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Invocation of the Earthen

Monad Spermatazoon:
This is where I’d like to tell you all that I performed the final installment of the Monad
experiments, had a huge mystical revelation and could express my experiences in a clear and
concise manner. But, I cannot.

This time around there is no ritual to go along with the Earthen Monad. Again the static
returned, this Monad doesn’t jive with my Sun sign, so rather than force the issue I simply
meditated upon the lessons and focused on the Earthen Monad as an experience rather than a
destination. Everything felt awkward and clumsy right up until the Equinox. Then something
clicked, and clicked hard.

Pretty much…

The weirdest thing is that it happened so suddenly, I became aware of it on a morning walk with
my daughter. I started engaging actually in the moment. Treating each second like a devotion
to spirit. I got out of the way, and listened to Spirit.

Spirit has a lot to say.

Over the last few weeks I’ve been struggling to answer the “So, what!?” question of work
within the Monastery. This thought has occupied most of my work as of late, trying to find
purpose with all of this. Trying to connect it all. That click I mentioned earlier? This was it.

The So and the What.

You wake up one morning with the blueprints to the fucking Cosmos and the first thing you’re
going to do is probably piss. No matter what, you still have to go to work,love the ones you
love, raise a kid. None of this stops just because you understood some key element of creation.
You still need to pay rent…
In fact your are still part of the physical world and nothing pleasant will change that. However
this physical world is a mirror reflect the whole that contains it. Magicians just need to
experience this 90 degree turn to understand. This does mean that essence and actuality is
experiential, everything is experiential.

Even death. Death is a process Without death there is no initiation there is no transmutation
there is no growth. There is no transition. In many ways Death (Represented by Capricorn) is
the crossroad itself. Through Death the initiate becomes the seeker who dives into the waters of
the astral space, converting his experiences and reflecting unto itself, becoming both the ocean
and the single drop of water. The Seeker then rises up into the airy heights of the Mind crossing
over the thin line between Being and nothingness uniting in becoming. Experiencing the ever
expanding and ever unfolding evolution of consciousness and experience. Culminating in the
primal fire of all things, finding the Spirit that infuses all experiences.

Here is the Crossroads.

This crossroads of life and light form the basis of the soul, here the normal awareness of life is
elevated and begins to experience and becomes more aware. This awareness infuses the normal
waking world creating a living temple. The Hermetic Temple of the Water becomes the
spiritually oriented soul directed towards thought, feeling, and refined emotion. The ideal
methodology of this temple is the teaching of devotion, whereby the individual becomes more
and more a part of the activity of the spirit, more and more a part of the life of spiritual values.
It places both the physical life and the spiritual nexus. Here at this crossroads, the magician
stands both in the physical world of his daily life now infused with the mystical revelations.
Here at this crossroads the soul drop may swim in the cosmic ocean both separate and united
with the universal consciousness.

God, however you interpret it, is the Crossroads, the intersection of intersections. Here the mind
of the initiate is a bridge across the abyss. The key feature of the initatic mind is this ability to
adapt and understand that at each point along the road to perfection it is brought into contact
with divine immediacy, with the raw and primal forces of being. This force, the Cosmic
computer, the God Mind is best found at this crossroads. This proximity of God is why the
mental forms of prayers are so efficient. The 3rd lesson of the Lucky Hoodoo Grimoire asks
the magician to speak to the Spirits as if they are in the room, to focus their mind on prayer
during labor and to let the mind become a holy house of the Spirits. At the heart of the
Monastery work is this closeness to the Divine. This closeness to God is the point of
intersection, the crossroads which makes the spirituality and mysticism of the Monastery the
easiest and most immediate to access.

So what?

After all of this work with the Monads and with the Lessons of Year 2 what does it all mean?
Personally I’ve learned to shut up and listen. To engage in stillness and let Spirit speak through
me. Mind you I’ve not taken my ego out back an shot it. Rather I’m just getting out of my own
way. I’m beginning to see the work in the Monastery, and the wider occult world is a cycle.
You grow, learn, adapt, and overcome. Then become a little complacent and enjoy the stillness.
But you cannot stay there, you grow, you adapt, you overcome, you become complacent
complacent all over again.

The Monastery doesn’t seem to be about finding nirvana or some kind of immortal perfection.
Rather is is about soul growth and spirit building. It’s about living and experiencing. The
crossroads of being and nothingness allows for the ever expanding evolution of consciousness
and experience. Here experience is the mind filled with ideas, connecting the mind to the vast
outer world. Experience forces back nothingness trying to fill the abyss with structure.
Hence Mind, like air, isn’t static. Neither is perfection. The world, and our own selves, are in a
constant state of shifting towards perfection. The idea of perfection requires a constant revisions
and judgments. The mind cannot remain static, rather like the wind, it must flow and move
constantly rearranging itself. To quote Saint Weil;

“All the natural movements of the soul are controlled by laws analogous to those of physical
gravity. Grace is the only exception. Grace fills empty spaces, but it can only enter where there
is a void to receive it, and it is grace itself which makes this void. The imagination is
continually at work filling up all the fissures through which grace might pass.”
― Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace
Year 2 was challenging, as in it challenges the magician. There is so much to “get”, and doing
so requires a great deal of rewiring and reflection. The lessons began to demand more time and
slowly started to feel like a routine. I felt like the “Hanged Man” , suspended and trapped just
short of spiritual attainment. It took a great deal of meditation and soul searching, but of a
commitment to the Work itself. It is time to start viewing the Work in the Monastery as a
profession, as a serious calling the demands serious effort. If the Spirits are to abide in my
efforts, perhaps it is time to start making an actual effort. While I am currently unsure as to
what this effort shall be I hope to find it as I work through the remaining Monastery Papers. I
hope it will lead to initiation and the ability to be of service to the Orders. As such I’ve begun to
review my work in Year 2. The material force me outside of an occult comfort zone, discarding
the unwieldy and awkward occult trappings for a more streamlined and simple sexual
encounter. Guided by experience and tradition this process of copulative development is a
powerful tool for Spirit Building.
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