Nursing Responsibilities Adverse Effect Indication / Contraindication Mechanism of Action Drug Name Indication

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:GENERIC Specifically, the INDICATION Respiratory BEFORE

.Diazepam allosteric binding Valium is indicated for the depression, Seizures,  Assess baseline vital
within the limbic management of anxiety Suicidality, signs.
:BRAND system leads to the disorders or for the Dependency and  Rise slowly as fainting
.Valium anxiolytic effects seen shortterm relief of the abuse, Withdrawal may occur.
with diazepam. symptoms of anxiety. symptoms,  Do not use for everyday
CLASSIFICATION Allosteric binding Anxiety or tension Cardiovascular stress.
Anticonvulsant, within the spinal cord associated with the stress collapse,
benzodiazepine and motor neurons is of everyday life usually Bradycardia, DURING
the primary mediator does not require Hypotension,  Provide frequent sips of
:DOSAGE of the myorelaxant treatment with an Syncope, Paradoxical water for dry mouth.
.mg 10 effects seen with anxiolytic. In acute CNS stimulation ,  Do not use for more than
diazepam. Mediation alcohol withdrawal, Sedation, Fatigue, four months unless
:ROUTE of the sedative, Valium may be useful in Confusion, directed by a clinician.
ORAL amnestic, and the symptomatic relief of Anterograde  Avoid non-prescribed
anticonvulsant effects acute agitation, tremor, amnesia, Depression, medications unless
of diazepam is impending or acute Ataxia, Irritability, approved by a clinician.
through receptor delirium tremens and Disinhibition, Local
binding within the .hallucinosis injection site AFTER
cortex, thalamus, and reaction, Headache,
 Evaluate therapeutic
cerebellum. CONTRAINDICATION Tremor, Dystonia,
response, mental state
contraindicated in Urinary retention,
and physical dependency
patients with a known Incontinence,
after long-term use.
hypersensitivity to Nausea.
 Avoid other psychotropic
medications unless
also contraindicated in
patients with myasthenia
 Seek psychiatric help if
gravis, severe respiratory
insufficiency, severe
hepatic insufficiency, and
sleep apnea syndrome.

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