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Learning Objective

1.Understand the effect of drinking several kinds of water/solution and anaerobic exercise on
urine volume, pH, specific mass, and glucose content.
2.Explain the mechanism of action of anti-diuretic hormone.

Subject D  Dapot

U-0 U-30 U-60 U-90

Just After After
exercise warming up
Weight (kg) 70 69 69 69 69
Blood pressure 110/80 130/90 100/60 100/70 110/70
Heart Rate/ mnt 100 130 120 120 120
Volume (ml) 250 - 60 25 30
Leukocyte 15+ - 15+ - 15+
Nitrite - - - - -
Urobilinogen 0.2 - 0.2 0.2 0.2
Protein 30 - 15 15 15
pH 6 - 6 6 6
Blood (Hb) - - - - -
Specific Gravity 1,030 - 1.02 1.025 1.02
Keton - - - - -
Bilirubin - - - - -
Glucose - - - - -


In resting (normal/first/U-0) condition, it was measured that the weight is 70 kg, but it started to
be lighten down 1 kg after exercise until the last measurement (U-90). It can be happen
because of exercise which the model underwent. The exercise took a number of energy from
the body’s metabolism and as the waste product, the body release a number of water and lactic
acid through the skin. The released water gradually decreases the body mass of the model.

Also the urine output of somebody after exercise will be significantly decreased because the
body’s water is released through skin. But the significant decreasing of urine output of the model
is mainly caused by the absence of taking water (drinking). But after warming up to U-60, it may
be ADH took the compensatory to the body. The body won’t let the blood become too dense
because it can lower the blood flow. So the adrenal cortex produced ADH to reabsorb the water
from kidney to the blood, that’s why the urine output is decreased but after that the blood
pressure is increased due to the amount of water released to blood, so the blood can flow

The blood pressure of the model initially is 110/80, but when he underwent the exercise, it rose
up into 130/90. When the body run a little bit harder work, it needs a little more oxygen to be
converted as energy, so then the heart pumped the blood a little bit harder. That’s why the
model’s blood pressure was increased.

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