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1: Critically evaluate own strengths and ambitions to support

own development and meet identified goals. 

I have many ambitions and goals that I want to achieve in the

future. For example, when I finish college I either want to go to
MetFilm school, New York Film Academy or start work in the
industry. I have decided to choose further education as a target,
as it would give me more time to work out what I specifically
want to focus on in the industry whilst learning more about
filming. I think that I have many characteristics that will help
me to reach my goals. For example, one of my main strengths is my
persistence and willingness to achieve the best quality in
anything that I do. This will help me to create the best
portfolio or personal statement so that I have the best chance of
getting accepted into to one of these film schools. Another,
strength of mine is being able to adapt to work both in a team
and individually. This is a useful skill as it means that I feel
confident in all situation, so I don’t panic under pressure. I
can listen to others and take in ideas or suggestions to improve
the overall piece of work or film that I am doing. This will help
me when working in a larger film crew at one of the film school
that I mentioned as I am able to work in a team and help others.

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