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Glass-lined steel is mandatory when PRODUCTION OF ENAMEL adjust and complete his work, until
service conditions of the process are obtaining perfect glass lining according
Each batch of enamel is comprised of
particularly difficult. De Dietrich® has to ISO 28721-1 norm:
carefully selected and rigidly controlled
always invested in research and deve­
raw materials, which are melted in
lopment of new glass formulas with • Thickness between 1 and 2 mm
a rotary furnace at approximately
greater capabilities. The result of our • Minimum spark test contact
1.400°C. The melted glass is then
ongoing research enabled us to offer • Good visual quality, smooth without
poured into water. This sudden tem-
the DD 3009 glass. any color variation
pering breaks the enamel into grains,
The formulation of this multipurpose which are dried and then ground
glass gives the optimum properties and screened. To prevent any con- ONE GLASS
of chemical resis­
tance to acidic and tamination, each batch is processed WITH OPTIMUM QUALITY
alkaline mediums, of mechanical separately, between each operation, in DD 3009, one glass with optimum
resistance to shocks and abrasion, of closed containers. quality for all products all over
easy cleaning and anti-adhesion. the world:
Across the world, all De Dietrich ® • Highly corrosive processes
plants apply the same quality of glass, GLASSING
the production of which is centralized A suspension is prepared with enamel
• Multipurpose material /
in France. During the preparation of powder and sprayed like a paint on the
variety of uses
each batch of DD 3009 glass, numer- surfaces to be glass-lined. After this
coat, called “biscuit”, is air dried, the • Adapted to cGMP requirements,
ous tests assure us a perfect and repro-
cleaning, cleanliness, sterilization
ducible quality, suppressing any risk parts are charged into a furnace and
of production defect. Thanks to such fired at temperatures that affect fusion • Impervious: no catalytic effect,
no contamination
rigorous control, we can confidently between glass particles.
state that, at De Dietrich®, “Quality” is • ACCORDING TO FOOD CONTACT
After cooling, the result is an imper-
(ec regulation n° 1935/2004)
an everyday occurrence. vious, smooth coating of glass. The
• Anti-adhesive: polymerization
Monitoring R&D and production of coat is then submitted to various
our own glass in for De Dietrich® an controls: thickness, spark testing and
emblem of quality, of competence, of visual inspection.
independence. Then the item is sprayed with another COLOUR
coat that will be air dried, fired and • Blue (DD 3009)
Q.C. tested. These cycles are repeated, • White (DD 3009U)
always by the same technician who will • Light blue (DD 3009LB)
dd conductiglass®
The mixing of non conductive products The principle of the ConductiGlass®
in a glass-lined reactor may lead to the solutions consists in increasing the con-
development of electrostatic charges in ductivity of the glass-lining to a value
the heart of the reaction medium. high enough to allow the discharge to
This phenomenon is accelerated by the the ground of the electrostatic charges
temperature: for a glass thickness of as soon as they are created in the reac-
1mm, the breakdown voltage which is tion medium, prohibiting then their
40 kV at 22°C falls down to 14 kV at accumulation up to dangerous voltages.


to enamel DD3009
• no harmful side effects
such as catalytic effects

The ConductiGlass® is manufactured under

license by N.G.K. Insulators Ldt/Japan.
Generally, DD 3009 glass has a high increases with the acid concentration. for 10% concentration and at 112°C for
degree of resistance to acids whatever For example, the 0.1 mm/year rate is 70% concentration.
their concentration, up to relatively found at 128°C in H2SO4 30% and at Hydrofluoric acid completely and
high temperatures. For most of the 180°C in H2SO4 60%. Exceptionally, quickly dissolves the glass whatever
inorganic acids, the resistance of the in the case of phosphoric acid, the the temperature is. Its concentration in
glass passes through a minimum for a speed of attack increases with the the product must not exceed 0.002%
concentration of 20-30% weight, then concentration: 0.1 mm/year at 163°C (20 ppm).

°C 0.2 mm/year °C
210 190
180 200
0.1 mm/year
HNO3 0.2 mm/year
HCI 0.2 mm/year
H2SO4 170

160 180 160

0.1 mm/year
150 0.1 mm/year 170 150

140 160 140

130 150 130

120 140 120

110 130 110

Weight % Weight % Weight %

10 20 30 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Hydrochloric acid Sulfuric acid Nitric acid


Our isocorrosion curves are established for most current products. They 180
show as a function of product concentration the temperatures at which 170
the weight losses correspond to 0.1 and 0.2 mm/year.
The use of glass is not advisable
Care must be taken of the advance of the corrosion
Glass can be used without problems
All the test have been performed in tantalum lined reactors and using a 0.2 mm/year
ratio Volume of product / Surface of enamel (V/S) > 20 to avoid the inhibi- 120
tion of the attack by dissolved silica. 0.1 mm/year
Weight %
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Phosphoric acid

°C 0.2 mm/year 0.1 mm/year



Chemical attack is very low in organic 80°C, the rate of attack is virtually nil. 180
substances. If water is given off during In methanol, there has to be more than
the reaction, the rate of attack will 10% water before the loss of weight can
depend on the amount of water in the be measured, whereas in ethanol with 160

solution. In the case of 0.1N sodium 5% water, the weight loss is already half 140
hydroxide in anhydrous alcohol at of what it is in aqueous solution. Weight %
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Acetic acid
Here the permissible temperature limits when using hot alkalis. Temperature introduction of alkalis into a vessel.
are lower than for acids. At pH = 13 must be controlled, as an increase Avoid the flow of alkalis along the warm
(NaOH 0.1N) this maximum is 70°C. of 10°C doubles the rate of attack of vessel wall by using a dip pipe.
Therefore, it is important to be cautious the glass. Care must be taken for the

°C °C °C
110 120 150

100 110

90 100 130 NH3 0.2 mm/year

80 90 120
0.1 mm/year
70 80 110

60 70 100
0.2 mm/year 0.2 mm/year
50 60 90
0.1 mm/year 0.1 mm/year
40 50 80

Weight % Weight % Weight %

10-2 10-1 1 10 30 10-3 10-2 0,04 10-1 0,4 1 4 10 30 50 10-2 0,04 10-1 0,4 1 4 10 30
Sodium carbonate Ammonium hydroxide
11 12 13 14 pH
Sodium hydroxide


VAPOR Chemical reactions are sometimes so the vapor stage by adding silicon oils.
Resistance to water is excellent. The severe they cause a rapid wear on the Generally speaking, the higher the
behavior of glass in neutral solutions enamel surface. The use of additives temperature, the greater the quantity
depends on each individual case but in to the reacting substance can inhibit of silica required, and more the acid
general is very satisfactory. this corrosion permitting the use of is concentrated, the more the amount
glass-lined equipment. When using of silica can be reduced. In presence
acids, several tens or several hundreds of fluorine, silica also has a favorable
ppm of silica protect the enamel influence. We always recommend a
and conside­ rably reduce the rate of pre-test as each reaction is different.
corrosion during the liquid phase. An attack inhibitor can be useful in one
The same result can be obtained at case and yet non-effective in another.

Pure Product 500 ppm CaCO3 300 ppm SiO2 Silicon Oil 2 ml/l

NaOH 1N 80 °C 0.18 mm/year 0.09 mm/year

Buffer pH= 1 ; 100°C + HF 430 ppm 1.5 mm/year 0.42 mm/year

HCI 20 % vapor 110 °C 0.036 mm/year < 0.005 mm/year

HCI 20 % at 160°C : 0.5 mm/year

With 100 ppm SiO 2 : 0.05 mm/year
Speed of attack (%) Speed of attack (%)
100 100 180

80 HCI 20 % at 160°C 80 H2SO4 30% at 160 °C

0.2 mm/year
Micronised silica Micronised silica 160
(Levilite) (Levilite)
60 60 0.1 mm/year
40 40
20 20

100 Weight %
20 40 60 80 100 50 100 150 200 250 10 20 30 40
ppm of added silica ppm of added silica
ABRASION (*) In our method, a 1 kg mass equipped
with a 15 mm ball is dropped onto
Enamel is a glass with its quali- The abrasion test (ISO 6370-2: 2011)
a glass-lined plate (glass thickness:
ties but also its main weaknesses is far from the actual working condi-
1.5 mm). This plate is locked onto
which are brittleness and low ten- tions of a glass-lined reactor where the
a magnetic base, thereby making
sile strength. Since the resistance of effects of the chemical attack enhance
it thicker and increasing the shock
glass to compression is well above those of abrasion. Nevertheless, it
efficiency (no energy absorption
its tensile strength, one of the solu- allows a comparison between glasses,
through steel vibrations). The plate is
tions to improve the mechanical showing DD 3009 advantageously.
electrically grounded, and the electric
resistance is to put the glazed layer Statistically, it has been shown that
current going through an electrolyte
under compressive pre-stress. This in practice the cases of destruction
deposited at the shock location is used
is achieved during controlled cooling by abrasion are negligible. However,
as assessment criteria. When tested to
after each firing. During mechanical work should any doubt arise when an abra-
this procedure, which is close to the
(deformation, mechanical or thermal sive substance is being used, only a
real service conditions, the mechanical
shock) the compressive stress must comparative test performed with that
shock resistance of the DD 3009 glass
first be offset by an equivalent ten- product could lead to a conclusion.
is about 80 % greater than that of the
sile before the glass could be put
former glass.
under dangerous tensile stress.
mechanical shockS (**)
The different experimental arrange-
ments used for measuring the mecha­
nical shock resistance produce results
which cannot be compared to each
other. Therefore, there is little use
trying to give intrinsic values of the
mechanical shock resistance. The only
way to compare different glasses is to
use the same method and the same

REFERENCE norm Units DD 3009 GLASS

HCI 20% – Vapor 108°C ISO 28706-2 : 2008 mm/year 0.036

HCI 20 % - 140 °C – V/S = 20 ISO 28706-2 : 2008 mm/year 0.2

NaOH 1N 80 °C – V/S = 20 ISO 28706-4 : 2008 mm/year 0.35

NaOH 0.1 N 80 °C – V/S = 20 ISO 28706-4 : 2008 mm/year 0.18

H2O – Vapor ISO 28706-2 : 2008 mm/year 0.017

Thermal shocks – Statiflux surface cracks ISO 13807 : 1999 °C 220

Abrasion (*) ISO 6370-2 : 2011 mg/cm2/h 2.35

Mechanical shocks (**) Improvement against former glass : 80 %

The large majority of equipment that we • On the other hand, specific equip- The maximum ΔT values given in
manufacture is designed with a system ment, either because of their calcula- these tables MUST be respected. They
that enables the heating and cooling of tion and/or operating conditions, which are limit values which must not be
their contents. As heat transfers may are different from standard (very high exceeded.
cause serious damage to the enamelled temperature, very low temperature,
coating, the user should respect the high pressure, …), or because of a
limits described in this chapter, which particular material or design such as Note
take account both of the data in the ISO glass-lined stainless steel equipment, Instructions devoted entirely to the
28721-3: 2008 norm and our experi- columns without compensator, dissym- thermal properties of the enamel are
ence as a constructor of glass-lined metrical appliances (lyre and lateral attached to the Maintenance Manual of
equipment. nozzle), non-standard thicknesses, our equipment to enable their installa-
non-standard lengths, jacketed piping, tion and use in complete safety, as far
etc... as both your operators and the equip-
A DISTINCTION SHOULD BE ment are concerned.
MADE BETWEEN : The following table is provided to
• The “thermal shock” proper, which enable you to validate your operating
is characterised by an abrupt change conditions and obviate the creation of
in temperature applied either to the excessive thermal shocks when intro-
surface of the enamel (introduction of ducing products into standard equip-
a product into the appliance: reagent, ment or on changes in temperature in
cleaning water), or to the steel (such as the thermal fluid (Multifluid system).
jacket nozzle location when introducing
for example super-heated steam). GENERAL CASE OF STANDARD VESSELS CALCULATED FROM -25°C
• The «thermal stresses», which are
TO +200°C iso 28721-3 NORM
mechanical stresses related to tem-
perature gradients which appear tem-
porarily in the steel during phases of When introducing When loading
temperature changes. These are related the thermal fluid product
to the design of equipment and may in the jackeT into the vessel
generate stresses in the enamel, which
may cause its rupture, and/or result in A B
fissuring of the passivation layer in coils
and foster the development of corrosion
under stresses, which may lead to the
appearance of transverse cracks.

Glass-lined equipment is more or less

sensitive to thermal shocks and thermal
stresses, depending on their geo-
metrical or structural characteristics.
This requires us to make a distinction Thermal fluid Product Product T° Thermal fluid
between: T° not to exceed and wall T° not to exceed and wall T°

• On one hand, standard equipment, in T° T° T° T°

which the calculation data are –25°C to mini maxi mini maxi
+200°C regarding the temperature, and -25 120 -25 -25 125 -25
-25 125 -20 -25 130 -20
–1 to 6 bar regarding the pressure.
-25 135 -10 -25 140 -10
-25 145 0 -25 150 0
-25 155 10 -25 157 10
-25 165 20 -25 165 20
-25 170 30 -25 175 30
-25 175 40 -25 180 40
-25 180 50 -25 190 50
-25 185 60 -25 200 60
Example A
-25 190 70 -25 200 70
If the product and the glass-lined wall are
-25 195 80 -25 200 80
at 170°C, the fluid temperature should be -25 200 90 -25 200 90
between +30°C and +200°C. -25 200 100 -25 200 100
-25 200 110 -25 200 110
Example B -20 200 120 -25 200 120
If the glass-lined wall and the thermal -10 200 130 -25 200 130
fluid are at 20°C, products between -25°C 0 200 140 -5 200 140
and +165°C may be safely introduced. 10 200 150 5 200 150
20 200 160 20 200 160
30 200 170 30 200 170
40 200 180 45 200 180
50 200 190 60 200 190
60 200 200 75 200 200
Château de Reichshoffen
F 67891 Niederbronn Cedex
Phone +33 3 88 80 26 00
Fax +33 3 88 80 26 95

The information contained in this brochure is for general guidance only and is not contractual. We reserve the right to modify, alter, delete or supersede any of the products and services
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Phone +32 16 40 5000 Phone +44 1785 609 900 Phone +65 68 61 12 32
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De Dietrich S.A.S.
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Phone +36 20 56 83 444
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De Dietrich Process Systems (India)

described herein without notice or liability. © 2014 De Dietrich® SAS. All rights reserved. EQ-GB-14-V2-02/14
De Dietrich S.A.S. Mumbai Office De Dietrich Process Systems AG
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Hyderabad Factory
De Dietrich Process Systems Semur Phone +91 40 2717 3136 united states
S.A.S. Fax +91 40 2717 3203
De Dietrich Process Systems Inc.
Mountainside, NJ
Phone +33 3 80 97 12 23
Phone +1 908 317 2585
Fax +33 3 80 97 07 58 ITALy Fax +1 908 889 4960
De Dietrich Process Systems Srl
San Dona’ Di Piave (VE)
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De Dietrich Process Systems GmbH
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De Dietrich Rep. Office
Phone +7 495 663 9904
Fax +7 495 663 9905

The international business group De Dietrich Process Systems is

the leading provider of system solutions and reactors for corrosive
applications as well as plants for mechanical solid/liquid separation
and drying. The system solutions from De Dietrich Process Systems are
used in the industrial areas of pharmaceuticals, chemicals and allied

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