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The Rise of Filipino Nationalism

1. 1. INTRODUCTION ? NATIONALISM … Nationalism is a belief, creed or

political ideology that involves an individual identifying with, or becoming
attached to, one's nation. In the history of Philippines, the birth of
nationalism went rather slowly due to topography, language problems and
colonial policy. Nationalism is not a product of a sudden outburst of
sentiment. It is brought about by certain factors that gradually develop. It
is like a seed nourished by common ideals and aspiration for national
2. 2. NATIONALISM Nationalism is a belief, creed or political ideology that
involves an individual identifying with, or becoming attached to, one's
nation. It involves national identity. Nationalism is the feeling of oneness
among the people of a certain country.
3. 3. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution
4. 4. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Transformed Philippines as
the center for world trade Provincial ports were opened to foreign
merchants -- rice, sugar, abaca, tobacco and indigo Broke her dependency
on the treasury of Mexico The economy of the Philippines rose rapidly and
its local industries developed
5. 5. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Modernization of the country
-- 1839 : Mail service -- 1852 : 1st paper money (Philippine bank) -- 1880 :
Hotel de Oriente (Binondo) -- 1846 : 1st newspaper Rise of the middle class
-- intelligentsia or ilustrado -- comprised of the Spanish and Chinese
6. 6. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce
7. 7. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution
8. 8. Influx of Liberal Ideas Due, primarily, to the opening of Philippines to
world trade The possibility of applying Western thoughts as a means to
solve existing problems in the country Also caused by the opening of the
Suez Canal -- November 17, 1869
9. 9. Influx of Liberal Ideas The intellectuals of the country gained access to
western political thought from the books and newspapers brought by
foreign travelers -- Ideologies of the French and American Revolution --
Voltaire, Rousseau, Locke, Montesquieu, Jefferson
10. 10. Influx of Liberal Ideas “But there is only one thing which gathers
people into seditious commotion, and that is oppression.” “When the
people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears
the people, there is liberty.” “Society is the union of men and not the men
themselves.” “In general, the art of government consists of taking as much
money as possible from one class of citizens to give to another.” “Man is
born free, but everywhere he is in chains.”
11. 11. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution
12. 12. Secularization Movement Regular Priests and Secular Priests --
Regular priests belonged to religious orders. Their main task was to
spread Christianity. -- Secular priests were trained to run the parishes and
were under the supervision of the bishops. Conflict began when the
bishops insisted on visiting the parishes that were being run by regular
13. 13. Secularization Movement Secular priests must fill in the vacancy left
by the regular clergy The increase of number in Christian converts proved
to be too much compared to the number of clerics Due to lack of
personnel, the various religious orders opened membership to young
native Filipinos -- 1698: Francisco Baluyut – 1st indio priest
14. 14. Secularization Movement Conflict mounted between the Spanish friars
and Filipino Priests -- Father Pedro Pelaez - defended the rights of the
Filipino clergy
15. 15. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution
16. 16. Liberal Regime of De La Torre He was welcomed by both Filipinos and
Spaniards -- June 23, 1869 A liberal Spaniard who practiced liberal and
democratic principles He abolished flogging, relaxed media censorship,
and began limited secularization of education
17. 17. Liberal Regime of De La Torre Developed a close relationship with the
ilustrados The peaceful settlement of agrarian unrest in Cavite -- Guisas
de la Torre (Guardia Civil) - police force headed by Camerino, the leader of
the revolt
18. 18. Liberal Regime of De La Torre Alpargatas - the Spanish national
footwear for peasants
19. 19. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution
20. 20. Cavite Mutiny The liberal government established by Gov. – Gen.
Carlos Maria de la Torre ended -- General Rafael Izquierdo - marked the
end of liberal policies 200 Filipino Soldiers (Cavite arsenal) -- abolition of
exemption from polo y servicio and payment of annual tribute -- January
20, 1872 - the mutiny broke out under the leadership of Sergeant La Madrid
-- January 27, 1872 - 41 mutineers were executed including Camerino
21. 21. Cavite Mutiny Boasted that he ruled with a crucifix in one hand and a
sword in the other
22. 22. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution
23. 23. GOMBURZA Execution Father Mariano Gomez Father Jose Burgos
Father Jacinto Zamora
24. 24. GOMBURZA Execution February 17, 1872 -- executed by the Spanish
colonizers on charges of subversion
25. 25. GOMBURZA Execution February 17, 1872 -- executed by the Spanish
colonizers on charges of subversion Refers to an attempt to transform the
established social order and its structures
26. 26. GOMBURZA Execution -- is a weapon, most often referring to a
handheld ligature of chain, rope, scarf, wire or fishing line used to strangle
a person Garrote
27. 27. GOMBURZA Execution Questioned Spanish authorities and demanded
reforms Their deaths awakened strong feelings of anger and resentment
among the Filipinos -- Propaganda Movement -- It was organized and
participated by the illustrados
28. 28. GOMBURZA Execution Propaganda Movement -- Equality of Filipinos
and Spaniards. -- Recognition of the Philippines as province of Spain. --
Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes -- Secularization of
Philippine parishes. -- Human rights Graciano Lopez– Jaena Jose Rizal
29. 29. GOMBURZA Execution Propaganda Movement -- La Liga Filipina -- La
Solidaridad La Liga Filipina had no intention of rising up in arms against
the government but the Spaniards still felt threatened The Propaganda
Movement put up its own newspaper, called La Solidaridad.
30. 30. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution
31. 31. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution
32. 32. Opening of Philippines to World Commerce Influx of Liberal Ideas
Secularization Movement Liberal Regime of De La Torre Cavite Mutiny
GOMBURZA Execution

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