Writing Task 2 Samples

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In developing countries, children in rural communities have less access to education.

Some people believe that the problem can be solved by providing more schools and
teachers, while others think that the problem can be solved by providing computers and
Internet access.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Band 8 Sample
People have differing views about how to aid children in rural areas regarding their
access to education. Although the provision of computers and the Internet can
temporarily address the issue, I would argue that the best measure is to establish new
schools and employ more teachers.

On the one hand, I understand why some people believe that expanding the Internet
network and supplying computers for children in remote areas give them opportunities
to approach education.  Firstly,  it  is thought  that students can  acquire  a   great deal
of knowledge from the online platform, most of which either is free of charge or requires
small fees. Educational websites, such  as Wikipedia, have been constantly established
to promote distance learning for children whose neighborhoods have few schools and
teachers. Secondly, online classes and courses are widely available and accessible,
which makes geographic adversities become rather irrelevant. It is because students,
regardless of their background or location, can enroll in a class or course of their
preference. This would therefore aid them to access education in their remote

On the other hand, I would side with those who think that building more schools and
hiring new teachers would permanently solve the problem. Only schools can create an
effective studying environment for students to interact or compete with one another
and comprehensively develop their scholastic competence and
characteristics. Furthermore, teachers can discover students’ weaknesses during their
teaching process, hence better and more effective educating methodologies, which
leads to more fruitful results.

In conclusion, it seems to me that it is best to construct schools and employ teachers in

rural areas, instead of depending on technology to bring about education opportunities
for children at such places.
Useful vocabulary:
 Approach education: Tiếp cận giáo dục
 .Acquire   a  great  deal  of   knowledge from the online platform: Có được lượng lón kiến
thức từ Internet
 An effective studying environment: Môi trường học tập hiệu quả
 Their scholastic competence and characteristics: Khả năng học tập và tính cách

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