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5/19/2020 FlexGet

Install Wizard (/InstallWizard) > OSX

macOS (previously called OS X) ships with a version of Python installed, but it is usually not the latest
version, and installing additional packages against the system version is not recommended. If you
don't already have a separate Python installation, the easiest and safest way is to install a separate
copy of Python for use with FlexGet.

On macOS 10.10 or higher, the easiest way to install Python, pip, and FlexGet is using Homebrew
(, also known as simply Brew. (This may work on prior versions of macOS, but Homebrew
is not of cially supported prior to 10.10.)

First, open Terminal and install the Xcode Command Line Tools using this command:

$ xcode-select --install

Then install Homebrew using this command:

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL


Once Homebrew has been installed, modify your PATH. Edit your ~/.profile le:

$ nano ~/.bash_profile

Add this at the bottom by using your arrow keys to navigate and pasting it on a new line.

export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin:$PATH"

Press Control+X which will prompt you to save (press Y then Enter) and exit.

Run this command so your shell re ects the changes you just made:

$ source ~/.bash_profile

Go to the next page (/InstallWizard/OSX/Python) to install Python and pip.

Other Methods 1/2
5/19/2020 FlexGet

There are other methods that can be used to install Flexget, particularly on older versions of macOS. They
have been moved to a separate page available here (/InstallWizard/OSX/OtherMethods). 2/2

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