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Travelling is Necessary

Traveling is necessary for us all. It keeps us from growing stale and old, it develops our
imagination, it gives us that experience and change which are necessary to our life.
One of the aims of travel is to go in search of beauty. The beauty spots of the world are
magnets which attract travellers year after year. Yet even more valuable for the traveller is the
knowledge he gets of his fellow-men by going among people of different character and different
ways of life. The proverb says: «So many countries, so many customs».
Most people enjoy travelling. Some travel for pleasure and some on business, some travel light
and some take a lot of luggage on their travels, journeys, voyages or trips. We may choose various
means of travelling and go by air, by sea, by train, by car, by coach, on a bike, on foot or even on
Every journey has to be arranged beforehand. There are a number of things we must take care
of if we want to make our journey comfortable. To begin with it’s necessary to choose the most
convenient way of getting to your destination. It may be a direct flight, a sea liner, a fast coach or a
long-distance train with a sleeper and a dining-car. Then you should book or buy your tickets: first-
class or second-class, economy-class or business-class tickets, single or return tickets. Don’t forget
to find out the time of departure and the time of arrival, pack your luggage neatly and come to the
railway station, coach station or airport well in advance. If you are well-organized, you will have
enough time for finding the right platform, carriage and compartment or the right gate at the airport.
Travelling by plane you must go through the customs formalities and passport control and fill in a
declaration. Before boarding the train, ship or plane you may do some last-minute shopping at the
station or duty-free.
For sure, there are some things which can spoil the impression of your journey. For example,
travel sickness (but you can take a medicine for it), heavy luggage (but you can hire a porter or use a
trolley), talkative fellow passengers (but you can always pretend that you are reading or that you are
deaf), missing your transport (this won’t happen if you are well-organized), bad food (but you can
always pack a couple of sandwiches just in case), delays and cancellations of trains, flights, etc. (but
it may be nice to have some time for yourself), bad weather (but suitable clothes can help you).
Some things can make your travel easier and more rewarding: a season ticket or a travel card
cost you less than a regular ticket; a nice book or an interesting magazine helps you to while away
the time on the journey. You can look through the window and admire the picturesque views having
the warmest feeling of visiting new places or returning home.

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