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5/19/2020 Scribd Bypasser v1.

0 by frddl

now you can download files from scribd for free
View on GitHub Install Download .zip Download .tar.gz

Scribd Bypasser v1.0

At one point in our student life we all need to google homework solutions, test preparation stuff and anything
else related to subject. One of the search results is, usually, Scribd, where to download the file you either
need to upload a bunch of documents, or get a monthly subscription. This extension allows you to bypass all
that procedure on the Scribd, so you can download everything for free!


Firefox (for some reason, *.swf files are rendering forever in Chrome)

Open this page on Firefox
Click install


Open any document on Scribd

Click "Download" on the top blue panel

scribd-bypasser v1.0 is maintained by frddl. This page was generated by GitHub Pages using the Cayman
theme by Jason Long. 1/1

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