory RemoveAllLocatorRectangles
FixedOrigin: Boolean IPolygonElement IPolygonElement : IUnknown
SmallLabelSize: Double
BackgroundType: esriBackgroundTabType Units: esriUnits IGridLadderLabels IGr idLadderLabels : IUnknown RemoveLocatorRectangle (in locator:
UnitSuffix: String in CartoUI XIntervalSize: Double
LadderLabelColor: IColor
XOrigin: Double
LadderLabelColumnCount: Long
YIntervalSize: Double
LadderLabelFont: IFontDisp IGraphicsComposite IGr aphicsComposite : IUnknown
YOrigin: Double
LadderLabelRowCount: Long IElementEditVertices IElementEditVertices : IUnknown TextElement
IGraphicsContainerProperty Graphics (in Display: IDisplay, in Data:
LadderLabelSize: Double ITextElement
ShowLadderLabels: Boolean IUnknown): IEnumElement MovingVertices: Boolean ITextElement : IUnknown

ButtonTabStyle IProjectedGrid IProjectedGrid : IUnknown ShowOuterLabelsOnly: Boolean

GetMoveVerticesSelectionTracker: ScaleText: Boolean
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference ISelectionTracker IMultiPartTextElement Symbol: ITextSymbol
IMapFrameEvents IMapFrameEvents : IUnknown Text: String

ContinuousTabStyle ISymbolCollectionElement ISymbolCollectionElement : IUnknown
IMapGrids IMapGr ids : IUnknown RectangleElement IElementEditCallout AnchorPoint: IPoint
MapGrid (in Index: Long): IMapGrid IElementEditVertices Background: ITextBackground
MapGridCount: Long
IRectangleElement IRectangleElem ent : IUnknown
Bold: Boolean
IGroupSymbolElement CharacterSpacing: Double
AddMapGrid (in MapGrid: IMapGrid)
RoundedTabStyle ClearMapGrids
CharacterWidth: Double
ITransformEvents DeleteMapGrid (in MapGrid: IMapGrid)
Color: IColor
FlipAngle: Double
FontName: String
Geometry: IGeometry
Text3DElement HorizontalAlignment:
IText3DElement IText3DElement : IUnknown Italic: Boolean
LegendClassFormat MapSurroundFrame Alignment: esriT3DAlignment Leading: Double
IMapSurroundFrame AnchorPoint: IPoint OverriddenProperties: Long
IMapSur roundFrame : IFrameElement
ILegendClassFormat : IUnknown AxisRotation: esriT3DRotationAxis OverriddenPropertiesExclusionMask: Long
ILegendClassFormat BoldFont: Boolean SharedSymbol (in SymbolID: Long):
AreaPatch: IAreaPatch
IMapFrameEvents MapFrame: IMapFrame
MapSurround: IMapSurround Depth: Double ISymbol
DescriptionSymbol: ITextSymbol IMapSurroundEvents FontName: String Size: Double
LabelSymbol: ITextSymbol Patch * Height: Double SymbolID: Long
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize LinePatch: ILinePatch 0..* ItalicFont: Boolean Text: String
PatchHeight: Double IPatch IPatch : IUnknown
MapSurround IGraphicsComposite IGr aphicsComposite : IUnknown Justification: esriT3DJustification TextPath: ITextPath
esriSystem.IPersist PatchWidth: Double OrientationPlane: esriT3DOrientationPlane
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Geometry: IGeometry Graphics (in Display: IDisplay, in Data: RotationAngle: Double
Underline: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersistStream Name: String IMapSurround IMapSur round : IUnknown VerticalAlignment:
esriSystem.IClone PreserveAspectRatio: Boolean ITransformEvents IUnknown): IEnumElement Surface: IFunctionalSurface
Text: String
esriSystem.IPersist Icon: OLE_HANDLE
ZAxisScale: Double WordSpacing: Double
get_Geometry (in Bounds: IEnvelope): Map: IMap
esriSystem.IPersistStream IGeometry Name: String
XOffset: Double
Update: Boolean YOffset: Double
AreaPatch DelayEvents (in delay: Boolean) DrawESRIAnno (in stream: IStream, in
LegendItem IAreaPatch : IUnknown Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in TrackCancel: SymbolCollection: ISymbolCollection, in
IAreaPatch ITrackCancel, in Bounds: IEnvelope) spatialRef: ISpatialReference, in Display:
ILegendItem3 ILegendItem3 : IUnknown FitToBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in IDisplay)
ILegendItem Bounds: IEnvelope, out changed: ExportToESRIAnno (in stream: IStream)
CanDisplay (in Layer: ILayer): Boolean Boolean)
ILegendItem2 Columns: Integer GetSharedSymbol: ISymbol
QueryBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in ImportFromESRIAnno (in stream: IStream,
ILayerEffects Graphics: IEnumElement
IQuerySize oldBounds: IEnvelope, newBounds: in SpatialReference: ISpatialReference,
GroupIndex: Long IEnvelope)
HeadingSymbol: ITextSymbol in SymbolCollection: ISymbolCollection)
Height: Double LinePatch
esriSystem.IClone KeepTogether: Boolean 0..*
ILinePatch : IUnknown IBoundsProperties IBoundsProperties : IUnknown
Layer: ILayer ILinePatch
LayerNameSymbol: ITextSymbol
esriSystem.IPersist LegendClassFormat: ILegendClassFormat esriSystem.IClone
FixedAspectRatio: Boolean
FixedSize: Boolean
FrameDecoration PMFTitleTextElement
esriSystem.IPersistStream Name: String esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer IFrameDecoration IFrameDecoration : IUnknown
NewColumn: Boolean * Color: IColor
ITextElement ITextElement : IUnknown
ReferenceScaleRatio: Double IMapSurroundEvents IMapSur roundEvents : IUnknown esriSystem.IClone IMultiPartTextElement ScaleText: Boolean
ShowDescriptions: Boolean CornerRounding: Integer
ShowHeading: Boolean HorizontalSpacing: Double ISymbolCollectionElement Symbol: ITextSymbol
Name: String Text: String
ShowLabels: Boolean AfterDraw (in Display: IDisplay) IElementEditCallout
esriSystem.IPersist VerticalSpacing: Double
ShowLayerName: Boolean BeforeDraw (in Display: IDisplay)
Width: Double esriSystem.IPersistStream ContentsChanged Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in Geometry: 0..*
IGeometry) IPMFTitleTextElement IPMFTitleTextElement : IUnknown
ChangeFlowDirection (RightToLeft: GetGeometry (in Display: IDisplay, in Shape:
Boolean) IGeometry): IGeometry
CreateGraphics (in Display: IDisplay, in QueryBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in IGroupSymbolElement
LegendFormat: ILegendFormat) Geometry: IGeometry, in Bounds:

IGraphicsComposite IGr aphicsComposite : IUnknown

0..* ParagraphTextElement
esriSystem.IPersist Graphics (in Display: IDisplay, in Data:
Legend MapInset ScaleBar MapTitle esriSystem.IPersistStream IUnknown): IEnumElement ITextElement : IUnknown
IParagraphTextElement ScaleText: Boolean
HorizontalLegendItem ILegend2 ILegend2 : IUnknown IMapInset2 IMapInset2 : IUnknown IScaleBar IScaleBar : IMapSur round esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IFrameProperties Symbol: ITextSymbol
IHorizontalLegendItem IHorizontalLegendItem : IUnknown ILegend AutoAdd: Boolean IMapInset Description: String BarColor: IColor
ISymbolCollectionElement Text: String
BarHeight: Double
AutoReorder: Boolean FullExtent: IEnvelope
Arrangement: esriLegendItemArrangement IActiveViewEvents Division: Double
AutoVisibility: Boolean IsLive: Boolean Divisions: Integer MarkerNorthArrow
DefaultLegendItem (in Layer: ILayer): MapBounds: IEnvelope DivisionsBeforeZero: Integer IColumnProperties IColumnProperties : IUnknown
IGraphicsComposite ILegendItem ReferenceScale: Double LabelFrequency: esriScaleBarFrequency IMarkerNorthArrow IMarkerNorthArrow : IUnknown IElementEditCallout Count: Long
FlowRight: Boolean UsingZoomScale: Boolean LabelGap: Double
IPropertySupport Format: ILegendFormat VisibleBounds: IEnvelope LabelPosition: esriVertPosEnum MarkerSymbol: IMarkerSymbol IElementEditVertices Gap: Double
ZoomPercent: Double LabelSymbol: ITextSymbol IGroupSymbolElement
esriDisplay.ITransformEvents Icon: OLE_HANDLE
Item (in Index: Long): ILegendItem ZoomScale: Double NumberFormat: INumberFormat SymbolBackground SymbolBorder SymbolShadow
VerticalLegendItem ItemCount: Long
ResizeHint: esriScaleBarResizeHint
Subdivisions: Integer INorthArrow INorthArr ow : IMapSur round
ISymbolBackground ISymbolBackground : IBackground ISymbolBorder ISymbolBorder : IBorder ISymbolShadow ISymbolShadow : IShadow esriDisplay.IMarginProperties IMarginProperties : IUnknown
Map: IMap UnitLabel: String
IVerticalLegendItem IVerticalLegendItem : IUnknown Name: String GetDeviceFrame (out Left: Long, out top:
UnitLabelGap: Double
INorthArrow2 Angle: Double CornerRounding: Integer CornerRounding: Integer CornerRounding: Integer Margin: Double
Long, out Right: Long, out bottom: Long) CalibrationAngle: Double FillSymbol: IFillSymbol LineSymbol: ILineSymbol FillSymbol: IFillSymbol
ScaleSymbols: Boolean UnitLabelPosition: esriScaleBarPos Color: IColor
Arrangement: esriLegendItemArrangement SetDeviceFrame (in Left: Long, in top: esriSystem.IPropertySupport
Title: String UnitLabelSymbol: ITextSymbol ReferenceLocation: IPoint
Long, in Right: Long, in bottom: Long) Units: esriUnits Size: Double
AddItem (in Item: ILegendItem) esriDisplay.ITransformEvents IBackground IBackground : IUnknown IBorder IBorder : IUnknown IShadow : IUnknown
AdjustColumns (in Columns: Long) UseMapSettings IShadow
ClearItems Gap: Double Gap: Double HorizontalSpacing: Double
DelayEvents (in delay: Boolean) IGraphicsComposite IGr aphicsComposite : IUnknown Name: String Name: String Name: String
Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in TrackCancel: VerticalSpacing: Double InkGraphic
HorizontalBarLegendItem ITrackCancel, in Bounds: IEnvelope) Overview Graphics (in Display: IDisplay, in Data: Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in Geometry: Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in Geometry:
IPropertySupport IGeometry) IGeometry) Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in Geometry: IInkGraphic IInkGraphic : IUnknown
IHorizontalBarLegendItem IHorizontalBarLegendItem : IUnknown FitToBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in IUnknown): IEnumElement GetGeometry (in Display: IDisplay, in Shape:
IOverview2 : IMapSur round GetGeometry (in Display: IDisplay, in Shape: IGeometry)
Bounds: IEnvelope, out changed: IOverview2 ScaleText IGeometry): IGeometry IGeometry): IGeometry GetGeometry (in Display: IDisplay, in Shape: IElementShutdown Color: Long
AngleAbove: Double Boolean)
AngleBelow: Double IOverview AoiFillSymbol: IFillSymbol QueryBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in QueryBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in IGeometry): IGeometry esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo InkGeometry: IUnknown
InsertItem (in Index: Long, in Item:
BackgroundColor: IColor IScaleMarks IScaleMarks : IUnknown IScaleText2 IScaleText2 : IMapSur round Geometry: IGeometry, in Bounds: Geometry: IGeometry, in Bounds: QueryBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in InkType: ESRITPCPenType
ILegendItem) IEnvelope) IEnvelope) Geometry: IGeometry, in Bounds: Tag: Variant
QueryBounds (in Display: IDisplay, in
OverlayGridLabelSymbol: ITextSymbol DivisionMarkHeight: Double IScaleText Format: String
IEnvelope) TipType: ESRITPCStylusType
IVerticalLegendItem IVerticalLegendItem : IUnknown oldBounds: IEnvelope, newBounds:
OverlayGridLayer: ILayer ITransformEvents DivisionMarkSymbol: ILineSymbol IGraphicsComposite MapUnitLabel: String
Width: Long
IEnvelope) MarkFrequency: esriScaleBarFrequency MapUnits: esriUnits
Arrangement: esriLegendItemArrangement SetOverlayGridCell (in gridLayerFid: Long) MarkPosition: esriVertPosEnum esriSystem.IPropertySupport NumberFormat: INumberFormat
Refresh UpdateDisplay (in windowWidth: Long, in Recognize: String
SubdivisionMarkHeight: Double PageUnitLabel: String
RemoveItem (in Index: Long) windowHeight: Long) SubdivisionMarkSymbol: ILineSymbol esriDisplay.ITransformEvents UpdateRecognitionResult (in
PageUnits: esriUnits newResultText: String)
IReadingDirection Separator: String
IReadingDirection : IUnknown
Style: esriScaleTextStyleEnum
RightToLeft: Boolean IScaleBar2 IScaleBar2 : IUnknown Symbol: ITextSymbol
Text: String
BarColor: IColor
NestedLegendItem BarHeight: Double
INestedLegendItem INestedLegendItem : IUnknown Division: Double PictureElementBase
Divisions: Integer IPictureElement5
AutoLayout: Boolean IPictureElement5 : IUnknown
DivisionsBeforeZero: Integer
HorizontalAlignment: LabelFrequency: esriScaleBarFrequency AttachmentFilter: String
esriTextHorizontalAlignment LabelGap: Double IPictureElement4 Filter: String

Enumerations Interfaces
LabelEnds: Boolean LabelPosition: esriVertPosEnum IPictureElement3 Handle: OLE_HANDLE
LeaderOverhang: Double LegendFormat LabelSymbol: ITextSymbol IsVector: Boolean
LeaderSymbol: ILineSymbol
NumberFormat: INumberFormat
OutlineSymbol: IFillSymbol ILegendFormat ILegendFor mat : IUnknown MaintainAspectRatio: Boolean
ShowOutlines: Boolean ResizeHint: esriScaleBarResizeHint IPictureElement Path: String
DefaultAreaPatch: IAreaPatch Subdivisions: Integer IFrameDraw PictureAspectRatio: Double
DefaultLinePatch: ILinePatch UnitLabel: String PictureDescription: String
esriSystem.IClone DefaultPatchHeight: Double UnitLabelGap: Double IFrameElement PictureField: String
IHorizontalLegendItem IHorizontalLegendItem : IUnknown DefaultPatchWidth: Double UnitLabelPosition: esriScaleBarPos IFrameProperties SavePictureInDocument: Boolean
Arrangement: esriLegendItemArrangement esriSystem.IPersist GroupGap: Double UnitLabelSymbol: ITextSymbol esriAnchorPointEnum esriHorzPosEnum esriSymbolOverrideEnum esriT3DJustification IMapSur roundFactory : IUnknown UseAttachment: Boolean
HeadingGap: Double Units: esriUnits 0 - esriTopLeftCorner 1 - esriSymbolOverrideXOffset 0 - esriT3DJustifyLeft
HorizontalItemGap: Double 0 - esriBefore
esriSystem.IPersistStream UseFractionCharacters: Boolean 1 - esriTopMidPoint 1 - esriLeft 2 - esriSymbolOverrideYOffset 1 - esriT3DJustifyCenter Name: String ImportFromVariant (in v: Variant)
HorizontalPatchGap: Double ImportPictureFromFile (in Name: String)
LayerNameGap: Double UseMapSettings 2 - esriTopRightCorner 2 - esriCenter 4 - esriSymbolOverrideHorzAlignment 2 - esriT3DJustifyRight Create (in Map: IMap): IMapSurround QueryIntrinsicSize (in widthPoints: Double,
ShowTitle: Boolean 3 - esriLeftMidPoint 3 - esriRight 8 - esriSymbolOverrideVertAlignment in heightPoints: Double)
TextGap: Double 4 - esriCenterPoint 4 - esriAfter 16 - esriSymbolOverrideFlipAngle
TitleGap: Double 5 - esriRightMidPoint 64 - esriSymbolOverrideSize ICompositeMapSurround : IUnknown
TitlePosition: esriRectanglePosition
6 - esriBottomLeftCorner 128 - esriSymbolOverrideColor
IOlePictureElement IOlePictureElement : IUnknown
TitleSymbol: ITextSymbol esriT3DOrientationPlane
VerticalItemGap: Double 7 - esriBottomMidPoint 512 - esriSymbolOverrideCharSpacing 0 - esriT3DPlaneXY
esriRectanglePosition Elements (in Display: IDisplay, in Bounds:
VerticalPatchGap: Double 8 - esriBottomRightCorner 1024 - esriSymbolOverrideCharWidth IEnvelope): IEnumElement ImportPicture (in pictureDisp: IPictureDisp)
1 - esriT3DPlaneXZ
1 - esriTopSide 2048 - esriSymbolOverrideWordSpacing
Scale (in xScale: Double, in yScale: Double) 2 - esriT3DPlaneYZ
ScaleLine DoubleFillScaleBar 2 - esriBottomSide 4096 - esriSymbolOverrideLeading
3 - esriLeftSide 8192 - esriSymbolOverrideBold IElementEditVerticesOperation :
ILegendLayout ILegendLayout : IUnknown IScaleLine : IUnknown 4 - esriRightSide
IScaleLine IDoubleFillScaleBar IDoubleFillScaleBar : IUnknown esriBackgroundTabType 16384 - esriSymbolOverrideItalic IElementOperation
ScaleGraphicsOnResize: Boolean LineSymbol: ILineSymbol 0 - esriBackgroundTabRound 32768 - esriSymbolOverrideUnderline
FillSymbol1: IFillSymbol esriT3DRotationAxis Geometry: IGeometry
FillSymbol2: IFillSymbol 1 - esriBackgroundTabRectangle 65536 - esriSymbolOverrideBackground
2 - esriBackgroundTabRoundedRectangle esriScaleBarFrequency 131072 - esriSymbolOverrideFontName 0 - esriT3DRotateAxisX
0 - esriScaleBarNone 1 - esriT3DRotateAxisY
SingleDivisionScaleBar 1 - esriScaleBarOne 2 - esriT3DRotateAxisZ IElementOperation : IEditOperation
ISingleFillScaleBar ISingleFillScaleBar : IUnknown 2 - esriScaleBarMajorDivisions
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize FillSymbol: IFillSymbol esriDMSGridLabelType 3 - esriScaleBarDivisions esriSymbolRotationType
0 - esriRotateSymbolGeographic
Elements: IEnumElement BmpPictureElement JpgPictureElement
4 - esriScaleBarDivisionsAndFirstMidpoint Name: String
0 - esriDMSGridLabelStandard 1 - esriRotateSymbolArithmetic
5 - esriScaleBarDivisionsAndFirstSubdivisions esriNorthArrowType
1 - esriDMSGridLabelStacked
6 - esriScaleBarDivisionsAndSubdivisions 0 - esriSimpleNorth
2 - esriDMSGridLabelDD
SteppedScaleLine 3 - esriDMSGridLabelDM
1 - esriTrueNorth
IOleFrame : IUnknown
4 - esriDMSGridLabelDS ESRITPCPenType EmfPictureElement PngPictureElement
OleClientItem: Any
0 - ETPC_Pen
esriScaleBarResizeHint esriScaleBarPos
1 - ETPC_Highlighter CreateOleClientItem (oleDocument: Any)
0 - esriScaleBarFixed 0 - esriScaleBarAbove
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize HollowScaleBar DoubleAlternatingScaleBar esriGridAxisEnum 1 - esriScaleBarAutoDivision 1 - esriScaleBarBeforeLabels
EditProperties: Boolean
0 - esriGridAxisNone 2 - esriScaleBarAutoDivisions 2 - esriScaleBarAfterLabels Hide GifPictureElement TifPictureElement
SimpleElementSelection 1 - esriGridAxisTop 3 - esriScaleBarAutoDivisionAndDivisions ESRITPCStylusType 3 - esriScaleBarBeforeBar Open
2 - esriGridAxisBottom 0 - ETPC_Ball 4 - esriScaleBarAfterBar
IEnumElement IEnumElem ent : IUnknown 3 - esriGridAxisLeft 1 - ETPC_Chisel 5 - esriScaleBarBelow
4 - esriGridAxisRight 6 - esriScaleBarAboveLeft IPictureNorthAr row : IUnknown

Next: IElement esriSystem.IXMLSerialize AlternatingScaleBar esriScaleTextStyleEnum

7 - esriScaleBarAboveRight Picture: IPicture
PictureElement Jp2PictureElement
0 - esriScaleTextAbsolute
Reset 8 - esriScaleBarAboveEnds
1 - esriScaleTextRelative esriVertPosEnum
9 - esriScaleBarBeforeAndAfterLabels
esriGridCornerEnum 2 - esriScaleTextCustom 0 - esriAbove
10 - esriScaleBarBeforeAndAfterBar
ISelection ISelection : IUnknown 0 - esriGridCornerLowerLeft 1 - esriTop
11 - esriScaleBarBelowLeft
ISelectionEvents 1 - esriGridCornerLowerRight 2 - esriOn
12 - esriScaleBarBelowRight
2 - esriGridCornerUpperLeft 3 - esriBottom
IGraphicsContainerProperty CanClear: Boolean 4 - esriBelow
13 - esriScaleBarBelowEnds
CanCopy: Boolean 3 - esriGridCornerUpperRight
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer CanCut: Boolean
CanPaste: Boolean
CanSelectAll: Boolean
Clear esriGridSquareLabelStyleEnum esriT3DAlignment
Copy 0 - esriGridSquareLabelCorners 0 - esriT3DAlignHorizontal
Cut 1 - esriGridSquareLabelCenter 1 - esriT3DAlignVertical
Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in
CancelTracker: ITrackCancel)

Interfaces Enumerations
ILayer ILayer : IUnknown
AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope

Carto Object Model

esriGeoDatabase.IGeoDataset Cached: Boolean
MaximumScale: Double
esriSystem.IPersist MinimumScale: Double

Name: String * ICoverageAnnotationLayerFactory : IUnknown ILayer ExtensionDraw : IUnknown esriHyperlinkType
0 - esriHyperlinkTypeDocument
0 - esriConversionStatusSuccess
ShowTips: Boolean
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
Map in Carto Map 1 - esriHyperlinkTypeURL 1 - esriConversionStatusWarnings
SupportedDrawPhases: Long CreateAnnotationLayer (in AfterLayerDraw (in pLayer: ILayer, in 2 - esriHyperlinkTypeMacro 2 - esriConversionStatusErrors
pAnnotationWorkspace: DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in pDisplay: 3 - esriHyperlinkTypeScript

TipText (in x: Double, in y: Double, in
IFeatureWorkspace, in pFeatureDataset: IDisplay, in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel) esriRasterPyramidOptEnum
Tolerance: Double): String IFeatureDataset, in
Valid: Boolean BeforeLayerDraw (in pLayer: ILayer, in 0 - esriRasterPyramidAlwaysPrompt
annotationLayerName: String): ILayer DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in pDisplay: 1 - esriRasterPyramidAlwaysBuild esriLayerEventHint
Visible: Boolean esriLayerSelectionMethod 0 - esriLayerEventHintProperties
FindAnnotationLayerNames (in IDisplay, in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel) 2 - esriRasterPyramidNeverBuild
Draw (in DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in pAnnotationWorkspace: 0 - esriLayerSelectIntersect 1 - esriLayerEventHintVisibility
Display: IDisplay, in TrackCancel:
* IFeatureWorkspace): IEnumBSTR
OpenAnnotationLayer (in
ILayer ExtensionInvalidate : IUnknown
1 - esriLayerSelectWithinADistance
2 - esriLayerSelectCompletelyContains
2 - esriLayerEventHintLayerAddedToGroup
3 - esriLayerEventHintLayerRemovedFromGroup
® ®
Esri ArcGIS 10.7 ILayerGeneralProperties
ILayer GeneralProperties : IUnknown
IFeatureWorkspace, in pFeatureDataset:
IFeatureDataset, in InvalidateVisibleExtent: Boolean
3 - esriLayerSelectCompletelyWithin
4 - esriLayerSelectHaveTheirCenterIn
5 - esriLayerSelectShareALineSegmentWith
-2147220990 -
4 - esriLayerEventHintLayerMovedWithinGroup

annotationLayerName: String): ILayer

LastMaximumScale: Double 6 - esriLayerSelectBoundaryTouches
Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri LastMinimumScale: Double
ILayerFile ILayer File : IUnknown ILayer PropertySheet : IUnknown WMS_E_IMAGEFORMAT_NOTUNSUPPORTED esriCadastralParcelLayerType
7 - esriLayerSelectAreIdenticalTo -2147220989 - WMS_E_INVALIDURL 0 - esriCadastralParcelUnknown
in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. LayerDescription: String IDocumentVersion Filename: String 8 - esriLayerSelectCrossedByTheOutlineOf -2147220988 - WMS_E_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 1 - esriCadastralParcelPLSSTownship
IsLayerFile (in sFile: String): Boolean IDataLayerExtension : IUnknown 9 - esriLayerSelectContains 2 - esriCadastralParcelPLSSSection
ShowPropertySheet: Boolean
IsPresent (in sFile: String): Boolean 10 - esriLayerSelectContainedBy 3 - esriCadastralParcelPLSSQuarterSection
LayerFactoryHelper IPublishLayer 1..1 IsReadOnly (in sFile: String): Boolean RelativeBase: String
4 - esriCadastralParcelSpecialSurvey
IPublishLayer : IUnknown Layer: ILayer ISelectionLayerDefinition : IUnknown esriHTMLPopupStyle
(optional) Connect (in pOptRepairName: IName): 5 - esriCadastralParcelSimultaneousConveyance
ILayerFactoryHelper ILayer FactoryHelper : IUnknown DataDetails (in bsPadding: String): String Thumbnail: IPicture Boolean esriSymbolSubstituteType
0 - esriHTMLPopupStyleTwoColumnTable
6 - esriCadastralParcelConveyanceDivision
DataValid: Boolean 1 - esriHTMLPopupStyleRedirectedHTML
Close CreateSelectionLayer (in LayerName: 0 - esriSymbolSubstituteNone 7 - esriCadastralParcelTax
PublishingDescription: String 2 - esriHTMLPopupStyleXSLStylesheet
CreateLayersFromName (in Name: IName): SupportsPublishing: Boolean New (in sFile: String) String, in useCurrentSelection: Boolean, 1 - esriSymbolSubstituteColor 8 - esriCadastralParcelOwnership
Open (in sFile: String) IDynamicLayer : IUnknown in joinTableNames: String, in Expression:
IEnumLayer 2 - esriSymbolSubstituteIndividualSubordinate 9 - esriCadastralParcelEncumbrance
Types of Classes PrepareForPublishing ReplaceContents (in pLayer: ILayer) String): IFeatureLayer
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)
SaveAs (in sFile: String)
DynamicLayerDirty (in DynamicDrawPhase:
esriDynamicDrawPhase): Boolean
DynamicRecompileRate: Long
3 - esriSymbolSubstituteIndividualDominant
1 - esriCadastralParcel
10 - esriCadastralParcelSeparatedRight
11 - esriCadastralParcelOther
12 - esriCadastralParcelPLSSSixteenthSection
2 - esriCadastralControlPoint

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
DrawDynamicLayer (in
esriDynamicDrawPhase, in Display:
0 - esriCFRControlPoints
1 - esriCFRLinePoints
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class. 2 - esriCFRPoints esriCadastralParcelType
IDisplay, in DynamicDisplay:
3 - esriCFRLines 1 - esriCadastralParcelLocked
4 - esriCFRParcels 2 - esriCadastralParcelUnlocked
Types of Relationships
Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition
InterfaceB Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the DataLayer CompositeGraphicsLayer
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class. MapServerRESTLayer
InterfaceM IDataLayer2 IDataLayer2 : IUnknown NITFGraphicsLayer MapServerRESTSubLayer
An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A ICompositeGraphicsLayer : IGr aphicsLayer
IMapServerRESTLayer ICompositeGraphicsLayer
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches. IDataLayer DataSourceName: IName INITFGraphicsLayer INITFGraphicsLayer : ILayer IMapServerRESTLayer : IUnknown ILayer2 ILayer2 : IUnknown
DataSourceSupported (in Name: IName): ILayerEvents IGraphicsContainerSelect
A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with Boolean ILayerDrawingProperties TransparentBackground: Boolean AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope AddLayer (in LayerName: String, in
ILayerEvents (LayerEventsHelper) ICadastralFabricLayer ICadastralFabricLayer : IUnknown IOverflowGraphicsContainer
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on RelativeBase: String ILayerInfo Add (in pGeometry: IGeometry, in pSymbol: Connect (in restUrl: String) Cached: Boolean FeatureLayer: IFeatureLayer):
Association 1..* Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities: ILayerPosition ISymbol, in Size: Long) (LayerEventsHelper) IDisplayAdmin MaximumScale: Double ICadastralFabricLayerEvents ILayer2 IGraphicsLayer
Special Interfaces Connect (in pOptRepairName: IName): CadastralFabric: ICadastralFabric
Create (in Name: String, in x: Long, in y: IDisplayAdmin2 MinimumScale: Double DeleteLayer (in LayerName: String)
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied) Boolean esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer ILayerSymbologyExtents ILayer SymbologyExtents : IUnknown Name: String (CadastralFabricLayerEventsHelper) CadastralSubLayer (in LayerType:
FindLayer (in LayerName: String):
Disconnect Long, in pExtent: IEnvelope, in dx:
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one InWorkspace (in Workspace: IWorkspace): Double, in dy: Double, in pXf:
ILayerDrawingProperties ScaleRangeReadOnly: Boolean esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer esriCadastralFabricRenderer):
Inbound Interface ICompositeLayer IFeatureLayer
inherited by some subclasses but not all.
M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Boolean IGeodataXform, in CGM: String) ExpandRegionForSymbols (in pDisplay: ILayerEffects ShowTips: Boolean
The subclasses list the optional interfaces ICompositeLayer2 IDisplay, in pRegion: IGeometry) SpatialReference: ISpatialReference ICompositeGraphicsLayer2
they implement. Outbound Interface enumeration
* or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
ICompositeLayer SupportedDrawPhases: Long
CompositeDataLayer SearchCadastralFeatures (in queryFilter: ICompositeGraphicsLayer2 :
ILayerInfo IQueryFilter, in CadastralFeature: ICompositeGraphicsLayer
firstValue - firstEnumeration ILayer Info : IUnknown ISecureLayer2 ISecureLayer2 : IUnknown ICompositeLayer2 TipText (in x: Double, in y: Double, in esriCadastralFeature): IFeatureIDSet
(Instance) represents interfaces that are Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
LargeImage: OLE_HANDLE ITimeData Tolerance: Double): String ICompositeLayer ICompositeLayer : IUnknown esriGeoDatabase.
HasAuthentication: Boolean
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get LargeSelectedImage: OLE_HANDLE IDisplayAdmin ITimeDataDisplay Valid: Boolean
ICadastralFabricSelection : IUnknown IGeoDatasetSchemaEdit DrawDefault (in DrawPhase:
SmallImage: OLE_HANDLE ClearPassword (bForceReconnect: Visible: Boolean esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin2 Count: Long ICadastralFabricSelection
Property Put IDisplayAdmin2 ILegendInfo Layer (in Index: Long): ILayer esriDisplay. esriDrawPhase, in Display: IDisplay, in
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>> SmallSelectedImage: OLE_HANDLE Boolean) ControlPointSet: IFeatureIDSet TrackCancel: ITrackCancel)
ILayerDrawingProperties Draw (in DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in IConnectionPointContainer
helper class required to support this event
Property Put by Reference ILayerExtensions Display: IDisplay, in TrackCancel: esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin ControlPointSymbol: ISimpleMarkerSymbol
firstMember: Type esriDataSourcesRaster.IRasterResamplingControl IRasterResamplingControl : IUnknown ILayerEffects ParcelSet (in ParcelType: ICompositeLayer ICompositeLayer : IUnknown
interface in Visual Basic. Method ITrackCancel)
secondMember: Type ILayerPosition ILayerEffects ILayerExtensions esriCadastralParcelType): IFeatureIDSet
ILayer Position : IUnknown ResamplingHint: esriRasterResamplingHint
* ITimeData : IUnknown
IIdentify2 IIdentify2 : IUnknown
ILayerInfo ParcelSymbol (in ParcelType: ILayerInfo Count: Long
LayerWeight: Double ITimeData IIdentify Scale: Double esriCadastralParcelType): Layer (in Index: Long): ILayer
IServiceLayerImageFormat ITimeData2 SupportsTime: Boolean
ICompositeLayer ISimpleFillSymbol
IServiceLayerImageFormat : IUnknown Identify (in pGeom: IGeometry, in
TimeReference: ITimeReference pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel): IArray
RequestedImageType: esriImageFormat ClearControlPointsInJobList IGraphicsLayer IGr aphicsLayer : IUnknown
IDataLayer SupportedImageFormat (in Index: Long):
UseTime: Boolean IDataLayer ClearParcelsInJobList (in ParcelType:
IDataLayer2 esriImageFormat GetFullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent ILayerDrawingProperties IDataLayer2 esriCadastralParcelType)
AssociatedLayer: ILayer
ILayer DrawingPr operties : IUnknown ClearSelection (in CadastralFeature: UseAssociatedLayerVisibility: Boolean
ILayerExtensions SupportedImageFormatCount: Long IIdentify
DrawingPropsDirty: Boolean esriCadastralFeature) Activate (in containerScreen: IScreenDisplay)
ISecureLayer SelectCadastralFeatures (in queryFilter: Deactivate
ITimeData2 ITimeData2 : ITimeData IQueryFilter, in CadastralFeature:
esriCadastralFeature, in
TopologyLayer DisplayLayer ITimeDataDisplay HasLiveData: Boolean XORToExistingSelection: Boolean) IGraphicsContainer IGr aphicsContainer : IUnknown
0..1 HatchLayerExtension in IConnectionPointContainer ILayerInfo ILayer Info : IUnknown
ITopologyLayer ITopologyLayer : IUnknown ILayerEffects ILayer Effects : IUnknown Location LargeImage: OLE_HANDLE
LargeSelectedImage: OLE_HANDLE ICadastralFabricParcelLayer ICadastralFabricPar celLayer : IUnknown AddElement (in Element: IElement, in
esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin Renderer (in Index: esriTopologyRenderer): esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin Brightness: Integer SmallImage: OLE_HANDLE IBarrierProperties zorder: Long)
ParcelCount: Long
IFeatureRenderer Contrast: Integer SmallSelectedImage: OLE_HANDLE
ParcelSubLayer (in Layer: Long): IBarrierProperties2 AddElements (in Elements:
SupportsBrightnessChange: Boolean 0..1 IElementCollection, in zorder: Long)
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer SupportsContrastChange: Boolean EditTemplateManager EditTemplate IFeatureLayer IGraphicsLayerScale BringForward (in Elements: IEnumElement)
ILayerDrawingProperties Topology: ITopology
SupportsInteractive: Boolean IGraphicsContainerEvents BringToFront (in Elements: IEnumElement)
SupportsTransparency: Boolean IEditTemplateManager IEditTemplateManager : IUnknown IEditTemplate IEditTemplate : IUnknown ILayerPosition ILayer Position : IUnknown
Transparency: Integer esriSystem.IPersist esriSystem.IPersist LayerWeight: Double DeleteElement (in Element: IElement)
Count: Long CreateCount: Long
ITopologyErrorSelection ITopologyErrorSelection : IUnknown 0..1 RouteLayerExtension in esriSystem.IPersistStream EditTemplate (in Index: Long): esriSystem.IPersistStream DefaultValue (in Field: String): Variant
FindFrame (in frameObject: Variant):
IEditTemplate Description: String
ILayerEffects RuleType (in Index: Long):
ILayerExtensions ILayer Extensions : IUnknown Location Layer: ILayer
GetElementOrder (in Elements:
IEnumElement): Variant
ILegendInfo RuleTypeCount: Long Extension (in Index: Long): IUnknown Name: String GroupLayerFactory LocateElements (in point: IPoint, in
Selectable (in Index: Long): Boolean ExtensionCount: Long * Tags: String Tolerance: Double): IEnumElement
Tool: GUID ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown
SelectErrors: Boolean
AddExtension (in ext: IUnknown) CadastralFabricLayerFactory LocateElementsByEnvelope (in envelope:
SelectExceptions: Boolean
RemoveExtension (in Index: Long) 0..1 ClearDefaultValues CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown):
IEnvelope): IEnumElement
ServerLayerExtension EditTemplateFactory SetDefaultValue (in Field: String, in Value: Boolean ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown MoveElementFromGroup (in group:
IGroupElement, in Element: IElement, in
IIdentify IIdentify : IUnknown IServerLayerExtension : IUnknown
Variant, in initDefaultValues: Boolean) LayerCategory: String
CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): zorder: Long)
IServerLayerExtension IEditTemplateFactory IEditTemplateFactory : IUnknown SetDefaultValues (in Feature: IFeature) PublicName: String
Boolean MoveElementToGroup (in Element:
esriSystem.IPersist ServerProperties: IPropertySet Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): LayerCategory: String IElement, in group: IGroupElement)
Identify (in pGeom: IGeometry): IArray
esriSystem.IPersistStream Create (in Name: String, in Layer: ILayer): IEnumLayer PublicName: String Next: IElement
IEditTemplate LoadLayers: IEnumLayer PutElementOrder (in order: Variant)
Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): Reset
IEnumLayer SendBackward (in Elements:
ILayerFactory EngineTopologyLayerFactory WCSLayer in Carto LoadLayers: IEnumLayer IEnumElement)
SendToBack (in Elements: IEnumElement)
Mobile, WMS and WCS GroupLayer UpdateElement (in Element: IElement)

Servers IGroupLayer IGr oupLayer : ILayer

esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer Expanded: Boolean IMSMapLayer in Carto

TableLayer IMS
TinLayer Add (in Layer: ILayer)
esriGeoDatabase.ITable ITable : IClass NetworkLayer esriDisplay.IMapLevel Clear
ITinLayer2 ITinLayer2 : ITinLayer
INetworkLayer INetworkLayer : IUnknown
Delete (in Layer: ILayer) *
CadLayer WMSMapLayer in Carto
WMTSLayer CreateRow: IRow ZFactor: Double DisplayAttribute: String ILayer2 ILayer2 : IUnknown GraphicsSubLayer
esriGeoDatabase.IClass CreateRowBuffer: IRowBuffer ICadLayer ICadLayer : ILayer
NetworkDataset: INetworkDataset Mobile, WMS and WCS
IWMTSLayer IWMTSLayer : IUnknown esriGeoDatabase.IDataset DeleteSearchedRows (in QueryFilter:
CadDrawingDataset: ICadDrawingDataset
RasterCatalogLayer ScaleSymbols: Boolean
ILayerEffects AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope
IGraphicsContainer IGr aphicsContainer : IUnknown
FilePath: String IRasterCatalogLayer IRasterCatalogLayer : ILayer ITinLayer ITinLayer : ILayer
IDataset esriDisplay.IDisplayFilterManager Cached: Boolean
MaximumScale: Double
DataSourceName: IName IDisplayRelationshipClass GetRow (in OID: Long): IRow esriDataSourcesFile.ICadDrawingLayers ExpandRegionForSymbols (in Display:
ILayerEvents GetRows (in oids: Variant, in Recycling:
Is2d: Boolean ILayerEvents IDisplayFilterManager MinimumScale: Double IGraphicsLayerScale
Dimensions: IPropertySet IRelationshipClassCollection Boolean): ICursor esriDataSourcesFile.ICadTransformations Is3d: Boolean CatalogTable: IRasterCatalogTable esriGeoDatabase.ITableFields Dataset: ITin IDisplay, in region: IGeometry)
Name: String AddElement (in Element: IElement, in
ILayerDrawingProperties ImageFormat: String IsAutoCad: Boolean (LayerEventsHelper) DisplayRasters: Long DisplayField: String IIdentify2 SearchLocatedNetworkElements (in ILayer zorder: Long)
ILayerEffects LayerName: String IRelationshipClassCollectionEdit Insert (in useBuffering: Boolean): ICursor IGeoReference IsDgn: Boolean PrimaryField: Long esriDisplay.IDisplayFilterManager RendererCount: Long sourceName: String, in Geometry: ScaleRangeReadOnly: Boolean
AddElements (in Elements:
Style: String RowCount (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter): Renderer: IRasterRenderer ScaleSymbols: Boolean ILayer2 IGeometry): ShowTips: Boolean ILayerEvents
IElementCollection, in zorder: Long)
ILayerExtensions Long Symbol: ISymbol SpatialReference: ISpatialReference (LayerEventsHelper)
TileMatrixSet: String
Search (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in AddRenderer (in Renderer: ITinRenderer) ILayerDrawingProperties IEnumLocatedNetworkElement
SupportedDrawPhases: Long MapServerLayer in Carto BringForward (in Elements: IEnumElement)
WMTSConnection: IWMTSConnection
Recycling: Boolean): ICursor ICad3DRenderMode ICad3DRenderMode : IUnknown Create (in pCatalog: IRasterCatalogTable) ClearRenderers TipText (in x: Double, in y: Double, in ILayerGeneralProperties BringToFront (in Elements: IEnumElement)
esriGeoDatabase.IDataset Connect (in pConnectionName: IName): Select (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in DeleteRenderer (in Renderer: ITinRenderer) INetworkRendererCollection INetworkRendererCollection : IUnknown Tolerance: Double): String Map Server DeleteAllElements
Cad3DRenderMode: esriCad3DRenderMode
IRasterCatalogDisplayProps GetRenderer (in Index: Long): ITinRenderer IGraphicsLayer DeleteElement (in Element: IElement)
ILegendInfo Boolean selType: esriSelectionType, in selOption: IRasterCatalogDisplayProps : IUnknown
InsertRenderer (in Renderer: ITinRenderer, in ILayerEvents Count: Long
Valid: Boolean
IBarrierProperties FindFrame (in frameObject: Variant):
esriSelectionOption, in Visible: Boolean
esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin2 selectionContainer: IWorkspace): DelayDraw: Long Index: Long) Visible (in Index: Long): Boolean
IBarrierProperties2 IFrameElement
ISecureLayer ISelectionSet esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin2 DisplayRasters: Long Draw (in DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in GetElementOrder (in Elements:
DrawRastersOnly: Boolean
ILegendInfo Add (in Renderer: INetworkRenderer)
Display: IDisplay, in TrackCancel: esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer IEnumElement): Variant
ISecureLayer2 Update (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in
ILayer2 RedrawDisplay: Boolean ILayerDrawingProperties ILayer DrawingPr operties : IUnknown IMapLevel Insert (in Renderer: INetworkRenderer, in
ITrackCancel) ILayerInfo LocateElements (in point: IPoint, in
Recycling: Boolean): ICursor Index: Long)
ResamplingType: rstResamplingTypes IPropertySupport Tolerance: Double): IEnumElement
UpdateSearchedRows (in QueryFilter: DrawingPropsDirty: Boolean Next: INetworkRenderer ILayerEvents
IQueryFilter, in buffer: IRowBuffer) IRasterCatalogDisplayProps2 Symbol: ISymbol LocateElementsByEnvelope (in envelope:
TransitionScale: Double ITimeData Remove (in Renderer: INetworkRenderer)
ILayer Events : IUnknown
IEnvelope): IEnumElement
ITimeDataDisplay RemoveAll MoveElementFromGroup (in group:
UseScale: Boolean ILayerEvents
ITableFields : IUnknown Reset IGroupElement, in Element: IElement, in
esriGeoDatabase.ITableFields EngineCadLayerFactory ILayer Events : IUnknown ITimeDataCustomUI VisibilityChanged (in currentState: Boolean)
(LayerEventsHelper) BasemapLayerBase zorder: Long)
Field (in Index: Long): IField ITimeData2 ITimeData2 : ITimeData MoveElementToGroup (in Element:
ILayerFactory FieldCount: Long ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown ILayerDrawingProperties ILayer DrawingPr operties : IUnknown VisibilityChanged (in currentState: Boolean) ILayerExtensions ILayer Extensions : IUnknown IBasemapLayer IBasemapLayer : IUnknown IElement, in group: IGroupElement)
HasLiveData: Boolean
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo WMTSLayerFactory FieldInfo (in Index: Long): IFieldInfo
CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): DrawingPropsDirty: Boolean ILevelMasking Extension (in Index: Long): IUnknown Shaders: IArrayOfIShader
Next: IElement
PutElementOrder (in order: Variant)
FindField (in FieldName: String): Long Boolean
ILayerFields ILayer Fields : IUnknown ILayerMasking ExtensionCount: Long ILayerEffectDIM Reset
LayerCategory: String CanDraw: Boolean
PublicName: String ILegendInfo ILegendInfo : IUnknown Field (in Index: Long): IField ILayerSymbologyExtents AddExtension (in ext: IUnknown) ILayerEffects FindLayerWrapper (in pLayer: ILayer):
SendBackward (in Elements:
ITableSelection : IUnknown FieldCount: Long IEnumElement)
ITableSelection Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): FieldInfo (in Index: Long): IFieldInfo
RemoveExtension (in Index: Long) IBasemapSubLayer
SendToBack (in Elements: IEnumElement)
SelectionSet: ISelectionSet LegendGroup (Index: Long): ILegendGroup GetConversionStatus (in Layer: ILayer):
IEnumLayer LegendGroupCount: Long UpdateElement (in Element: IElement)
FindField (in FieldName: String): Long esriConversionStatus
AddRow (in Row: IRow) LoadLayers: IEnumLayer LegendItem: ILegendItem ISymbolLevels : IUnknown GetLayerWrapper (in Layer: ILayer):
Clear SymbolsAreGraduated: Boolean ISymbolLevels IBasemapSubLayer
SelectionChanged UseSymbolLevels: Boolean
SelectRows (in Filter: IQueryFilter, in Method: ILegendInfo ILegendInfo : IUnknown
* HasSufficientMemory (in
esriSelectionResultEnum, in justOne:
LegendGroup (Index: Long): ILegendGroup Long): Boolean ArrayOfIShader
LegendGroupCount: Long InvalidateCache
LegendItem: ILegendItem NotifyLayerChanged (in Layer: ILayer, in IArrayOfIShader IArrayOfIShader : IUnknown
IAttributeTable IAttributeTable : IUnknown LasDatasetLayer SymbolsAreGraduated: Boolean NetworkRenderer in eventHint: esriLayerEventHint, in esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long
HotLinkExpressionProperties AttributeTable: ITable ILasDatasetLayer ILasDatasetLayer : ILayer * Carto Renderers eventParam: IVariantArray)
NotifyMapPropertiesChanged (in pMap: esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IShader
IClone AnalysisToolsResolution: Double IMap, in reconvertAll: Boolean) esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in IShaderParam: IShader)
IHotLinkExpressionProperties CurrentResolution: Double esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in IShaderParam:
IDisplayTable IDisplayTable : IUnknown Dataset: ILasDataset RasterRenderer in Carto TinRenderer in Carto IShader)
IPersist Remove (in Index: Long)
IPersistStream DisplaySelectionSet: ISelectionSet DisplayField: String
Renderers Renderers TerrainLayer RemoveAll
DisplayTable: ITable esriGeoDatabase.IGeoDataset FileExtentSymbol: ISymbol
FileNameSymbol: ITextSymbol
SearchDisplayTable (in pQueryFilter: esriDisplay.IDisplayFilterManager Filter: ILasFilter ITerrainLayer ITerrainLayer : ILayer EngineNetworkLayerFactory
IQueryFilter, in recycling: Boolean): FullResolutionScale: Double IDisplayFilterManager AnalysisToolsResolution: Double MosaicLayer
ICursor ILayerDrawSetup MaintainCurrentSurface: Boolean ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown
AutoLOR: Boolean
SelectDisplayTable (in pQueryFilter: esriGeoDatabase.IWorkspaceEvents2 PointBudget: Long * ILegendInfo CurrentResolution: Double CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): IMosaicLayer IMosaicLayer : IUnknown RasterBasemapLayer BasemapLayer
IQueryFilter, in selType: PointCountPerCentimeter: Long ITerrainLayer2 DisplayField: String Boolean
DisplayExpressionProperties esriSelectionType, in selOption: ILegendInfo RendererCount: Long LockCurrentSurface: Boolean LayerCategory: String ICompositeLayer2 BoundaryLayer: IFeatureLayer
IClone esriSelectionOption, in pSelWorkspace: ScaleSymbols: Boolean ILayerDrawSetup PointBudget: Long PublicName: String IConnectionPointContainer FilePath: String IRasterBasemapLayer IRasterBasemapLayer : IUnknown
IWorkspace): ISelectionSet ICompositeLayer ICompositeLayer : IUnknown
IDisplayExpressionProperties ShowFileExtent: Boolean RasterCatalogLayerFactory IWorkspaceEvents2 PyramidHonored: Boolean IDataLayer FootprintLayer: IFeatureLayer ILayer2 MosaicLayer: IMosaicLayer
ShowFileName: Boolean RendererCount: Long Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): MosaicDataset: IMosaicDataset ILayerEffects esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer Count: Long
IPersist ILayerFields ShowResolution: Boolean ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown IWorkspaceEvents ScaleSymbols: Boolean IEnumLayer IDataLayer2 PreviewLayer: IImageServerLayer
RasterLayer: IRasterLayer
Layer (in Index: Long): ILayer
ILayer Fields : IUnknown ILayerInfo Transparency: Integer esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin
IPersistStream UseFullResolutionScale: Boolean ShowResolution: Boolean LoadLayers: IEnumLayer IDataset SeamlineLayer: IFeatureLayer
Field (in Index: Long): IField CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): TargetResolution: Double HasMosaicLayer: Boolean esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin2
FieldCount: Long AddRenderer (in pRenderer: ITinRenderer) Boolean
Terrain: ITerrain
IDisplayFilterManager CreateFromFilePath (in FilePath: String) IGroupLayer
ClearRenderers LayerCategory: String IGr oupLayer : ILayer
FieldInfo (in Index: Long): IFieldInfo
DeleteRenderer (in pRenderer: ITinRenderer) UseOverviewTerrain: Boolean ILayer2 CreateFromMosaicDataset (in
PublicName: String MosaicDataset: IMosaicDataset)
TinRenderer in Carto UsePointBudget: Boolean ILayerEffects Expanded: Boolean
FindField (in FieldName: String): Long
* GetCurrentSurface: ISurface
GetRenderer (in Index: Long): ITinRenderer Create (in inputObject: IUnknown):
Renderers InsertRenderer (in pRenderer: ITinRenderer, IEnumLayer AddRenderer (in pRenderer: ITinRenderer)
ITimeData ITimeData : IUnknown ILayerExtensions Add (in Layer: ILayer)
ILayerDrawingProperties ILayer DrawingPr operties : IUnknown
in Index: Long) LoadLayers: IEnumLayer
ClearRenderers TinLayerFactory ILayerInfo
DeleteRenderer (in pRenderer: ILayerMasking SupportsTime: Boolean Delete (in Layer: ILayer)
Hyperlink DrawingPropsDirty: Boolean ITinRenderer) ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown ILayerSymbologyExtents TimeReference: ITimeReference ILayerMasking
ITerrainEditEvents GetCurrentSurface: ISurface UseTime: Boolean
IHyperlink IHyperlink : IUnknown
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer GetRenderer (in Index: Long): ITinRenderer CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): IRasterDataManagementEvents RasterBasemapLayerFactory ILayerPosition
InsertRenderer (in pRenderer: Boolean ISupportErrorInfo GetFullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent ILayerSymbologyExtents
FeatureId: Long
LayerCategory: String IRasterBasemapLayerFactory IRasterBasemapLayerFactory : IUnknown
Link: String ITinRenderer, in Index: Long)
PublicName: String ITableDefinition ILevelMasking
LinkType: esriHyperlinkType ITimeDataDisplay : IUnknown
Jump ILayerFields ILayer Fields : IUnknown Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): Create (in Layer: IRasterLayer):
IEnumLayer ITimeTableDefinition TimeDataCumulative: Boolean IRasterBasemapLayer
Field (in Index: Long): IField TimeInterval: Double 0..*
esriSystem.IPersistStream IPersistStream : IPersist FieldCount: Long
LoadLayers: IEnumLayer esriGeodatabase.IWorkspaceEditEvents CreateFromMosaicLayer (in Layer:
TimeIntervalUnits: esriTimeUnits IMosaicLayer): IRasterBasemapLayer
FieldInfo (in Index: Long): IFieldInfo IAttributeTable TimeOffset: Double
FindField (in FieldName: String): Long esriSystem.IClassID TimeOffsetUnits: esriTimeUnits BasemapSubLayer
GetSizeMax (out pcbSize: IBasemapSubLayer
_ULARGE_INTEGER) ILayerExtensions IBasemapSubLayer : IUnknown
IsDirty esriGeoDatabase.ITableFields (optional) ICompositeLayer
Load (in pstm: IStream) LasDatasetLayerFactory ITableFields : IUnknown ITimeData2
(optional) ICompositeLayer2 Layer: ILayer
Save (in pstm: IStream, in fClearDirty: Long) Field (in Index: Long): IField
ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown FieldCount: Long (optional) IDataLayer GetConversionStatus:
CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): FieldInfo (in Index: Long): IFieldInfo (optional) IDataLayer2 esriConversionStatus
Boolean FindField (in FieldName: String): Long (optional) esriGeoDatabase.IGeoDataset
LayerCategory: String (optional) IIdentify
PublicName: String
(optional) IIdentify2
* Create (in inputObject: IUnknown):
IEnumLayer StandaloneTable (optional) ILayer2
LoadLayers: IEnumLayer ILayerGeneralProperties
FeatureLayerBase RasterLayer IStandaloneTable IStandaloneTable : IUnknown
(optional) ILayerInfo
IRasterLayer IRasterLayer : ILayer HotLinkExpressionParser IAttributeTable DisplayField: String ILayerSymbologyExtents
IFeatureLayer2 IFeatureLayer2 : IUnknown
IAnnotationExpressionParser esriGeoDatabase.IClass Name: String
(optional) ILegendInfo
IFeatureLayer BandCount: Long
TerrainLayerFactory Table: ITable
DataSourceType: String esriDataSourcesRaster.IRasterDataManagementEvents ColumnCount: Long IAnnotationExpressionParser2 esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer Valid: Boolean
ITableDefinition DisplayField: String ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown
FeatureClass: IFeatureClass ITemporaryLayer DataFrameExtent: IEnvelope ICodedValueAttributes
esriSystem.IPropertySupport ScaleSymbols: Boolean
DisplayResolutionFactor: Long CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): IDataLayer
esriGeoDatabase.IObjectClassSchemaEvents Selectable: Boolean
ILayer2 FilePath: String Boolean
PrimaryField: Long esriGeoDatabase.ITable ITable : IClass
ITemporaryLayer ShapeType: esriGeometryType PyramidPresent: Boolean LayerCategory: String
Raster: IRaster PublicName: String
(optional) ExpandRegionForSymbols (in Display: Renderer: IRasterRenderer
esriDisplay.IDisplayFilterManager IDisplay, in region: IGeometry) RowCount: Long Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): esriGeoDatabase.IDataset CreateRow: IRow
Search (in queryFilter: IQueryFilter, in ShowResolution: Boolean IEnumLayer HotLinkJScriptEngine IDisplayRelationshipClass CreateRowBuffer: IRowBuffer
ILayerSymbologyExtents recycling: Boolean): IFeatureCursor VisibleExtent: IEnvelope LoadLayers: IEnumLayer IAnnotationExpressionEngine DeleteSearchedRows (in QueryFilter:
RasterRenderer in Carto ICodedValueAttributes
IDisplayTable IQueryFilter)
CreateFromDataset (in RasterDataset: GetRow (in OID: Long): IRow
IFeatureLayerDefinition IFeatureLayerDefinition : IUnknown IRasterDataset) Renderers IPersist esriGeoDatabase.IObjectClassSchemaEvents GetRows (in oids: Variant, in Recycling:
CreateFromFilePath (in FilePath: String) Boolean): ICursor
IFeatureLayerDefinition2 DefinitionExpression: String CreateFromRaster (in Raster: IRaster) IPersistStream esriSystem.IPersist Insert (in useBuffering: Boolean): ICursor
DefinitionSelectionSet: ISelectionSet
esriGeodatabase.ITableCapabilities RelationshipClass: IRelationshipClass
esriSystem.IPersistStream RowCount (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter):
esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin2 IDisplayAdmin2 : IUnknown IRelationshipClassCollection Long
IDisplayString CreateSelectionLayer (in LayerName: Search (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in
IIdentifyDisplay String, in useCurrentSelection: Boolean,
DoesBlending: Boolean IRelationshipClassCollectionEdit Recycling: Boolean): ICursor
RequiresBanding: Boolean ISelectionEvents
IOrderedLayerFields in joinTableNames: String, in Expression: UsesFilter: Boolean RasterLayerFactory Select (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in
IWorkspaceEvents String): IFeatureLayer selType: esriSelectionType, in selOption:
HotLinkVBScriptEngine ITableDefinition esriSelectionOption, in
ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown IAnnotationExpressionEngine esriGeoDatabase.ITableFields selectionContainer: IWorkspace):
IFeatureSelection IFeatureSelection : IUnknown IGeoReference IGeoReference : IUnknown CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): ICodedValueAttributes ITableSelection

BufferDistance: Double CanGeoRef: Boolean Boolean NetCDFTableFactory IPersist Update (in QueryFilter: IQueryFilter, in
LayerCategory: String
IPersistStream IDefinitionExpressionEvents Recycling: Boolean): ICursor
Flip PublicName: String ITableFactory ITableFactor y : IUnknown UpdateSearchedRows (in QueryFilter:
esriSelectionResultEnum Mirror (DefinitionExpressionEvents) IQueryFilter, in buffer: IRowBuffer)
SelectionColor: IColor PointsTransform (in inPoints: IPointCollection, Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): IGraphicsLayerScale IGr aphicsLayerScale : IUnknown
SelectionSet: ISelectionSet in isForward: Boolean): IPointCollection IEnumLayer
SelectionSymbol: ISymbol
Table in Geodatabase esriSystem.IClone ReferenceScale: Double
Rectify (in fullpath: String, in Format: String) LoadLayers: IEnumLayer PublicName: String ITimeDisplayTable2 ITimeDisplayTable2 : ITimeDisplayTable
SetSelectionSymbol: Boolean Register TableCategory: String esriSystem.IPersist Units: esriUnits
ReScale (in xScale: Double, in yScale: esriSystem.IPersistStream
PrepareTimeQueryEx (in pTimeValue:
Add (in Feature: IFeature) Double) Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): ITimeDataDisplay
Clear Reset IEnumTable HotLinkPythonEngine ITimeDimensionDefinition
ITimeValue, in eTimeRelation:
SelectFeatures (in Filter: IQueryFilter, in Rotate (in ipPivotPoint: IPoint, in Angle: esriTimeRelation, in pFilter: IQueryFilter)
Double) NetCDFLayerFactory LoadTables: IEnumTable IAnnotationExpressionEngine ITimeDisplayTable PrepareTimeQueryFromDisplay (in
Method: esriSelectionResultEnum, in
justOne: Boolean) Shift (in deltaX: Double, in deltaY: Double) ICodedValueAttributes ITimeTableDefinition pDisplay: IDisplay, in pFilter:
TwoPointsAdjust (in fromPoints: ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown IPersistStream IQueryFilter)
IPointCollection, in toPoints: IDisplayString
IPointCollection) CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): IPersist
IFind IFind : IUnknown Warp (in fromPoints: IPointCollection, in Boolean ITimeData
toPoints: IPointCollection, in order: Long) LayerCategory: String ITimeData2
FindDisplayField: String PublicName: String
FindFields: Variant IGeoReferenceEvents IGeoReferenceEvents : IUnknown
(GeoReferenceEvents) Create (in inputObject: IUnknown):
Find (in Search: String, in Contains: IEnumLayer
Boolean, in Fields: Variant, in LoadLayers: IEnumLayer
TrackCancel: ITrackCancel): IArray GeoReferenceReset

IHotlinkContainer IHotlinkContainer : IUnknown ILayerEvents

ILayer Events : IUnknown
HotlinkField: String
HotlinkType: esriHyperlinkType VisibilityChanged (in currentState: Boolean)

IHotlinkExpression IHotlinkExpression : IUnknown ILegendInfo ILegendInfo : IUnknown

LegendGroup (Index: Long): ILegendGroup
ExpressionProperties: LegendGroupCount: Long
IHotLinkExpressionProperties LegendItem: ILegendItem FeatureLayer
IHotlinkMacro ExecuteExpression (in pObject: IObject):
SymbolsAreGraduated: Boolean
IGeoFeatureLayer IGeoFeatureLayer : IFeatureLayer
IHyperlinkContainer String ITimeData IFDOGraphicsLayer2 IFDOGraphicsLayer2 : IUnknown
IObjectClass : IClass DimensionLayer ITimeDataDisplay IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection CadFeatureLayer IFDOGraphicsLayer
IIdentify2 IIdentify2 : IUnknown esriGeodatabase.IObjectClass ITimeDimensionDefinition CoverageAnnotationLayer GdbRasterCatalogLayer
AnnotationPropertiesID: IUID ISecureLayer BeginAddElements
Scale: Double
AliasName: String IDimensionLayer IDimensionLayer : IUnknown ITimeDisplayTable CurrentMapLevel: Long IFeatureLayerExtendedDefinition IFeatureLayerExtendedDefinition : IUnknown ICoverageAnnotationLayer2 ICoverageAnnotationLayer2 : IUnknown IGraphicsContainerSelect
ObjectClassID: Long DisplayAnnotation: Boolean DoAddElements (in pElements:
ITimeTableDefinition DisplayFeatureClass: IFeatureClass ISecureLayer ExtendedDefinitionExpression: String IGdbRasterCatalogLayer IGdbRasterCatalogLayer : IUnknown
IOverflowGraphicsContainer IElementCollection, in zorder: Long)
Identify (in pGeom: IGeometry, in RelationshipClasses (in Role: esriRelRole): ISecureLayer ExclusionSet: IFeatureIDSet
ICoverageAnnotationLayer ArrowSymbol: ILineSymbol
DoAddFeature (in pFeature: IFeature, in
pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel): IArray IEnumRelationshipClass
IBarrierProperties IBarrierProperties Font (in SymbolNumber: Long): IFontDisp IDisplayAdmin2 DrawSelectedRasters: Boolean
Renderer: IFeatureRenderer FontColor (in SymbolNumber: Long): IColor Renderers: IArray IDrawAnnotationGeometry pElement: IElement, in zorder: Long)
RendererPropertyPageClassID: IUID IBarrierProperties2 DoAddNullElement (in FeatureId: Long)
ILayer2 ILayer2 : IUnknown
IBarrierProperties2 ILayer Events : IUnknown
IGeoFeatureLayer IGeoFeatureLayer : IFeatureLayer LevelCount: Long RendererUsage: Boolean[]
SearchDisplayFeatures (in queryFilter: IQueryFilter, ICoverageAnnotationLayerWrite LevelNumber (in Index: Long): Long IGeoFeatureLayer esriGeoDatabase.IObjectClassEvents EndAddElements
AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope IRasterSpatialSelection IRasterSpatialSelection : IUnknown ILayerEvents in recycling: Boolean): IFeatureCursor AnnotationProperties:
LevelVisibility (in LevelNumber: Long): ILayerEvents
ChooseRenderer (in pRaster: IRaster):
FDOGraphicsSublayer SetupAttributeConversion (in
VisibilityChanged (in currentState: Boolean) IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection Boolean numAttributes: Long, in inputCols: Long,
Cached: Boolean MaskRasterDataset: IRasterDataset (LayerEventsHelper) esriDataSourcesFile.ICadDrawingLayers NextGraphic: IElement (LayerEventsHelper) Setup (in pTable: ITable): Boolean IAnnotationSublayer IAnnotationSublayer : IUnknown ILayerDrawingPhase in outputCols: Long)
MaximumScale: Double
AnnotationPropertiesID: IUID IDrawAnnotationGeometry
ITimeDataDisplay IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents : IUnknown esriDataSourcesFile.ICadTransformations CurrentMapLevel: Long SymbolCount: Long
MinimumScale: Double DrawSpatialSelection (pDisplay: IDisplay,
ILegendInfo ILegendInfo : IUnknown DisplayAnnotation: Boolean IInteractiveSearch SymbolNumber (in Index: Long): Long AnnotationClassID: Long
Name: String ITimeDimensionDefinition pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel) ISymbolLevels TextSymbol (in SymbolNumber: Long): IRasterCatalogDisplayProps IRasterCatalogDisplayProps : IUnknown esriGeoDatabase.IGeoDataset Parent: IAnnotationLayer IFDOAttributeConversion IFDOAttributeConversion : IUnknown
DisplayFeatureClass: IFeatureClass ILayerDrawingPhase ICompositeLayer2
ScaleRangeReadOnly: Boolean ILayerDrawSetup Init (in bInit: Boolean, in FileFullName: FeatureLayerSelectionChanged
LegendGroup (Index: Long): ILegendGroup IGeoReference ExclusionSet: IFeatureIDSet ITextSymbol IRasterCatalogDisplayProps2 ILayer
ShowTips: Boolean String, in FileFormat: LegendGroupCount: Long Renderer: IFeatureRenderer ISecureLayer DelayDraw: Long
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference esriRasterSelectionMaskFileFormat)
LegendItem: ILegendItem RendererPropertyPageClassID: IUID GenerateGraphics (in box: IEnvelope, in ILegendInfo DisplayRasters: Long
ILayerGeneralProperties ILayer GeneralProperties : IUnknown
SetupAttributeConversion2 (in numAttributes:
SymbolsAreGraduated: Boolean Display: IDisplay, in DrawRastersOnly: Boolean IFDOGraphicsContainer Long, in inputCols: Variant, in outputCols:
SupportedDrawPhases: Long ITimeData MaskDrawPolyRect (in TrackCancel: SearchDisplayFeatures (in queryFilter: useGroupSymbolElement: Boolean): IRasterDataManagementEvents RedrawDisplay: Boolean ILayerDrawingPhase Variant)
TipText (in x: Double, in y: Double, in ITimeData2 ITrackCancel, in vRects: Variant, in op: IQueryFilter, in recycling: Boolean): IEnumElement ISecureLayer ResamplingType: rstResamplingTypes LastMaximumScale: Double IInteractiveSearch
Tolerance: Double): String esriRasterSelectionMaskOp) IFeatureCursor NextFeatureAndGraphic (out Feature: esriSystem.IPersist LastMinimumScale: Double
Valid: Boolean MaskReadBitmap (in TrackCancel:
ISymbolLevels ISymbolLevels : IUnknown IFeature, out Element: IElement) ISymbolLevels Symbol: ISymbol
esriSystem.IPersistStream LayerDescription: String IFDOGraphicsLayerRead IFDOGraphicsLayerRead : IUnknown
TransitionScale: Double
Visible: Boolean ITrackCancel, in pRect: tagRECT, in
UseSymbolLevels: Boolean
StartGeneratingGraphics (in box: IEnvelope, ITimeData UseScale: Boolean NextGraphic: IElement
vBytes: Variant, in byBits: Boolean) FeatureRenderer in ILegendInfo ILegendInfo : IUnknown in Display: IDisplay, in withAttributes: ITimeDataDisplay
Draw (in DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in MaskWriteBitmap (in TrackCancel: Boolean, in useGroupSymbolElement: ISymbolSubstitution GenerateGraphics (in box: IEnvelope, in
Display: IDisplay, in TrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in pRect: tagRECT, in op: Carto Renderers LegendGroup (Index: Long): ILegendGroup Boolean) ITimeDimensionDefinition esriDisplay.ITransformEvents Display: IDisplay, in pTrackCancel:
LegendGroupCount: Long
ITrackCancel) esriRasterSelectionMaskOp, in vBytes: IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents : IUnknown LegendItem: ILegendItem ITimeDisplayTable2 ITimeDisplayTable2 : ITimeDisplayTable ISelectionEvents ITrackCancel, in useGroupSymbolElement:
Variant, in byBits: Boolean) SymbolsAreGraduated: Boolean Boolean): IEnumElement
esriDisplay.IMapLevel IDefinitionExpressionEvents ITimeDisplayTable ILayerEvents NextFeatureAndGraphic (out Feature:
IMapLevel : IUnknown
(DefinitionExpressionEvents) FeatureLayerSelectionChanged ITimeTableDefinition
PrepareTimeQueryEx (in pTimeValue:
ITimeValue, in eTimeRelation:
FDOGraphicsLayerFactory (LayerEventsHelper) IFeature, out Element: IElement)
MapLevel: Long StartGeneratingGraphics (in box: IEnvelope,
ILayerEvents ILayer Events : IUnknown
ITimeData2 esriTimeRelation, in pFilter: IQueryFilter) IAnnotationLayerFactory IAnnotationLayerFactory : IUnknown in Display: IDisplay, in withAttributes:
PrepareTimeQueryFromDisplay (in Boolean, in useGroupSymbolElement:
AnnotateLayer- (LayerEventsHelper) pDisplay: IDisplay, in pFilter: Boolean, in selectedRecordsOnly: Boolean)
IHTMLPopupInfo IHTMLPopupInfo : IUnknown RasterLayerExport VisibilityChanged (in currentState: Boolean)
IQueryFilter) IFDOGraphicsLayerFactory CreateAnnotationLayer (in Workspace:
PropertiesCollection in IFeatureWorkspace, in FeatureDataset:
IHTMLPopupInfo2 HTMLHideFieldNameColumn: Boolean IRasterLayerExport2 IRasterLayerExport2 : IRasterLayerExport IFeatureDataset, in IAnnotationLayer : IUnknown
HTMLOutput (in pFeature: IFeature): String IRasterLayerExport3 Carto Renderers ITimeDisplayTable2 ITimeDisplayTable2 : ITimeDisplayTable annotationClassName: String, in IAnnotationLayer
HTMLPopupEnabled: Boolean StorageDef: IRasterStorageDef CadAnnotationLayer * pGeometryDef: IGeometryDef, in IGraphicsLayer AddErrorInfo (out errors: String): String
HTMLPresentationStyle: PrepareTimeQueryEx (in pTimeValue: pAssociatedFeatureClass:
esriHTMLPopupStyle ITimeValue, in eTimeRelation: EngineCadFeatureLayerFactory esriDataSourcesFile.ICadDrawingLayers ICadDrawingLayers : IUnknown IFeatureClass, in annoLayerProps: IBarrierProperties DrawUnplacedAnnotation: Boolean
UnplacedAnnotationColor: IColor
esriTimeRelation, in pFilter: IQueryFilter) IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection, in IBarrierProperties2
HTMLRedirectField: String IRasterLayerExport esriDataSourcesFile.ICadTransformations DrawingLayerCount: Long
HTMLRedirectFieldPrefix: String
IRasterLayerExport : IUnknown PrepareTimeQueryFromDisplay (in pDisplay: ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown ReferenceScale: IGraphicsLayerScale, in
DrawingLayerName (in index: Long): String SymbolCollection: ISymbolCollection, in IGraphicsContainer
HTMLRedirectFieldSuffix: String Extent: IEnvelope IDisplay, in pFilter: IQueryFilter) CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): IGeoReference DrawingLayerVisible (in index: Long): RasterRenderer in Carto AutoCreate: Boolean, in DoAddElements (in pElements:
HTMLUseCodedDomainValues: Boolean Force2RGB: Boolean Boolean Boolean UpdateOnShapeChange: Boolean, in ITimeData IElementCollection, in zorder: Long)
HTMLXSLStylesheet: String RasterLayer: IRasterLayer LayerCategory: String OriginalDrawingLayerVisible (in index: Renderers RequireSymbolID: Boolean, in DoAddFeature (in pFeature: IFeature, in
DummyLayer ITimeData2 : ITimeData AllowSymbolOverrides: Boolean, in ITimeData2 pElement: IElement, in zorder: Long, in
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference ITimeData2 PublicName: String Long): Boolean
AnnotationClassID: Long, in Status:
ILayer HasLiveData: Boolean
IHTMLPopupIdentify IHTMLPopupIdentify : IUnknown Export (in pWorkspace: IWorkspace, in
ILegendInfo Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): IOverposterProperties, in configKeyword: ITimeDataDisplay esriAnnotationStatus)
newname: String, in Format: String): IEnumLayer String): IAnnotationLayer
IHTMLPopupIdentify2 HTMLPopupEnabled: Boolean FieldInfoSet IRasterDataset LoadLayers: IEnumLayer
ITimeDimensionDefinition DoAddNullElement (in FeatureId: Long, in
AnnotationClassID: Long, in Status:
IFieldInfoSet IFieldInfoSet : IUnknown SetSize (in cx: Long, in cy: Long) FindAnnotationFeatureClassNames (in
ITimeDisplayTable esriAnnotationStatus)
Workspace: IFeatureWorkspace): ITimeTableDefinition EndAddElements
Count: Long IEnumBSTR SetupAttributeConversion (in
HTMLIdentify (in pPoint: IPoint, in FieldInfo (in Index: Long): IFieldInfo OpenAnnotationLayer (in Workspace: numAttributes: Long, in inputCols: Long,
Tolerance: Double): String FieldName (in Index: Long): String in outputCols: Long)
IFeatureWorkspace, in FeatureDataset:
HTMLTipText (in pPoint: IPoint, in DummyGraduatedMarkerLayer CadastralFabricSubLayer
Tolerance: Double): String Add (in FieldName: String, in FieldInfo: EngineCadAnnotationLayerFactory EngineCoverageAnnotationLayerFactory IFeatureDataset, in
annotationClassName: String):
FeatureLayerFactory IAnnotationLayer ITimeDisplayTable2 ITimeDisplayTable2 : ITimeDisplayTable
Clear ICadastralFabricSubLayer ICadastralFabricSubLayer : IUnknown
ILayer Factory : IUnknown ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown
Find (in FieldName: String): IFieldInfo ILegendInfo ILayerFactory PrepareTimeQueryEx (in pTimeValue:
Remove (in FieldName: String) CadastralFabric: ICadastralFabric CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): Boolean ICoverageAnnotationLayerFactory CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): Boolean ITimeValue, in eTimeRelation:
CadastralTableType: esriCadastralFabricTable CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown):
Boolean esriTimeRelation, in pFilter: IQueryFilter)
LayerCategory: String LayerCategory: String PrepareTimeQueryFromDisplay (in
LayerCategory: String PublicName: String PublicName: String pDisplay: IDisplay, in pFilter:
PublicName: String
ICadastralFabricSubLayer2 : IUnknown IQueryFilter)
ICadastralFabricSubLayer2 Create (in inputObject: IUnknown):
Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): IEnumLayer Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): IEnumLayer
Historic: Boolean IEnumLayer
ParcelLayerType: esriCadastralParcelLayerType LoadLayers: IEnumLayer LoadLayers: IEnumLayer
LoadLayers: IEnumLayer
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

Feature Rendering
FeatureLayer in
Carto Layers LegendGroups LegendClasses
ILegendGroups ILegendGroups : IUnknown ILegendClasses ILegendClasses : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long
esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long
esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): ILegendGroup esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): ILegendClass
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in LegendGroup: ILegendGroup)
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in LegendClass: ILegendClass)
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in LegendGroup: esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in LegendClass:
ILegendGroup) ILegendClass)
Remove (in Index: Long) Remove (in Index: Long)
RemoveAll RemoveAll

IFeatureRenderer IFeatureRenderer : IUnknown
ExclusionSet: IFeatureIDSet

esriSystem.IPersist RenderPhase (in DrawPhase:
esriDrawPhase): Boolean
esriSystem.IPersistStream SymbolByFeature (in Feature: IFeature): LegendGroup

IExportSupport ISymbol
ILegendGroup ILegendGroup : IUnknown
CanRender (in featClass: IFeatureClass, in
Display: IDisplay): Boolean
Class (in Index: Long): ILegendClass
Draw (in Cursor: IFeatureCursor, in ClassCount: Long ILegendClass ICalcRendererValues2 ICalcRendererValues2 : ICalcRendererValues

ILegendClass : IUnknown
DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in Display: Editable: Boolean

IDisplay, in TrackCancel: ITrackCancel)
PrepareFilter (in fc: IFeatureClass, in
Heading: String
Visible: Boolean
* Description: String
Format: ILegendClassFormat CalcMinMaxExt (in positiveValuesOnly:
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Label: String Boolean, out MinValue: Double, out
queryFilter: IQueryFilter)
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize AddClass (in LegendClass: ILegendClass) esriSystem.IPersist Symbol: ISymbol maxValue: Double)
ClearClasses esriSystem.IPersistStream IBufferProcessingSymbology : IUnknown IFeatureLayerSymbology : IUnknown
ILegendInfo ILegendInfo : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersist InsertClass (in Index: Long, in LegendClass:
esriSystem.IPersistStream ILegendClass) ICalcRendererValues ICalcRendererValues : IUnknown ColorRamp: IColorRamp CanSymbolize (in FeatureLayer:
LegendGroup (Index: Long): ILegendGroup RemoveClass (in Index: Long) IDynamicLegendClass IDynamicLegendClass : IUnknown IFeatureLayer): Boolean
LegendGroupCount: Long CalcMinMax (out MinValue: Double, out
LegendItem: ILegendItem Count: Long maxValue: Double) Priority: Double
SymbolsAreGraduated: Boolean GetFieldTotals: Variant
SetData (in Layer: IFeatureLayer, in Renderer: IEnumRasterUniqueValueColor : IUnknown Symbolize (in FeatureLayer: IFeatureLayer)
SetDirty DoubleKey: Double
SetMinMax (MinValue: Double, maxValue: nClasses: Long IRasterStretch : IUnknown
Double) StringKey: String
Background: Boolean
Next (out Index: Long) BackgroundColor: IColor
Reset BackgroundValues: Double
set_Class (iClass: Long) Invert: Boolean
BasicTableHistogram StandardDeviationsParam: Double
StretchType: esriRasterStretchTypesEnum
ClassBreaksRenderer UniqueValueRenderer ChartRenderer SimpleRenderer IBasicHistogram IBasicHistogr am : IUnknown

IClassBreaksRenderer IClassBreaksRenderer : IUnknown IUniqueValueRenderer IUniqueValueRenderer : IUnknown IChartRenderer IChartRenderer : IUnknown ISimpleRenderer : IUnknown
IDataNormalization CustomMax: Double
ISimpleRenderer ITableHistogram CustomMin: Double
BackgroundSymbol: IFillSymbol IRotationRenderer2 ColorScheme: String BaseSymbol: ISymbol Description: String
ISizeRenderer IBarrierProperties2 ChartSymbol: IChartSymbol GetHistogram (out doubleArrayValues:
Break (in Index: Long): Double DefaultLabel: String
ColorScheme: String
Label: String esriSystem.IStatisticsResults Variant, out longArrayFrequencies:
BreakCount: Long ILookupLegendClass DefaultSymbol: ISymbol Symbol: ISymbol
Description (in Index: Long): String Description (in Value: String): String IBasicOverposterEvents FieldTotal (in Index: Long): Double Variant): Boolean
Field: String Field (in Index: Long): String IDataExclusion Label: String
UseOverposter: Boolean Invalidate
Label (in Index: Long): String FieldCount: Long
MinimumBreak: Double FieldDelimiter: String IDataExclusion2 IDisplayAdmin IDisplayAdmin : IUnknown ResetCustomMinMax
NormField: String FieldType (in Index: Long): Boolean
UsesFilter: Boolean
SortClassesAscending: Boolean Heading (in Value: String): String
IDataNormalization : IUnknown
ITableHistogram2 ITableHistogram2 : IUnknown
Symbol (in Index: Long): ISymbol Label (in Value: String): String IDataNormalization
LookupStyleset: String ExclusionClause: String
ReferenceValue (in Value: String): String NormalizationField: String MaxSampleSize: Long
NormalizationFieldAlias: String ILevelRenderer ILevelRenderer : IUnknown
Symbol (in Value: String): ISymbol
IClassBreaksUIProperties IClassBreaksUIProperties : IUnknown UseDefaultSymbol: Boolean NormalizationTotal: Double
CurrentDrawLevel: Long
ILevelRenderer Value (in Index: Long): String NormalizationType: esriDataNormalization
LevelArray: Variant
ColorRamp: String ValueCount: Long ILookupSymbol
DeviationInterval: Double
LowBreak (in Index: Long): Double AddReferenceValue (in Value: String, in
Method: IUID IIdentify IIdentify : IUnknown
refValue: String) IRotationRenderer : IUnknown
NumberFormat: INumberFormat AddValue (in Value: String, Heading: String, in IRotationRenderer
ShowClassGaps: Boolean Symbol: ISymbol)
Identify (in pGeom: IGeometry): IArray IRotationRenderer2 RotationField: String
RotationType: esriSymbolRotationType
RemoveValue (in Value: String) IPropertySupport
IPieChartRenderer IPieChartRenderer : IUnknown ISizeRenderer
IClassBreaksUIProperties2 IClassBreaksUIProperties2 : IUnknown
IUniqueValueRenderer2 IUniqueValueRenderer2 : IUnknown FlanneryCompensation: Boolean ITransparencyRenderer ITransparencyRenderer : IUnknown
ColorRamp: IColorRamp MinSize: Double
IDataExclusion2 FlipSymbols: Boolean ColorRamp: IColorRamp MinValue: Double IXMLVersionSupport TransparencyField: String
FlipSymbols: Boolean ProportionalBySum: Boolean IXMLSerialize
ReverseUniqueValuesSorting: Boolean ProportionalField: String
ProportionalFieldAlias: String
IDataExclusion IDataExclusion : IUnknown
ExclusionClause: String ILookupSymbol ILookupSymbol : IUnknown
ExclusionDescription: String IRendererFields : IUnknown
ExclusionLabel: String IRendererFields
ExclusionSymbol: ISymbol
ShowExclusionClass: Boolean IRotationRenderer
LookupSymbol (in firstPass: Boolean, in
Feature: IFeature): ISymbol
Field (in Index: Long): String RepresentationRenderer
FieldAlias (in Index: Long): String
ResetLookupSymbol (in Symbol: ISymbol) IRepresentationRenderer : IUnknown
esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin FieldCount: Long IRepresentationRenderer
IRendererClasses IRendererClasses : IUnknown ITransparencyRenderer ITransparencyRenderer : IUnknown AddField (in Name: String, in Alias: String) IDataLayer DrawInvalidRule: Boolean
TIN and Terrain Rendering
ClearFields DrawInvisible: Boolean
DeleteField (in Name: String)
ILayerSymbologyExtents in Geodatabase
Class (in Index: Long): String TransparencyField: String InvalidRuleColor: IColor
ClassCount: Long ILevelRenderer InvisibleColor: IColor
WhereClause (in Index: Long, in Table: IRendererClasses RepresentationClass: IRepresentationClass
ITable): String
IRendererClasses IRendererClasses : IUnknown IIdentify
IXMLVersionSupport Class (in Index: Long): String DotDensityRenderer ILookupSymbol
ClassCount: Long
IDataSampling IDataSampling : IUnknown IXMLSerialize WhereClause (in Index: Long, in Table: IDotDensityRenderer IDotDensityRenderer : IUnknown
MaxSampleSize: Long ITable): String ILookupLegendClass
SamplingMethod: esriDataSampling IDotDensityRenderer2 ColorScheme: String
ControlLayer: IFeatureLayer TinLayer in TerrainLayer in
DotDensitySymbol: IDotDensityFillSymbol
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport IFeatureRendererUpdate IFeatureRendererUpdate : IUnknown IDataExclusion Carto Layers
DotValue: Double
MaintainSize: Boolean
Carto Layers
IDataNormalization IDataNormalization : IUnknown IDataExclusion2
Update (in pFeatureLayer: IFeatureLayer)
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize NormalizationField: String CreateLegend
NormalizationFieldAlias: String RepresentationLegendClass
NormalizationTotal: Double IDotDensityUIRenderer IDotDensityUIRenderer : IUnknown
ILookupSymbol NormalizationType: esriDataNormalization IRepresentationLegendClass IRepresentationLegendClass : IUnknown LasDatasetLayer in
MaxDensity: Double
MaxDensityArea: Double ILegendClass RepresentationClass: IRepresentationClass
MeanArea: Double RuleID: Long
Carto Layers
ILevelRenderer ILevelRenderer : IUnknown BiUniqueValueRenderer IRendererFields MeanDensity: Double
MinDensity: Double
ISizeRenderer CurrentDrawLevel: Long IBivariateRenderer IBivariateRender er : IUnknown MinDensityArea: Double

Raster Rendering
LevelArray: Variant
ILookupLegendClass MainRenderer: IFeatureRenderer

IRotationRenderer IRotationRenderer : IUnknown

VariationRenderer: IFeatureRenderer
* * *
RotationField: String TinRenderer
IRotationRenderer2 RotationType: esriSymbolRotationType
ITinRenderer ITinRenderer : IUnknown
ILegendInfo Name: String
IFeatureRendererUpdate IFeatureRendererUpdate : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersist Tin: ITin
RasterLayer in esriSystem.IPersistStream Visible: Boolean
Update (in pFeatureLayer: IFeatureLayer) ScaleDependentRenderer CanRender: Boolean
Carto Layers IScaleDependentRenderer IScaleDependentRenderer : IUnknown Copy (in pSource: ITinRenderer)
Draw (in DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in
Break (in Index: Long): Double Display: IDisplay, in aSpatialReference:
Renderer (in Index: Long): IUnknown ISpatialReference, in TrackCancel:
RendererCount: Long ITrackCancel)
AddRenderer (in Renderer: IFeatureRenderer)
MoveRenderer (in Renderer:
IProportionalSymbolRenderer IProportionalSymbolRenderer : IUnknown IFeatureRenderer, in toIndex: Long)
RemoveRenderer (in Renderer:
RasterRenderer BackgroundSymbol: IFillSymbol IFeatureRenderer)
Field: String
IRasterRenderer IRasterRenderer : IUnknown FlanneryCompensation: Boolean
IBarrierProperties2 LegendSymbolCount: Long NetworkLayer in
DisplayResolutionFactor: Long IDataExclusion MaxDataValue: Double
RasterCatalogRendererPickerDefault Raster: IRaster MinDataValue: Double Carto Layers
ResamplingType: rstResamplingTypes IDataExclusion2 MinSymbol: ISymbol
IRasterCatalogRendererPicker IRasterCatalogRenderer Picker : IUnknown Updated: Boolean NormField: String
IDataNormalization ValueRepresentation:
AllAvailableRenderersCLSID: String[] CanRender (in Raster: IRaster): Boolean esriValueRepresentations

Network Rendering
DefaultUseRenderersCLSID: String[] Copy (in pSource: IRasterRenderer) ValueUnit: esriUnits
Priority: Long IDisplayAdmin Draw (in Raster: IRaster, in DrawPhase:
esriDrawPhase, in pDisplay: IDisplay, in CreateLegendSymbols
Pick (in pRenderers: IArray, in pRasterDataset: IIdentify pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel)
IRasterDataset): IRasterRenderer ILegendInfo Update
IRotationRenderer IRotationRenderer : IUnknown
IRasterRenderer2 : IUnknown IRotationRenderer2 RotationField: String
NetworkRenderer LasPointElevationRenderer TinFaceRenderer TinNodeRenderer
RotationType: esriSymbolRotationType
IRasterRendererInfo ILasAttributeRenderer ILasAttributeRenderer : IUnknown ITinSingleSymbolRenderer ITinSingleSymbolRenderer : IUnknown ITinSingleSymbolRenderer ITinSingleSymbolRenderer : IUnknown
AdaptRaster (in pRaster: IRaster) INetworkRenderer INetworkRenderer : IUnknown
IDisplayTableExchange IDatasetRenderer IPropertySupport Description: String IPropertySupport
RecreateRaster (in pDataset: esriSystem.IPropertySupport Name: String Attribute: esriLasAttributeType Description: String
IRasterDataset, in pRaster: IRaster)
ITinColorRampRenderer Filter: ILasPointFilter ITinIllumination Label: String Label: String
RasterRendererMakerDefault ILegendInfo RendererType: esriNetworkRendererType
ThinningFactor: Double ITerrainRenderer Symbol: ISymbol Symbol: ISymbol
RenderPhase (DrawPhase: IClassBreaksUIProperties
IRasterDisplayProps IRasterDisplayProps : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersist esriDrawPhase): Boolean
IRasterRendererMaker IRasterRendererMaker : IUnknown ITinIllumination
esriSystem.IPersist BrightnessValue: Long esriSystem.IPersistStream
CanRender (in Layer: INetworkLayer, in IDataSampling
Priority: Long ContrastValue: Long Display: IDisplay): Boolean
esriSystem.IPersistStream NoDataColor: IColor
Draw (in Layer: INetworkLayer, in
CreateDefaultRasterRenderer (in pRaster: TransparencyValue: Long RasterExporter
IRaster): IRasterRenderer DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in Display:
IDisplay, in TrackCancel: ITrackCancel) TinFaceValueRenderer TinNodeValueRenderer
IRasterExporter : IUnknown
IRasterRendererMaker2 IRasterRendererMaker2 : IUnknown
IRasterRendererUpdate IRasterRendererUpdate : IUnknown
RasterRenderer: IRasterRenderer ITinUniqueValueRenderer ITinUniqueValueRenderer : IUnknown
ITinUniqueValueRenderer ITinUniqueValueRenderer : IUnknown
Update (in pRasterLayer: IRasterLayer) ExportToBytes (in pRaster: IRaster, in LasUniqueValueRenderer ITinIllumination ColorScheme: String ColorScheme: String
CreateDefaultRasterRenderer (in DefaultLabel: String
pRasterDataset: IRasterDataset): Format: String): BYTE[] ITerrainRenderer DefaultSymbol: ISymbol
DefaultLabel: String
ILasAttributeRenderer ILasAttributeRenderer : IUnknown DefaultSymbol: ISymbol
IRasterRenderer Description (in Value: String): String Description (in Value: String): String
ITinUniqueValueRenderer Heading (in Value: String): String Heading (in Value: String): String
Attribute: esriLasAttributeType Label (in Value: String): String Label (in Value: String): String
IDatasetRenderer Filter: ILasPointFilter LookupStyleset: String LookupStyleset: String
ThinningFactor: Double ReferenceValue (in Value: String): String
IMultiResolutionRenderer Symbol (in Value: String): ISymbol
ReferenceValue (in Value: String): String
Symbol (in Value: String): ISymbol
UseDefaultSymbol: Boolean UseDefaultSymbol: Boolean
Value (in Index: Long): String Value (in Index: Long): String
ValueCount: Long ValueCount: Long
AddReferenceValue (in Value: String, in AddReferenceValue (in Value: String, in
SimpleNetworkRenderer refValue: String) refValue: String)
DefaultNetworkLayerSymbology AddValue (in Value: String, in Heading: String,
in Symbol: ISymbol)
AddValue (in Value: String, in Heading: String,
ISimpleNetworkRenderer ISimpleNetwor kRender er : IUnknown RemoveAllValues
in Symbol: ISymbol)
INetworkLayerSymbology INetworkLayerSymbology : IUnknown RemoveAllValues
RemoveValue (in Value: String) RemoveValue (in Value: String)
Description: String
RasterRGBRenderer CanSymbolize (in Layer: INetworkLayer): Label: String
RasterUniqueValueRenderer Boolean Symbol: ISymbol
IRasterRGBRenderer2 IRasterRGBRenderer2 : IRasterRGBRenderer Priority: Double
AlphaBandIndex: Long
IRasterUniqueValueRenderer IRasterUniqueValueRenderer : IUnknown
Symbolize (in Layer: INetworkLayer)
UseAlphaBand: Boolean ClassCount (in iHeading: Long): Long
RasterDiscreteColorRenderer TinNodeElevationRenderer
IRasterRendererUniqueValues INetworkEdgeRenderer2 INetworkEdgeRenderer2 :
ColorScheme: String INetworkEdgeRenderer
IRasterRendererColorRamp DefaultLabel: String IRasterDiscreteColorRenderer IRasterDiscreteColor Renderer : IUnknown ITinColorRampRenderer ITinColorRampRenderer : IUnknown
DefaultSymbol: ISymbol ShowArrows (in symbolType: ITinColorRampRenderer ITinColorRampRenderer : IUnknown
IRasterRGBRenderer IRasterRGBRenderer : IUnknown esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Description (in iHeading: Long, in iClass: IRasterRendererColorRamp Colormap: IRasterColormap
esriNetworkArrowSymbolType): Boolean IClassBreaksUIProperties Break (in Index: Long): Double
Long): String NumColors: Long IClassBreaksUIProperties Break (in Index: Long): Double IDataSampling BreakCount: Long
IColorChannelMapping BlueBandIndex: Long Field: String esriSystem.IXMLSerialize BreakCount: Long Description (in Index: Long): String
GreenBandIndex: Long IDataSampling
IGlobeRasterStretch Heading (in iHeading: Long): String Description (in Index: Long): String Label (in Index: Long): String
RedBandIndex: Long HeadingCount: Long INetworkEdgeRenderer INetworkEdgeRenderer : IUnknown ITinIllumination Label (in Index: Long): String MinimumBreak: Double
UseBlueBand: Boolean Label (in iHeading: Long, in iClass: Long):
UseGreenBand: Boolean ITerrainRenderer MinimumBreak: Double
SortClassesAscending: Boolean
UseRedBand: Boolean
String INetworkSourceRenderer ArrowAttributeName: String SortClassesAscending: Boolean Symbol (in Index: Long): ISymbol
Symbol (in iHeading: Long, in iClass: Long): ArrowSymbol (in symbolType: Symbol (in Index: Long): ISymbol
ISymbol esriNetworkArrowSymbolType): ISymbol
QueryBandIndices (out redIndex: Long, out UseDefaultSymbol: Boolean
greenIndex: Long, out blueIndex: Long) ArrowType: esriNetworkArrowType IDatasetRenderer IDatasetRenderer : IUnknown
Value (in iHeading: Long, in iClass: Long, in
SetBandIndices (in redIndex: Long, in iValue: Long): Variant
greenIndex: Long, in blueIndex: Long) Dataset: IDataset
ValueCount (in iHeading: Long, in iClass:
Long): Long
IRasterStretch2 IRasterStretch2 : IUnknown
AddValue (in iHeading: Long, in iClass: Long,
IRasterStretch Background: Boolean in Value: Variant) TinAspectRenderer
BackgroundColor: IColor RemoveValues (in iHeading: Long, in iClass:
BackgroundValue: Variant Long) NetworkDirtyAreaRenderer ITinColorRampRenderer
Invert: Boolean
ITinColorRampRenderer : IUnknown TinEdgeRenderer
SpecificationHistogram: IArray IRasterRendererClassInfo IRasterRendererClassInfo : IUnknown ISimpleNetworkRenderer ISimpleNetwor kRender er : IUnknown IClassBreaksUIProperties Break (in Index: Long): Double
StandardDeviationsParam: Double ITinSingleSymbolRenderer
StretchStats: IArray Description: String
IDataSampling BreakCount: Long ITinSingleSymbolRenderer : IUnknown
ClassCount: Long Description (in Index: Long): String
StretchStatsType: ClassificationField: String Label: String ITinIllumination Label (in Index: Long): String IPropertySupport Description: String
esriRasterStretchStatsTypeEnum Symbol: ISymbol MinimumBreak: Double Label: String
StretchType: esriRasterStretchTypesEnum
IsNumericClasses: Boolean ITerrainRenderer Symbol: ISymbol
NormalizationField: String SortClassesAscending: Boolean
Symbol (in Index: Long): ISymbol
IRasterStretch3 IRasterStretch3 : IUnknown QueryNumberClass (in ClassIndex: Long, out
MinValue: Double, out maxValue: Double,
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize GammaValue: Variant out outValue: Long)
UseGamma: Boolean QueryStringClass (in ClassIndex: Long, out
inValue: String, out outValue: Long)
Symbol in Display NetworkTrafficRenderer
IClassBreaksRenderer TinElevationRenderer
IClassBreaksRenderer : IUnknown TinBreaklineRenderer
BackgroundSymbol: IFillSymbol ITinColorRampRenderer ITinColorRampRenderer : IUnknown
Break (in Index: Long): Double ITinUniqueValueRenderer ITinUniqueValueRenderer : IUnknown
BreakCount: Long IClassBreaksUIProperties Break (in Index: Long): Double
RasterStretchColorRampRenderer Description (in Index: Long): String IDataSampling BreakCount: Long ColorScheme: String
RasterClassifyColorRampRenderer Field: String Description (in Index: Long): String DefaultLabel: String
IRasterStretchColorRampRenderer IRasterStretchColor RampRenderer : IUnknown Label (in Index: Long): String ITinIllumination Label (in Index: Long): String DefaultSymbol: ISymbol
MinimumBreak: Double ITerrainRenderer MinimumBreak: Double Description (in Value: String): String
IRasterClassifyColorRampRenderer IRasterClassifyColorRampRenderer : IUnknown
IColorChannelMapping BandIndex: Long SortClassesAscending: Boolean Heading (in Value: String): String
NormField: String
Break (in Index: Long): Double ColorRamp: IColorRamp SortClassesAscending: Boolean Symbol (in Index: Long): ISymbol Label (in Value: String): String
ClassCount: Long IRasterRendererColorRamp ColorScheme: String Symbol (in Index: Long): ISymbol LookupStyleset: String
ClassField: String LabelHigh: String ReferenceValue (in Value: String): String
Description (in Index: Long): String
IGlobeRasterStretch LabelLow: String ColorRampSymbol Symbol (in Value: String): ISymbol
UseDefaultSymbol: Boolean
Label (in Index: Long): String IHillShadeInfo LabelMedium: String
esriDisplay.IFillSymbol IFillSymbol : IUnknown INetworkTrafficRenderer INetworkTrafficRenderer : IUnknown IDatasetRenderer IDatasetRenderer : IUnknown
Value (in Index: Long): String
NormField: String
SortClassesAscending: Boolean esriSystem.IXMLSerialize ResetLabels Dataset: IDataset ValueCount: Long
Color: IColor DrawLineWidthByHierarchyLevelIndex: Boolean
Symbol (in Index: Long): ISymbol esriDisplay.IMapLevel Outline: ILineSymbol ExteriorLineWidthIncrement: Double AddReferenceValue (in Value: String, in
IRasterRendererClassInfo IRasterRendererClassInfo : IUnknown refValue: String)
IRasterStretchAdvancedLabels IColorRampSymbol IColorRampSymbol : IFillSymbol IDoubleArray AddValue (in Value: String, in Heading: String,
ClassCount: Long in Symbol: ISymbol)
IRasterClassifyUIProperties IRasterClassifyUIProper ties : IUnknown ClassificationField: String IColorRampSymbol2 ColorRamp: IColorRamp
LineCasingsColor: IColor
IsNumericClasses: Boolean ScaleFilters: IDoubleArray
ClassificationMethod: IUID ColorRampInLegendGroup: IColorRamp RemoveValue (in Value: String)
NormalizationField: String ShowLiveTrafficOnly: Boolean
ColorRamp: String Invert: Boolean
DeviationInterval: Double QueryNumberClass (in ClassIndex: Long, out esriSystem.IPropertySupport LegendClassIndex: Long
UseDerivedLineCasingsColor: Boolean
UseLineCasings: Boolean
NumberFormat: INumberFormat MinValue: Double, out maxValue: Double, out LegendGroup: ILegendGroup
ShowClassGaps: Boolean UseScaleFilters: Boolean
outValue: Long) ITerrainRenderer ITerrainRenderer : ITinRenderer
QueryStringClass (in ClassIndex: Long, out inValue: DeriveLineCasingsColor (in interiorColor:
String, out outValue: Long) IColor): IColor IPropertySupport Terrain: ITerrain TerrainPointElevationRenderer
IRasterDataExclusion IRasterDataExclusion : IUnknown ITinSingleSymbolRenderer
IRasterStretch2 IRasterStretch2 : IUnknown ITerrainRenderer ITerrainRenderer : ITinRenderer
ExcludeColor: IColor ColorSymbol
ExcludeDescription: String
IRasterStretch Background: Boolean Terrain: ITerrain
ExcludeLabel: String BackgroundColor: IColor esriDisplay.IFillSymbol IFillSymbol : IUnknown

ExcludeRanges: Variant BackgroundValue: Variant
ExcludeShowClass: Boolean Invert: Boolean esriDisplay.IMapLevel Color: IColor
ExcludeValues: Variant SpecificationHistogram: IArray esriSystem.IPropertySupport Outline: ILineSymbol TerrainPointAttributeRenderer ITerrainRenderer2 : ITerrainRenderer
StandardDeviationsParam: Double ITerrainRenderer2
StretchStats: IArray IColorSymbol IColorSymbol : IFillSymbol ITerrainRenderer ITerrainRenderer : ITinRenderer AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope
StretchStatsType: esriRasterStretchStatsTypeEnum Resolution: Double
Terrain: ITerrain
IRasterRendererClassInfo IRasterRendererClassInfo : IUnknown
StretchType: esriRasterStretchTypesEnum ITinColorRampRenderer
esriDataNormalization esriRasterRenderingModeEnum esriRasterStretchTypesEnum esriNetworkArrowSymbolType esriSizeRendererFlags
ClassCount: Long 0 - esriNormalizeByField 0 - esriRasterRenderingBlockMode 0 - esriRasterStretch_NONE 0 - esriNetworkArrowSymbolOneWay 0 - esriSizeRendererNone ITinIllumination
IRasterRendererUniqueValues ClassificationField: String IRasterStretch3 IRasterStretch3 : IUnknown
1 - esriNormalizeByLog 1 - esriRasterRenderingTopToBottomMode 1 - esriRasterStretch_DefaultFromSource 1 - esriNetworkArrowSymbolBothWays 1 - esriSizeRendererUseExpression ITerrainRenderer2 ITerrainRenderer2 : ITerrainRenderer IClassBreaksUIProperties
IsNumericClasses: Boolean
IRasterRendererColorRamp NormalizationField: String GammaValue: Variant RasterRGBSymbol 2 - esriNormalizeByPercentOfTotal 2 - esriRasterRenderingFullMode 2 - esriRasterStretch_Custom 2 - esriNetworkArrowSymbolNoWay 2 - esriSizeRendererRandom
IPropertySupport AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope
UseGamma: Boolean 3 - esriNormalizeByArea 3 - esriRasterStretch_StandardDeviations
IHillShadeInfo QueryNumberClass (in ClassIndex: Long, out esriDisplay.IMapLevel IFillSymbol : IUnknown 4 - esriRasterStretch_HistogramEqualize ITerrainAttributeRenderer Resolution: Double
4 - esriNormalizeByNothing
MinValue: Double, out maxValue: Double, out
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize outValue: Long) Color: IColor
esriRasterSelectionMaskFileFormat 5 - esriRasterStretch_MinimumMaximum ITinColorRampRenderer
esriDisplay.IFillSymbol 0 - esriMaskTiffUncompress 6 - esriRasterStretch_HistogramSpecification
QueryStringClass (in ClassIndex: Long, out inValue: IRasterStretchMinMax IRasterStretchMinMax : IUnknown Outline: ILineSymbol esriNetworkArrowType esriSymbolRotation3DFlags IClassBreaksUIProperties
String, out outValue: Long) esriSystem.IPropertySupport 1 - esriMaskImagineUncompress 7 - esriRasterStretch_PercentMinimumMaximum
CustomStretchMax: Double IColorSymbol IColorSymbol : IFillSymbol 8 - esriRasterStretch_ESRI 0 - esriNetworkArrowTypeNoArrow 0 - esriSymbolRotation3DNone TerrainPointUniqueValueRenderer
CustomStretchMin: Double esriDataSampling 9 - esriRasterStretch_Count 1 - esriNetworkArrowTypeEndpoint 1 - esriSymbolRotation3DUseExpressionX
StretchMax: Double 0 - esriAllRecords 2 - esriNetworkArrowTypeMidpoint 2 - esriSymbolRotation3DUseExpressionY
StretchMin: Double esriRasterSelectionMaskOp 4 - esriSymbolRotation3DUseExpressionZ
ITerrainRenderer ITerrainRenderer : ITinRenderer
1 - esriRandomRecords TinContourRenderer
UseCustomStretchMinMax: Boolean 0 - esriRasterSelectionMaskSET 8 - esriSymbolRotation3DRandomX Terrain: ITerrain
2 - esriEveryNthRecord
RasterColormapRenderer 1 - esriRasterSelectionMaskCLEAR
2 - esriRasterSelectionMaskINVERT 0 - esriRasterTransparencyStateOpaque
16 - esriSymbolRotation3DRandomY
32 - esriSymbolRotation3DRandomZ ITinContourRenderer ITinContourRenderer : IUnknown
3 - esriRasterSelectionMaskCOPY 1 - esriRasterTransparencyStateAlpha esriNetworkRendererType ContourDescription: String
IRasterRendererClassInfo IRasterRendererClassInfo : IUnknown
2 - esriRasterTransparencyStateMask 0 - esriNetworkRenderer IMultiResolutionRenderer ITerrainRenderer2 ITerrainRenderer2 : ITerrainRenderer
4 - esriRasterSelectionMaskAND contourInterval: Double
ClassCount: Long 1 - esriNetworkSystemJunctionRenderer ContourLabel: String ITerrainAttributeRenderer AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope
ClassificationField: String 2 - esriNetworkJunctionRenderer ContourSymbol: ISymbol
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IsNumericClasses: Boolean Resolution: Double
esriTopologyRenderer 3 - esriNetworkEdgeRenderer esriMaintainDensityBy IndexContourDescription: String
NormalizationField: String esriRasterStretchStatsTypeEnum indexContourFactor: Long
0 - esriTRAreaErrors 4 - esriNetworkTurnRenderer 0 - esriMaintainDensityByDotSize
QueryNumberClass (in ClassIndex: Long, out 0 - esriRasterStretchStats_AreaOfView 1 - esriTRLineErrors 5 - esriNetworkDirtyAreaRenderer 1 - esriMaintainDensityByDotValue IndexContourLabel: String
MinValue: Double, out maxValue: Double, 1 - esriRasterStretchStats_Dataset 2 - esriTRPointErrors 6 - esriNetworkTrafficRenderer IndexContourSymbol: ISymbol
out outValue: Long) 2 - esriRasterStretchStats_GlobalStats 6 - esriNetworkRendererLast referenceContourHeight: Double
3 - esriTRAreaExceptions
QueryStringClass (in ClassIndex: Long, out
inValue: String, out outValue: Long) 4 - esriTRLineExceptions
5 - esriTRPointExceptions
6 - esriTRDirtyAreas
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

Labeling and Annotation

Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get BasicOverposter
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>> IOverposter3
Property Put by Reference IOverposter3 : IUnknown
helper class required to support this event AnnotateFeature IOverposter2 Capabilities (in Layer: ILayer):
Method firstMember: Type
interface in Visual Basic.
secondMember: Type IAnnotateFeature2 IAnnotateFeature2 : IUnknown IOverposter esriOverposterCaps
FeatureClassExtension in IAnnotateFeature NumberOfPlacedLabels: Long BasicPlacedObject
NumberOfUnplacedLabels: Long
Geodatabase Label (in overposterProps: esriSystem.IPersist NumClasses: Long IPlacedObject3 IPlacedObject3 : IUnknown
IOverposterProperties, in
esriSystem.IPersistStream AddBarriers (in Weight: IPlacedObject Angle: Double
IAnnotateLayerProperties, in Feature: esriBasicOverposterWeight, in Barriers: IPlacedObject2 AreaCentroid: WKSPoint
IFeature, in Display: IDisplay, in
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer IGeometryCollection) ClassIndex: Long
pSpatialRef: ISpatialReference, in IBasicOverposterEvents AddClass (in props: ControlShape: IGeometry
barrierColl: IBarrierCollection, out IOverposterLayerProperties): Long ControlShapeEndPoint: WKSPoint
placedElement: IElement, out AddCurvedLabel (in ClassIndex: Long, in FeatureId: Long
unplacedElement: IElement) Label: String, in widths: Variant, in Label: String
ascents: Variant, in descents: Variant, in LabelHeight: Double
fontHeight: Double, in fontDescent: LabelInsidePolygon: Boolean
Double, in ControlShape: IGeometry, in LabelWidth: Double
FeatureId: Long, in Symbol: ISymbol) ObjectType: esriPlacedObjectType
AnnotationFeatureClassExtension AddLabel (in ClassIndex: Long, in Label: PlacementCode: esriPlacementCode
String, in Width: Double, in Height: PlacementMessage: String
IAnnoClass IAnnoClass : IUnknown Double, in ControlShape: IGeometry, in
FeatureId: Long, in Symbol: ISymbol)
AnnoProperties: AddLabel2 (in ClassIndex: Long, in Label:
IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection AnnotateMap String, in Width: Double, in Height:
ElementFieldIndex: Long Double, in ControlShape: IGeometry, in
FeatureClass: IFeatureClass IAnnotateMap2 IAnnotateMap2 : IUnknown
FeatureId: Long, in Symbol: ISymbol, in
FeatureIDFieldIndex: Long IAnnotateMap FeatureLayerPropertiesID: IUID Angle: Double)
ReferenceScale: Double Name: String AddSymbol (in ClassIndex: Long, in
ReferenceScaleUnits: esriUnits OverposterPropertiesID: IUID Symbol: ISymbol, in Geometry:
Symbol (in SymbolID: Long): ISymbol SymbolCollection IAnnotationErrorEvents IGeometry, in FeatureId: Long)
SymbolCollection: ISymbolCollection Draw (in Display: IDisplay, in Initialize (in Extent: IEnvelope, in Display:
Version: Integer
in Display esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer overposterProps: IOverposterProperties, IDisplay, in pOverposterProps:
esriSystem.IPersist in annoMapCmdProps: IOverposterProperties)
Draw (in annoFeature: IAnnotationFeature, in IAnnotateMapProperties, in Map: IMap, InsertClass (in Index: Long, in props:
Display: IDisplay, in Symbol: ISymbol) esriSystem.IPersistStream in TrackCancel: ITrackCancel) IOverposterLayerProperties)
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo Label (in overposterProps: NextPlaced (in Object: IPlacedObject, in
IOverposterProperties, in TrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in
IAnnotationClassExtension IAnnotationClassExtension : IAnnoClass
annoMapCmdProps: StepProgressor: IStepProgressor)
AllowSymbolOverrides: Boolean IAnnotateMapProperties, in Map: IMap, NextUnplaced (out Object: IPlacedObject)
AnnotationClassIDFieldIndex: Long in TrackCancel: ITrackCancel) NextUnused (out Object: IPlacedObject)
esriGeodatabase.IConfirmSendRelatedObjectEvents AutoCreate: Boolean PlaceObjects
Display: IDisplay ReleaseResources
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo LinkedFeatureClass: IFeatureClass RemoveClass (in ClassIndex: Long)
esriGeodatabase.IPersistCustomFeaturesExtension OverposterProperties: IOverposterProperties ResetClasses

RequireSymbolID: Boolean
StatusFieldIndex: Long AnnotateMapProperties IOverposter4 IOverposter4 : IUnknown
UpdateOnShapeChange: Boolean IAnnotateMapProperties IAnnotateMapProperties : IAnnotateProperties
SynchronizeAttributes (in pTextElement: IAnnotateProperties AddClass (in props:
ITextElement, in pAnnoFeature: AnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection: IOverposterLayerProperties, Symbol:
esriSystem.IClone IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection ITextSymbol): Long
IAnnotationClassExtension2 IAnnotationClassExtension2 : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersistStream
Display (in pElement: IElement): IDisplay Map in Carto Map
FeatureClassDescription IAnnoClassAdmin3 IAnnoClassAdmin3 : IUnknown
in Geodatabase IAnnoClassAdmin2 AllowSymbolOverrides: Boolean
IAnnoClassAdmin AnnoProperties: IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection

AutoCreate: Boolean
OverposterProperties: IOverposterProperties
ReferenceScale: Double
ReferenceScaleUnits: esriUnits
RequireSymbolID: Boolean
SymbolCollection: ISymbolCollection
AnnotationFeatureClassDescription UpdateOnShapeChange: Boolean

IOverposterProperties2 IOverposterOptions2 : IUnknown
PauseLabeling: Boolean

IOverposterProperties IOverposterProperties : IUnknown

AnnotateFeatureID: IUID
AnnotateMapID: IUID
FeatureLayerPropertiesID: IUID
LabelStyleID: IUID
Name: String
Feature in FeatureLayer in
Geodatabase Carto Layers
IOverposterOptions IOverposterOptions : IUnknown
EnableDrawUnplaced: Boolean
EnableLabelCache: Boolean
InvertedLabelTolerance: Double
RotateLabelWithDataFrame: Boolean
esriSystem.IClone UnplacedLabelColor: IColor
esriSystem.IPersistStream StackLabel (in Layerprops:
AnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection ILabelEngineLayerProperties, in forceStack:
Boolean, in labelIn: String, out stacked:
AnnotationFeature IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection2 IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection2 : IUnknown Boolean, out labelOut: String)

IAnnotationFeature2 IAnnotationFeature2 : IUnknown IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection TranslateLabel (in Layerprops:

IAnnotationFeature Count: Long ILabelEngineLayerProperties, in labelIn:
Annotation: IElement esriSystem.IPersistStream Properties (in ID: Long): IAnnotateLayerProperties String, out translated: Boolean, out labelOut:
GraphicElement in AnnotationClassID: Long String)
LinkedFeatureID: Long esriSystem.IClone
Carto Map Elements Status: esriAnnotationStatus Add (in Item: IAnnotateLayerProperties): Long
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo IOverposterOptions2 IOverposterOptions2 : IUnknown
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer QueryItem (in Index: Long, out Item: PauseLabeling: Boolean
IAnnotateLayerProperties, out ID: Long)
Remove (in ID: Long)
Replace (in ID: Long, in

IAnnotateLayerProperties IAnnotateLayerProperties : IUnknown
IMaplexOverposterProperties IMaplexOver posterProperties : IUnknown
AddUnplacedToGraphicsContainer: Boolean
AnnotationExpressionEngine AnnotationMaximumScale: Double AllowBorderOverlap: Boolean
AnnotationMinimumScale: Double ConnectionType: esriMaplexConnectionType
IAnnotationExpressionEngine : IUnknown Class: String
IAnnotationExpressionEngine CreateUnplacedElements: Boolean Dictionaries: IMaplexDictionaries
ICodedValueAttributes AppendCode: String DisplayAnnotation: Boolean EnableConnection: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersistStream Name: String Extent: IEnvelope esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo LabelLargestPolygon: Boolean
CreateFunction (in Name: String, in FeatureLinked: Boolean
ILicensedComponent PlacementQuality: esriMaplexPlacementQuality
parameters: String, in Expression: GraphicsContainer: IGraphicsContainer
String): String LabelWhichFeatures: esriLabelWhichFeatures
SetCode (in fullCode: String, in
runFunction: String):
IAnnotationExpressionParser UseOutput: Boolean IMaplexOverposterProperties2 IMaplexOver posterProperties2 : IUnknown
SetExpression (in preCode: String, in WhereClause: String
Expression: String):
KeyNumberGroups: IMaplexKeyNumberGroups MaplexKeyNumberGroups
IMaplexKeyNumberGroups IMaplexKeyNumberGr oups : IUnknown
IAnnotateLayerTransformationProperties IAnnotateLayerTransformationProperties : IUnknown
GroupCount: Long
IAnnotateProperties Bounds: IEnvelope esriSystem.IPersistStream
ReferenceScale: Double AddGroup (in group:
ScaleRatio: Double IMaplexKeyNumberGroup)
Units: esriUnits esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN Clear
GetGroup (in Index: Long):
esriSystem.IClone RemoveGroup (in Index: Long)
AnnotationVBScriptEngine ILabelEngineLayerProperties2 ILabelEngineLayerPr operties2 : IUnknown
AnnotationExpressionParser MaplexDictionaries
ILabelEngineLayerProperties AnnotationClassID: Long
IAnnotationExpressionParser2 IAnnotationExpressionParser2 : IUnknown BasicOverposterLayerProperties: IMaplexDictionaries IMaplexDictionaries : IUnknown
IAnnotationExpressionParser Attribute (in Index: Long): String Expression: String DictionaryCount: Long
AttributeCount: Long esriSystem.IClone
ICodedValueAttributes Expression: String
ExpressionParser: IAnnotationExpressionEngine
AddDictionary (in dictionary: IMaplexDictionary) *
FindLabel (in Feature: IFeature, in AnnotationJScriptEngine esriSystem.IClone IsExpressionSimple: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersistStream Clear MaplexKeyNumberGroup
Offset: Double
pLayerFields: ILayerFields): String esriSystem.IPersist OverposterLayerProperties:
GetDictionary (in Index: Long): IMaplexDictionary
LastError (in number: Long, in line: Long, in
Description: String)
esriSystem.IPersistStream IOverposterLayerProperties RemoveDictionary (in Index: Long) IMaplexKeyNumberGroups IMaplexKeyNumberGr oups : IUnknown
Symbol: ITextSymbol
GroupCount: Long
SymbolID: Long
esriSystem.IPersistStream AddGroup (in group:
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN Clear
AnnotationPythonEngine GetGroup (in Index: Long):
MaplexDictionary esriSystem.IClone RemoveGroup (in Index: Long)

IMaplexDictionary IMaplexDictionary : IUnknown

EntryCount: Long
LabelEngineLayerProperties MaplexLabelEngineLayerProperties esriSystem.IClone
Name: String

esriSystem.IPersist AddEntry (in dicEntry: IMaplexDictionaryEntry)

esriSystem.IPersistStream Clear
GetEntry (in Index: Long): IMaplexDictionaryEntry

IPointPlacementPriorities IPointPlacementPriorities : IUnknown
BasicOverposterLayerProperties MaplexOverposterLayerProperties
esriSystem.IClone AboveCenter: Long
IBasicOverposterLayerProperties4 IBasicOverposterLayer Properties4 : IUnknown
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties IMaplexOver posterLayerProperties : IUnknown MaplexDictionaryEntry
esriSystem.IPersist AboveLeft: Long IBasicOverposterLayerProperties
AboveRight: Long
BufferRatio: Double AlignLabelToLineDirection: Boolean IMaplexDictionaryEntry IMaplexDictionaryEntry : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersistStream IBasicOverposterLayerProperties2 FeatureType: esriBasicOverposterFeatureType
BelowCenter: Long AllowAsymmetricOverrun: Boolean esriSystem.IClone Abbreviation: String
BelowLeft: Long IBasicOverposterLayerProperties3 BackgroundLabel: Boolean
BelowRight: Long
FeatureWeight: esriBasicOverposterWeight
CanAbbreviateLabel: Boolean esriSystem.IPersist Text: String
esriSystem.IClone GenerateUnplacedLabels: Boolean Type: esriMaplexAbbrevType
CenterLeft: Long LabelWeight: esriBasicOverposterWeight CanOverrunFeature: Boolean esriSystem.IPersistStream
CenterRight: Long esriSystem.IPersist LineLabelPlacementPriorities:
esriSystem.IClone CanPlaceLabelOutsidePolygon: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersistStream ILineLabelPlacementPriorities esriSystem.IPersist CanReduceFontSize: Boolean
LineLabelPosition: ILineLabelPosition esriSystem.IPersistStream CanRemoveOverlappingLabel: Boolean
LineOffset: Double CanShiftPointLabel: Boolean
MaxDistanceFromTarget: Double CanStackLabel: Boolean
NumLabelsOption: esriBasicNumLabelsOption CanTruncateLabel: Boolean
LineLabelPlacementPriorities ConstrainOffset: esriMaplexConstrainOffset
PerpendicularToAngle: Boolean
ILineLabelPlacementPriorities ILineLabelPlacem entPriorities : IUnknown PlaceOnlyInsidePolygon: Boolean DictionaryName: String
PointPlacementAngles: Variant EnablePointPlacementPriorities: Boolean
esriSystem.IClone AboveAfter: Long PointPlacementMethod: FeatureBuffer: Long
esriSystem.IPersist AboveAlong: Long esriOverposterPointPlacementMethod FeatureType: esriBasicOverposterFeatureType
esriSystem.IPersistStream AboveBefore: Long PointPlacementOnTop: Boolean
AboveEnd: Long PointPlacementPriorities: IPointPlacementPriorities FeatureWeight: Long
AboveStart: Long FontHeightReductionLimit: Double
BelowAfter: Long PolygonPlacementMethod: FontHeightReductionStep: Double
BelowAlong: Long esriOverposterPolygonPlacementMethod FontWidthReductionLimit: Double
BelowBefore: Long RotationField: String
BelowEnd: Long RotationType: esriLabelRotationType FontWidthReductionStep: Double
BelowStart: Long GraticuleAlignment: Boolean
CenterAfter: Long IsStreetPlacement: Boolean MaplexRotationProperties
CenterAlong: Long IOverposterLayerProperties2 IOverposterLayerProperties2 : IUnknown LabelBuffer: Long
CenterBefore: Long LabelPriority: Long IMaplexRotationProperties2
CenterEnd: Long
IOverposterLayerProperties HasFeatureWeight: Boolean
IMaplexRotationProper ties2 : IUnknown
CenterStart: Long IsBarrier: Boolean IMaplexLabelStackingProperties
PlaceLabels: Boolean AdditionalAngle: Long
LandParcelPlacement: Boolean AlignmentType:
PlaceSymbols: Boolean
LinePlacementMethod: esriMaplexRotationAlignmentType
TagUnplaced: Boolean esriMaplexLinePlacementMethod
MaximumCharacterSpacing: Double
MaximumLabelOverrun: Double
LineLabelPosition MaximumWordSpacing: Double IMaplexRotationProperties IMaplexRotationProper ties : IUnknown
MinimumEndOfStreetClearance: Double esriSystem.IClone AlignLabelToAngle: Boolean
ILineLabelPosition ILineLabelPosition : IUnknown MinimumRepetitionInterval: Double esriSystem.IPersist Enable: Boolean
MinimumSizeForLabeling: Double
esriSystem.IClone Above: Boolean NeverRemoveLabel: Boolean esriSystem.IPersistStream PerpendicularToAngle: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersist RotationField: String
AtEnd: Boolean OffsetAlongLineProperties:
AtStart: Boolean RotationType: esriLabelRotationType
esriSystem.IPersistStream Below: Boolean LabelStyle
Horizontal: Boolean esriMaplexPointPlacementMethod
InLine: Boolean ILabelStyle2 ILabelStyle2 : IUnknown
Left: Boolean
Offset: Double ILabelStyle BasicOverposterLayerProperties: IPointPlacementPriorities
PolygonBoundaryWeight: Long

OnTop: Boolean IBasicOverposterLayerProperties
Parallel: Boolean esriSystem.IClone OverposterLayerProperties: PolygonPlacementMethod:
Perpendicular: Boolean esriMaplexPolygonPlacementMethod
ProduceCurvedLabels: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersist IOverposterLayerProperties MaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties
Symbol: ITextSymbol PreferHorizontalPlacement: Boolean
Right: Boolean esriSystem.IPersistStream PreferredEndOfStreetClearance: Double
IMaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties IMaplexOffsetAlongLineProperties : IUnknown
PrimaryOffset: Double
annoError esriLegendItemArrangement esriMaplexAnchorPointType esriMaplexLabelAnchorPoint esriMaplexPointPlacementMethod esriOverposterCaps PrimaryOffsetUnit: esriMaplexUnit esriSystem.IClone Distance: Double
RepeatLabel: Boolean esriSystem.IPersist DistanceUnit: esriMaplexUnit
-2147220991 - ANNO_E_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION 0 - esriPatchLabelDescription 0 - esriMaplexGeometricCenter 0 - esriMaplexCenterOfLabel 0 - esriMaplexAroundPoint 0 - esriCanPlaceLabels
RotationProperties: IMaplexRotationProperties LabelAnchorPoint: esriMaplexLabelAnchorPoint
-2147220990 - ANNO_E_NULL_NOT_SUPPORTED 1 - esriPatchDescriptionLabel 1 - esriMaplexErodedCenter 1 - esriMaplexNearestSideOfLabel 1 - esriMaplexCenteredOnPoint 1 - esriCanPlaceSymbols esriSystem.IPersistStream
-2147220989 - ANNO_E_FONT_NOT_FOUND 2 - esriLabelPatchDescription 2 - esriMaplexPerimeter 2 - esriMaplexFurthestSideOfLabel 2 - esriMaplexNorthOfPoint 2 - esriCanAddBarriers SecondaryOffset: Double PlacementMethod:
-2147220988 - ANNO_E_INVALID_FONT_SIZE 3 - esriLabelDescriptionPatch 3 - esriMaplexUnclippedGeometricCenter 3 - esriMaplexNortheastOfPoint SpreadCharacters: Boolean esriMaplexOffsetAlongLineMethod
-2147220987 - ANNO_E_INVALID_ANGLE 4 - esriDescriptionPatchLabel 4 - esriMaplexEastOfPoint SpreadWords: Boolean Tolerance: Double
UseLineDirection: Boolean
-2147220986 - ANNO_E_NO_SYM_OVERRIDE 5 - esriDescriptionLabelPatch 5 - esriMaplexSoutheastOfPoint ThinDuplicateLabels: Boolean
-2147220985 - ANNO_E_INVALID_SYM_ID esriMaplexLineFeatureType 6 - esriMaplexSouthOfPoint esriOverposterPointPlacementMethod ConvertLabelsToAnnotation ConvertFDOAnnoToCoverageAnno ThinningDistance: Double
esriMaplexConnectionType 0 - esriMaplexLineFeature 7 - esriMaplexSouthwestOfPoint 0 - esriAroundPoint
0 - esriMaplexMinimizeLabels 1 - esriMaplexStreetFeature 8 - esriMaplexWestOfPoint 1 - esriOnTopPoint IConvertLabelsToAnnotation IConvertLabelsToAnnotation : IUnknown IConvertFDOAnnoToCoverageAnno : IUnknown
2 - esriSpecifiedAngles
esriLabelEnvLabelStyleMethod 1 - esriMaplexUnambiguous 2 - esriMaplexStreetAddressRange 9 - esriMaplexNorthwestOfPoint
esriAnnotationStatus ISupportErrorInfo AnnoLayers: IEnumLayer IMaplexOver posterLayerProperties2 : IUnknown
0 - esriAnnoStatusPlaced
0 - esriUseFeatureLayerLabelStyle 3 - esriMaplexContourFeature 3 - esriRotationField
ErrorInfo: String CancelTracker: ITrackCancel IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties2 MaplexLabelStackingProperties
1 - esriChooseLabelStyle 4 - esriMaplexRiverFeature ConvertOnlySelectedSet: Boolean
1 - esriAnnoStatusUnplaced AddFeatureLayer (in pFeatureLayer: CoverageAnnotationLayer: CanFlipStackedStreetLabel: Boolean
esriMaplexConstrainOffset IFeatureLayer, in annoLayerName: ICoverageAnnotationLayer CanPlaceLabelOnTopOfFeature: Boolean IMaplexLabelStackingProperties IMaplexLabelStackingProperties : IUnknown
esriMaplexPolygonPlacementMethod esriOverposterPolygonPlacementMethod String, in pFeatureWorkspace:
0 - esriMaplexNoConstraint
0 - esriMaplexHorizontalInPolygon
Display: IDisplay CanReduceLeading: Boolean esriSystem.IClone MaximumNumberOfCharsPerLine: Long
esriLabelEnvPlacement 1 - esriMaplexAboveLine esriMaplexLinePlacementMethod 0 - esriAlwaysHorizontal IFeatureWorkspace, in pFeatureDataset: ErrorsConverting: Boolean ContourAlignmentType: MaximumNumberOfLines: Long
1 - esriMaplexStraightInPolygon 1 - esriAlwaysStraight IFeatureDataset, in FeatureLinked: esriMaplexContourAlignmentType
esriSystem.IPersist MinimumNumberOfCharsPerLine: Long
0 - esriMapAnnotation 0 - esriPlaceWhereClick 2 - esriMaplexBelowLine 0 - esriMaplexCenteredHorizontalOnLine FDOGraphicsLayer: IFDOGraphicsLayer
1 - esriCalculateBestPlacement 3 - esriMaplexLeftOfLine 1 - esriMaplexCenteredStraightOnLine 2 - esriMaplexCurvedInPolygon 2 - esriMixedStrategy Boolean, in appendMode: Boolean, in FeaturesConverted: Long ContourLadderType: esriSystem.IPersistStream SeparatorCount: Long
1 - esriDatabaseAnnotation RequireSymbolID: Boolean, in StackJustification: esriMaplexStackingJustification
4 - esriMaplexRightOfLine 2 - esriMaplexCenteredCurvedOnLine 3 - esriMaplexHorizontalAroundPolygon esriMaplexContourLadderType
4 - esriMaplexRepeatAlongBoundary AutoCreate: Boolean, in autoUpdate: ConvertAnnotation ContourMaximumAngle: Long
3 - esriMaplexCenteredPerpendicularOnLine
5 - esriMaplexCurvedAroundPolygon Boolean, in configKeyword: String) EnablePolygonFixedPosition: Boolean
4 - esriMaplexOffsetHorizontalFromLine ConvertLabels AddSeparator (in Separator: String, in Visible:
esriBasicNumLabelsOption esriMaplexPolygonPlacementMethod EnableSecondaryOffset: Boolean Boolean, in splitForced: Boolean, in splitAfter:
esriLabelRotationType 5 - esriMaplexOffsetStraightFromLine Initialize (in pMap: IMap, in storageType:
0 - esriNoLabelRestrictions 0 - esriMaplexHorizontalInPolygon GraticuleAlignmentType: Boolean)
0 - esriRotateLabelGeographic esriMaplexContourAlignmentType 6 - esriMaplexOffsetCurvedFromLine esriAnnotationStorageType, in esriMaplexGraticuleAlignmentType
1 - esriOneLabelPerName 1 - esriMaplexStraightInPolygon ClearSeparators
1 - esriRotateLabelArithmetic 0 - esriMaplexUphillAlignment 7 - esriMaplexOffsetPerpendicularFromLine whichFeatures: esriLabelWhichFeatures, IsLabelBufferHardConstraint: Boolean QuerySeparator (in Index: Long, out Separator:
2 - esriOneLabelPerShape 2 - esriMaplexCurvedInPolygon
2 - esriRotateLabelRadians 1 - esriMaplexPageAlignment esriMaplexStackingJustification in generateUnplacedAnnotation: IsMinimumSizeBasedOnArea: Boolean String, out Visible: Boolean, out splitForced:
3 - esriOneLabelPerPart 3 - esriMaplexHorizontalAroundPolygon Boolean, in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel,
3 - esriRotateLabelAV3 0 - esriMaplexChooseBestJustification IsOffsetFromFeatureGeometry: Boolean Boolean, out splitAfter: Boolean)
4 - esriMaplexRepeatAlongBoundary in pAnnotationErrorEvents:
1 - esriMaplexConstrainJustificationLeftOrRight LineFeatureType: esriMaplexLineFeatureType
esriMaplexOffsetAlongLineMethod 5 - esriMaplexCurvedAroundPolygon IAnnotationErrorEvents)
2 - esriMaplexConstrainJustificationLeft
esriMaplexContourLadderType 0 - esriMaplexBestPositionAlongLine MaximumLabelOverrunUnit: esriMaplexUnit
esriBasicOverposterFeatureType 3 - esriMaplexConstrainJustificationRight
esriLabelWhichFeatures 0 - esriMaplexNoLadder 1 - esriMaplexBeforeStartOfLine MinimumFeatureSizeUnit: esriMaplexUnit
0 - esriOverposterPoint 4 - esriMaplexConstrainJustificationCenter
0 - esriAllFeatures 1 - esriMaplexStraightLadder 2 - esriMaplexAlongLineFromStart PolygonAnchorPointType:
1 - esriOverposterPolyline esriPlacedObjectType esriMaplexAnchorPointType
2 - esriOverposterPolygon 1 - esriVisibleFeatures 2 - esriMaplexCurvedLadder 3 - esriMaplexAlongLineFromEnd
0 - esriPlacedLabel PolygonExternalZones (in zone:
2 - esriSelectedFeatures 4 - esriMaplexAfterEndOfLine
1 - esriPlacedSymbol esriMaplexZoneIdentifier): Long
MaplexLabelStyle PolygonFeatureType: MaplexAnnotationPropertiesConverter
esriBasicOverposterWeight esriMaplexGraticuleAlignmentType 0 - esriMaplexUnitMap ILabelStyle2 ILabelStyle2 : IUnknown
PolygonInternalZones (in zone: IAnnotationPropertiesConverter IAnnotationPropertiesConver ter : IUnknown
0 - esriNoWeight esriMaplexAbbrevType 0 - esriMaplexGAStraight esriMaplexPlacementQuality 1 - esriMaplexUnitMM esriPlacementCode
0 - esriPlacementOk
ILabelStyle BasicOverposterLayerProperties: esriMaplexZoneIdentifier): Long
1 - esriLowWeight 0 - esriMaplexAbbrevTypeTranslation 1 - esriMaplexGAStraightNoFlip 1 - esriMaplexPlacementQualityLow 2 - esriMaplexUnitInch RepetitionIntervalUnit: esriMaplexUnit
2 - esriMediumWeight 1 - esriMaplexAbbrevTypeKeyword 2 - esriMaplexGACurved 2 - esriMaplexPlacementQualityMedium 3 - esriMaplexUnitPoint 1 - esriPlacementUnplaced esriSystem.IClone IBasicOverposterLayerProperties CanConvert (in sourceAnnotationPropertiesID: IUID, in
OverposterLayerProperties: SecondaryOffsetMaximum: Double
3 - esriHighWeight 2 - esriMaplexAbbrevTypeEnding 3 - esriMaplexGACurvedNoFlip 3 - esriMaplexPlacementQualityHigh 4 - esriMaplexUnitPercentage 2 - esriPlacementSystemError esriSystem.IPersist IOverposterLayerProperties SecondaryOffsetMinimum: Double
destinationAnnotationPropertiesID: IUID): Boolean
esriSystem.IPersistStream Symbol: ITextSymbol StrategyPriority (in strategy:
esriMaplexStrategyIdentifier): Long Convert (in Type: esriGeometryType, in
ThinningDistanceUnit: esriMaplexUnit DisplayTransformation: IDisplayTransformation, in
esriMaplexRotationAlignmentType esriMaplexStrategyIdentifier esriMaplexZoneIdentifier esriMaplexKeyNumberHorizontalAlignment esriMaplexKeyNumberResetType sourceAnnotationPropertiesID: IUID, in sourceProps:
0 - esriMaplexRotationAlignmentStraight 0 - esriMaplexStrategyStacking 0 - esriMaplexAboveLeft 0 - esriMaplexKeyNumberHorizontalAlignmentAuto 0 - esriMaplexKeyNumberResetTypeNone IMaplexLabelStyle IMaplexLabelStyle : IUnknown IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection, in
0 - esriMaplexPolygonFeature
1 - esriMaplexRotationAlignmentHorizontal 1 - esriMaplexStrategyOverrun 1 - esriMaplexAboveCenter 1 - esriMaplexKeyNumberHorizontalAlignmentLeft 1 - esriMaplexKeyNumberResetTypeMaybe destinationAnnotationPropertiesID: IUID):
1 - esriMaplexLandParcelFeature
2 - esriMaplexRiverPolygonFeature 2 - esriMaplexRotationAlignmentPerpendicular 2 - esriMaplexStrategyFontCompression 2 - esriMaplexAboveRight 2 - esriMaplexKeyNumberHorizontalAlignmentRight 2 - esriMaplexKeyNumberResetTypeAlways IOverposterLayerProperties2 IOverposterLayerProperties2 : IUnknown IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection
3 - esriMaplexPolygonBoundaryFeature 3 - esriMaplexStrategyFontReduction 3 - esriMaplexCenterRight IOverposterLayerProperties HasFeatureWeight: Boolean
4 - esriMaplexStrategyAbbreviation 4 - esriMaplexBelowRight IsBarrier: Boolean
5 - esriMaplexBelowCenter esriMaplexMultiPartOption
IMaplexOverposterLayerProperties3 PlaceLabels: Boolean
6 - esriMaplexBelowLeft 0 - esriMaplexOneLabelPerFeature ILicensedComponent PlaceSymbols: Boolean
7 - esriMaplexCenterLeft 1 - esriMaplexOneLabelPerPart TagUnplaced: Boolean
8 - esriMaplexCenter 2 - esriMaplexOneLabelPerSegment
esriCachedMapServiceType esriQueryResultFormat esriIdentifyOption
0 - esriSingleFusedMapCache 0 - esriQueryResultRecordSetAsObject -1 - esriIdentifyAllLayers
Types of Classes 1 - esriIndividualLayerCaches 1 - esriQueryResultKMLAsMime -2 - esriIdentifyVisibleLayers

Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.) esriImageReturnType
2 - esriQueryResultKMLAsURL
3 - esriQueryResultJsonAsMime
4 - esriQueryResultJsonAsURL
-3 - esriIdentifyTopmost
-4 - esriIdentifyTopOneWithHTMLPopup
-5 - esriIdentifyVisibleWithHTMLPopup

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
0 - esriImageReturnURL
1 - esriImageReturnMimeData
5 - esriQueryResultAMFAsMime
6 - esriQueryResultAMFAsURL
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class. 10000 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetDocumentInfo
esriImageFormat esriRelateResultFormat 10001 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetDocumentInfo
-1 - esriImageNone 0 - esriRelateResultRelatedRecordSetAsObject 10002 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetMapCount
Types of Relationships 0 - esriImageBMP

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance 1 - esriImageJPG
1 - esriRelateResultJsonAsMime 10003 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetMapCount
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined 2 - esriRelateResultJsonAsURL 10004 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetMapName
multiplicities at both ends. 2 - esriImageDIB 3 - esriRelateResultAMFAsMime 10005 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetMapName
3 - esriImageTIFF 4 - esriRelateResultAMFAsURL 10006 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetDefaultMapName
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and 4 - esriImagePNG
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note 5 - esriImagePNG24
10007 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetDefaultMapName
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses. 10008 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetServerInfo
Composition 6 - esriImageEMF esriServerHTMLPopupType 10009 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetServerInfo
InterfaceB Interface of interest 7 - esriImagePS 0 - esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone

Map Server
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it 10010 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ExportMapImage
Class creates an object from another class. 8 - esriImagePDF 1 - esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsURL 10011 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ExportMapImage
9 - esriImageAI 2 - esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText 10012 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ExportScaleBar
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
10 - esriImageGIF
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class. 10013 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ExportScaleBar
11 - esriImageSVG 10014 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_Find
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A 12 - esriImageSVGZ esriClassifyMethod
0 - esriClassifyNaturalBreaks 10015 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_Find
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches. 13 - esriImagePNG32

Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7

1 - esriClassifyEqualInterval 10016 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_Identify
A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with 14 - esriImageJPGPNG 10017 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_Identify
2 - esriClassifyQuantile
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on 3 - esriClassifyStandardDeviation 10018 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryFeatureCount
Association 1..* Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities: 4 - esriClassifyGeometricalInterval 10019 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryFatureCount
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri 10020 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryFeatureIDs
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are
MapServerObjectDescription in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions. CompositeDataLayer in Carto 10021 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryFeatureIDs
0..1 - Zero or one esriLabelExpressionType 10022 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryFeatureData
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface esriGISClient.IServerObjectDescription IServerObjectDescription : IUnknown Layers 0 - esriLabelExpressionSimple 10023 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryFeatureData
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
1 - esriLabelExpressionPython
they implement. Outbound Interface enumeration
* or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer ClientProxyCLSID (in connType: AGSServerObjectName in GIS 2 - esriLabelExpressionVBScript
10024 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryFeatureCount2
firstValue - firstEnumeration esriAGSConnectionType): IUID 10025 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryFeatureCount2
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer Type: String Client 3 - esriLabelExpressionJScript 10026 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryFeatureIDs2
(Instance) represents interfaces that are 10027 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryFeatureIDs2
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get 10028 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryFeatureData2
Property Put
Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>> 10029 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryFeatureData2
(<classname>) indicates the name of the 10030 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryHyperlinks
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type MapServerLayer 10031 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryHyperlinks
secondMember: Type IMapServerLayer IMapServerLayer : IUnknown * TimeQueryFilter
10032 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ComputeScale
10033 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ComputeScale
MapServerLayerFactory ICompositeLayer2 BackgroundColor: IColor MapServerBasicSublayer 10034 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ComputeDistance
esriGeoDatabase.ITimeQueryFilter ITimeQuer yFilter : IUnknown
IDataLayer TransparentColor: IColor 10035 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ComputeDistance
ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown ILayerEffects esriSystem.IPersistStream OutputTimeReference: ITimeReference 10036 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ToMapPoints
ClearDrawCache IMapServerSublayer2 IMapServerSublayer2 : IUnknown
esriGeoDatabase.IQueryFilterDefinition 10037 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ToMapPoints
MapServerConfigurationFactory CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): ILayerExtensions GetConnectionInfo (out soName:
esriGeodatabase.IGeoDataset HasLabels: Boolean
TimeRelation: esriTimeRelation
TimeValue: ITimeValue 10038 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_FromMapPoints
Boolean IAGSServerObjectName, out docLocation: esriGeoDatabase.IQueryFilterDefinition2
esriServer.IConfigurationFactory3 IConfigur ationFactory3 : IConfigur ationFactory2 LayerCategory: String String, out MapName: String) ILayer LayerDescription: ILayerDescription
esriGeoDatabase.ISpatialFilter 10039 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_FromMapPoints
ServerObject PublicName: String
ILayerStatus LocalConnect (in docLocation: String, in
ILayerDrawingProperties ScaleSymbols: Boolean 10040 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetLegendInfo
IIdentifyGroup MapName: String)
ILayerGeneralProperties ShowLabels: Boolean esriGeoDatabase.IQueryFilter 10041 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetLegendInfo
StatisticsRequest OnRename (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props:
in Server Create (in inputObject: IUnknown):
ServerConnect (in soName:
IAGSServerObjectName, in MapName: ILegendInfo
SourceID: String esriGeoDatabase.IQueryFilter2 10042 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetSQLSyntaxInfo
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo IPropertySet): IPropertySet
IEnumLayer String) esriSystem.IXMLSerialize 10043 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetSQLSyntaxInfo
IStatisticsRequest IStatisticsRequest : IUnknown LoadLayers: IEnumLayer ILayerInfo esriSystem.IPersistStream 10044 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetSupportedImageReturnTypes
LayerDrawingDescriptions IServiceLayerImageFormat IServiceLayerImageFormat : IUnknown IMapServerSublayer esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport
GroupByFields: String esriServer.IConfigurationFactory2 IConfigur ationFactory2 : IConfigur ationFactory
10045 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetSupportedImageReturnTypes
OrderByFields: String
ILayerDrawingDescriptions ILayer DrawingDescriptions : IUnknown
IHTMLPopupIdentify RequestedImageType: esriImageFormat IMapServerGroupLayer 10046 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_IsFixedScaleMap
StatisticDescriptions: IStatisticDescriptions IIdentifyDisplay SupportedImageFormat (in Index: Long): ISupportErrorInfo 10047 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_IsFixedScaleMap
BeforeStart (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props: esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long esriImageFormat 10048 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_HasSingleFusedMapCache
IPropertySet) esriSystem.IPersistStream IHTMLPopupInfo 10049 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_HasSingleFusedMapCache
Element (in Index: Long): SupportedImageFormatCount: Long
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize ILayerDrawingDescription IHTMLPopupInfo2 10050 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetTileCacheInfo
BeforeStop (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props:
10051 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetTileCacheInfo
IPropertySet) esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Add (in pLayerDrawingDescription: IMapServerGroupLayer IMapServerGroupLayer : IUnknown 10052 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetTileImageInfo
OnRemoveEx (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in Insert (in Index: Long, in esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer Count: Long 10053 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetTileImageInfo
props: IPropertySet) pLayerDrawingDescription: MapServer IHTMLPopupIdentify2 Layer (in Index: Long): ILayer MapServerIdentifySublayer 10054 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetMapTile
ILayerDrawingDescription) IIdentify 10055 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetMapTile
ShowLayers (in Show: Boolean, in layerIds:
StatisticDescriptions Remove (in Index: Long) IMapServer3 IMapServer3 : IUnknown ITimeData
ILongArray) IIdentify2
10056 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_HasLayerCache
esriServer.IConfigurationFactory IConfigur ationFactory : IUnknown RemoveAll
DefaultMapName: String
ITimeDataDisplay 10057 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_HasLayerCache
IStatisticDescriptions IStatisticDescr iptions : IUnknown IMapServer2 ITimeData ITimeData : IUnknown
IIdentifyDisplay 10058 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_getLayerTile
DocumentInfo: IPropertySet
Count: Long MapCount: Long IHTMLPopupInfo 10059 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetLayerTile
OnAdd (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in pProps: IMapServer SupportsTime: Boolean 10060 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetVirtualCacheDirectory
Element (in Index: Long):
IPropertySet): IPropertySet
MapName (in Index: Long): String ILayerSymbologyExtents TimeReference: ITimeReference IHTMLPopupInfo2 10061 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetVirtualCacheDirectory
IStatisticDescription ServiceConfigurationInfo: IPropertySet
OnRemove ISecureLayer2 UseTime: Boolean IHTMLPopupIdentify 10062 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetCacheName
Add (in pStatisticDescription: OnStart (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props: ComputeDistance (in MapName: String, in IHTMLPopupIdentify2 10063 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetCacheName
GetFullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent
IStatisticDescription) IPropertySet) * fromPoint: IPoint, in toPoint: IPoint, in ISecureLayer 10064 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetCacheDescriptionInfo
esriSystem.IPersistStream Insert (in Index: Long, in OnStop (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props: Units: esriUnits): Double
pStatisticDescription: IPropertySet) ComputeScale (in mapDesc: ITimeData2 ITimeData2 : ITimeData 10065 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetCacheDescriptionInfo
IStatisticDescription) LayerDrawingDescription IMapDescription, in mapDisplay: esriDataSourcesRaster.IRasterResamplingControl HasLiveData: Boolean
10066 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetCacheControlInfo
Remove (in Index: Long) IImageDisplay): Double 10067 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetCacheControlInfo
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport RemoveAll ILayerDrawingDescription ILayer DrawingDescription : IUnknown ExportMapImage (in mapDesc: ILayerEvents MapServerQuerySublayer 10068 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetServiceConfigurationInfo
IXMLSerialize IMapDescription, in imageDesc: (LayerEventsHelper) IFind IFind MapServerFindSublayer 10069 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetServiceConfigurationInfo

LayerDrawingDescriptionFactory IImageDescription): IMapImage MapServerInfo IIdentify 10070 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ExportLayout

IPersistStream ExportScaleBar (in Scalebar: IScaleBar, in 10071 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ExportLayout
IPersist mapDesc: IMapDescription, in IMapServerInfo4 IMapServerInfo4 : IUnknown IIdentify2 10072 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ExportLegend
ILayer DrawingDescriptionFactor y : IUnknown
ILayerDrawingDescriptionFactory pMapDisplay: IImageDisplay, in
BackgroundColor: IColor 10073 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ExportLegend
BackgroundColor: IColor, in imageDesc:
IMapServerInfo3 BackgroundSymbol: IFillSymbol 10074 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ExportNorthArrow
* CanCreate (in pLayer: ILayer): Boolean
IImageDescription): IImageResult
Find (in mapDesc: IMapDescription, in IMapServerInfo Bookmarks: IMapServerBookmarks
CopyrightText: String
10075 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ExportNorthArrow
10076 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_FromPagePoints
CreateLayerDrawingDescription (in pLayer: ILayer): MapImage: IImageDisplay, in IMapServerInfo2
StatisticDescription ILayerDrawingDescription searchString: String, in Contains:
DefaultMapDescription: IMapDescription 10077 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_FromPagePoints
Boolean, in searchFields: String, in
IXMLSerialize Description: String 1..0 1..0 10078 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ToPagePoints
IStatisticDescription IStatisticDescr iption : IUnknown
option: esriFindOption, in layerIds: IPersistStream Extent: IEnvelope 10079 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ToPagePoints
FullExtent: IEnvelope
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize ResultFieldName: String ILongArray): IMapServerFindResults IPersist MapLayerInfos: IMapLayerInfos MapLayerInfos StandaloneTableInfos StandaloneTableDescriptions 10080 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_ApplyMapDescription
StatisticFieldName: String FromMapPoints (in MapDescription: 10081 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ApplyMapDescription
esriSystem.IPersistStream StatisticType: esriDataStatType IMapDescription, in mapDisplay: IMapServerTimeInfo MapUnits: esriUnits
IMapLayerInfos IMapLayer Infos : IUnknown IStandaloneTableInfos IStandaloneTableInfos : IUnknown IStandaloneTableDescriptions 10082 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_RefreshServerObjecs
MaxScale: Double IStandaloneTableDescriptions : IUnknown
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport RasterLayerDrawingDescription IImageDisplay, in mapPoints:
MinScale: Double 10083 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_RefreshServerObjecs
IPointCollection, in screenXValues: Count: Long Count: Long Count: Long
IRasterLayerDrawingDescription IRasterLayerDrawingDescription : IUnknown
ILongArray, in screenYValues:
Name: String IXMLSerialize Element (in Index: Long): IMapLayerInfo IXMLSerialize Element (in Index: Long): IXMLSerialize Element (in Index: Long):
10084 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Layer_Find_Start
1..* StandaloneTableDescriptions: IXMLVersionSupport IXMLVersionSupport IStandaloneTableInfo IXMLVersionSupport
10085 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Layer_Find_End
RasterRenderer: IRasterRenderer ILongArray) Add (in MapLayerInfo: IMapLayerInfo) IStandaloneTableDescription 10086 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Layer_Identify_Start
RasterLayerDrawingDescriptionFactory GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions (in
StandaloneTableInfos: IStandaloneTableInfos IPersistStream Insert (in Index: Long, in MapLayerInfo: IPersistStream Add (in StandaloneTableInfo: IPersistStream Add (in StandaloneTableDescription: 10087 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Layer_Identify_End
MapName: String, in pLayerIDs:
ILongArray, in outputOptions:
SupportsDynamicLayers: Boolean IPersist IMapLayerInfo) IPersist IStandaloneTableInfo) IPersist IStandaloneTableDescription) 10088 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Layer_QueryHyperlinks_Start
Remove (in Index: Long) Insert (in Index: Long, in Insert (in Index: Long, in 10089 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Layer_QueryHyperlinks_End
IServerSymbolOutputOptions): RemoveAll StandaloneTableInfo: StandaloneTableDescription: 10090 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Layer_GetLegendInfo_Start
ILayerDrawingDescriptions IMapServerTimeInfo2 IMapServerTimeInfo2 : IUnknown IStandaloneTableInfo) IStandaloneTableDescription) 10091 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Layer_GetLegendInfo_End
GetLegendInfo (in MapName: String, in
MapServerHyperlinks FeatureLayerDrawingDescription layerIds: ILongArray, in patch: DefaultTimeInterval: Double Remove (in Index: Long) Remove (in Index: Long) 10092 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MapReaderOpen_Start
FeatureLayerDrawingDescriptionFactory IMapServerLegendPatch, in imgType: DefaultTimeIntervalUnits: esriTimeUnits RemoveAll RemoveAll 10093 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MapReaderOpen_End
IMapServerHyperlinks IMapServerHyperlinks : IUnknown IImageType): IMapServerLegendInfos DefaultTimeWindow: Double 10094 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Preparation_Start
GetMapTableSubtypeInfos (in MapName:
PageDescription FullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent
IXMLSerialize Count: Long IFeatureLayerDrawingDescription2 IFeatureLayerDrawingDescription2 : IUnknown * 10095 - esriMapServerMsgCode_Preparation_End
Element (in Index: Long): String, in pTableIDs: ILongArray): IPageDescr iption : IUnknown HasLiveData: Boolean 10096 - esriMapServerMsgCode_QueryOperation_Start
FeatureRenderer: IFeatureRenderer IPageDescription
IXMLVersionSupport IMapServerHyperlink IFeatureLayerDrawingDescription IMapTableSubtypeInfos
MapLayerInfo 10097 - esriMapServerMsgCode_QueryOperation_End
LabelingDescription: ILabelingDescription GetServerInfo (in MapName: String): CustomGraphics: IGraphicElements
IPersistStream ILayerDrawingDescription 10098 - esriMapServerMsgCode_ImageGeneration_Started

Add (in Link: IMapServerHyperlink)

ScaleSymbols: Boolean IMapServerInfo Extent: IEnvelope
IPersist Insert (in Index: Long, in Link: SourceLayerID: Long IMapLayerInfo4 IMapLayer Info4 : IUnknown 10099 - esriMapServerMsgCode_ImageGeneration_End
IXMLSerialize GetSQLSyntaxInfo (in MapName: String, in esriSystem.IPersist Height: Double
10100 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryRelatedRecords
IPersistStream LayerID: Long): ISQLSyntaxInfo
esriSystem.IPersistStream MapFrames: IMapFrameDescriptions CanFind: Boolean StandaloneTableInfo StandaloneTableDescription 10101 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryRelatedRecords
Remove (in Index: Long) GetSupportedImageReturnTypes: Units: esriUnits IMapLayerInfo CanIdentify: Boolean
RemoveAll IPersist esriImageReturnType esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Width: Double IMapLayerInfo2 CanModifyDrawingDescription: Boolean IStandaloneTableInfo IStandaloneTableInfo : IMapTableInfo IStandaloneTableDescription IStandaloneTableDescription :
10102 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryRowCount
Identify (in mapDesc: IMapDescription, in 10103 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryRowCount
LabelClassDescriptions ILayerEffects
MapImage: IImageDisplay, in IMapLayerInfo3 CanScaleSymbols: Boolean
CanSelect: Boolean Description: String IMapTableDescription SimpleMapImage 10104 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryRowIDs
searchShape: IGeometry, in Tolerance: IXMLSerialize CopyrightText: String ISimpleMapImage ISimpleMapImage : IUnknown 10105 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryRowIDs
ILabelClassDescriptions ILabelClassDescriptions : IUnknown Long, in option: esriIdentifyOption, in Description: String 10106 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryData
IPersistStream IMapTableDescription

layerIds: ILongArray): DisplayField: String IMapTableInfo2 IMapTableInfo2 : IUnknown IMapTableDescription : IUnknown IImageResult Extent: IEnvelope 10107 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryData
Count: Long IPersist
IXMLSerialize IMapServerIdentifyResults Extent: IEnvelope IImageResult2
MapServerHyperlink IPersistStream
Element (in Index: Long):
QueryAttachmentData (in MapName: MapFrameDescriptions FieldAliases: IStringArray IMapTableInfo DisplayField: String
Fields: IFields
DefinitionExpression: String 10108 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetCacheStorageInfo
String, in TableID: Long, in Fields: IFields
ID: Long IMapImage 10109 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetCacheStorageInfo
IMapServerHyperlink IMapServerHyperlink : IUnknown IPersist Add (in pLabelClassDescription: LabelingDescription attachmentIDs: ILongArray, in IMapFrameDescriptions IMapFrameDescriptions : IUnknown
HasAttributes: Boolean IPersistStream
HasAttachments: Boolean
HasSubtype: Boolean
SourceID: String
IPersist 10110 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryRasterValue
10111 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryRasterValue
Location: IGeometry
IXMLVersionSupport ILabelClassDescription)
TransportType: esriTransportType): Count: Long HasHyperlinks: Boolean IPersist HTMLPopupType: esriServerHTMLPopupType IPersistStream 10112 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryAttachmentInfos
IXMLSerialize Insert (in Index: Long, in ILabelingDescription : IUnknown IAttachmentDataArray Element (in Index: Long): HasLabels: Boolean ID: Long IMapTableTimeDescription IMapTableTimeDescription : IUnknown
URL: String pLabelClassDescription: QueryAttachmentInfos (in MapName: IMapFrameDescription HasLayerDrawingDescription: Boolean IXMLVersionSupport IXMLSerialize 10113 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryAttachmentData
IPersistStream LabelClassDescriptions: Name: String TimeDataCumulative: Boolean
ILabelClassDescription) IXMLSerialize ILabelClassDescriptions
String, in TableID: Long, in rowIDs: HasLiveData: Boolean OIDFieldName: String IXMLSerialize 10114 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryAttachmentInfos
IPersist Remove (in Index: Long) ILongArray): IAttachmentInfoArray Add (in mapFrameDesc: TimeOffset: Double 10115 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryAttachmentData
IPersistStream QueryData (in MapName: String, in
ID: Long RelateInfos: IRelateInfos IPersistStream TimeOffsetUnits: esriTimeUnits
IPersist esriSystem.IPersist IMapFrameDescription) IsComposite: Boolean SupportsAdvancedQueries: Boolean
IPersist UseTime: Boolean
10116 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryHTMLPopups
pMapTableDescription: Insert (in Index: Long, in mapFrameDesc: IsFeatureLayer: Boolean 10117 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryHTMLPopups
IXMLVersionSupport IMapTableDescription, in Filter:
esriSystem.IPersistStream IMapFrameDescription)
SupportsStatistics: Boolean
MaxScale: Double 10118 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions
IQueryFilter, in options: esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Remove (in Index: Long) MinScale: Double
IDocumentVersionSupportGEN IQueryResultOptions): IQueryResult esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport IDynamicMapTableDescription IDynamicMapTableDescription : IUnknown
10119 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetDefaultLayerDrawingDescriptions
RemoveAll Name: String IMapTableTimeInfo IMapTableTimeInfo : IUnknown 10120 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetMapTableSubtypeInfos
QueryFeatureCount (in MapName: String,
* in LayerID: Long, in Filter: IQueryFilter):
ParentLayerID: Long
EndTimeFieldName: String IXMLVersionSupport Source: IMapServerSourceDescription 10121 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetMapTableSubtypeInfos
SourceDescription: String 10122 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryRelatedRecords2
Long FullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent
ServerSymbolOutputOptions LabelClassDescription QueryFeatureCount2 (in MapName: String,
SubLayers: ILongArray
Type: String StartTimeFieldName: String 10123 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryRelatedRecords2
in pLayerDescription: ILayerDescription, 1..* SupportsTime: Boolean 10124 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryRasterValue2
IServerSymbolOutputOptions IServerSymbolOutputOptions : IUnknown ILabelClassDescription2 ILabelClassDescription2 : IUnknown
in Filter: IQueryFilter): Long TimeInterval: Double 10125 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryRasterValue2
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN ConvertLabelExpressions: Boolean ExpressionType: esriLabelExpressionType QueryFeatureData (in MapName: String, in MapFrameDescription IMapTableInfo IMapTableInfo : IUnknown TimeIntervalUnits: esriTimeUnits 10126 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryAttachmentInfos2
LabelExpression: String LayerID: Long, in Filter: IQueryFilter): TimeReference: ITimeReference 10127 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryAttachmentInfos2
esriSystem.IPersist PictureOutputType:
ILabelClassDescription IMapFrameDescription IMapFrameDescription : IUnknown DisplayField: String
esriSystem.IPersistStream esriServerPictureOutputType LabelPlacementDescription:
LabelPlacementDescription IRecordSet
QueryFeatureData2 (in MapName: String, Fields: IFields
TimeValueFormat: String
TrackIDFieldName: String
10128 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryAttachmentData2
esriSystem.IPersist MapDescription: IMapDescription HasAttachments: Boolean 10129 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryAttachmentData2
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IXMLSerialize MaximumScale: Double ILabelPlacementDescription ILabelPlacementDescription : IUnknown
in pLayerDesciscription:
esriSystem.IPersistStream PageLocation: IEnvelope HasSubtype: Boolean 10130 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryHTMLPopups2
MinimumScale: Double ILayerDescription, in Filter: IQueryFilter,
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport IPersistStream Symbol: ITextSymbol in options: IQueryResultOptions): esriSystem.IXMLSerialize HTMLPopupType: esriServerHTMLPopupType
MapServerIdentifyResults 10131 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryHTMLPopups2
IPersist UseCodedValue: Boolean 10132 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetMapTableSubtypeInfos2
ID: Long 10133 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetMapTableSubtypeInfos2
IXMLVersionSupport WhereClause: String QueryFeatureIDs (in MapName: String, in
Name: String IMapServerIdentifyResults IMapServerIdentifyResults : IUnknown
10134 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryDataStatistics
IDocumentVersionSupportGEN LayerID: Long, in Filter: IQueryFilter): MapDescriptions OIDFieldName: String Count: Long 10135 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryDataStatistics
QueryFeatureIDs2 (in MapName: String, in RelateInfos: IRelateInfos Element (in Index: Long): 10136 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageArrival_GenerateDataClasses
IMapDescriptions IMapDescriptions : IUnknown
pLayerDesciscription: ILayerDescription, IMapServerIdentifyResult 10137 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GenerateDataClasses
in Filter: IQueryFilter): IFIDSet esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long 10138 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MessageInput_ExportMapImage
Element (in Index: Long): IMapDescription IMapTableInfo2 IMapTableInfo2 : IUnknown Add (in identifyResult:
QueryHTMLPopups (in MapName: String, esriSystem.IPersistStream LayerDescription esriSystem.IPersist IMapServerIdentifyResult) 10800 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MapServerFailed
in TableID: Long, in pRowIDs: DisplayField: String 10801 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MapServerStartedWithInvalidLayers
ILongArray): IStringArray
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in mapDesc: IMapDescription) esriSystem.IPersistStream Insert (in Index: Long, in identifyResult:
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in mapDesc: Fields: IFields ILayerDescription ILayer Description : IUnknown IMapServerIdentifyResult) 10802 - esriMapServerMsgCode_InvalidLicense
QueryHyperlinks (in mapDesc: HasAttachments: Boolean esriSystem.IXMLSerialize 10803 - esriMapServerMsgCode_UnsupportedRequest
IMapDescription) Remove (in Index: Long)
IMapDescription, in MapImage: HasSubtype: Boolean DefinitionExpression: String
IImageDisplay, in layerIds: ILongArray): Remove (in Index: Long)
HTMLPopupType: esriServerHTMLPopupType
IXMLSerialize ID: Long esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport RemoveAll 10804 - esriMapServerMsgCode_CapabilityUnsupported
IMapServerHyperlinks RemoveAll IPersistStream ScaleSymbols: Boolean 10805 - esriMapServerMsgCode_InvisibleOrInvalidFieldInSubField
ID: Long
QueryRasterValue (in MapName: String, in SelectionBufferDistance: Double 10806 - esriMapServerMsgCode_DisconnectedFromData
Name: String IPersist 1 10807 - esriMapServerMsgCode_SecureLayersEmbedded
sourceTableID: Long, in rowIDs: OIDFieldName: String SelectionColor: IColor
ILongArray, in FieldName: String, in RelateInfos: IRelateInfos SelectionFeatures: IFIDSet 10808 - esriMapServerMsgCode_FileInvalid
PointLabelPlacementDescription LineLabelPlacementDescription PolygonLabelPlacementDescription rasterValueType: IImageType): SupportsAdvancedQueries: Boolean SelectionSymbol: ISymbol * 10809 - esriMapServerMsgCode_FileReadableByArcReaderOnly
IPolygonLabelPlacementDescription IImageResults * SupportsStatistics: Boolean SetSelectionSymbol: Boolean 10810 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PMFUnservableReason
IPointLabelPlacementDescription IPointLabelPlacementDescription : IUnknown ILineLabelPlacementDescription ILineLabelPlacem entDescription : IUnknown IPolygonLabelPlacementDescription : QueryRelatedRecords (in MapName: ShowLabels: Boolean MapServerIdentifyResult 10811 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PMFFilePasswordProtexted
Type: esriServerPointLabelPlacementType Type: esriServerLineLabelPlacementType
IUnknown String, in sourceTable: Long, in pFIDs: MapDescription ShowSelectionBuffer: Boolean 10812 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PMFFileHasTimeOut
ILabelPlacementDescription ILabelPlacementDescription ILabelPlacementDescription Type: IFIDSet, in RelateDescription: IMapTableTimeInfo IMapTableTimeInfo : IUnknown Visible: Boolean IMapServerIdentifyResult2 IMapServerIdentifyResult2 : IUnknown 10813 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PMFReadMapError
IXMLSerialize IXMLSerialize IXMLSerialize esriServerPolygonLabelPlacementType IRelateDescription): IQueryResult IMapDescription2 IMapDescription2 : IUnknown
EndTimeFieldName: String 10814 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PMFFileCanNotBeOpened
QueryRowCount (in MapName: String, in FeatureId: Long
IPersistStream IPersistStream IPersistStream pTableDescription: BackgroundSymbol: IFillSymbol FullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent ILayerDescription2 ILayer Description2 : ILayer Description IMapServerIdentifyResult HTMLPopup: String
10815 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PMFGlobeEmbedded
IPersist IMapDescription StartTimeFieldName: String IXMLSerialize 10816 - esriMapServerMsgCode_FileOpenFailed
IPersist IPersist IMapTableDescription, in pFilter: CustomGraphics: IGraphicElements
SelectionBufferSymbol: IFillSymbol LayerID: Long
IXMLVersionSupport IQueryFilter): Long IXMLSerialize LayerDescriptions: ILayerDescriptions SupportsTime: Boolean
IXMLVersionSupport Name: String 10817 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PMFInvalidFileType
IXMLVersionSupport IXMLVersionSupport MapArea: IMapArea TimeInterval: Double SourceID: String 10818 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PMFUnknownError
QueryRowIDs (in MapName: String, in IPersistStream IPersistStream
Properties: IPropertySet
IDocumentVersionSupportGEN IDocumentVersionSupportGEN pTableDescription: MapRotation: Double TimeIntervalUnits: esriTimeUnits RelatedRows: IMapServerRelationships 10819 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MissingParameter
IMapTableDescription, in pFilter:
IPersist Name: String TimeReference: ITimeReference ILayerDescription3 ILayer Description3 : ILayer Description2 IPersist Shape: IGeometry 10820 - esriMapServerMsgCode_OutputDirectoryNotFound
IQueryFilter): ILongArray SelectionColor: IColor TimeValueFormat: String 10821 - esriMapServerMsgCode_OutputDirectoryAccessDenied
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference TrackIDFieldName: String LayerResultOptions: ILayerResultOptions IDocumentVersionSupportGEN
ToMapPoints (in MapDescription: 10822 - esriMapServerMsgCode_PropertyFilePathUndefined
IMapDescription, in mapDisplay: TransparentColor: IColor 10823 - esriMapServerMsgCode_IsCacheMissing
IImageDisplay, in screenXValues: 10824 - esriMapServerMsgCode_CacheOnDemandMissing
esriSystem.IRESTRequestHandler ILongArray, in screenYValues:
IMapTimeDescription IMapTimeDescription : IUnknown
IMapTableDescription IMapTableDescription : IUnknown 10825 - esriMapServerMsgCode_IgnoreCacheMissing
ILongArray): IPointCollection
DefinitionExpression: String 10826 - esriMapServerMsgCode_ClientCachingAllowedMissing
TimeReference: ITimeReference 10827 - esriMapServerMsgCode_OnStartFailed
IMapServerObjects2 ID: Long
IMapServerObjects2 : IUnknown TimeValue: ITimeValue
SourceID: String MapServerRelationships 10828 - esriMapServerMsgCode_OnStopFailed
IMapServerObjects Layer (in MapName: String, in LayerID: 10829 - esriMapServerMsgCode_CanNotIgnorecacheIfDisconnected
Long): ILayer IMapServerGeoTransformation IMapServerGeoTransformation : IUnknown LayerDescriptions IMapServerRelationships IMapServerRelationships : IUnknown 10830 - esriMapServerMsgCode_CanNotCacheOnDemandIfDisconnected
LayerID (in MapName: String, in pLayer:
IMapTableTimeDescription IMapTableTimeDescription : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersist 10831 - esriMapServerMsgCode_CanNotCacheOnDemandAndIgnoreCache
GeoTransformation: IGeoTransformation ILayerDescriptions ILayer Descriptions : IUnknown Count: Long
CacheInfo ILayer): Long TimeDataCumulative: Boolean esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long):
10832 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MissingServerEnvironment
Map (in MapName: String): IMap TimeOffset: Double 10833 - esriMapServerMsgCode_LackingServerAdminPrevileges
PageLayout: IPageLayout Count: Long esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IMapServerRelationship
ICacheInfo ICacheInfo : IUnknown IMapTimeDescription2 IMapTimeDescription2 : IMapTimeDescription Element (in Index: Long): ILayerDescription TimeOffsetUnits: esriTimeUnits
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport 10834 - esriMapServerMsgCode_CanNotConnectToCache
Thumbnail: IPictureDisp UseTime: Boolean Add (in rel: IMapServerRelationship)

esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN 10835 - esriMapServerMsgCode_WMSNeedsOutputDirectory
TileCacheInfo: ITileCacheInfo CacheControlInfo ApplyMapDescription (in MapDescription: TimeRelation: esriTimeRelation
esriSystem.IPersist Add (in LayerDescription: Insert (in Index: Long, in Row: 10836 - esriMapServerMsgCode_MapNotFound
esriSystem.IPersist TileImageInfo: ITileImageInfo
IMapDescription, in mapDisplay: ILayerDescription) IMapServerRelationship) 10837 - esriMapServerMsgCode_GeneralGeoDatabaseError
esriSystem.IPersistStream ICacheControlInfo ICacheContr olInfo : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersistStream Insert (in Index: Long, in LayerDescription: IDynamicLayerDescription IDynamicLayerDescription : IUnknown Remove (in Index: Long) 10838 - esriMapServerMsgCode_LayerIDNotFound
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN ClientCachingAllowed: Boolean RefreshServerObjects esriSystem.IXMLSerialize ILayerDescription)
DrawingDescription: RemoveAll 10839 - esriMapServerMsgCode_FieldNotFound
0..* esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Remove (in Index: Long) ILayerDrawingDescription 10840 - esriMapServerMsgCode_FormatNotSupported
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport esriSystem.IPersist RemoveAll
IMapServerData IMapServerData : IUnknown Source: IMapServerSourceDescription 1 10841 - esriMapServerMsgCode_ImageGenerationFailed
ICacheInfo2 esriSystem.IPersistStream 10842 - esriMapServerMsgCode_TableHasNoOIDHenceQueryFailed
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize GetFeature (in MapName: String, in 10843 - esriMapServerMsgCode_DefaultSymbolGenerated
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport LayerID: Long, in FeatureId: Long): IDynamicMapTableDescription IDynamicMapTableDescription : IUnknown * 10844 - esriMapServerMsgCode_TooManyDomains
IFeature MapServerRelationship 10845 - esriMapServerMsgCode_SymbologyNotConverted
Source: IMapServerSourceDescription
0..1 GetFeatureValue (in MapName: String, in LayerResultOptions 10846 - esriMapServerMsgCode_LayerDrawingDescriptionNotValid
LayerID: Long, in Feature: IFeature, in
FieldName: String): String ILayer ResultOptions : IUnknown
IMapServerRelationship IMapServerRelationship : IUnknown 10847 - esriMapServerMsgCode_InvalidEmbeddedFont
TileImageInfo 0..1 esriSystem.IPersist 10848 - esriMapServerMsgCode_DynamicDataSourceError
Name: String
IMapServerLayout FormatValuesInResults: Boolean
ITileImageInfo ITileImageInfo : IUnknown CacheDescriptionInfo IMapServerLayout : IUnknown ILayerResultOptions GeometryResultOptions:
esriSystem.IPersistStream Rows: IMapServerRows
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize esriServerLineLabelPlacementType
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN DefaultPageDescription: IPageDescription IGeometryResultOptions
CompressionQuality: Long ICacheDescriptionInfo ICacheDescriptionInfo : IUnknown IncludeGeometry: Boolean 0 - esriServerLinePlacementAboveAfter
esriSystem.IPersist Format: String ExportLayout (in pageDesc: esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo 1 - esriServerLinePlacementAboveAlong
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN CacheControlInfo: ICacheControlInfo 0..* IPageDescription, in imageDesc:
ReturnFieldNamesInResults: Boolean
2 - esriServerLinePlacementAboveBefore
esriSystem.IPersistStream esriSystem.IPersist CacheType: esriCachedMapServiceType IImageDescription): ILayoutImage 3 - esriServerLinePlacementAboveStart
LayerCacheInfos: ILayerCacheInfos ExportLegend (in Legend: ILegend, in
ITileImageInfo2 ITileImageInfo2 : ITileImageInfo esriSystem.IPersistStream TileCacheInfo: ITileCacheInfo mapDesc: IMapDescription, in
4 - esriServerLinePlacementAboveEnd
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize 5 - esriServerLinePlacementBelowAfter
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Antialiasing: Boolean TileImageInfo: ITileImageInfo pMapDisplay: IImageDisplay, in
6 - esriServerLinePlacementBelowAlong
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport BackgroundColor: IColor, in imageDesc:
7 - esriServerLinePlacementBelowBefore
IImageDescription): IImageResult
ICacheDescriptionInfo2 ExportNorthArrow (in arrow: INorthArrow, in 8 - esriServerLinePlacementBelowStart
mapDesc: IMapDescription, in MapServerFindResults MapServerRows 9 - esriServerLinePlacementBelowEnd
BackgroundColor: IColor, in imageDesc: 10 - esriServerLinePlacementCenterAfter
IImageDescription): IImageResult MapArea IMapServerFindResults IMapServerFindResults : IUnknown IMapServerRows IMapServerRows : IUnknown 11 - esriServerLinePlacementCenterAlong
ExportScaleBar (in Scalebar: IScaleBar, in 12 - esriServerLinePlacementCenterBefore
mapDesc: IMapDescription, in IMapArea IMapArea : IUnknown Count: Long esriSystem.IPersist
IXMLSerialize Element (in Index: Long): esriSystem.IPersistStream
Count: Long 13 - esriServerLinePlacementCenterStart
pMapDisplay: IImageDisplay, in esriSystem.IPersist IXMLVersionSupport Element (in Index: Long): IMapServerRow 14 - esriServerLinePlacementCenterEnd
0..1 0..1 BackgroundColor: IColor, in imageDesc: esriSystem.IPersistStream
Extent: IEnvelope IMapServerFindResult esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
IImageDescription): IImageResult IPersistStream Add (in findResult: IMapServerFindResult) esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Add (in Row: IMapServerRow)
FromPagePoints (in pageExtent: IEnvelope, esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IPersist Insert (in Index: Long, in Row:
TileCacheInfo 0..1 in pageDisplay: IImageDisplay, in
Insert (in Index: Long, in findResult:
IMapServerRow) esriServerPictureOutputType
pagePoints: IPointCollection, in Remove (in Index: Long) 0 - esriServerPictureOutputAsPNG
ITileCacheInfo ITileCacheInfo : IUnknown Remove (in Index: Long)
RemoveAll 1 - esriServerPictureOutputAsPNGInMime
screenXValues: ILongArray, in RemoveAll
esriSystem.IPersist Dpi: Long screenYValues: ILongArray) 2 - esriServerPictureOutputAsIPicture
esriSystem.IPersistStream LODInfos: ILODInfos LayerCacheInfos ToPagePoints (in pageExtent: IEnvelope, in
Origin: IPoint pageDisplay: IImageDisplay, in MapServerBookmarks 1
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize SpatialReference: ISpatialReference ILayerCacheInfos ILayer CacheInfos : IUnknown
screenXValues: ILongArray, in esriServerPointLabelPlacementType
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport TileCols: Long esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long screenYValues: ILongArray): IMapServerBookmarks IMapServerBookmarks : IUnknown * 0 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveCenter
TileRows: Long
esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): ILayerCacheInfo IPointCollection Count: Long MapExtent CenterAndScale * 1 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveLeft
IXMLSerialize Element (in Index: Long): MapServerRow 2 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementAboveRight
ComputeResolutions esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in pLayerCacheInfo: ILayerCacheInfo)
IXMLVersionSupport IMapServerBookmark
IMapExtent IMapExtent : IUnknown ICenterAndScale ICenter AndScale : IUnknown
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in pLayerCacheInfo: IMapServerInit IMapServerInit : IUnknown 3 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowCenter
ILayerCacheInfo) IPersistStream Extent: IEnvelope Center: IPoint IMapServerRow IMapServerRow : IUnknown 4 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowLeft
FilePath: String Add (in bookmark: IMapServerBookmark)
MapScale: Double
IMapServerFindResult IMapServerFindResult : IUnknown
5 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementBelowRight
LODInfo Remove (in Index: Long)
MaxBufferCount: Long IPersist Insert (in Index: Long, in bookmark:
IXMLSerialize Name: String
RemoveAll IMapServerBookmark) FeatureId: Long PropertySet: IPropertySet 6 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterCenter
MaxImageHeight: Long
ILODInfo ILODInfo : IUnknown Remove (in Index: Long) FeatureProperties: IPropertySet IXMLVersionSupport RelatedRows: IMapServerRelationships 7 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterLeft
0..1 MaxImageWidth: Long
RemoveAll FeatureShape: IGeometry 8 - esriServerPointLabelPlacementCenterRight
esriSystem.IPersist MaxRecordCount: Long esriSystem.IPersist FieldName: String
LevelID: Long PhysicalOutputDirectory: String
LODInfos esriSystem.IPersistStream Resolution: Double esriSystem.IPersistStream LayerID: Long IMapServerRow2 IMapServerRow2 : IMapServerRow
Scale: Double
VirtualOutputDirectory: String CenterAndSize Value: String esriServerPolygonLabelPlacementType
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IPersist FeatureId: Long
0 - esriServerPolygonPlacementAlwaysHorizontal
ILODInfos ILODInfos : IUnknown Connect (in FilePath: String) ICenter AndSize : IUnknown
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport StartWithData (in pDataset: IDataset) ICenterAndSize
esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long
Stop Center: IPoint
esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): ILODInfo 1..* Height: Double esriDataStatType
0..* IMapServerInit2 0 - esriDataStatTypeCount
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in pLODInfo: ILODInfo) 0..* IMapServerInit2 : IMapServerInit
MapServerBookmark Units: esriUnits
Width: Double 1 - esriDataStatTypeSum
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in pLODInfo:
LayerCacheInfo PhysicalCacheDirectory: String 2 - esriDataStatTypeMin
ILODInfo) SOMCacheDirectory: String IMapServerBookmark IMapServerBookmark : IUnknown IFeatureExtent IFeatureExtent : IUnknown
3 - esriDataStatTypeMax
Remove (in Index: Long) SOMVirtualCacheDirectory: String
RemoveAll ILayerCacheInfo ILayer CacheInfo : IUnknown Name: String DefaultScale: Double 4 - esriDataStatTypeAverage
VirtualCacheDirectory: String ExpandRatio: Double
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN HasCache: Boolean 5 - esriDataStatTypeStdDev
FeatureIDs: IFIDSet
esriSystem.IPersist ID: Long
IMapServerDataAccess IMapServerDataAccess : IUnknown LayerID: Long MapServerLegendInfos 6 - esriDataStatTypeVariance
esriSystem.IPersistStream MapName: String
IMapServerLegendInfos IMapServerLegendInfos : IUnknown
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize GetDataSource (in MapName: String, in
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport LayerID: Long): IUnknown Count: Long
MapServerSourceDescription GetDisplayDataSource (in MapName: ImageResults ImageResult IXMLVersionSupport
Element (in Index: Long):
String, in LayerOrTableID: Long): IMapServerLegendInfo
IMapServerSourceDescription IMapServerSourceDescription : IUnknown IUnknown
IImageResults IIm ageResults : IUnknown IImageResult2 IIm ageResult2 : IUnknown IPersistStream Add (in info: IMapServerLegendInfo)
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IPersist IPersist Insert (in Index: Long, in info: MapServerLegendGroups
esriSystem.IPersistStream ITiledMapServer ITiledMapServer : IUnknown
Count: Long
IImageResult Height: Long
IMapServerLegendPatch IMapServerLegendPatch : IUnknown

esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IImageResult2 MimeData: BYTE[] Remove (in Index: Long) IMapServerLegendGroups IMapServerLegendGroups : IUnknown AreaPatch: IAreaPatch
IXMLSerialize MimeType: String
GetCacheName (in MapName: String, in IXMLSerialize Add (in pImageResult: IImageResult2) ReferenceDPI: Double
Count: Long esriSystem.IPersist LinePatch: ILinePatch
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN IPersistStream IXMLSerialize PatchHeight: Double
IObjectConstruct LayerID: Long): String IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in pImageResult: URL: String Element (in Index: Long): esriSystem.IPersistStream
GetLayerTile (in MapName: String, in IImageResult2) IPersist Width: Long IXMLVersionSupport IMapServerLegendGroup PatchResolution: Double
IRequestHandler LayerID: Long, in Level: Long, in Row: Remove (in Index: Long) IXMLVersionSupport esriSystem.IXMLSerialize PatchWidth: Double
IRequestHandler2 IPersistStream Add (in group: IMapServerLegendGroup)
MapTableSubtypeInfos Long, in column: Long): BYTE[]
GetMapTile (in MapName: String, in Level:
IPersist Insert (in Index: Long, in group:
IObjectActivate Long, in Row: Long, in column: Long): * * IMapServerLegendGroup)
QueryTableDataSourceDescription IMapTableSubtypeInfos IMapTableSubtypeInfos : IUnknown
ILogSupport BYTE[] Remove (in Index: Long)

IXMLSerialize Count: Long ISupportErrorInfo GetTileCacheInfo (in MapName: String): MapServerLegendInfo RemoveAll MapServerLegendClasses
IQueryTableDataSourceDescription IQueryTableDataSourceDescription : IUnknown Element (in Index: Long): ITileCacheInfo ImageDisplay
IPersistStream IMapTableSubtypeInfo IServerObject GetVirtualCacheDirectory (in MapName: IMapServerLegendInfo IMapServerLegendClasses IMapServerLegendClasses : IUnknown
GeometryType: esriGeometryType IImageDisplay2 IMapServerLegendInfo : IUnknown
IServerObjectExtensionManager String, in LayerID: Long): String IIm ageDisplay2 : IUnknown
OIDFields: String IPersist Add (in pMapTableSubtypeInfo: LayerID: Long Count: Long
HasLayerCache (in MapName: String, in IImageDisplay IXMLSerialize
Query: String IXMLVersionSupport IMapTableSubtypeInfo) IServerObjectConfigurationManager LayerID: Long): Boolean
DeviceResolution: Double IXMLSerialize LayerName: String 1..* Element (in Index: Long):
Height: Long IXMLVersionSupport
ShapeColumnName: String Insert (in Index: Long, in IServerObjectConfigurationManager2 HasSingleFusedMapCache (in MapName: esriSystem.IPersist IPersistStream LegendGroups: IMapServerLegendGroups IMapServerLegendClass
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference pMapTableSubtypeInfo:
IObjectValidate String): Boolean
MapImage esriSystem.IPersistStream
TransparentColor: IColor
Width: Long IPersist MapServerLegendGroup IPersistStream
IMapTableSubtypeInfo) IsFixedScaleMap (in MapName: String): LayoutImage IPersist
Add (in LegendClass:
Remove (in Index: Long) Boolean esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IMapServerLegendGroup IMapServerLegendGroup : IUnknown
IDataSourceDescription IDataSourceDescription : IUnknown RemoveAll IMapImage IMapIm age : IIm ageResult ILayoutImage ILayoutImage : IIm ageResult IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in LegendClass:
Classes: IMapServerLegendClasses IMapServerLegendClass)
WorkspaceID: String ITiledMapServer2 MapExtent: IEnvelope Extent: IEnvelope
IXMLSerialize Heading: String Remove (in Index: Long)
ITiledMapServer2 : ITiledMapServer IXMLSerialize IXMLSerialize
MapScale: Double MapImages: IMapImages IPersistStream RemoveAll
IPersistStream VisibleLayers: ILongArray IPersistStream ImageDescription IPersist
GetCacheControlInfo (in MapName: String):
ICacheControlInfo IPersist IPersist IImageDescription IIm ageDescr iption : IUnknown
GetCacheDescriptionInfo (in MapName: IXMLVersionSupport
1..* esriSystem.IPersist Display: IImageDisplay
TableDataSourceDescription 1..* String): ICacheDescriptionInfo
GetLayerTileEx (in MapName: String, in esriSystem.IPersistStream Type: IImageType 1..*
ITableDataSourceDescription ITableDataSourceDescription : IUnknown MapTableSubtypeInfo SubtypeInfos LayerID: Long, in Level: Long, in Row:
Long, in column: Long, in CacheFormat:
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize MapServerLegendClass
TableName: String IMapTableSubtypeInfo ISubtypeInfos Long): BYTE[]
MapImages ImageType DataClassificationDef
IMapTableSubtypeInfo : IUnknown ISubtypeInfos : IUnknown
GetMapTileEx (in MapName: String, in IMapServerLegendClass IMapServerLegendClass : IUnknown
VersionName: String IDataClassificationDef IDataClassificationDef : IUnknown
IDocumentVersionSupportGEN SubtypeFieldName: String IXMLSerialize Count: Long Level: Long, in Row: Long, in column:
IMapImages IMapIm ages : IUnknown IImageType IIm ageType : IUnknown Description: String
SubtypeInfos: ISubtypeInfos Element (in Index: Long): ISubtypeInfo Long, in CacheFormat: Long): BYTE[] IXMLSerialize BaseSymbol: ISymbol IXMLSerialize Label: String
IPersistStream IPersistStream GetTileImageInfo (in MapName: String): esriSystem.IPersist Format: esriImageFormat IPersistStream
IDataSourceDescription IDataSourceDescription : IUnknown TableID: Long Add (in pSubtypeInfo: ISubtypeInfo) IXMLSerialize Count: Long IPersistStream ColorRamp: IColorRamp SymbolImage: IImageResult
IXMLVersionSupport IPersist Insert (in Index: Long, in pSubtypeInfo:
ITileImageInfo Element (in Index: Long): IMapImage esriSystem.IPersistStream ReturnType: esriImageReturnType
IXMLVersionSupport IPersist TransparentColor: IColor
WorkspaceID: String
IXMLVersionSupport ISubtypeInfo)
IXMLVersionSupport esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
IXMLSerialize IPersistStream
Add (in mapImg: IMapImage) IDocumentVersionSupportGEN
Remove (in Index: Long) ITiledMapServer3 ITiledMapServer3 : IUnknown Insert (in Index: Long, in mapImg:
RemoveAll IPersist IMapImage)
GetCacheStorageInfo (in MapName: Remove (in Index: Long)
String): ICacheStorageInfo RemoveAll
JoinTableSourceDescription ClassBreakInfos
IJoinTableSourceDescription IJoinTableSourceDescription : IUnknown IClassBreakInfos IClassBreakInfos : IUnknown
JoinType: esriJoinType 1..* Count: Long
LeftSourceDescription: IClassBreaksDef IClassBreaksDef : IDataClassificationDef IXMLSerialize Element (in Index: Long): IClassBreakInfo
LeftTableKey: String
SubtypeInfo FieldDomainInfos QueryResultOptions RelatedRecordSet RelatedRecordGroups RelateInfos BreakCount: Long
Add (in pClassBreakInfo: IClassBreakInfo) * ClassBreakInfo
RightSourceDescription: ClassificationField: String IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in pClassBreakInfo:
ISubtypeInfo ISubtypeInfo : IUnknown IFieldDomainInfos IFieldDomainInfos : IUnknown IQueryResultOptions IQueryResultOptions : IUnknown IRelatedRecordSet IRelatedRecordSet : IUnknown IRelatedRecordGroups IRelatedRecordGroups : IUnknown IRelateInfos IRelateInfos : IUnknown ClassificationMethod: esriClassifyMethod IClassBreakInfo) IClassBreakInfo IClassBreakInfo : IUnknown
RightTableKey: String FieldDomainInfos: IFieldDomainInfos Count: Long Format: esriQueryResultFormat RelatedRecordFields: IFields Count: Long Count: Long NormalizationField: String Remove (in Index: Long)
IXMLSerialize IXMLSerialize IXMLSerialize IXMLSerialize IXMLSerialize ClassMaximumValue: Double
SubtypeCode: Long Element (in Index: Long): IFieldDomainInfo FormatProperties: IPropertySet RelatedRecordGroups: Element (in Index: Long): Element (in Index: Long): IRelateInfo NormalizationType: esriDataNormalization RemoveAll IClone ClassMinimumValue: Double
IPersistStream IPersistStream IPersistStream IXMLVersionSupport IXMLVersionSupport StandardDeviationInterval: Double
SubtypeName: String
Add (in pFieldDomainInfo:
GeoTransformation: IGeoTransformation IRelatedRecordGroups IRelatedRecordGroup
Add (in RelateInfo: IRelateInfo) IPersistStream Description: String
IPersist IPersist IFieldDomainInfo) IPersist IPersistStream IPersistStream Add (in RelatedRecordGroup: Insert (in Index: Long, in RelateInfo: IXMLSerialize Label: String
IXMLVersionSupport IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in pFieldDomainInfo: IXMLVersionSupport IPersist IPersist IRelatedRecordGroup) IRelateInfo) Symbol: ISymbol
MapTableSourceDescription IFieldDomainInfo) IDocumentVersionSupportGEN Insert (in Index: Long, in Remove (in Index: Long)
IDocumentVersionSupportGEN Remove (in Index: Long) RelatedRecordGroup: RemoveAll
IMapTableSourceDescription IMapTableSourceDescription : IUnknown RemoveAll IRelatedRecordGroup)
Remove (in Index: Long)
MapTableID: Long RemoveAll UniqueValueInfos
VersionName: String
UniqueValuesDef IUniqueValueInfos IUniqueValueInfos : IUnknown

SQLSyntaxInfo RelateDescription IUniqueValuesDef IUniqueValuesDef : IDataClassificationDef IXMLSerialize Count: Long

SimpleMapServerIdentifyObject 1..*
Element (in Index: Long): IUniqueValueInfo * UniqueValueInfo
ISQLSyntaxInfo ISQLSyntaxInfo : IUnknown IRelateDescription IRelateDescription : IUnknown 1..* FieldDelimiter: String
Add (in pUniqueValueInfo:
RasterDataSourceDescription esriSystem.IPersist FieldDomainInfo QueryResult Fields: IStringArray
IXMLVersionSupport IUniqueValueInfo) IUniqueValueInfo IUniqueValueInfo : IUnknown
IIdentifyObject IIdentifyObject : IUnknown GeometryResultOptions:
DelimitedIdentifierCase: Boolean IXMLSerialize RelatedRecordGroup

IRasterDataSourceDescription IRasterDataSourceDescription : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersistStream IFieldDomainInfo IQueryResult IGeometryResultOptions Insert (in Index: Long, in pUniqueValueInfo:
FunctionNames: IPropertySet IFieldDomainInfo : IUnknown IQueryResult : IUnknown Count: Long
Name: String
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IdentifierCase: Boolean IXMLVersionSupport GeoTransformation: IGeoTransformation
IRelatedRecordGroup RelateInfo IUniqueValueInfo) IClone Description: String
RasterName: String PropertySet: IPropertySet Domain: IDomain MimeData: BYTE[] IRelatedRecordGroup : IUnknown Remove (in Index: Long)
IIdentifyObj InvalidCharacters: String IXMLSerialize FieldName: String IXMLSerialize Object: IUnknown
IPersist IncludeGeometry: Boolean
RemoveAll IPersistStream Label: String
InvalidStartingCharacters: String OutputSpatialReference: ISpatialReference Records: IRecordArray IRelateInfo Symbol: ISymbol
Keywords: IStringArray IPersistStream IsInherited: Boolean IPersistStream URL: String OutputTimeReference: ITimeReference IXMLSerialize SourceRowID: Long
IRelateInfo : IUnknown IXMLSerialize
IDataSourceDescription IDataSourceDescription : IUnknown IMapServerIdentifyObject IMapServerIdentifyObject : IUnknown
Value: String
SpecialCharacters: IPropertySet IPersist IPersist RelatedTableDefinitionExpression: String IXMLVersionSupport Name: String
WorkspaceID: String MapServerIdentifyResult: StringComparisonCase: Boolean IXMLVersionSupport IXMLVersionSupport RelatedTableFields: String
IPersistStream RelatedTableID: Long esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN
IMapServerIdentifyResult SupportedClauses: IStringArray RelationshipID: Long RelationshipID: Long
SupportedPredicates: IStringArray IDocumentVersionSupportGEN IDocumentVersionSupportGEN ResultFormat: esriRelateResultFormat IPersist
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

Feature Service
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
Esri in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

ITableEditResults ITableEditResults : IUnknown
IPersist Count: Long
IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): ITableEditResult
IXMLSerialize Add (in TableEditResult: ITableEditResult)
Insert (in Index: Long, in TableEditResult:
Remove (in Index: Long)


GraphicFeatureServerObjectDescription ITableEdits ITableEdits : IUnknown
IGFSReplicationAgent IGFSReplicationAgent : IUnknown
IServerObjectDescription IServerObjectDescription : IUnknown IPersist
Count: Long * GFSReplicaDescription esriFeatureEditTool
0 - esriFeatureEditToolNone
ClientProxyCLSID (in connType: Element (in Index: Long): ITableEdit CreateReplica (in srcGFS:
esriAGSConnectionType): IUID IXMLSerialize TableEditResult IGraphicFeatureServer, in IGFSReplicaDescription IGFSReplicaDescription : IUnknown
1 - esriFeatureEditToolPoint
Add (in TableEdit: ITableEdit) destWorkspace: IWorkspace, in 2 - esriFeatureEditToolLine
Type: String
Insert (in Index: Long, in TableEdit: ITableEditResult ITableEditResult : IUnknown replicaName: String, in desc: ModelType: esriReplicaModelType 3 - esriFeatureEditToolPolygon
ITableEdit) IGFSReplicaDescription, in repOptions: QueryGeometry: IGeometry 4 - esriFeatureEditToolAutoCompletePolygon
Remove (in Index: Long) AddResults: IEditResults IGPReplicaOptions, in layerFolder: SingleGeneration: Boolean
DeleteResults: IEditResults 5 - esriFeatureEditToolCircle
RemoveAll String) TableDescriptions: IGFSTableDescriptions
LayerOrTableID: Long 6 - esriFeatureEditToolEllipse
SynchronizeReplica (in trgGFS:
GraphicFeatureServer UpdateResults: IEditResults IGraphicFeatureServer, in
7 - esriFeatureEditToolRectangle
8 - esriFeatureEditToolFreehand
srcWorkspace: IWorkspace, in
IGraphicFeatureServer IGr aphicFeatureServer : IUnknown 9 - esriFeatureEditToolAutoCompleteFreehand
replicaName: String, in dir:
Add (in LayerOrTableID: Long, in DataObjects: * esriGraphicFeatureServerErrors
IDataObjects): IEditResults IReplicationAgentCancelControl IReplicationAgentCancelContr ol : IUnknown
IServerObjectExtension AddAttachments (in LayerOrTableID: Long, in TableEdit -2147221403 - GFS_E_MISSING_PARAMETER
CancelTracker: ITrackCancel -2147221402 - GFS_E_UNSUPPORTED_DATASOURCE_TYPE
IObjectConstruct attachmentDataArray:
DataObjectTable ITableEdit ITableEdit : IUnknown -2147221401 - GFS_E_NOLAYER_OR_TABLE_INITIALIZED
IObjectActivate IAttachmentDataArray): IEditResults EditResults -2147221400 - GFS_E_LAYER_TABLE_NOT_EDITABLE
ApplyEdits (in TableEdits: ITableEdits): Adds: IDataObjects IFeatureProgress IFeaturePr ogress : IUnknown GFSTableDescriptions -2147221399 - GFS_E_FEATURE_UPDATE_FAILED_MISSING_M_VALUES
IDataObjectTable IDataObjectTable : IUnknown ITableEditResults Deletes: ILongArray IEditResults IEditResults : IUnknown
IRequestHandler Delete (in LayerOrTableID: Long, in LayerOrTableID: Long FeatureClassName: String IGFSTableDescriptions IGFSTableDescriptions : IUnknown -2147221398 - GFS_E_FEATURE_GEOMETRY_PUT_FAILED_FAILED_MISSING_Z_VALUES
CopyrightText: String
IRequestHandler2 DefinitionExpression: String, in queryFilter: IPersist Count: Long IsCancelled: Boolean -2147221397 - GFS_E_EDITOR_TRACKING_TIMESTAMPS_IN_UTC_AND_DATABASETIME_ERROR
Description: String IQueryFilter)
Updates: IDataObjects
IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IEditResult MaxFeatures: Long
esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long -2147221396 - GFS_E_MISSING_EDITOR_TRACKING_TIMEZONE_ERROR
DisplayPropName: String DeleteAttachments (in LayerOrTableID: Long,
IXMLSerialize MinFeatures: Long esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long):
GlobalIDPropName: String in idsOfAttachmentsToDelete: ILongArray): Add (in EditResult: IEditResult) IGFSTableDescription
HasAttachments: Boolean Insert (in Index: Long, in EditResult:
Position: Long esriSystem.IXMLSerialize esriGraphicFeatureServerMsgCodeEnum
IEditResults StepValue: Long
HTMLPopupType: DeleteByID (in LayerOrTableID: Long, in IEditResult) esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Add (in TableDescription: 17000 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_ErrorMessage
esriServerHTMLPopupType idsOfObjectsToDelete: ILongArray): Remove (in Index: Long) Step IGFSTableDescription)
17001 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_WarningMessage
ID: Long IEditResults RemoveAll Insert (in Index: Long, in TableDescription:
IGFSTableDescription) 17002 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_InfoMessage
Name: String GetCount (in LayerOrTableID: Long, in 17003 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_DebugMessage
IXMLSerialize OIDPropName: String DefinitionExpression: String, in queryFilter: Remove (in Index: Long)
IPersistStream PropertyInfos: IPropertyInfos IQueryFilter): Long
ServiceDataOptions RemoveAll 17004 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_ConstructStarted
Relations: IRelateInfos 17005 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMsgCode_InvalidLicense
IPersist Templates: ITemplateInfos
DataObjectTables GetLayers (in symbolOutputOptions:
IServiceDataOptions IServiceDataOptions : IUnknown 17006 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_ConstructEnded
IXMLVersionSupport TypeIDPropName: String
IDataObjectTables IDataObjectTables : IUnknown IGraphicFeatureLayers ETag: String 17007 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMsgCode_MixedEditingModeNotAllowed
Types: IDataObjectTypes GetServiceObjectCount (in IXMLSerialize Format: String 17008 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMsgCode_RequestNotSupported
IPersist Count: Long IPersistStream Properties: IPropertySet 17009 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMsgCode_CapabilityNotSupported
IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IDataObjectTable
IGFSTableDescriptions, in Geometry:
TransportType: esriTransportType * 17010 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMsgCode_TableLayerIDNotFound
IMapTableTimeInfo IMapTableTimeInfo : IUnknown IXMLSerialize Add (in DataObjectTable:
IGeometry): Long
GetTables (in symbolOutputOptions: EditResult * 17011 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMsgCode_TableLayerDoesNotSupportAttachments
17012 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_NonSDEDataUsed
EndTimeFieldName: String
IXMLVersionSupport IDataObjectTable) IServerSymbolOutputOptions, in 17013 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_DefaultZValueReadingError
Insert (in Index: Long, in DataObjectTable: ignoreLayers: Boolean): IDataObjectTables
FullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent IDataObjectTable) IEditResult IEditResult : IUnknown GFSTableDescription 17014 - esriGraphicFeatureServerMessageCode_DefaultZValueBeingUsed
StartTimeFieldName: String
SupportsTime: Boolean
* Remove (in Index: Long) Query (in LayerOrTableID: Long, in Code: Long
17015 - esriGraphicFeatureServeMsgCode_MissingParameter
17016 - esriGraphicFeatureServeMsgCode_InvalidLayerOrTableID
RemoveAll DefinitionExpression: String, in queryFilter: Description: String IGFSTableDescription
TimeInterval: Double IGFSTableDescription : IUnknown 17017 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_Add
TimeIntervalUnits: esriTimeUnits IQueryFilter, in ServiceDataOptions: GlobalID: String
IServiceDataOptions): IServiceData OID: Long DefinitionExpression: String 17018 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_Add
TimeReference: ITimeReference ID: Long 17019 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_AddAttachments
TimeValueFormat: String Succeeded: Boolean
QueryAttachmentData (in LayerOrTableID: 17020 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_AddAttachments
TrackIDFieldName: String
Long, in attachmentIDs: ILongArray, in 17021 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_ApplyEdits
TransportType: esriTransportType): 17022 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ApplyEdits
IAttachmentDataArray 17023 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_Delete
QueryAttachmentInfos (in LayerOrTableID: 17024 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_Delete
Long, in objectIDs: ILongArray): 17025 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_DeleteAttachments
PropertyInfos QueryFromService (in
ServiceData 17026 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_DeleteAttachments
17027 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_DeleteByID
IPropertyInfos : IUnknown
IServiceData IServiceData : IUnknown
DataObjectGroups 17028 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_DeleteByID
IPropertyInfos IGFSTableDescriptions, in Geometry:
17029 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetCount
Count: Long
IGeometry, in outSR: ISpatialReference, in IXMLSerialize EmbeddedData: BYTE[] IDataObjectGroups IDataObjectGroups : IUnknown
outTR: ITimeReference, in 17030 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetCount
esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IPropertyInfo ServiceDataOptions: IServiceDataOptions):
IPersistStream NotModified: Boolean DataObjectGroupArray: DomainInfo 17031 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetLayers
Object: IUnknown
Add (in PropertyInfo: IPropertyInfo) IServiceData IPersist ResponseETag: String
IDataObjectGroupArray 17032 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetLayers
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in PropertyInfo: QueryHTMLPopups (in LayerOrTableID: Long, ServiceDataOptions: IServiceDataOptions
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference IDomainInfo IDomainInfo : IUnknown 17033 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetServiceObjectCount
in objectIDs: ILongArray): IStringArray TimeReference: ITimeReference 17034 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetServiceObjectCount
IPropertyInfo) URI: String esriSystem.IPersist Domain: IDomain
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Remove (in Index: Long) esriSystem.IPersistStream Inherited: Boolean
17035 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetTables
RemoveAll QueryIDs (in LayerOrTableID: Long, in 17036 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetTables
GraphicFeatureLayer DefinitionExpression: String, in queryFilter: esriSystem.IXMLSerialize 17037 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_Query
IQueryFilter): ILongArray
QueryRelatedObjects (in
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport 17038 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_Query
IGraphicFeatureLayer IGr aphicFeatureLayer : IDataObjectTable
sourceLayerOrTableID: Long, in
17039 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryAttachmentData
objectIDsInSource: ILongArray, in 17040 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryAttachmentData
GeometryFieldName: String 17041 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryAttachmentInfos
* GeometryType: esriGeometryType
RelationshipID: Long, in
targetDefinitionExpression: String, in 17042 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryAttachmentInfos
targetTableProps: String, in DataObjectGroupArray 17043 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryFromService
PropertyInfo IFeatureLayerDrawingDescription
MaxScale: Double groupBySourceOIDs: Boolean, in outSR: 17044 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryFromService
ISpatialReference, in outTR: IDataObjectGroupArray IDataObjectGroupArray : IUnknown 17045 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryHTMLPopups
IPropertyInfo MinScale: Double
IPropertyInfo : IUnknown
SpatialExtent: IEnvelope ITimeReference, in ServiceDataOptions: IPersist Count: Long
LayerTablesAndDataMappings 17046 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryHTMLPopups
AliasName: String SpatialReference: ISpatialReference IServiceDataOptions): IServiceData 17047 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryIDs
esriSystem.IPersistStream Domain: IDomain Update (in LayerOrTableID: Long, in IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long):
ILayerTablesAndDataMappings ILayer TablesAndDataMappings : IUnknown
IDataObjectGroup 17048 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryIDs
Editable: Boolean DataObjects: IDataObjects): IEditResults IXMLSerialize ISupportErrorInfo GFLayerTableDataMappings: 17049 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_QueryRelatedObjects
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport IsNullable: Boolean UpdateAttachments (in LayerOrTableID: Long,
DataObjects Add (in DataObjectGroup: IGFLayerTableDataMappings 17050 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_QueryRelatedObjects
Length: Long in attachmentDataArray: IDataObjectGroup) Layers: IEnumLayer 17051 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_Update
IAttachmentDataArray): IEditResults IDataObjects
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Name: String
Type: esriFieldType * IPersist
IDataObjects : IUnknown Insert (in Index: Long, in DataObjectGroup:
17052 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_Update
17053 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_UpdateAttachments
IGraphicFeatureServerReplication DataObjectArray: IDataObjectArray Remove (in Index: Long)
IGr aphicFeatureServerReplication : IUnknown
IPersistStream SpatialReference: ISpatialReference RemoveAll 17054 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_UpdateAttachments
Replicas: IGPReplicas IXMLSerialize TimeReference: ITimeReference 17055 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_CreateReplica
17056 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_CreateReplica
AlterReplica (in Replica: IGPReplica) IXMLVersionSupport 17057 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_ExportReplicaDataChanges
CreateReplica (in replicaName: String, in
replicaDescription: IGFSReplicaDescription, 17058 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ExportReplicaDataChanges
in repOptions: IGPReplicaOptions, in 17059 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetReplicas

exportOptions: IGDSExportOptions, in
TransportType: esriGDSTransportType):
* GFLayerTableDataMappings 17060 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetReplicas
17061 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_ImportReplicaDataChanges
IGDSData IGFLayerTableDataMappings IGFLayerTableDataMappings : IUnknown 17062 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_ImportReplicaDataChanges
IGraphicFeatureLayers IGr aphicFeatureLayers : IUnknown ExportReplicaDataChanges (in replicaName: DataObjectGroup esriSystem.IPersist 17063 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_UnregisterReplica
esriSystem.IPersist String, in options: IGDSExportOptions, in Count: Long
IDataObjectGroup 17064 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_UnregisterReplica
Count: Long
TransportType: esriGDSTransportType):
IDataObjectGroup : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long):
esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long):
IGDSData esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IGFLayerTableDataMapping 17065 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_AlterReplica
IGraphicFeatureLayer DataObjectArray: IDataObjectArray 17066 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_AlterReplica
IDataObjectTypes IDataObjectTypes : IUnknown esriSystem.IXMLSerialize ImportReplicaDataChanges (in sourceType: GroupID: Long esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Add (in GFLayerTableDataMapping: 17067 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_Message_LayerTableNotEditable
IPersist esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Add (in GraphicFeatureLayer: esriGDSReplicaImportSource, in IGFLayerTableDataMapping) 17068 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_Message_ErrorInitializingLayers
Count: Long IGraphicFeatureLayer) reconcilePolicy: Insert (in Index: Long, in 17069 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_Message_ErrorInitializingTables
IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IDataObjectType Insert (in Index: Long, in esriReplicaReconcilePolicyType, in Data: GFLayerTableDataMapping:
IGDSData): Boolean 17070 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_Message_ErrorMissingQueryCriteria
IXMLSerialize Add (in DataObjectType: IDataObjectType)
GraphicFeatureLayer: IGFLayerTableDataMapping) 17071 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageArrival_GetServerInfo
IGraphicFeatureLayer) UnregisterReplica (in replicaName: String) Remove (in Index: Long)
IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in DataObjectType:
Remove (in Index: Long) 17072 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_MessageProcessed_GetServerInfo
IDataObjectType) RemoveAll
RemoveAll IGraphicFeatureServerInit 17073 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_OnRemoveExStart
Remove (in Index: Long) IGr aphicFeatureServerInit : IUnknown DataObjectArray 17074 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_OnRemoveExEnd
RemoveAll EnableZDefaults: Boolean 17075 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_NoInputDir
ZDefaults: Double IDataObjectArray IDataObjectArray : IUnknown
17076 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_InvalidInputDir
Connect (in MapServer: IMapServer) IPersist Count: Long 17077 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_NoCleanupRequired
IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IDataObjectEx 17078 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_CleanupFailed
esriSystem.IRESTRequestHandler IRESTRequestHandler : IUnknown IXMLSerialize Add (in DataObject: IDataObjectEx)
* 17079 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_MapServerConfigPropsMissing
17080 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_DeleteInfo
IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in DataObject: GFLayerTableDataMapping
* GetSchema: String * IDataObjectEx)
IGFLayerTableDataMapping IGFLayerTableDataMapping : IUnknown
17081 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_CleanupRequired
17082 - esriGraphicFeatureMsgCode_CfgFactory_CleanupFinished
HandleRESTRequest (in Capabilities: String, in Remove (in Index: Long)
DataObjectType resourceName: String, in operationName:
String, in operationInput: String, in
DataObject RemoveAll esriSystem.IPersist DatasetName: String
IDataObjectType IDataObjectType : IUnknown outputFormat: String, in requestProperties:
String, out responseProperties: String): IDataObjectEx IDataObjectEx : IUnknown
* esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo
LayerOrTableName: String
IPersist Name: String BYTE[]
IPersistStream PropDomains: IPropertySet IXMLSerialize Properties: IPropertySet esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
IXMLSerialize Templates: ITemplateInfos IPersistStream esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport
TypeID: Variant IGraphicFeatureServer2 IGr aphicFeatureServer2 : IUnknown
IXMLVersionSupport TemplateInfos IPersist
Add2 (in gdbVersion: String, in LayerOrTableID: IXMLVersionSupport
ITemplateInfos ITemplateInfos : IUnknown Long, in DataObjects: IDataObjects, in
rollbackOnFailure: Boolean): IEditResults
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Count: Long AddAttachments2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Element (in Index: Long): ITemplateInfo LayerOrTableID: Long, in
esriSystem.IPersist attachmentDataArray: IAttachmentDataArray,
Add (in TemplateInfo: ITemplateInfo) in rollbackOnFailure: Boolean): IEditResults
esriSystem.IPersistStream Insert (in Index: Long, in TemplateInfo:
ITemplateInfo) ApplyEdits2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
Remove (in Index: Long) TableEdits: ITableEdits, in rollbackOnFailure:
RemoveAll Boolean): ITableEditResults
Delete2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
FeatureServerConfigurationFactory LayerOrTableID: Long, in
DefinitionExpression: String, in
esriServer.IConfigurationFactory3 IConfigur ationFactory3 : IConfigur ationFactory2 rollbackOnFailure: Boolean, in queryFilter: GraphicFeature
DeleteAttachments2 (in gdbVersion: String, in IGraphicFeature IGr aphicFeature : IDataObjectEx
OnRename (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props:
IPropertySet): IPropertySet
* LayerOrTableID: Long, in
idsOfAttachmentsToDelete: ILongArray, in IXMLSerialize Geometry: IGeometry
rollbackOnFailure: Boolean): IEditResults
TemplateInfo DeleteByID2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
esriServer.IConfigurationFactory2 IConfigur ationFactory2 : IConfigur ationFactory
LayerOrTableID: Long, in
ITemplateInfo ITemplateInfo : IUnknown
idsOfObjectsToDelete: ILongArray, in IXMLVersionSupport
FeatureServerInfo TableIdentities
BeforeStart (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props: DefaultTool: esriFeatureEditTool rollbackOnFailure: Boolean): IEditResults IFeatureServerInfo : IUnknown
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Description: String GetCount2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
IFeatureServerInfo ITableIdentities ITableIdentities : IUnknown

BeforeStop (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props:

esriSystem.IPersistStream Name: String
Prototype: IDataObjectEx
LayerOrTableID: Long, in
DefinitionExpression: String, in queryFilter:
* AllowGeometryUpdates: Boolean
AllowTrueCurvesUpdates: Boolean esriSystem.IPersist
Count: Long
esriSystem.IPersist IQueryFilter): Long
esriSystem.IPersist CopyrightText: String Element (in Index: Long): ITableIdentity
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport GetServerInfo: IFeatureServerInfo esriSystem.IPersistStream CurrentVersion: Double esriSystem.IPersistStream Add (in TableIdentity: ITableIdentity)
GetServiceObjectCount2 (in gdbVersion: String, Description: String esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Insert (in Index: Long, in TableIdentity:
OnRemoveEx (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
in layerOrTableDescriptions: DocumentInfo: IPropertySet ITableIdentity)
props: IPropertySet) esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport
IGFSTableDescriptions, in Geometry: esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport EnableZDefaults: Boolean Remove (in Index: Long)
IGeometry): Long GraphicFeatures FullExtent: IEnvelope RemoveAll
Query2 (in gdbVersion: String, in HasVersionedData: Boolean
esriServer.IConfigurationFactory IConfigur ationFactory : IUnknown
LayerOrTableID: Long, in IGraphicFeatures IGr aphicFeatures : IUnknown InitialExtent: IEnvelope
DefinitionExpression: String, in queryFilter: esriSystem.IPersist Count: Long
LayerIdentities: ITableIdentities
IQueryFilter, in maximumAllowableOffset: MaxRecordCount: Long
OnAdd (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in pProps: esriSystem.IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IGraphicFeature
ServiceDescription: String
Double, in ServiceDataOptions:
IPropertySet): IPropertySet
IServiceDataOptions): IServiceData esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in Feature: IGraphicFeature) SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
OnRemove SupportsDisconnectedEditing: Boolean
OnStart (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props:
QueryAttachmentData2 (in gdbVersion: String, esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in Feature:
in LayerOrTableID: Long, in attachmentIDs: IGraphicFeature) SupportsRollbackOnFailure: Boolean
OnStop (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in props:
ILongArray, in TransportType: Remove (in Index: Long) TableIdentities: ITableIdentities
Units: esriUnits
esriTransportType): IAttachmentDataArray RemoveAll
QueryAttachmentInfos2 (in gdbVersion: String, ZDefault: Double TableIdentity
in LayerOrTableID: Long, in objectIDs:
ILongArray): IAttachmentInfoArray ITableIdentity ITableIdentity : IUnknown
QueryFromService2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
layerOrTableDescriptions: esriSystem.IPersist ID: Long
Name: String
IGFSTableDescriptions, in Geometry: esriSystem.IPersistStream
IGeometry, in outSR: ISpatialReference, in
outTR: ITimeReference, in esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
maximumAllowableOffset: Double, in esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport
ServiceDataOptions: IServiceDataOptions):
QueryHTMLPopups2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
LayerOrTableID: Long, in objectIDs:
ILongArray): IStringArray
QueryIDs2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
LayerOrTableID: Long, in
DefinitionExpression: String, in queryFilter:
IQueryFilter): ILongArray
QueryRelatedObjects2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
sourceLayerOrTableID: Long, in
objectIDsInSource: ILongArray, in
RelationshipID: Long, in
targetDefinitionExpression: String, in
targetTableProps: String, in
groupBySourceOIDs: Boolean, in outSR:
ISpatialReference, in outTR: ITimeReference,
in maximumAllowableOffset: Double, in
ServiceDataOptions: IServiceDataOptions):
Update2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
LayerOrTableID: Long, in DataObjects:
IDataObjects, in rollbackOnFailure: Boolean):
UpdateAttachments2 (in gdbVersion: String, in
LayerOrTableID: Long, in
attachmentDataArray: IAttachmentDataArray,
in rollbackOnFailure: Boolean): IEditResults
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

Image Server
Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type
in Server

ImageServerObjectDescription ImageServer
IImageServer IIm ageServer : IUnknown
esriGISClient.IServerObjectDescription IServerObjectDescription : IUnknown ImageView
ServiceInfo: IImageServiceInfo
ClientProxyCLSID (in connType: Version: Single IImageView IIm ageView : IUnknown
esriAGSConnectionType): IUID
Type: String ExportImage (in pImageDescription: Adaptive: Boolean
IGeoImageDescription, in pImageType: esriSystem.IPersist BandCount: Long
IImageType): IImageResult Description: String
GetImage (in pImageDescription: esriSystem.IPersistStream Extent: IEnvelope
IGeoImageDescription): BYTE[] esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo MosaicRule: IMosaicRule
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Name: String
IImageServer2 IIm ageServer2 : IIm ageServer esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport PixelType: rstPixelType
RenderingRule: IRenderingRule
ImageServerConfigurationFactory ExportMapImage (in pImageDescription: VID: String

esriServer.IConfigurationFactory2 IConfigur ationFactory2 : IConfigur ationFactory IGeoImageDescription, in pImageType: GetPixelSize (out pDx: Double, out pDy: Double)
IImageType): IMapImage PutPixelSize (in dx: Double, in dy: Double)
BeforeStart (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in
props: IPropertySet)
IImageServer3 IIm ageServer3 : IIm ageServer2
Fields: IFields
BeforeStop (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in Metadata: String
props: IPropertySet)
Download (in pFIDs: IFIDSet, in pGeometry:
OnRemoveEx (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, IGeometry, in Format: String):
in props: IPropertySet) IImageServerDownloadResults
GenerateServiceInfo (in pRenderingRule:
IRenderingRule): IImageServiceInfo
GetCatalogItemCount (in pFilter: IQueryFilter):
esriServer.IConfigurationFactory IConfigur ationFactory : IUnknown Long
GetCatalogItemIDs (in pFilter: IQueryFilter):
OnAdd (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in GetCatalogItems (in pFilter: IQueryFilter):
pProps: IPropertySet): IPropertySet IRecordSet
OnRemove GetFile (in pFile: IImageServerDownloadResult):
OnStart (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in String
props: IPropertySet) GetNativePixelBlock (in RID: Long, in IID: Long,
OnStop (in pAdmin: IServerObjectAdmin, in in tx: Long, in ty: Long, in Level: Long):
props: IPropertySet) BYTE[]
GetNativeRasterInfo (in RID: Long): IRasterInfos
IAISRequest IAISRequest : IUnknown
GetPixelBlock (in RID: Long, in tx: Long, in ty:
Long, in Level: Long): BYTE[] Arguments: IStringArray
GetRasterInfo (in RID: Long): IRasterInfo GeoImageDescription:
GetRasterMetadata (in RID: Long): String esriSystem.IPersist IGeoImageDescription
GetThumbnail (in RID: Long): IImageResult esriSystem.IPersistStream Name: String
esriSystem.ILogSupport Identify (in pLocation: IGeometry, in esriSystem.IXMLSerialize MosaicRule ImageInset ImageServerEditResults
pMosaicRule: IMosaicRule, in pCellsize:
esriSystem.IObjectActivate IPoint): IImageServerIdentifyResult esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport
esriSystem.IObjectConstruct IMosaicRule IMosaicRule : IUnknown IImageInset IIm ageInset : IUnknown IImageServerEditResults IIm ageServerEditResults : IUnknown

IImageServer4 IIm ageServer4 : IIm ageServer3 esriSystem.IPersistStream Ascending: Boolean IMapInset Layer: ILayer Count: Long
FIDs: IFIDSet MapCenter: IPoint Element (in Index: Long):
esriSystem.IRequestHandler KeyProperties: IPropertySet esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport IMapSurround IImageServerEditResult
0..1 LockRasterID: String PointSymbol: ISymbol esriSystem.IPersistStream
esriSystem.IRequestHandler2 RasterAttributeTable: IRecordSet esriSystem.IXMLSerialize MosaicMethod: esriMosaicMethod IMapInset2 SelectionSymbol: ISymbol
MosaicOperatorType: esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Add (in pEditResult:
ImageServerIdentifyResults esriSystem.IRESTRequestHandler Add (in pItemDescriptions:
GeoImageDescription IClone IQuerySize IImageServerEditResult)
IRasterItemDescriptions): rstMosaicOperatorType esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Insert (in Index: Long, in pEditesult:
IImageServerEditResults OrderByBaseValue: Variant IBoundsProperties IImageServerEditResult)
IImageServerIdentifyResults IIm ageServerIdentifyResults : IUnknown
ComputeHistograms (in pGeometry: IGeometry, IGeoImageDescription2 : OrderByFieldName: String esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer
IGeoImageDescription2 Remove (in Index: Long)
IGeoImageDescription TimeValue: ITimeValue
Count: Long in pMosaicRule: IMosaicRule, in pCellsize: esriSystem.IClone RemoveAll
Element (in Index: Long): IPoint, in pRenderingRule: IRenderingRule): 0..1 Viewpoint: IPoint
IImageServerIdentifyResult IRasterHistograms BSQ: Boolean WhereClause: String esriSystem.IPersistStream
esriSystem.IPersistStream CreateView (in pView: IImageView): MosaicRule: IMosaicRule IMapSurroundEvents
Add (in pIdentifyResult: IImageServerEditResult RenderingRule: IRenderingRule
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport IImageServerIdentifyResult) esriServer.IServerObject
Delete (in pRIDs: IFIDSet):
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Insert (in Index: Long, in pIdentifyResult: esriServer.IServerObjectExtensionManager IImageServerEditResults
Remove (in Index: Long)
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo DeleteView (in VID: String):
IImageServerEditResult IGeoImageDescription IGeoImageDescription : IUnknown *
RemoveAll IImageServerObjects 0..1
Execute (in Name: String, in argument: Variant): esriSystem.IPersist BandSelection: ILongArray ImageServerEditResult
esriSystem.IPersistStream Compression: String RenderingRule ImageServerName
GetRasterKeyProperties (in RID: Long): CompressionQuality: Long IIm ageServerEditResult : IUnknown
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IRenderingRule : IUnknown IImageServerName IImageServerEditResult
IPropertySet Extent: IEnvelope IRenderingRule IIm ageServerNam e : IUnknown
* GetView (in VID: String): IImageView esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Height: Long IClone Arguments: IRasterFunctionArguments esriSystem.IName Properties: IPropertySet
esriSystem.IPersistStream Code: Long
IdentifyAll (in pLocations: IGeometry, in Interpolation: rstResamplingTypes Description: String
pMosaicRule: IMosaicRule, in pCellsize: MosaicProperties: String
Description: String
esriSystem.IPersistStream esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport ItemID: String
esriSystem.IPersistStream Function: IRasterFunction RasterID: Long
IPoint, in pRenderingRule: IRenderingRule, in NoData: Variant Name: String esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Succeeded: Boolean
ImageServerIdentifyResult options: String): IImageServerIdentifyResults
Measure (in pFrom: IGeometry, in pTo:
PixelType: rstPixelType esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Renderer: IRasterRenderer esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo Tag: String
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference VariableName: String
IImageServerIdentifyResult IIm ageServerIdentifyResult : IUnknown IGeometry, in pMosaicRule: IMosaicRule, in ViewpointProperties: String esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
pCellsize: IPoint, in operation: Width: Long
CatalogItems: IRecordSet esriMensurationOperation):
CatalogItemVisibilities: IDoubleArray IImageServerMeasureResult
esriSystem.IPersistStream Location: IPoint Update (in pRIDs: IFIDSet, in pItemDescriptions:
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Name: String IRasterItemDescriptions):
Properties: IPropertySet IImageServerEditResults
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Value: String UpdateView (in VID: String, in pAddIDs: IFIDSet,
in pDeleteIDs: IFIDSet):
IIm ageServerIdentifyResultEdit : ImageServiceInfo
IImageServerIdentifyResultEdit IIm ageServerIdentifyResult IImageServerInit IIm ageServerInit : IUnknown
IImageServiceInfo IIm ageServiceInfo : IUnknown
CatalogItems: IRecordSet ImageDataSourceName: IName ImageServerMeasureResult
BandCount: Long
CatalogItemVisibilities: IDoubleArray
Location: IPoint Initialize (FullName: String) esriSystem.IPersist CopyrightText: String IImageServerMeasureResult IIm ageServerMeasureResult : IUnknown
InitializeFromDataset (pDataset: esriSystem.IPersistStream DefaultServiceProperties: String
Name: String Description: String esriSystem.IPersistStream Measurement: IPropertySet
Properties: IPropertySet
InitializeFromServiceURL (ServiceURL: String)
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Extent: IEnvelope esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Name: String
Value: String
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport MaximumPixelSize: Double
CacheStorageInfo SensorName: String
MaxNCols: Long esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN MaxNRows: Long
IImageServerInit2 IIm ageServerInit2 : IIm ageServerInit MinimumPixelSize: Double
ICacheStorageInfo ICacheStorageInfo : IUnknown esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo
Name: String PacketSize: Long
AllowedCompressions: String
NoData: Variant
AllowedFields: String StorageFormat:
AllowedItemMetadata: String PixelType: rstPixelType esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport esriMapCacheStorageFormat
AllowedMosaicMethods: String ServiceDataType:
esriImageServiceDataType esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
DownloadDirectory: String
DynamicImageWorkspace: String ServiceSourceType:
ExcludedFields: String esriImageServiceSourceType
MaxImageHeight: Long SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
MaxImageWidth: Long GetPixelSize (out pDx: Double, out pDy:
MaxRecordCount: Long Double)
OutputDirectory: String GetStatistics (in iBand: Long, out pMin:
VirtualDownloadDirectory: String Double, out pMax: Double, out pMean:
VirtualOutputDirectory: String Double, out pStdv: Double)
IImageServerDownloadResults IIm ageServerDownloadResults : IUnknown esriSystem.IRESTRequestHandler IRESTRequestHandler : IUnknown IImageServiceInfo2 IIm ageServiceInfo2 : IIm ageServiceInfo
Count: Long AllowedCompressions: String
Element (in Index: Long): GetSchema: String AllowedFields: String
esriSystem.IPersistStream IImageServerDownloadResult HandleRESTRequest (in Capabilities: String, in
resourceName: String, in operationName:
AllowedItemMetadata: String RasterFunctionInfo
AllowedMosaicMethods: String
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Add (in pDownloadResult: String, in operationInput: String, in DefaultCompression: String IRasterFunctionInfo IRasterFunctionInfo : IUnknown
IImageServerDownloadResult) outputFormat: String, in requestProperties:
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize String, out responseProperties: String):
DefaultCompressionQuality: Long
Insert (in Index: Long, in pDownloadResult: DefaultMosaicMethod: esriMosaicMethod esriSystem.IPersistStream Description: String
IImageServerDownloadResult) BYTE[] DefaultResamplingMethod: Help: String
Remove (in Index: Long)
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Name: String
RemoveAll EndTimeFieldName: String esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport
MaxDownloadImageCount: Long esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo
MaxMosaicImageCount: Long
MaxNCols: Long
* MaxNRows: Long
MaxRecordCount: Long *
ImageServerLayer StartTimeFieldName: String
SupportBSQ: Boolean
ImageServerDownloadResult IImageServerLayer IIm ageServerLayer : ILayer SupportsTime: Boolean
TimeExtent: ITimeExtent
IImageServerDownloadResult IIm ageServerDownloadResult : IUnknown IAttributeTable Compression: String TimeReference: ITimeReference
esriSystem.IPersistStream IClass CompressionQuality: Long TimeValueFormat: String
FileSize: UINT64 DataFrameExtent: IEnvelope
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport RasterIDs: ILongArray IConnectionPointContainer DataSource: IUnknown IRasterFunctionInfos IRasterFunctionInfos : IUnknown
URI: String IDataLayer Raster: IRaster
IImageServiceInfo3 IIm ageServiceInfo3 : IIm ageServiceInfo2
esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IDataLayer2 Renderer: IRasterRenderer esriSystem.IPersistStream
Count: Long
ServiceInfo: IImageServiceInfo Colormap: IRasterColormap Element (in Index: Long): IRasterFunctionInfo
IDataset ServiceURL: String HasRasterAttributeTable: Boolean esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Add (in pFunctionInfo: IRasterFunctionInfo)
IDefinitionExpressionEvents ShowResolution: Boolean Histograms: IRasterHistograms esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in pFunctionInfo:
VisibleExtent: IEnvelope MaximumPixelSize: Double
IDisplayAdmin MaxScale: Double
Remove (in Index: Long)
IDisplayAdmin2 Initialize (in ServiceURL: String) MensurationCapabilities: String RemoveAll
IDisplayTable MinimumPixelSize: Double
IIm ageServerLayer2 : IUnknown MinScale: Double
IImageServerLayer2 RasterRenderer in RasterFunctions: IRasterFunctionInfos
IFeatureLayerDefinition IsDataSourceAIS: Boolean RasterTypes: IRasterTypeInfos
IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents MosaicProperties: String Carto Rendering GetHistogram (in iBand: Long):
ServiceInfo: String
IFeatureSelection ServiceProperties: String
IRasterHistogram RasterTypeInfos
IGeoDataset ViewpointProperties: String
IRasterTypeInfos IRasterTypeInfos : IUnknown
IIdentify GetImageMetadata (in levelOfDetail:
IIdentifyDisplay String): String Count: Long
GetMetaData (in requestString: String): Element (in Index: Long): IRasterTypeInfo
String esriSystem.IPersistStream Add (in pTypeInfo: IRasterTypeInfo)
ILayer GetProperty (in Name: String): String JPIPServer Insert (in Index: Long, in pTypeInfo:
IISLFootprintDisplayProps esriSystem.IXMLSerialize IRasterTypeInfo)
IImageServerLayer3 IIm ageServerLayer3 : IUnknown IJPIPServer IJPIPServer : IUnknown esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Remove (in Index: Long)
ILayerDrawingProperties esriSystem.ILogSupport URL: String RemoveAll
EnableCacheViewMode: Boolean
ILayerEffects MosaicRule: IMosaicRule esriSystem.IObjectConstruct
ILayerEvents RenderingRule: IRenderingRule esriServer.IServerObjectExtension
ILayerFields esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo
IRasterLayer IRasterLayer : ILayer
BandCount: Long
ColumnCount: Long *
DataFrameExtent: IEnvelope
ILayerPosition DisplayResolutionFactor: Long RasterTypeInfo
FilePath: String
ILegendInfo PrimaryField: Long MosaicLODInfoHelper IRasterTypeInfo IRasterTypeInfo : IUnknown
IPersistVariant PyramidPresent: Boolean
Description: String
IPublishLayer Raster: IRaster IMosaicLODInfoHelper IMosaicLODInfoHelper : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersistStream Help: String
Renderer: IRasterRenderer
IRasterDataManagementEvents RowCount: Long LODInfos: IMosaicLODInfos esriSystem.IXMLSerialize Name: String
ShowResolution: Boolean SpatialReference: ISpatialReference esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport
ILayerExtensions VisibleExtent: IEnvelope
ISecureLayer Load (in pLODs: IDoubleArray, in esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo
CreateFromDataset (in RasterDataset: asMapScale: Boolean)
ISecureLayer2 IRasterDataset) LoadFromTable (in pTable: ITable, in
ITable CreateFromFilePath (in FilePath: String) LODFieldName: String, in asMapScale:
CreateFromRaster (in Raster: IRaster) Boolean)

Enumerations ITimeDisplayTable2
ITimeDisplayTable2 : ITimeDisplayTable

PrepareTimeQueryEx (in pTimeValue:

esriMapCacheStorageFormat ITableDefinition
ITimeValue, in eTimeRelation:
esriTimeRelation, in pFilter: IQueryFilter)
0 - esriMapCacheStorageModeCompact ITimeDataDisplay PrepareTimeQueryFromDisplay (in RenderedRaster
pDisplay: IDisplay, in pFilter:
IRasterItemDescriptions IRasterItem Descriptions : IUnknown
1 - esriMapCacheStorageModeExploded
ITimeTableDefinition IQueryFilter) IRenderedRaster2 IRenderedRaster2 : IRenderedRaster
Count: Long
ITableCapabilities IGeoDataset Raster: IRaster Element (in Index: Long):
esriImageServerError ITimeData ITimeData : IUnknown Renderer: IRasterRenderer IRasterItemDescription
IRaster RGB32: Boolean
-2147216896 - E_IMAGESERVER_NO_AIS_CONNECTION Add (in pItemDescription:
SupportsTime: Boolean IRasterBandCollection esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
TimeReference: ITimeReference IRasterItemDescription)
-2147216894 - E_IMAGESERVER_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION IRasterProps esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in pItemDescription:
UseTime: Boolean
-2147216893 - E_IMAGESERVER_UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST IRenderedRaster IRenderedRaster : IUnknown IRasterItemDescription)
-2147216892 - E_IMAGESERVER_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT GetFullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent Remove (in Index: Long)
-2147216891 - E_IMAGESERVER_NO_FILE ForceRGB: Boolean RemoveAll
ISaveAs FullName: IName
ITimeData2 ITimeData2 : ITimeData
HasLiveData: Boolean
-2147216888 - E_IMAGESERVER_INVALID_FUNCTION_DATASET esriDataSourcesRaster.IRasterResamplingControl Init (in LayerFile: String)
-2147216882 - E_IMAGESERVER_VIEW_ALREADY_EXIST RasterItemDescription
-2147216881 - E_IMAGESERVER_INVALID_VIEW_ID ImageQueryFilter
-2147216880 - E_IMAGESERVER_NO_PERMISSION ImageServerLayerFactory IRasterItemDescription IRasterItem Description : IUnknown
IImageQueryFilter IIm ageQueryFilter : IUnknown
ILayer Factory : IUnknown BuildPyramids: Boolean
-2147216878 - E_IMAGESERVER_CANT_MEASURE_3D ILayerFactory PixelSize: IPoint BuildThumbnail: Boolean
ISupportErrorInfo ComputeStatistics: Boolean
CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown):
-2147216876 - E_IMAGESERVER_CANT_ACCESS_RASTERID Boolean DataFileNames: IStringArray
LayerCategory: String ITimeQuer yFilter : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersistStream DataFileURLs: IStringArray
PublicName: String
esriGeoDatabase.ITimeQueryFilter esriSystem.IXMLSerialize GeodataXform: IGeodataXform
esriImageServerMessageCodeEnum esriSystem.IPersistStream OutputTimeReference: ITimeReference
esriSystem.IXMLVersionSupport GeodataXformApplyMethod:
80001 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerFailed Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): esriGeoDatabase.IQueryFilterDefinition TimeRelation: esriTimeRelation esriGeodataXformApplyMethod
IEnumLayer TimeValue: ITimeValue MaximumCellSizeFactor: Double
80002 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerNotLicensed esriGeoDatabase.IQueryFilterDefinition2
LoadLayers: IEnumLayer MinimumCellSizeFactor: Double
80003 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerStarted
80004 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerDebug
esriGeoDatabase.ISpatialFilter Properties: IPropertySet
esriGeoDatabase.IQueryFilter Type: String
80005 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerConfig
80006 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerUnknownRequest esriGeoDatabase.IQueryFilter2
80007 - esriImageServerMessageCode_CapabilityUnsupported esriSystem.IXMLSerialize
80010 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerGetVersion
80012 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerGetServiceInfo
80014 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerGetImage esriSystem.IClone
80016 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerExportImage
80017 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerExportMapImage
80018 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerExecuteAISRequest
80019 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerGetPixelBlock
80020 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerMosaic
80021 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerStart
80022 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerStop
80023 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerComputeHistograms
80024 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerIdentify
80025 - esriImageServerMessageCode_ImageServerCache

0 - esriImageServiceDataTypeGeneric
1 - esriImageServiceDataTypeRGB
2 - esriImageServiceDataTypeElevation
3 - esriImageServiceDataTypeThematic
4 - esriImageServiceDataTypeProcessed

0 - esriImageServiceSourceTypeDataset
1 - esriImageServiceSourceTypeLayer
2 - esriImageServiceSourceTypeCatalog
3 - esriImageServiceSourceTypeMosaicDataset

0 - esriISLFootprintDisplayAll
1 - esriISLFootprintDisplayPrimaryOnly

0 - esriMensurationPoint
1 - esriMensurationDistanceAndAngle
2 - esriMensurationAreaAndPerimeter
3 - esriMensurationHeightFromBaseAndTop
4 - esriMensurationHeightFromBaseAndTopShadow
5 - esriMensurationHeightFromTopAndTopShadow
6 - esriMensurationCentroid
7 - esriMensurationPoint3D
8 - esriMensurationDistanceAndAngle3D
9 - esriMensurationAreaAndPerimeter3D
13 - esriMensurationCentroid3D
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

Mobile, WMS, and WCS Servers

Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri in the United States, the
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

WMS Server

in Server
CompositeDataLayer in Carto

Mobile Server WMSMapLayer

Enumerations IWMSMapLayer IWMSMapLayer : IUnknown WMSServerBase
ICompositeLayer2 BackgroundColor: IColor IWMSServer IWMSServer : IUnknown
11001 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_MissingParameter
IDataLayer ServerSupportsTransparency: Boolean esriSystem.ILogSupport
TransparentBackground: Boolean Data (in Capabilities: String, in request:
11002 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidParameter IDataLayer2 esriSystem.IObjectActivate String, out pMimeType: String): BYTE[]
11003 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_NotLicensed IIdentifyGroup esriSystem.IObjectConstruct
ServerObjectExtension 11004 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ImportFromMemoryFailure ILayerEffects
IWMSServiceDescription GetToPost (in sGet: String): String
esriServer.IServerObjectExtension SetParameters (in Name: String, in Value:
in Server 11005 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidServerObject ILayerExtensions ClearDrawCache
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo String)
11006 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ObjectInitializationFailure
11007 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ErrorProcessingRequest ILayerStatus ILayer Status : IUnknown esriSystem.IWebRequestHandler
11008 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FindFailure
11009 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_GetBinaryFailure ILayerEvents StepProgressor: IStepProgressor
11010 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_AttachToMemoryFailure (LayerEventsHelper)
MobileSync 11011 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ConstructStart
11012 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ConstructFinish ITimeData ITimeData : IUnknown
IMobileSync2 IMobileSync2 : IMobileSync 11013 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ExtInitSuccess ISecureLayer SupportsTime: Boolean
11014 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ExtInitFailure ISecureLayer2 TimeReference: ITimeReference WMSServer
11015 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_SchemaLayerExtractFail esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer UseTime: Boolean
GetMobileMapInfo (out ppResponse: 11016 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidRequest ITimeData
IMobileMapInfo) 11017 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_GetSchemaRequestError GetFullTimeExtent: ITimeExtent
InitFromMapServer (in pMapServer: ITimeDataDisplay
MobileServer 11018 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_RequestReadFailure
IMapServer, in pProps: IPropertySet) 11019 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidClientChecksum ITimeData2 ITimeData2 : ITimeData WMSImageServer
IMobileServer IMobileServer : IUnknown 11020 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FatalServerError ILayerSymbologyExtents
IMobileSync IMobileSync : IUnknown 11021 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_UnsupportedRequestName HasLiveData: Boolean
esriSystem.ILogSupport 11022 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DBFieldMappingMismatch
esriSystem.IObjectConstruct 11023 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_UseOfInvalidPointer IServiceLayerImageFormat
ExecuteRequest (in pRequestStream:
IMemoryBlobStream, out ppResponse:
esriSystem.IRequestHandler 11024 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_NoExistingChecksumForVersion
IMemoryBlobStream) esriSystem.IRequestHandler2 11025 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_SettingDefaultClientVersion *
Init (in pMap: IMap, in pProps: 11026 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ClientServerVersions
esriServer.IServerObjectExtension 11027 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ClientVersionUnderBaseline
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo 11028 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ClientVersionReduction WMSGroupLayer
11029 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FlushUpdatesFailure
11030 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_GetFeatureCountFailure IWMSGroupLayer IWMSGroupLayer : IUnknown
11031 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_GetFeaturesFailure ICompositeLayer Count: Long
11032 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DownloadFeaturesFailure
11033 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_GetRasterTilesFailure ICompositeLayer2 Expanded: Boolean
Layer (in Index: Long): ILayer
MobileServerObjectDescription 11034 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_CreateVersionFailure esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer WMSServiceDescription:
MobileMapInfo 11035 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_CloseVersionFailure esriGeodatabase.IGeoDataset IWMSServiceDescription
IMobileMapInfo IMobileMapInfo : IUnknown esriGISClient.IServerObjectDescription IServerObjectDescription : IUnknown 11036 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_UploadFeaturesFailure IIdentify
11037 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ServerVersionReduction Add (in WMSLayer: ILayer)
IPersist Description: String ClientProxyCLSID (in connType: 11038 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_SpatialReferenceDefault IIdentify2 Clear
esriAGSConnectionType): IUID IIdentifyGroup CreateWMSGroupLayer (in groupName:
IPersistStream Extent: IEnvelope
Type: String
11039 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidProperty
String): IWMSGroupLayer
FullExtent: IEnvelope 11040 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToSyncAttachInfos ILayer
IXMLSerialize MobileLayerInfos: IMobileLayerInfos CreateWMSGroupLayers (in
11042 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_UnderlyingError ILayer2
IXMLVersionSupport Name: String 11043 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DeleteCountMismatch
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference ILayerDrawingProperties IWMSLayerDescription):
11044 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidLayerIndex IWMSGroupLayer
Units: esriUnits
11045 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidFeatureLayer ILayerEvents CreateWMSLayer (in
11046 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToGetFeatureCursor pWMSLayerDescription:
11047 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedRetrievingSyncItems
(LayerEventsHelper) IWMSLayerDescription): IWMSLayer
11048 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidRasterLayer ILayerGeneralProperties Delete (in pWMSLayer: ILayer)
11049 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidLayerCount InsertLayer (in WMSLayer: ILayer, in
ILayerPosition insertPosition: Long)
11050 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_LayerNotEditable
esriSystem.IPersist InsertLayers (in WMSLayers: IEnumLayer,

11051 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToGetVersionFeatureClass
11052 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidWorkspaceIndex esriSystem.IPersistStream in insertPosition: Long)
MobileLayerInfos MobileLayerInfo 11053 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidVersionedWorkspace IPublishLayer MoveLayer (in WMSLayer: ILayer, in
toPosition: Long)
11054 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_VersionAlreadyExists
IMobileLayerInfos IMobileLayerInfos : IUnknown IMobileLayerInfo IMobileLayerInfo : IUnknown
11055 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidParentVersion
IPersist Count: Long IPersist DataType: String 11056 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToCreateVersion * esriWMSServerMessageCodeEnum
IPersistStream Element (in Index: Long): IMobileLayerInfo IPersistStream Description: String 11057 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidChildVersion 16000 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_Debug
DisplayField: String 11058 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToStartEditingWorkspace 16001 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_NotLicensed
IXMLSerialize Add (in MobileLayerInfo: IMobileLayerInfo) IXMLSerialize Extent: IEnvelope
IXMLVersionSupport Insert (in Index: Long, in MobileLayerInfo: IXMLVersionSupport FeatureClassName: String
11059 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_RequestedVersionNotFound WMSLayer 16002 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ConstructStarted
11060 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidDecomposedQuery 16003 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ConstructEnded
IMobileLayerInfo) FeatureDatasetName: String
Remove (in Index: Long) 11061 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToCompressToJPEG IWMSLayer IWMSLayer2 : IUnknown 16004 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_InvalidPointer
* FieldAliases: IStringArray
11062 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FileNotFound IIdentify 16005 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_CanNotReadPrecookingFile
Fields: IFields Style: IWMSLayerStyleDescription
GeometryType: esriGeometryType 11063 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FileAccessDenied ILayer 16006 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_CanNotParseSLD
ID: Long 11064 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FileInvalid 16007 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_RequestNotRecognized
11065 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DirectoryNotFound
ILayerEvents IWMSLayerDescription
16008 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_UnknownInternalError
IsAnnotationLayer: Boolean WMSServiceDescription:
IsComposite: Boolean 11066 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DirectoryAccessDenied (LayerEventsHelper) IWMSServiceDescription 82001 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWMSFailed
IsFeatureLayer: Boolean 11067 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DirectoryInvalid 82002 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerNotLicensed
IsRasterLayer: Boolean 11068 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FileInvalidOrAccessDenied 82003 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWMSStarted
MaxScale: Double 11069 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DirectoryInvalidOrAccessDenied 82004 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWMSDebug
MinScale: Double 11070 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidServerEnvironment IWMSLayer IWMSLayer : IUnknown 82005 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWMSGetToPost
Name: String 11071 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidURLUseMIME 82006 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWMSGetData
Type: String
11072 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ExportMapImageFailed
ILayerGeneralProperties WMSLayerDescription:
82010 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWMSGetCapabilities
11073 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_PrepareMapServerFailed ILayerSymbologyExtents WMSServiceDescription: 82012 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWMSGetMap
11074 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidWorkspace IPublishLayer IWMSServiceDescription 82020 - esriWMSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWMSUnknownRequest
11075 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DownloadAttachmentsFailure esriSystem.IPersistStream
11076 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_NoOutputDirectory
11077 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidExtentType
11078 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_NoRasterSupport
11079 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_CoreClassCreateFail
11080 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToCreateSchema EngineWMSMapLayerFactory
11081 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToAddField
11082 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToOpen ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown
11083 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidExtent esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown):
11084 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToCreateDataPackage Boolean
11085 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidSpatialQueryFilter LayerCategory: String
11086 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToConvert PublicName: String
11087 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_SynchronizeFeatureStats
11088 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToGetRelatedAttachmentTable Create (in inputObject: IUnknown):
11089 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToGetAttachmentInfo IEnumLayer
11090 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToGetAttachmentData LoadLayers: IEnumLayer
11091 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_SynchronizeAttachmentStats
11092 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_SynchronizeAttachmentRate
11093 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_SynchronizeAttachmentInfosStats
11094 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ImportChangesStats
11095 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_DeleteUploadDirFailure
11096 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_RowUpdateFailure
11097 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToCommitDataPackage
11098 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidGIDIndex
11099 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidVariantType
11100 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_ImportAttachmentsStats
11101 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedParseParams
11102 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedParseParam
11103 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedParseReqParam
11104 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedGenRep
11105 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_NoInserverConn
11106 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_NoArcGISServerConn
11107 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToCreateUploadsClient
11108 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_UploadedItemNotFound
11109 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToPopulateFDR
11110 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToSyncFeatures
11111 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToPopulateADR
11112 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToSyncAttach
11113 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_InvalidPolyGeometry
11114 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToRetrieveGIDs
11115 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToRetrieveRowsByGUID
11116 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToSetRowValues
11117 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_FailedToRetrieveCursor
11900 - esriMobileServerMessageCode_MobileSyncDebug

WCS Server
DisplayLayer in
Carto Layers


81001 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSFailed
81002 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSNotLicensed
WCSLayer 81003 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSStarted
81004 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSInitialized
IWCSLayer IWCSLayer : IUnknown 81010 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSGetData
81012 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSGetCapabilities
CoverageName: String
ResamplingType: rstResamplingTypes 81014 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSDescribeCoverage
ServiceURL: String 81016 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSGetCoverage
Timeout: Long 81020 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSUnknownRequest
Version: String 81030 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSParseKVP
81031 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSParseXML
Create (in ServiceURL: String, in 81032 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSParseKVP11
ServerObjectExtension CoverageName: String, in 81033 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSParseXML11
serviceVersion: String)
in Server Refresh
81034 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSParseWriteData
81040 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSInvalidCRS
81041 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSInvalidDataset
IRasterLayer IRasterLayer : ILayer 81042 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSInvalidLayer
BandCount: Long 81043 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSAISInitialized
IDataset ColumnCount: Long 81044 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSDatasetInitialized
DataFrameExtent: IEnvelope 81045 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_ImageServerWCSWrongPixelType
IDisplayAdmin2 DisplayResolutionFactor: Long 91001 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSFailed
FilePath: String 91002 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSNotLicensed
ILayerDrawingProperties PrimaryField: Long
PyramidPresent: Boolean 91003 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSStarted
ILayer Raster: IRaster 91004 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSInitialized
Renderer: IRasterRenderer 91010 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSGetData
ILayerInfo RowCount: Long 91012 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSGetCapabilities
ShowResolution: Boolean
WCSServerBase VisibleExtent: IEnvelope
91014 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSDescribeCoverage
91016 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSGetCoverage
IWCSServer IWCSServer : IUnknown IRasterDataManagementEvents CreateFromDataset (in RasterDataset: 91020 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSUnknownRequest
IRasterDataset) 91030 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSParseKVP
esriSystem.ILogSupport Data (in sRequest: String, out pMimeType: CreateFromFilePath (in FilePath: String) 91031 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSParseXML
esriSystem.IObjectConstruct String): BYTE[] CreateFromRaster (in Raster: IRaster)
91032 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSParseKVP11
esriServer.IServerObjectExtension SetParameters (in Name: String, in Value: 91033 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSParseXML11
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo String) esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin2 IDisplayAdmin2 : IUnknown 91034 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSParseWriteData
91040 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSInvalidCRS
esriSystem.IWebRequestHandler esriSystem.IPersistStream DoesBlending: Boolean
91041 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSInvalidDataset
RequiresBanding: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersist UsesFilter: Boolean 91042 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSInvalidLayer
91043 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSAISInitialized
91044 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSDatasetInitialized
91045 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_GeoDataServerWCSWrongPixelType
WCSServer 15001 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSFailed
15002 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSNotLicensed
15003 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSStarted
15004 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSInitialized
15010 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSGetData
WCSImageServer 15012 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSGetCapabilities
15014 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSDescribeCoverage
15016 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSGetCoverage
15020 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSUnknownRequest
WCSLayerFactory 15030 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSParseKVP
ILayer Factory : IUnknown 15031 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSParseXML
ILayerFactory 15032 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSParseKVP11
CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): 15033 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSParseXML11
Boolean 15034 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSParseWriteData
LayerCategory: String 15040 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSInvalidCRS
PublicName: String 15041 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSInvalidDataset
Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): 15042 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSInvalidLayer
IEnumLayer 15043 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSAISInitialized
LoadLayers: IEnumLayer 15044 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSDatasetInitialized
15045 - esriWCSServerMessageCode_MapServerWCSWrongPixelType
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

GPS Support and Dimensions

Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

GPS Support

IGpsFeed IGpsFeed : IUnknown
RealTimeFeedManager RealTimeFeedSimulator
Connection: IGpsConnection
TestStatus: esriGpsConnectionStatus
IRealTimeFeedManager IRealTimeFeedManager : IUnknown IRealTimeFeedSimulator IRealTimeFeedSimulator : IUnknown
GpsFeed: IGpsFeed FeatureLayer: IFeatureLayer
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer IConnectionPointContainer : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersist Map: IMap esriSystem.IPersist FixedTime: Boolean
RealTimeFeed: IRealTimeFeed TimeFactor: Double
esriSystem.IPersist esriSystem.IPersistStream RealTimeFeedSimulator: esriSystem.IPersistStream TimeField: String
esriSystem.IPersistStream EnumConnectionPoints (out ppEnum: IRealTimeFeedEvents IRealTimeFeedSimulator TimeIncrement: Double
FindConnectionPoint (in riid: GUID, out ppCP: IActiveViewEvents
IConnectionPoint) FeatureClassExtension in
IGpsDisplayProperties IGpsDisplayProperties : IUnknown esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer IConnectionPointContainer : IUnknown
IRealTimeFeed IRealTimeFeed : IUnknown
AltitudeUnits: esriUnits
esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer AutoPan: Boolean EnumConnectionPoints (out ppEnum:
ConnectionError: esriGpsConnectionError BaseMarkerSymbol: IMarkerSymbol IEnumConnectionPoints) Feature in Geodatabase
CurrentDateTime: esriGpsDateTime EstimatedPositionSymbol: IMarkerSymbol FindConnectionPoint (in riid: GUID, out ppCP:
CurrentDgpsInfo: esriGpsDgpsInfo HighAltitudeSize: Double IConnectionPoint)
CurrentDopInfo: esriGpsDOPInfo HighAltitudeValue: Double
CurrentGroundCourse: HighSpeedValue: Double
esriGpsGroundCourse LatLongDisplayFormat: IRealTimeFeed : IUnknown
CurrentMagneticVariance: ConnectionError: esriGpsConnectionError
esriGpsMagneticVariance LowAltitudeSize: Double
CurrentPosition: esriGpsPositionInfo LowAltitudeValue: Double CurrentDateTime: esriGpsDateTime
CurrentDgpsInfo: esriGpsDgpsInfo
CurrentSatelliteCount: Long LowSpeedValue: Double
CurrentSatelliteData (in Index: Long):
MinimumDisplayRate: Double CurrentDopInfo: esriGpsDOPInfo
IDimensionClassExtension IDimensionClassExtension : IUnknown DimensionFeature
PositionsExtent: IEnvelope CurrentGroundCourse:
esriGpsSatelliteData ShowCurrentAltitude: Boolean esriGpsGroundCourse esriGeodatabase.IPersistCustomFeaturesExtension DimensionStyles: IDimensionStyles
IDimensionFeature IDimensionFeatur e : IUnknown
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference ShowCurrentBearing: Boolean CurrentMagneticVariance: NativeTransformation: ITransformation
Status: esriGpsConnectionStatus ShowCurrentPosition: Boolean CustomLength: Double
esriGpsMagneticVariance ReferenceScale: Double DimensionLineDisplay: esriDimensionDisplay
ShowCurrentSpeed: Boolean CurrentPosition: esriGpsPositionInfo ReferenceScaleUnits: esriUnits
Start ShowEstimatedPosition: Boolean DimensionShape: IDimensionShape DimensionShape
Stop ShowMarkerTrailAltitude: Boolean CurrentSatelliteCount: Long DimensionType: esriDimensionType
ResetProperties ExtensionLineDisplay: esriDimensionDisplay
ShowMarkerTrailBearing: Boolean CurrentSatelliteData (in Index: Long): UpdateProperties IDimensionShape IDimensionShape : IUnknown
ShowMarkerTrailSpeed: Boolean esriGpsSatelliteData Length: Double
IRealTimeFeedEvents IRealTimeFeedEvents : IUnknown SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo MarkerDisplay: esriDimensionDisplay esriSystem.IClone BeginDimensionPoint: IPoint
SpeedColorRamp: IColorRamp IDimensionClassExtension2
SpeedUnits: esriGpsSpeedUnits Status: esriGpsConnectionStatus IDimensionClassExtension2 : IUnknown StyleID: Long DimensionLinePoint: IPoint
UseCustomLength: Boolean esriSystem.IPersist EndDimensionPoint: IPoint
UseMinimumDisplayRate: Boolean

ConnectionStatusUpdated (in Start NativeTransformation (in pGraphic: esriSystem.IPersistStream ExtensionLineAngle: Double
pConnectionStatus: ClearGpsDisplay IDimensionGraphic): ITransformation TextAngle: Double
esriGpsConnectionStatus) Stop esriGeometry.ITransform2D
RefreshGpsDisplay TextPoint: IPoint
DateTimeUpdated (in pNewDateTime:
esriGpsDateTime) IRealTimeFeedEvents IRealTimeFeedEvents : IUnknown
DgpsInfoUpdated (in pNewDGPSInfo: IPositionTrails IPositionTrails : IUnknown
DopInfoUpdated (in pdop: esriGpsDOPInfo) LinearTrailDistance: Double ConnectionStatusUpdated (in
GroundCourseUpdated (in pGroundCourse: LinearTrailSymbol: ILineSymbol pConnectionStatus:
esriGpsGroundCourse) MarkerTrailColorRamp: IColorRamp
MagneticVarianceUpdated (in pMagneticVar: MarkerTrailCount: Long GpsExtension in esriGpsConnectionStatus)
DateTimeUpdated (in pNewDateTime:
esriGpsMagneticVariance) MarkerTrailDistance: Double
ArcMapUI esriGpsDateTime) FeatureClassDescription in
PositionUpdated (in position: MarkerTrailSymbol: IMarkerSymbol DgpsInfoUpdated (in pNewDGPSInfo: DimensionStyles
esriGpsPositionInfo, in estimate: Boolean) ShowLinearTrail: Boolean esriGpsDgpsInfo) Geodatabase
SatelliteInfoUpdated (in satelliteCount: Long) ShowMarkerTrails: Boolean DopInfoUpdated (in pdop: esriGpsDOPInfo) IDimensionStyles IDimensionStyles : IUnknown
GroundCourseUpdated (in pGroundCourse: esriSystem.IPersist
esriGpsGroundCourse) DefaultStyleID: Long
IRealTimeDestination IRealTimeDestination : IUnknown MagneticVarianceUpdated (in pMagneticVar: esriSystem.IPersistStream
esriGpsMagneticVariance) AddStyle (in Style: IDimensionStyle)
BearingToDestinationSymbol: IMarkerSymbol PositionUpdated (in position: DeleteStyle (in ID: Long)
DestinationLabel: String esriGpsPositionInfo, in estimate: Boolean) FindStyle (in Name: String):
SatelliteInfoUpdated (in satelliteCount: Long) IDimensionStyle
GpsConnection DestinationLocation: IPoint
DestinationSymbol: IMarkerSymbol GetStyle (in ID: Long): IDimensionStyle
IGpsConnection IGpsConnection : IUnknown DestinationTextSymbol: ITextSymbol DimensionClassDescription GetStyles: IEnumDimensionStyle
ShowBearingToDestination: Boolean RenameStyle (in ID: Long, in Name: String)
BaudRate: Integer
esriSystem.IPersist CommPort: Integer
DataBits: Integer IRealTimeFeedSnap
esriSystem.IPersistStream Parity: esriGpsParity
IRealTimeFeedSnap : IUnknown
StopBits: esriGpsStopBits SnapDistance: Double

SnapLayers: IArray
SnapToLines: Boolean
SnapToNodes: Boolean
SnapToVertices: Boolean DimensionStyle
DisplayFeedback in Display IDimensionStyle IDimensionStyle : IUnknown DimensionGraphic
IRealTimeLog IRealTimeLog : IUnknown IDimensionStyleText ID: Long
IDimensionGraphic IDimensionGraphic : IUnknown
Name: String
IsLogging: Boolean CustomLength: Double
LogEstimatedPosition: Boolean
LogFile: IFeatureClass DimensionShape: IDimensionShape
LogRate: Double Length: Double
MinimumLogDeflectionAngle: Double IDimensionStyleDisplay IDimensionStyleDisplay : IUnknown NativeTransformation: ITransformation
MinimumLogDistance: Double NativeUnits: esriUnits
BaselineHeight: Double Style: IDimensionStyle
UseLogRate: Boolean
UseMinimumLogDeflectionAngle: Boolean ModifyDimensionFeedback esriSystem.IPersist BeginMarkerSymbol: IMarkerSymbol UseCustomLength: Boolean
UseMinimumLogDistance: Boolean
IModifyDimensionFeedback IModifyDimensionFeedback : IUnknown esriSystem.IPersistStream esriDimensionDisplay Draw (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE, in
StampGpsPosition esriSystem.IClone DimensionLineSymbol: ILineSymbol transformation: ITransformation)
StartLogging DimensionShape: IDimensionShape
DrawLineOnFit: Boolean GetDefaultTextPoint: IPoint
StopLogging DimensionType: esriDimensionType
EndMarkerSymbol: IMarkerSymbol GetMask (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE, in
ReferenceScale: Double
ExtensionLineDisplay: transformation: ITransformation, in Mask:
ReferenceScaleUnits: esriUnits
IRealTimeFeedManagerEvents IRealTimeFeedManagerEvents : IUnknown Style: IDimensionStyle
esriDimensionDisplay IGeometry)
ExtensionLineOffset: Double QueryBoundary (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE, in
GetHandles: IPointCollection ExtensionLineOvershot: Double transformation: ITransformation, in
ConnectionStatusUpdated (in Start (in Handle: IPoint) ExtensionLineSymbol: ILineSymbol Boundary: IPolygon)
pConnectionStatus: Stop: IDimensionShape MarkerDisplay: esriDimensionDisplay UpdateShape (in hDC: OLE_HANDLE, in
esriGpsConnectionStatus) MarkerFit: esriDimensionMarkerFit transformation: ITransformation, in
DateTimeUpdated (in pNewDateTime: MarkerFitTolerance: Double pFeature: IFeature)
DgpsInfoUpdated (in pNewDGPSInfo:
DopInfoUpdated (in pdop: esriGpsDOPInfo)
GroundCourseUpdated (in pGroundCourse: INewDimensionFeedback INewDimensionFeedback : IUnknown
MagneticVarianceUpdated (in DimensionType: esriDimensionType
pMagneticVar: ReferenceScale: Double
esriGpsMagneticVariance) ReferenceScaleUnits: esriUnits
PositionUpdated (in position: Style: IDimensionStyle
esriGpsPositionInfo, in estimate:
Boolean) AddPoint (in point: IPoint)
Start (in begin: IPoint)

Enumerations Interfaces
RealTimeFeedChanged Stop: IDimensionShape
SatelliteInfoUpdated (in satelliteCount:

dimError esriDimensionTextDisplay IEnumDim ensionStyle : IUnknown

-2147220991 - 0 - esriDimensionTDValueOnly
Next: IDimensionStyle
-2147220990 - 2 - esriDimensionTDExpression

esriDimensionDisplay esriDimensionTextFit
0 - esriDimensionDisplayBoth 0 - esriDimensionTextFitNone
1 - esriDimensionDisplayBegin 1 - esriDimensionTextFitMoveBegin
2 - esriDimensionDisplayEnd 2 - esriDimensionTextFitMoveEnd
3 - esriDimensionDisplayNone

Enumerations esriDimensionMarkerFit
0 - esriDimensionMarkerFitNone
0 - esriDimensionTypeAligned
1 - esriDimensionMarkerFitTolerance 1 - esriDimensionTypeLinear
esriGpsDateTime <<Struct>> esriGpsDOPInfo <<Struct>>
2 - esriDimensionMarkerFitText
esriGpsBaudRate esriGpsConnectionError esriGpsParity
dateValid: Integer hdop: Double
300 - esriGpsBaudRate300 0 - esriGpsConnectionErrorNone 0 - esriGpsParityNone hdopValid: Integer
day: Integer
600 - esriGpsBaudRate600 1 - esriGpsConnectionErrorCommportInUse 1 - esriGpsParityOdd hour: Integer pdop: Double
1200 - esriGpsBaudRate1200 2 - esriGpsConnectionErrorCommportNotSupported 2 - esriGpsParityEven localOffsetHours: Integer pdopValid: Integer
2400 - esriGpsBaudRate2400 3 - esriGpsConnectionErrorInApplication 3 - esriGpsParityMark localOffsetMinutes: Integer vdop: Double
4800 - esriGpsBaudRate4800 4 - esriGpsConnectionErrorUnableToCommunicateToDevice 4 - esriGpsParitySpace localOffsetsValid: Integer vdopValid: Integer
9600 - esriGpsBaudRate9600 5 - esriGpsConnectionErrorInsufficientData minute: Integer
14400 - esriGpsBaudRate14400 month: Integer
19200 - esriGpsBaudRate19200 seconds: Double esriGpsGroundCourse <<Struct>>
1 - esriGpsBaudRate38400 timeValid: Integer
esriGpsSpeedUnits year: Integer Heading: Double
2 - esriGpsBaudRate56000 esriGpsConnectionStatus 0 - esriGpsSpeedKph headingValid: Integer
3 - esriGpsBaudRate57600 0 - esriGpsConnectionStatusClosed 1 - esriGpsSpeedMph speed: Double
4 - esriGpsBaudRate115200 1 - esriGpsConnectionStatusOpen esriGpsPositionInfo <<Struct>> speedValid: Integer
2 - esriGpsSpeedMps
2 - esriGpsConnectionStatusNoSignal 3 - esriGpsSpeedFps altitude: Double
3 - esriGpsConnectionStatusPoorSignal 4 - esriGpsSpeedKnots altitudeValid: Integer
4 - esriGpsConnectionStatusReceiving hdop: Double esriGpsDgpsInfo <<Struct>>
hdopValid: Integer age: Double
hours: Integer ageValid: Integer
latitude: Double idValid: Integer
esriGpsStopBits longitude: Double
esriGpsLatLongFormat stationID: Long
0 - esriGpsStopBits1 minutes: Integer
0 - esriGpsDegreesMinutesSeconds 1 - esriGpsStopBits15 pos2dValid: Integer
1 - esriGpsDegreesMinutes 2 - esriGpsStopBits2 satellitesInUse: Integer
2 - esriGpsDecimalDegrees esriGpsMagneticVariance <<Struct>>
satellitesInUseValid: Integer
seconds: Double magneticVariance: Double
timeValid: Integer magVarValid: Integer

esriGpsSatelliteData <<Struct>>
azimuth: Integer
elevation: Integer
prn: Integer
snr: Integer
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Type inheritance
Types of Relationships
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Carto Object Model
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and

ArcIMS Layer, Symbology, and

CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition
InterfaceB Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the

InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.
A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on
Association 1..* Multiplicity
Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, ArcIMS, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
they implement. Outbound Interface enumeration
* or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer of Esri in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type
secondMember: Type

IIMSSubLayer IIMSSubLayer : IUnknown
ILayer CanIdentify: Boolean
ILayerGeneralProperties IMSLayer: IACLayer
SymbologyUpdated: Boolean
IPublishLayer CompositeDataLayer in Carto
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN *
esriSystem.IPersistStream ACMap
ILayer2 IACMap IACMap : IUnknown
ILayerPosition AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope
esriSystem.IPersist BackgroundColor: IColor
esriSystem.IPersistStream ImageRequestXml (in pExtent: IEnvelope,
IACMapAdmin in Dpi: Double, in Width: Long, in Height:
IMSMapLayer Long, in ScaleSymbols: Boolean): String
Layer (in Index: Long): IACLayer ACConnector
IMSSubFeatureLayer IIMSMapLayer : ILayer LayerCount: Long
IIMSSubLayer ICompositeLayer2 AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope
MapUnits: acMapUnits
IACConnector IACConnector : IUnknown
IIMSSubLayer : IUnknown MaxPrintPixels: Long
IDataLayer Connection: IIMSServiceDescription
esriGeodatabase.IDataset IDataLayer2 IMSMap: IACMap
NativeSpatialReference: ISpatialReference Map (in AxlRequest: IIMSAxlRequest):
CanIdentify: Boolean SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
esriDisplay.IDisplayAdmin IMSLayer: IACLayer IIdentifyGroup
ClearDrawCache TransparentColor: IColor
esriDisplay.IDisplayFilterManager SymbologyUpdated: Boolean
ILayerEffects ConnectToService (in Service:
IDisplayTable MoveLayer (in Layer: IACLayer, in toIndex:
ILayerExtensions IIMSServiceDescription)
Long) IMSGlobeConnection
ILayerStatus MoveSubLayerTo (in subLayer:
ILayer : IUnknown IIMSSubLayer, in Index: Long)
RequestImage (in pExtent: IEnvelope, in IIMSGlobeConnection
ILayer IIMSGlobeConnection : IUnknown
ILayerEvents Dpi: Double, in Width: Long, in Height:
AreaOfInterest: IEnvelope Long, in ScaleSymbols: Boolean): String
esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN (LayerEventsHelper) RequestImageWithXml (in xml: String):
ServiceName: String
Cached: Boolean URL: String
MaximumScale: Double ISecureLayer String
MinimumScale: Double ISecureLayer2 SendAxlQueryRequest (in axl: String, in MakeRequest (in strDataString: String):
IFeatureLayerSelectionEvents Name: String TrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in String
esriGeodatabase.IGeoDataset ShowTips: Boolean esriDisplay.IConnectionPointContainer showConnectingAVI: Boolean, in MakeRequestBinary (in strDataString:
IHotlinkContainer SpatialReference: ISpatialReference IServiceLayerImageFormat processMessages: Boolean): String String, in bAllocateData: Boolean, out
SupportedDrawPhases: Long SendAxlRequest (in axl: String, in Data: Any, out Size: Long)
ILayerDrawingProperties TipText (in x: Double, in y: Double, in TrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in
ILayerEvents Tolerance: Double): String showConnectingAVI: Boolean, in
(LayerEventsHelper) Valid: Boolean * processMessages: Boolean): String
Visible: Boolean
Draw (in DrawPhase: esriDrawPhase, in IIMSGlobeXMLNode
Display: IDisplay, in TrackCancel: IIMSGlobeXMLNode : IUnknown
ITrackCancel) *
AttribName (in pos: Long): String
IFeatureLayer IFeatureLayer : ILayer ACLayer AttribValueByIndex (in pos: Long): String
AttribValueByName (in Name: String): String
ChildByAttribNameValue (in AttribName:
IHotlinkMacro DataSourceType: String IACLayer2 IACLayer2 : IUnknown
String, in atttribValue: String):
IHyperlinkContainer DisplayField: String EngineIMSLayerFactory IACLayer Extent: IEnvelope IIMSGlobeXMLNode
FeatureClass: IFeatureClass ChildByIndex (in i: Long): IIMSGlobeXMLNode
IIdentify ScaleSymbols: Boolean ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown
ID: String
IDataLayer Selectable: Boolean LayerDefAxl: IUnknown ChildByName (in tagName: String): *
CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): MaxScale: Double IIMSGlobeXMLNode
Search (in queryFilter: IQueryFilter, in Boolean MinScale: Double
Name: String
DeepClone: IIMSGlobeXMLNode
HighestNode (in searchString: String):
recycling: Boolean): IFeatureCursor LayerCategory: String
IHTMLPopupInfo NativeSpatialReference: ISpatialReference IIMSGlobeXMLNode
PublicName: String IACSymbol IACSymbol : IUnknown
IFeatureGeometryAccess IFeatureGeometryAccess : IUnknown
OriginalName: String NumAttrib: Long
NumChildren: Long
IMSSymbolImporter esriSystem.IClone
Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): ParentLayerID: String Antialiasing: Boolean
IHTMLPopupIdentify IEnumLayer Visible: Boolean ShallowClone: IIMSGlobeXMLNode esriSystem.IPersist Transparency: Double
CanAccessGeometry: Boolean
LoadLayers: IEnumLayer
XmlTag: String IIMSSymbolImporter IIMSSymbolImpor ter : IUnknown
CreateSymbol (in xml: String): ISymbol
AddBlankAttrib: Long IACAxl IACAxl : IUnknown
AddChild (in node: IIMSGlobeXMLNode)
IFeatureSelection IFeatureSelection : IUnknown AddFullAttrib (in Name: String, in Value: esriSystem.IPersistStream Element: IUnknown
String): Long
BufferDistance: Double DeleteChild (in num: Long)
CombinationMethod: MakeXmlStr: String
ILayerInfo esriSelectionResultEnum Parse (in xmlStrOrig: String)
SelectionColor: IColor
esriGeodatabase.IClass SelectionSet: ISelectionSet
IPublishLayer SelectionSymbol: ISymbol
SetSelectionSymbol: Boolean
IRelationshipClassCollection IMSGlobeXMLParser
IRelationshipClassCollectionEdit Add (in Feature: IFeature)
IIMSGlobeXMLParser : IUnknown
ISelectionLayerDefinition SelectFeatures (in Filter: IQueryFilter, in
esriGeodatabase.ITable Method: esriSelectionResultEnum, in HighestNode (in Tag: String):
esriGeodatabase.ITableFields justOne: Boolean) ACFeatureLayer ACImageLayer ACAcetateLayer IIMSGlobeXMLNode
SelectionChanged ResponseBody: String
IACLayerAdmin IACLayerAdmin : IUnknown IACLayerAdmin IACLayerAdmin : IUnknown IACAcetateLayer IACAcetateLayer : IUnknown Root: IIMSGlobeXMLNode
ACSimpleFillSymbol ACSimpleMarkerSymbol ACSimpleLineSymbol
XmlHeader: String
XMLLayerInfo: String DisplayNorthArrow: Boolean IACSimpleMarkerSymbol IACSimpleMarkerSymbol : IUnknown
XMLLayerInfo: String
DisplayScaleBar: Boolean MakeXmlStr: String IACSimpleFillSymbol IACSimpleFillSymbol : IUnknown IACSimpleLineSymbol IACSimpleLineSymbol : IUnknown
Parse (in xmlStr: String) Color: IColor
IACFeatureLayer IACFeatureLayer : IUnknown IACImageLayer IACImageLayer : IUnknown Boundary: Boolean Outline: Boolean CapType: acCapType
Color: IColor OutlineColor: IColor
DisplayAnnotation: Boolean
IACAcetateLayerAdmin IACAcetateLayerAdmin : IUnknown
FillType: acFillType Color: IColor
Overlap: Boolean JoinType: acJoinType
DisplayField: String IACImageLayerAdmin IACImageLayerAdmin : IUnknown Interval: Long Shadow: Boolean LineType: acLineType
FeatureClass: IFeatureClass esriSystem.IPersist Connect (in LayerInfo: String, in request: Overlap: Boolean ShadowColor: IColor Overlap: Boolean
GeometryType: acGeometryType esriSystem.IPersist Connect (in LayerInfo: String, in request: esriSystem.IPersistStream IIMSAxlRequest, in spatialRef: Type: acMarkerType Width: Long
HasLabels: Boolean IIMSAxlRequest, in spatialRef: ISpatialReference, in MapUnits: Width: Long
Renderer: IACRenderer esriSystem.IPersistStream acMapUnits)
ISpatialReference, in MapUnits:
IACFeatureLayerAdmin IACFeatureLayerAdmin : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersist ACRasterFillSymbol
Connect (in LayerInfo: String, in request: ACHashLineSymbol
IIMSAxlRequest, in spatialRef:
ISpatialReference, in MapUnits:
ACTrueTypeMarkerSymbol IACHashLineSymbol IACHashLineSymbol : IUnknown
acMapUnits, in FeatureClass: IACRasterFillSymbol IACRasterFillSymbol : IUnknown
IACTrueTypeMarkerSymbol IACTrueTypeMarkerSymbol : IUnknown
Color: IColor
IFeatureClass) Image: String
Angle: Double Interval: Long
Overlap: Boolean
Character: Long LineThickness: Long
URL: String
Font: String Overlap: Boolean
FontColor: IColor TickThickness: Long
FontSize: Long Type: acHashLineType
FontStyle: acFontStyle Width: Long
Glowing: Boolean
GlowingColor: IColor
ACGradientFillSymbol Outline: Boolean
OutlineColor: IColor
ACRenderer IACGradientFillSymbol IACGradientFillSymbol : IUnknown Overlap: Boolean
Shadow: Boolean
FinishColor: IColor ShadowColor: IColor
IACRenderer IACRenderer : IUnknown Overlap: Boolean ACSimplePolygonSymbol
StartColor: IColor
Type: acGradientFillType IACSimplePolygonSymbol IACSimplePolygonSymbol : IUnknown
IACAxl IACAxl : IUnknown
Boundary: Boolean
esriSystem.IPersistStream Element: IUnknown BoundaryCapType: acCapType
esriSystem.IClone BoundaryColor: IColor
BoundaryJoinType: acJoinType
ACCalloutMarkerSymbol BoundaryLineType: acLineType
BoundaryTransparency: Double
BoundaryWidth: Long
ACShieldSymbol IACCalloutMarkerSymbol IACCalloutMarkerSymbol : IUnknown
FillColor: IColor
BackColor: IColor FillInterval: Long
BoundaryColor: IColor FillTransparency: Double
IACShieldSymbol IACShieldSymbol : IUnknown
FillType: acFillType
Font: String
Font: String FontColor: IColor Overlap: Boolean
FontColor: IColor FontSize: Long
FontSize: Long FontStyle: acFontStyle
FontStyle: acFontStyle Glowing: Boolean
LabelMode: acLabelMode GlowingColor: IColor
MinSize: Long Interval: Long
Shadow: Boolean Outline: Boolean
ShadowColor: IColor OutlineColor: IColor
ACLabelRenderer Type: acShieldSymbolType Shadow: Boolean ACTextSymbol
ShadowColor: IColor
IACLabelRenderer IACLabelRenderer : IUnknown IACTextSymbol IACTextSymbol : IUnknown
ACGroupRenderer FeatureWeight: acLabelWeight Blockout: Boolean
HowManyLabels: acNumLabels BlockoutColor: IColor
IACGroupRenderer IACGroupRenderer : IUnknown LabelBufferRatio: Double Font: String
LabelField: String FontColor: IColor
Count: Long
Renderer (in Index: Long): IACRenderer LabelProperties: String ACRasterShieldSymbol FontSize: Long
LabelSymbol: IACSymbol FontStyle: acFontStyle
Add (in Renderer: IACRenderer) LabelWeight: acLabelWeight IACRasterShieldSymbol IACRasterShieldSym bol : IUnknown ACRasterMarkerSymbol Glowing: Boolean
GlowingColor: IColor
Clear LineLabelPosition: acLineLabelPosition
Delete (in Renderer: IACRenderer) RotationalAngles: String Boundary: Boolean IACRasterMarkerSymbol IACRasterMarkerSymbol : IUnknown Interval: Long
Font: String Outline: Boolean
FontColor: IColor Height: Long OutlineColor: IColor
FontSize: Long HotSpot: IPoint PrintMode: acPrintMode
FontStyle: acFontStyle Image: String Shadow: Boolean
Image: String Overlap: Boolean ShadowColor: IColor
LabelMode: acLabelMode Shadow: Boolean
PrintMode: acPrintMode ShadowColor: IColor
Shadow: Boolean URL: String
ShadowColor: IColor Width: Long
TextPosition: IPoint
ACValueMapRenderer URL: String
ACScaleDependentRenderer IACValueMapRenderer IACValueMapRenderer : IUnknown ACTextMarkerSymbol
IACScaleDependentRenderer IACScaleDependentRender er : IUnknown Count: Long
MaxScale: Double Label (in Index: Long): String IACTextMarkerSymbol IACTextMarkerSymbol : IUnknown
MinScale: Double LookupField: String
Lower (in Index: Long): String Angle: Double
Renderer: IACRenderer HAlignment: acHTextAlignment
RangeType (in Index: Long): acRangeType
Symbol (in Index: Long): IACSymbol VAlignment: acVTextAlignment
Upper (in Index: Long): String
Value (in Index: Long): String
Add (in Symbol: IACSymbol, in range:
acRangeType, in Value: String, in Label:
String, in Lower: String, in Upper: String)
ACSimpleRenderer Remove (in Index: Long)

IACSimpleRenderer IACSimpleRender er : IUnknown

Symbol: IACSymbol

Enumerations Interfaces
acCapType acGeometryType acJoinType acLineLabelPosition acMarkerType acRangeType IACLineLabelPosition : IUnknown
0 - acRoundCap 0 - acGeometryPoint 0 - acRoundJoin 0 - acLLPlaceNone 0 - acCircleMarker 0 - acExactValue
1 - acButtCap 1 - acGeometryLine 1 - acMiterJoin 1 - acLLPlaceAbove 1 - acTriangleMarker 1 - acRangeOfValues Above: Boolean

ACSimpleLabelRenderer ACValueMapLabelRenderer 2 - acSquareCap 2 - acGeometryPolygon 2 - acBevelJoin 2 - acLLPlaceBelow 2 - acSquareMarker 2 - acAllOtherValues

AtEnd: Boolean
AtStart: Boolean
IACValueMapLabelRenderer 3 - acGeometryNull 3 - acLLPlaceOnTop 3 - acCrossMarker Below: Boolean
IACValueMapLabelRender er : IUnknown
IACSimpleLabelRenderer IACSimpleLabelRenderer : IUnknown 4 - acLLPlaceLeft 4 - acStarMarker Horizontal: Boolean
IACValueMapRenderer 5 - acLLPlaceRight InLine: Boolean
6 - acLLPlaceAboveBelow Left: Boolean
acFillType acLabelMode acShieldSymbolType None: Boolean
7 - acLLPlaceLeftRight 0 - acInterstateShieldSymbol OnTop: Boolean
0 - acSolidFill acGradientFillType 0 - acFullLabel 8 - acLLPlaceInLine 1 - acUSRoadShieldSymbol Parallel: Boolean
1 - acBDiagonalFill 0 - acBDiagonalGradientFill 1 - acNumericOnlyLabel 9 - acLLPlaceAtStart Perpendicular: Boolean
2 - acFDiagonalFill 1 - acFDiagonalGradientFill acNumLabels 2 - acRectangleShieldSymbol
10 - acLLPlaceAtEnd Right: Boolean
3 - acCrossFill 2 - acHorizontalGradientFill 1 - acOneLabelPerName 3 - acOvalShieldSymbol
11 - acLLPlaceAtEitherEnd 2 - acOneLabelPerShape 4 - acMexicanShieldSymbol
4 - acDiagCrossFill 3 - acVerticalGradientFill 12 - acLLPlaceParallel
5 - acHorizontalFill 3 - acOneLabelPerPart IIMSSubLayer : IUnknown
acLabelWeight 13 - acLLPlacePerpendicular
6 - acVerticalFill 14 - acLLPlaceHorizontal CanIdentify: Boolean
7 - acGrayFill 0 - acNoLabelWeight
15 - acLLPlaceOnTopHorizontal IMSLayer: IACLayer
8 - acLightGrayFill 2 - acMediumLabelWeight
acVTextAlignment SymbologyUpdated: Boolean
9 - acDarkGrayFill acHashLineType 3 - acHighLabelWeight
acPrintMode 0 - acTopVTextAlignment
0 - acForegroundHashLine
0 - acTitleCapsPrintMode 1 - acCenterVTextAlignment
1 - acBackgroundHashLine
acLineType 1 - acAllUpperPrintMode 2 - acBottomVTextAlignment
IIMSGlobeSubServiceDescription : IUnknown
0 - acSolidLine 2 - acAllLowerPrintMode
1 - acDashLine 3 - acNoPrintMode ParentName: String
2 - acDotLine Type: String
0 - acRegularFont
acHTextAlignment 3 - acDashDotLine
1 - acBoldFont
0 - acLeftHTextAlignment 4 - acDashDotDotLine
2 - acItalicFont
3 - acUnderlineFont 1 - acCenterHTextAlignment
4 - acOutlineFont 2 - acRightHTextAlignment
5 - acBoldItalicFont
Types of Classes
Class Diagram AbstractClass An abstract class cannot be used to create new objects but is a specification for
instances of subclasses (through type inheritance.)

Key (Optional)InterfaceB
InterfaceA Interface of interest A CoClass can directly create objects by declaring a new object.
A Class cannot directly create objects, but objects of this class can be created as a
property of another class or instantiated by objects from another class.

Types of Relationships

Carto Object Model

Type inheritance
Associations represent relationships between classes. They have defined
multiplicities at both ends.
Type inheritance defines specialized classes of objects which share properties and
CoClass Instantiation methods with the superclass and have additional properties and methods. Note
InterfaceD that interfaces in superclasses are not duplicated in subclasses.
Interface of interest Composition

Instantiation specifies that one object from one class has a method with which it
Class creates an object from another class.
Composition is a relationship in which objects from the 'whole' class control the
InterfaceG Interface of interest lifetime of objects from the 'part' class.
InterfaceM An N-ary association specifies that more than two classes are associated. A
(<classname>)InterfaceO diamond is placed at the intersection of the association branches.

A Multiplicity is a constraint on the number of objects that can be associated with
another object. Association and composition relationships have multiplicities on Esri® ArcGIS® 10.7
Association Multiplicity both sides. This is the notation for multiplicities:
Special Interfaces Copyright © 1999-2019 Esri. All rights reserved. Esri, ArcGIS, ArcObjects, and ArcMap are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Esri
1 - One and only one (if none shown, '1' is implied)
(Optional) represents interfaces that are 0..1 - Zero or one
in the United States, the European Community, or certain other jurisdictions.
inherited by some subclasses but not all. Inbound Interface
The subclasses list the optional interfaces M..N - From M to N (positive integers)
Outbound Interface enumeration
they implement. * or 0..* - From zero to any positive integer
firstValue - firstEnumeration
Interface key secondValue - secondEnumeration 1..* - From one to any positive integer
(Instance) represents interfaces that are
only on specific instances of the class. Property Get
Property Put
(<classname>) indicates the name of the Property Get/Put Structure key <<Struct>>
Property Put by Reference
helper class required to support this event
interface in Visual Basic. Method firstMember: Type

Environment and
secondMember: Type

Feature Management

GraphicSnapEnvironment FeatureCache
IGraphicSnapEnvironment IGr aphicSnapEnvironment : IUnknown IFeatureCache2 IFeatureCache2 : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersist SnapAgent (in Index: Long): IGraphicSnap IFeatureCache Count: Long
esriSystem.IPersistStream SnapAgentCount: Long Feature (in Index: Long): IFeature
SnapAgentOrder: IArray
SnapTolerance: Double AddFeatures (in fclass: IFeatureClass, in
Clip: IEnvelope)
AddSnapAgent (in SnapAgent: AddLayers (in Layers: IEnumLayer, in Clip:
IGraphicSnap) IEnvelope)
ClearSnapAgents Contains (in point: IPoint): Boolean
DeleteSnapAgent (in SnapAgent: Initialize (in point: IPoint, in Size: Double)
SnapShape (in Shape: IGeometry)

IGraphicSnapEnvironment2 IGr aphicSnapEnvironment2 : IUnknown

SnapAgent (in Index: Long): IGraphicSnap
SnapAgentCount: Long FeatureCursorBuffer
SnapAgentOrder: IArray IFeatureCursorBuffer2 : IUnknown
SnapTolerance: Double IFeatureCursorBuffer2
AddSnapAgent (in SnapAgent:
IBufferProcessingParameter BufferedGeometry: IEnumGeometry
IFeatureCursorBuffer BufferSpatialReference: ISpatialReference
IGraphicSnap) CancelTrack: ITrackCancel
ClearSnapAgents DataFrameSpatialReference:
DeleteSnapAgent (in SnapAgent: ISpatialReference
IGraphicSnap) Dissolve: Boolean

Dynamic Display
SnapShape (in Shape: IGeometry) FeatureCursor: IFeatureCursor
SnapShapeEx (in pElement: IElement, in FieldDistance: String
Shape: IGeometry) PolygonBufferType: esriBufferType
RingDistance (in numberOfRings: Long):
SourceSpatialReference: ISpatialReference
SpatialReference: ISpatialReference
TargetSpatialReference: ISpatialReference
LabelEnvironment Units (in MapUnits: esriUnits): esriUnits
ValueDistance: Double
ILabelEnvironment ILabelEnvironment : IUnknown
Buffer (in pNewLocationName:
LabelStyle: ILabelStyle IFeatureClassName)
LabelStyleMethod: BufferToGraphics (in
esriLabelEnvLabelStyleMethod pCompositeGraphicsLayer:
Placement: esriLabelEnvPlacement ICompositeGraphicsLayer)
GraphicsLayer2 (in pGraphicsLayer:
IGraphicsLayer, in Selected: Boolean,
out pSelectedElements: Long, out
bHasPolygons: Boolean)

DynamicDisplayBase in SelectionEnvironment
ISelectionEnvironment ISelectionEnvironment : IUnknown
Display FeatureFindData
DynamicGlyphFactory AreaSearchDistance: Double
AreaSelectionMethod: esriSpatialRelEnum IFeatureFindData2 IFeatureFindData2 : IUnknown
esriDisplay.IDynamicGlyphFactory IDynamicGlyphFactory : IUnknown
esriSelectionResultEnum IFindObj Feature: IFeature
DynamicGlyph (in groupId: Long, in DefaultColor: IColor IFindObject Layer: ILayer
GlyphType: esriDynamicGlyphType, in esriSystem.IPersist LinearSearchDistance: Double
LinearSelectionMethod: esriSpatialRelEnum
index: Long): IDynamicGlyph esriSystem.IPersistStream
DynamicGlyphBase in PointSearchDistance: Double
PointSelectionMethod: esriSpatialRelEnum
CreateDynamicGlyph (in Symbol: ISymbol):
DynamicDisplay Display IDynamicGlyph
SearchTolerance: Long
CreateDynamicGlyphFromFile (in
IActiveViewEvents IActiveViewEvents : IUnknown GlyphType: esriDynamicGlyphType, in
ISelectionEnvironmentLayer ISelectionEnvironmentLayer : IUnknown FeatureIDSet
fileName: String, in transparencyColor:
AfterDraw (in Display: IDisplay, in phase: IColor): IDynamicGlyph ClearInvisibleLayers: Boolean IFeatureIDSet IFeatureIDSet : IUnknown
esriViewDrawPhase) DeleteDynamicGlyph (in glyph:
IDynamicGlyph) esriSystem.IPersist Contains (in FID: Long): Boolean
AfterItemDraw (in Index: Integer, in Display:
IDisplay, phase: esriDrawPhase) Init (in ScreenDisplay: IScreenDisplay)
ISelectionEnvironmentStorage ISelectionEnvironmentStorage : IUnknown
esriSystem.IPersistStream Count: Long
ContentsChanged LoadDynamicGlyphsGroup (in fileName: Members: Variant
Map in Carto Map and ContentsCleared DynamicGlyph
String): Long
UnloadDynamicGlyphsGroup (in groupId:
SaveSelections: Boolean Add (in FID: Long)
FocusMapChanged Clear
Page Layout ItemAdded (in Item: Variant) Long)
Remove (in FID: Long)
ItemDeleted (in Item: Variant) ISelectionEnvironmentThreshold ISelectionEnvironmentThr eshold : IUnknown
ItemReordered (in Item: Variant, in toIndex:
Long) esriDisplay.IDynamicGlyphFactory2 IDynamicGlyphFactory2 : ShowSelectionWarning: Boolean
SelectionChanged IDynamicGlyphFactory WarningThreshold: Long
ViewRefreshed (in View: IActiveView, in
CreateDynamicGlyphFromBitmap (in
phase: esriViewDrawPhase, in Data: GlyphType: esriDynamicGlyphType, in IFeatureIndex2 IFeatureIndex2 : IUnknown
Variant, in envelope: IEnvelope) hBmp: OLE_HANDLE, in IFeatureIndex FeatureClass: IFeatureClass
preserveAlphaChannel: Boolean, in
transparencyColor: IColor):
IIndexQuery FeatureCursor: IFeatureCursor
IDynamicGlyph RasterDefaultsEnv IIndexQuery2 OutputSpatialReference (in FieldName:
GetCreatedDynamicGlyphSize (in String): ISpatialReference
GlyphType: esriDynamicGlyphType, in IRasterDefaultsEnv IRasterDefaultsEnv : IUnknown Index (in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in
sizeX: Long, in sizeY: Long) pQueryingGeometryFullExtent:
DynamicCacheLayerManager SetCreatedDynamicGlyphSize (in Format (in i: Long): IRasterFormatInfo IEnvelope)
GlyphType: esriDynamicGlyphType, in NumFormats: Long
IDynamicCacheLayerManager IDynamicCacheLayerManager : IUnknown sizeX: Long, in sizeY: Long) PyramidCreateOpt: esriRasterPyramidOptEnum
IDynamicCacheLayerManager2 AlwaysDrawCoarsestLevel: Boolean UseExtChecking: Boolean
Cacheable: Boolean
ConsolidatedGroupLayer: Boolean
DetailsThreshold: Double
Query3BandRGB (out redIndex: Long, out
greenIndex: Long, out blueIndex: Long)
FolderName: String Query4BandRGB (out redIndex: Long, out RasterFormatInfo esriGeoDatabase.IFieldInfo3 IFieldInfo3 : IUnknown

FolderPath: String greenIndex: Long, out blueIndex: Long) esriGeodatabase.IFieldInfo2
Format: String Set3BandRGB (in redIndex: Long, in greenIndex: IRasterFormatInfo IRasterFormatInfo : IUnknown Alias: String
MaxCacheScale: Double Long, in blueIndex: Long) esriGeodatabase.IFieldInfo AsString (in Value: Variant): String
ProgressiveDrawingLevels: Long Set4BandRGB (in redIndex: Long, in greenIndex:
ActiveBrowse: Boolean esriSystem.IPersist Highlight: Boolean
DefaultExts: String NumberFormat: INumberFormat
ProgressiveFetchingLevels: Long Long, in blueIndex: Long)
FormatName: String esriSystem.IPersistStream Readonly: Boolean
IAction : IUnknown IActionCollection : IUnknown IActionState : IUnknown StrictOnDemandMode: Boolean
ValueAsRatio: Boolean
IRasterDefaultsEnv2 IRasterDefaultsEnv2 : IRasterDefaultsEnv Visible: Boolean
ActionCategory: enumActionCategory Action (in nIndex: Long): IAction Connect (in newFolderPath: String, in
Alias: String ActionCount: Long ResetToDefaultState newFolderName: String) DynamicHit MaxTableSize: Long
ContinueProcessing: Boolean Count: Long Delete ProxyFilePath: String
EvaluationCount: Long EnabledActionCount: Long Init (in Map: IMap, in Layer: ILayer) IDynamicHit IDynamicHit : IUnknown RenderingMode:
IConditionalAction : IUnknown Invalidate (in Extent: IEnvelope, in
FilteredCount: Long ExclusionCategory: enumActionCategory esriRasterRenderingModeEnum
doubleBuffer: Boolean) NameCount: Long
IsEnabled: Boolean MaximumDepth: Long ColumnList: Variant Resampling: rstResamplingTypes
Object: IUnknown
Label: String NextActionNumber: Long LocationTriggerName: String Update (in Extent: IEnvelope, in
ObjectID: Long
ModifiedCount: Long LocationTriggerType: esriSpatialRelEnum fromMapScale: Double, in UpdateAll
Name: String Add (in piAction: IAction, in nIndex: Long)
NegateLocationTrigger: Boolean targetMapScale: Double, in updateMode: Owner: IUnknown IServerThreadedJob : IUnknown RasterIdentifyObj
CheckLayers (in bRebuildGeometry: Boolean) esriMapCacheUpdateMode) ParentID: Long
ProcessedCount: Long PolygonSource: String
IServerThreadedJob Host: String IRasterDefaultsEnv3 IRasterDefaultsEnv3 : IRasterDefaultsEnv2
RulesDescription: String DependsUponFeatureClass (in piFeatureClass:
QueryString: String ServerContext: IServerContext IIdentifyObj IIdentifyObj : IUnknown
StopProcessing: Boolean IFeatureClass): Boolean AssumeHomogeneousCatalog: Boolean
SpatialReference: String Service: String
StopProcessingCount: Long DisableActionsUsingLayer (in piLayer: ILayer): IPersistStream FavorWorldFile: Boolean hWnd: OLE_HANDLE
TestGeometry: IGeometry
Boolean CreateContext MaximumBuildAttributeTableSize: Long Layer: ILayer
Type: String
Find (in piAction: IAction): Long
TriggerLayer: ILayer IClone Name: String
Version: Double TriggerLayerName: String GetContextStream: IStream
Move (in nSourceIndex: Long, in GetTrackCancel: ITrackCancel
TriggerType: enumTriggerType CanIdentify (in pLayer: ILayer): Boolean
ClearCounts nDestinationIndex: Long) ReleaseContext
Evaluate (in piObject: IUnknown, in ReenableActionsUsingLayer (in piLayer: ILayer): IRasterDefaultsEnv4 IRasterDefaultsEnv4 : IRasterDefaultsEnv3 Flash (in pDisplay: IScreenDisplay)
pvarReturnedObjects: Variant) Boolean PopUpMenu (in x: Long, in y: Long)
AskSubdatasetSelection: Boolean
Remove (in nIndex: Long) IConditionalAction2 : IUnknown
DisplayWithContrastStretch: Boolean
ColumnList: Variant MaximumRastersColorMatching: Long IRasterIdentifyObj IRasterIdentifyObj : IUnknown
IAreaSeriesProperties : IUnknown
LocationTriggerName: String Location: IPoint
MultipleAreaType: esriMultiAreaType IActionPr ocessor : IUnknown LocationTriggerType: esriSpatialRelEnum CacheDatasetInfo MapTip: String
Stairs: Boolean NegateLocationTrigger: Boolean RasterLayer in Carto Name: String
StairsInvert: Boolean Actions: IActionCollection PolygonSourceName: IName ICacheDatasetInfo ICacheDatasetInfo : IUnknown IRasterDefaultsEnv5 IRasterDefaultsEnv5 : IRasterDefaultsEnv4
Transparency: Long ExcludeRealtimeActions: Boolean QueryString: String IPersist BackgroundColor: IColor
Layers InsertPropAndValue (in Property: String, in
ProcessorWaitTimeOut: Long Extent: IEnvelope Value: String)
SpatialReference: String CreateTiledTIFF: Boolean
Suspended: Boolean TestGeometry: IGeometry IPersistStream DisplayBackground: Boolean
IDataBrowser : IUnknown CheckLayers TriggerLayer: ILayer IXMLSerialize NoDataColor: IColor IRasterIdentifyObj2 IRasterIdentifyObj2 : IUnknown
ClearQueue TriggerLayerName: String IXMLVersionSupport
Databases: IEnumWorkspace TriggerType: enumTriggerType QueryBackgroundValues (out pRed: Double, out
ProcessData (in piObject: IUnknown, in pGreen: Double, out pBlue: Double)
Datasets (in Workspace: IWorkspace): bQueueProcessing: Boolean, in GetPropAndValues (in Index: Long, out
IEnumDataset pvarReturnedObjects: Variant) Property: String, out Value: String)
FeatureClasses (in Dataset: IDataset): SetBackgroundValues (in Red: Double, in Green:
IEnumFeatureClass IConditionalAction4 : IConditionalAction2 Double, in Blue: Double)
IRowIdentifyObject IRowIdentifyObject : IUnknown
Workspaces (in Path: String): IBar SeriesProperties : IUnknown FavorQuery: Boolean
IEnumWorkspace LocationTrigger: ILocationTrigger CacheRasterDatasetName Row: IRow
BarSize: Long IRasterDefaultsEnv6 IRasterDefaultsEnv6 : IRasterDefaultsEnv5
BarStyle: esriBarStyle IDatasetName IDatasetName : IUnknown BoundarySubLayerIsVisible: Boolean
MultipleBarType: esriMultiBarType FootprintSubLayerIsVisible: Boolean
IHighlightSuppressionAction : IUnknown Category: String
IEditOperation : IOperation IPersist Name: String MosaicLayerIsExpanded: Boolean
ActionType: enumHighlightSuppression IPersistStream SubsetNames: IEnumDatasetName PreviewSubLayerIsVisible: Boolean
IGeoRefSaveAsDlg : IUnknown SeamlineSubLayerIsVisible: Boolean
HighlightSymbol: ISymbol IMetadata Type: esriDatasetType
WorkspaceName: IWorkspaceName
CanSaveAs (in pLayer: ILayer): Boolean
ContainsFeature (in OID: Long): Boolean
IMetadataEdit SimpleWMSIdentifyObject
IEnumLocatedNetworkElement : IUnknown DoSaveAs (in pLayer: ILayer) IsSuppression: Boolean
INativeTypeInfo IRasterDefaultsEnv7 IRasterDefaultsEnv7 : IRasterDefaultsEnv6
IIdentifyObj IIdentifyObj : IUnknown
NetworkDataset: INetworkDataset IClassID GammaBlueValue: Double IIdentifyObject
IName GammaGreenValue: Double hWnd: OLE_HANDLE
Next (in elementGeometry: IGeometry, in IIdentifyObjWindow : IUnknown GammaRedValue: Double Layer: ILayer
ILayer Action : IUnknown
ElementType: esriNetworkElementType):
UseWindow: Boolean MaxPercent: Double WMSMapLayer in Carto Name: String
Long EventIdColumnNumber: Long MinPercent: Double
Reset Layer: ILayer StandardDeviationsParam: Double Layers CanIdentify (in pLayer: ILayer): Boolean
StretchType: esriRasterStretchTypesEnum Flash (in pDisplay: IScreenDisplay)

IMXFeatureFindData : IUnknown
TilesTable UseGamma: Boolean
PopUpMenu (in x: Long, in y: Long)
IFeatureFindData : IUnknown ILocationTr igger : IUnknown
ActiveView: IActiveView
ITilesTable ITilesTable : IUnknown
ActiveView: IActiveView Description: String IRasterDefaultsEnv8 IRasterDefaultsEnv8 : IRasterDefaultsEnv7
Feature: IFeature EventIdColumn: Long
Layer: ILayer Invertable: Boolean Close DisplayServiceCacheByDefault: Boolean
Inverted: Boolean Create (in levelCacheDir: String, in Format: RenderingDefaultsEnabled: Boolean
IMapIdentifyObject : IUnknown UseBandSpectralInfoForRGBMapping: Boolean
Name: String String, in txStart: Long, in txEnd: Long, in MapCacheExporter
Map: IMap ShapeColumn: Long tyStart: Long, in tyEnd: Long)
TestFeatureClass: IFeatureClass Delete (in levelCacheDir: String, in Format: IMapCacheExporter IMapCacheExporter : IUnknown
IFindObject : IFindObj
TestGeometry: IGeometry String, in ty: Long, in tx: Long) IEnumThreadedJobs Dataframe: String
FID: Long Exists (in layerCacheDir: String, in ty: Long,
EvaluateDataMessage (in piDataMessage: Host: String
IGlobeDocument : IUnknown in tx: Long): Boolean
IDataMessage) Service: String
GetOffset (in ty: Long, in tx: Long): Long TargetCachePath: String
DocumentFilename: String
IDataGraphTLegendProperties : IUnknown DocumentType: esriGlobeDocumentType
EvaluateFeature (in piFeature: IFeature)
GeometryIsCompatible (in eTypeA:
GetTileCount: Long InvalidArea
InsertTile (in ty: Long, in tx: Long, in Export (in pLevels: ILongArray, in
DocumentVersion: esriGeometryType, in eTypeB: IInvalidArea : IUnknown
Alignment: esriGlobeDocumentVersionInfo esriGeometryType)
pStream: IStream): Long esriGeodatabase.IInvalidArea pGeometry: IGeometry, in numThreads:
esriDataGraphTLegendAlignment IsLocked: Boolean Long, in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in
GlobeObject: IUnknown Display: IScreenDisplay
Open (in levelCacheDir: String, in ty: Long,

Style Gallery Classes

TextStyle: esriDataGraphTLegendTextSyle IsGlobeDocument (in bsDocument: String): pCacheStorageInfo: ICacheStorageInfo,
Title: String in tx: Long, in forReadOnly: Boolean) Add (in thing: IUnknown) in Overwrite: Boolean)
Boolean ICFDataSourcePageExtension : IUnknown
Visible: Boolean QueryTile (in ty: Long, in tx: Long): IStream Invalidate (screenCache: Integer) Import (in pLevels: ILongArray, in
IsPasswordProtected (in bsDocument:
UpdateTile (in ty: Long, in tx: Long, in pGeometry: IGeometry, in numThreads:
String): Boolean DataSourceReadOnly: Boolean
pStream: IStream) Long, in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in
IsPresent (in bsDocument: String): Boolean IInvalidArea2 IInvalidArea2 : IInvalidArea
IsReadOnly (in bsDocument: String): Overwrite: Boolean)
IDataGraphTPenProperties : IUnknown
Color: OLE_COLOR IsRestricted (in bsDocument: String): AddFeature (in Feature: IFeature, in
Style: esriDataGraphTPenType Boolean Symbol: ISymbol)
Visible: Boolean Layer (in lLayerIndex: Long): ILayer
Width: Long LayerCount: Long FeatureServiceWorkspaceFactory MapCacheExporterJob
Thumbnail: IPicture IInvalidArea3 IInvalidArea3 : IInvalidArea2
UsesRelativePaths: Boolean esriGeodatabase.IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper : IUnknown IServerThreadedJob IServerThreadedJob : IUnknown
IDataGraphTSymbolProperties : IUnknown CanSupportSQL: Boolean InvalidateEx (in screenCache: Integer, in Host: String
Close ServerStyleGallery in DatasetDescription (in DatasetType: symSizePoints: Double) IPersistStream
BorderProperties: GetVersionInfo (in pbVersionInfoMissing: StyleGallery in Framework esriDatasetType): String IClone
ServerContext: IServerContext
IDataGraphTPenProperties Boolean, in plMajor: Long, in plMinor: Display DataSourceName: String
Service: String
Color: OLE_COLOR Long, in plRevision: Long, in plBuild:
Height: Long Long) esriGeodatabase.IWorkspaceFactory WorkspaceDescription (in plural: Boolean): CreateContext
String GetContextStream: IStream
Style: esriDataGraphTSymbolType New (in bsDocument: String)
Visible: Boolean Open (in bsDocument: String, in
esriGeodatabase.IWorkspaceFactory2 WorkspaceFactoryTypeID: IUID GetTrackCancel: ITrackCancel
WorkspaceType: esriWorkspaceType ReleaseContext
Width: Long bsPassword: String) BasicGeoprocessor
Save (in bUseRelativePaths: Boolean, in 1..* 1..* ContainsWorkspace (in parentDirectory: String,
bCreateThumnbail: Boolean) in fileNames: IFileNames): Boolean IBasicGeoprocessor IBasicGeoprocessor : IUnknown
INetworkIdentifyObj : IUnknown SaveAs (in bsDocument: String, in GetWorkspaceString (in parentDirectory: String,
bUseRelativePaths: Boolean, in CancelTracker: ITrackCancel
ElementID: Long bCreateThumnbail: Boolean)
in fileNames: IFileNames): String
IsWorkspace (in wksString: String): Boolean SpatialReference: ISpatialReference MapCacheStorageFormatConvertor
ElementType: esriNetworkElementType OpenWorkspace (in wksString: String): Clip (in inputTable: ITable, in IMapCacheStorageFormatConvertor : IUnknown
NetworkName: String
ITempor alSear ch : IUnknown
IPlugInWorkspaceHelper useSelectedInput: Boolean, in clipTable: IMapCacheStorageFormatConvertor
Shape: IGeometry StyleGalleryClass ITable, in useSelectedClip: Boolean, in IEnumThreadedJobs
IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper2 : Tolerance: Double, in outputName:
LastKnownFeatures (in varStartingTime: esriDisplay.IStyleGalleryClass2 IStyleGalleryClass2 : IUnknown IFeatureClassName): IFeatureClass CacheExtent: IEnvelope
Variant, in varEndingTime: Variant): ICursor
esriGeodatabase.IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper2 IPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelper
Dissolve (in inputTable: ITable, in CompressedCachePath: String
LastKnownOIDs (in varStartingTime: Variant,
esriDisplay.IStyleGalleryClass Description: String useSelected: Boolean, in dissolveField: Dataframe: String
in varEndingTime: Variant): IFeatureIDSet DisplayName: String OpenWorkspaceEx (in wksString: String, in String, in summaryFields: String, in Host: String
QueryTemporalExtent (in pvarStartTime: ItemClass: GUID pConnectionProps: IPropertySet): outputName: IDatasetName): ITable PacketSize: Long
Variant, in pvarEndTime: Variant) Name: String IPlugInWorkspaceHelper Intersect (in inputTable: ITable, in Service: String
NewObject (in newType: String): IUnknown useSelectedInput: Boolean, in TileCachePath: String
NewObjectTypes: IEnumBSTR overlayTable: ITable, in
PreviewRatio: Double useSelectedOverlay: Boolean, in Compress (in numThreads: Long, in LayerName:
Tolerance: Double, in outputName: String, in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in
EditProperties (in galleryItem: IUnknown, in IFeatureClassName): IFeatureClass Overwrite: Boolean)
Merge (in tables: IArray, in fieldsTable: ITable,
listener: IComPropertySheetEvents, in FeatureServerLayerFactory in outputName: IFeatureClassName):
Decompress (in numThreads: Long, in LayerName:
hWnd: OLE_HANDLE, out ok: Boolean) String, in pTrackCancel: ITrackCancel, in

Enumerations Preview (in galleryItem: IUnknown, in hDC:

ILayerFactory ILayer Factory : IUnknown IFeatureClass
Overwrite: Boolean)
Union (in inputTable: ITable, in
OLE_HANDLE, in rectangle: tagRECT) CanCreate (in inputObject: IUnknown): Boolean useSelectedInput: Boolean, in
LayerCategory: String overlayTable: ITable, in
esriSystem.ISupportErrorInfo PublicName: String useSelectedOverlay: Boolean, in
Tolerance: Double, in outputName:
Create (in inputObject: IUnknown): IEnumLayer IFeatureClassName): IFeatureClass
LoadLayers: IEnumLayer
enumActionCategory esriDataGraphTLegendTextSyle esriFindOption
0 - enumLayer 0 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextPlain -1 - esriFindAllLayers QueryByLayer
1 - enumServer 1 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextLeftValue -2 - esriFindVisibleLayers
2 - enumService 2 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextRightValue
IQueryByLayer IQueryByLayer : IUnknown
3 - enumRealtimeLayer 3 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextLeftPercent FeatureServiceEditExtension RasterThumbnailBuilder BufferDistance: Double
4 - enumNoCategory 4 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextRightPercent AreaPatchStyleGalleryClass LineSymbolStyleGalleryClass BufferUnits: esriUnits
esriIdentifyOption esriDataSourcesRaster.IRasterThumbnailBuilder
5 - enumServerMasterCollection 5 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextXValue -1 - esriIdentifyAllLayers
IFeatureServiceEditExtension IFeatureServiceEditExtension : IUnknown IRasterThumbnailBuilder : IUnknown ByLayer: IFeatureLayer
6 - enumServerDSDCollection 6 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextValue IClone FromLayer: IFeatureLayer
-2 - esriIdentifyVisibleLayers ThumbnailFormat: String LayerSelectionMethod:
7 - enumLayerMasterCollection 7 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextPercent CanCreateFromFeatureService (in pObject: IPersist
-3 - esriIdentifyTopmost
8 - enumLayerSubCollection 8 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextXAndValue -4 - esriIdentifyTopOneWithHTMLPopup BackGroundStyleGalleryClass MarkerSymbolStyleGalleryClass esriSystem.IPersistStream IUnknown): Boolean
BuildThumbnail (in pItemURI: IItemURI, in esriLayerSelectionMethod
ResultType: esriSelectionResultEnum
9 - esriDataGraphTLegendTextXAndPercent CanEdit: Boolean pRaster: IRaster): BYTE[]
-5 - esriIdentifyVisibleWithHTMLPopup esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN CreateFromFeatureService (in pObject: IRenderedThumbnailBuilder UseSelectedFeatures: Boolean
IUnknown, in pGroupLayer:
esriBarStyle Select: ISelectionSet
IGroupLayer): IEnumTable
0 - esriRectangleBar esriDataGraphTPenType
BorderStyleGalleryClass NorthArrowStyleGalleryClass CreateLayerFromFeatureService (in
1 - esriPyramidBar 0 - esriDataGraphTPenSolid pObject: IUnknown, in LayerID: String, in
2 - esriInvPyramidBar 1 - esriDataGraphTPenDash 0 - esriNoneMultiArea pGroupLayer: IGroupLayer): IEnumTable
3 - esriCylinderBar 2 - esriDataGraphTPenDot 1 - esriStackedMultiArea Disconnect (in pLayer: IGroupLayer)
4 - esriEllipseBar 3 - esriDataGraphTPenDashDot 2 - esriStacked100MultiArea
ColorRampStyleGalleryClass ScalebarStyleGalleryClass
Extract (in pLayer: IGroupLayer, in RasterServiceHelper
5 - esriArrowBar 4 - esriDataGraphTPenDashDotDot ipWorkspace: IWorkspace)
6 - esriRectGradientBar 5 - esriDataGraphTPenClear IsEditing: Boolean EsriDataSourcesRaster.IRasterServiceHelper IRasterServiceHelper : IUnknown
7 - esriConeBar StartEditing (in pLayer: IGroupLayer, in
6 - esriDataGraphTPenInsideFrame esriMultiBarType
8 - esriBevelBar 7 - esriDataGraphTPenSmallDots 0 - esriNoneMultiBar
pWorkspace: IWorkspace, in pEnvelope: EsriDataSourcesRaster.IRasterServiceHelper2
IEnvelope, in repName: String) Open (in pName: IName): IRasterDataset
9 - esriSlantCubeBar 1 - esriSideMultiBar ColorStyleGalleryClass ScaleTextStyleGalleryClass StopEditing (in pLayer: IGroupLayer) OpenFromFile (in urlString: String):
10 - esriDiamondBar 2 - esriStackedMultiBar UsesSoapEditing: Boolean IRasterDataset
11 - esriInvArrow 3 - esriStacked100MultiBar
12 - esriInvCone 4 - esriSideAllMultiBar
0 - esriDataGraphTSymbolRectangle
1 - esriDataGraphTSymbolCircle 5 - esriSelfStackMultiBar FillSymbolStyleGalleryClass ShadowStyleGalleryClass
2 - esriDataGraphTSymbolTriangle
esriBufferType 3 - esriDataGraphTSymbolDownTriangle
0 - esriBufferAll 4 - esriDataGraphTSymbolCross esriGlobeDocumentType FeatureServiceLayerEditExtension
1 - esriBufferOutside
2 - esriBufferInside
5 - esriDataGraphTSymbolDiagCross 0 - esriGlobeDocumentTypeGmx LabelStyleGalleryClass TextSymbolStyleGalleryClass IFeatureServiceLayerEditExtension IFeatureServiceLayerEditExtension : IUnknown
6 - esriDataGraphTSymbolStar 1 - esriGlobeDocumentTypePmf
3 - esriBufferOutsideIncludeInside 7 - esriDataGraphTSymbolDiamond 2 - esriGlobeDocumentTypeLyr LayerID: String
4 - esriBufferInsideExcludeRing 8 - esriDataGraphTSymbolSmallDot 3 - esriGlobeDocumentTypeUnknown esriSystem.IPersistStream PlugInFeatureClassName: IName
9 - esriDataGraphTSymbolNothing esriSystem.IDocumentVersionSupportGEN PlugInTableName: IName
10 - esriDataGraphTSymbolLeftTriangle LegendItemStyleGalleryClass MaplexLabelStyleGalleryClass
esriCad3DRenderMode 11 - esriDataGraphTSymbolRightTriangle esriGlobeDocumentVersionInfo
0 - esriCad3DRenderWireFrame 0 - esriGlobeDocumentVersionInfoSuccess
1 - esriCad3DRenderFlatFilled 1 - esriGlobeDocumentVersionInfoFail
2 - esriCad3DRenderHiddenLine esriGraphColorType 2 - esriGlobeDocumentVersionInfoUnknown LinePatchStyleGalleryClass RepresentationMarkerStyleGalleryClass
3 - esriCad3DRenderFlatShaded 1 - esriGraphColorMatch
4 - esriCad3DRenderGouraudShaded 2 - esriGraphColorPalette
4 - esriGraphColorCustomAll
8 - esriGraphColorCustomEach enumHighlightSuppression
0 - enumActionTypeUnspecified RepresentationRuleStyleGalleryClass
1 - enumHighlight
0 - esriDataGraphTLegendLeft
2 - enumSuppression
1 - esriDataGraphTLegendRight
2 - esriDataGraphTLegendTop
3 - esriDataGraphTLegendBottom
0 - enumTriggerTypeUnspecified
1 - enumAttributeTrigger
2 - enumLocationTrigger
3 - enumDualTrigger
4 - enumAlwaysTrigger

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