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A- Read Daniel Radcliffe’s biography (Harry Potter) and complete the text with the

proper form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple, Present Continuousand
Past Simple.
Daniel Radcliffe …………… (be) born in Fulham, West London, on July 23, 1989. He
…………….(live) with his mother, a literary agent and his father, a casting director. He
……………(have) a dog named Binker.
Daniel’s first professional experience ……………..(begin) as the young David Copperfield in
the 1999 BBC production of Charles Dickens’ novel (romanzo). But his successful career
…………………. (start) one evening when his parents ………………………….(invite) some
friends for dinner. They ……………………………(suggest) him to apply (fare domanda) for
the part of Oliver in the TV production of Oliver Twist. His parents …………….(not be) very
excited- they ………………….( think) it …………………….(not be) a good idea, but then his
mother ……………………..(send) a Polaroid of him to the BBC and he ……………… (get)
the part. And then in 2001 he …………………(play) the part of Harry Potter in “Harry Potter
and the Philosopher’s stone”. It must be said that he ………………………..(read) the first
Harry Potter book when he …………(be) eight, but he ………………………(not finish) it
because he ……………………..(not like) very much!
Kate Harwood, who ………………………(produce) “David Copperfield”, ………………
(say): “he …………………(have got) a particular quality of naturalness and innocence. The
camera really ……………………..(love) him, and the other children ………………………….
(not feel) threatened (spaventati) by him.” Daniel also ……………………(appear) in “The
Taylor of Panama” in 2001. At the end of 2002 Daniel ……………………………..(finish) his
second Harry potter film “The Chamber of Secrets” and the latest (ultimo) Harry Potter’s film
“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, ………………….(come) out in 2004. Everybody
…………………….(like) it a lot.
At the moment, Daniel ……………………………(not shoot) any film but he
…………………… (take) part in a lot of TV shows where people ……………………..(want)
to know about his film and his career. For the rest he …………………(try) to live the life of a
normal teenager which, as anyone ……………..(know), ……………….(not be) so easy! (
/ 31 P.)

A-Read the text again and answer the questions:

1- When was Daniel born and where?

2- Who is Binker?

3- Who wrote David Copperfield?

4- Who gave him the idea to apply for the part of Oliver twist?

5- How did his parents feel about the idea?

6- Who did his mother send a photo of Daniel to?

7- What parts did he play in 2001?

8- What is he doing now?

9- Is he living an ordinary life?

( / 18 P)
( / 18 P.)

B- Rileggi il testo e scrivi le domande per queste risposte:

1- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
In 1999, when he acted the part of David Copperfield.
2- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
She’s a literary agent.
3- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
When he was eight years old.
4- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
She was the producer of David Copperfield
5- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
He finished his second Harry Potter film in 2002.
6- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Yes, people loved them a lot!
7- …………………………………………………………………………………………………
No, he isn’t working at the moment. ( / 21 P.)

E- Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta dei verbi (facoltativo) (………/20 P.)
1 A: Were (be) you at home last night?
B: No, I ............... (be) (1) out with Bob. We ................ (go) (2) to a club.
A: .................................... (you/have) (3) a good time?
B: No, we ................... (4). It ................. (be) (5) a boring evening.
2 A: ......................................... (you/ever/go) (6) skiing in winter?
B: I sometimes ............... (go) (7). I ........................ (not/like) (8) it but my
parents ........................ (love) (9) it.
3 A: ........................................ (you/do) (10) anything special these
days? ............................................... (you/work) (11)?
B: Yes, I ............................ (work) (12) at the local library. I ................ (work) (13) there last
4 A: What ............................. (Bob/do) (14) now?
B: He ............................ (help) (15) his dad in the garden. He always .......................... (help)
(16) him on Sunday afternoon. But he .............................. (not/like) (17) it very much. Last
Sunday he ....................... (tell) (18) his dad that he ................................ (not/feel) (19) well so
he ................. (not/work) (20).

Tot ………../ 80 + 20 P.
TOT. / 80 P.

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