Karl Marx

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Karl Marx (1818-1883) is a German philosopher and sociologist that saw the society as a
competition of individuals in different classes for limited resources. This general perspective of
the society by Karl Marx is what is called the conflict theory, where individuals have to
compete for social, political and material resources (economic inequality). Max Weber agreed
with Marx but also believed that economic inequalities are not are not the only cause to conflict
but also inequalities of political power and social structure. He noticed that different groups of
people were affected differently in ways of education, race, gender and social mobility. Max
attempts to address structural issues causing inequality through the Critical Theory. This theory
is used in ways that it must explain what’s wrong in the current social reality, identify the people
who can bring change, and provide practical goals for social transformation.

Max Weber’s critical theory can just as well be used to analyze Africa’s biggest problem which
has presented itself in the form of the corona virus commonly known as COVID-19. Africa has
suffered a great loss recording about 78,280 cases 2,624 of them are dead and 29,245 have
recovered, It is due to lack of proper health facilities that most countries have not ben able to
control the global pandemic. Even countries whose economic powers have a great influence on
the global economy have fallen to the pandemic. Even so the exchange rate of developed
countries such as Americas US-Dollar rising there by leaving poor countries even poor. These
rich countries take full control of the resources in poor countries and keep all profits for
themselves they can do this by finding the cure for the pandemic because they have up to date
health facilities and distribute to other rich countries at a cheep price but very expensive to poor
countries like Zimbabwe that may not afford cure. This forces people in the country to work
even during the global lockdown just to afford the cure.

Due to the lockdown most people are not buying or selling any goods because they fear been
infected by the virus and been quarantined or worse end up dead. But this fear does not stop
countries like Zambia and Tanzania from continuing their businesses, these countries have
opened their territorial boarders in a desperate move to avoid starvation or famine in the country.
This comes to show that different countries have different solutions to dealing with the problems
that come with this global pandemic. In this state of panic rich countries will over power poor
countries and when all poor countries are under their control, the rich countries can manipulate
their economies to produce profit for the rich countries to develop this makes the poor countries
labor for economic materials to sustain themselves and also the leaders this is economic

Political power is the basis of order and wide range control today in both the economy and social
structure. That is, no one is better positioned to provide a better living in a poor country like the
political leader of the country. In a time of social crisis like the lockdown where business is slow
and everyone is trying to put food on the table political leaders are best suited to take action. For
example, in Zambia, the president is standing as a figure of consolidation and hope for the people
and is also giving donations to people who have been directly affected by the virus. For ethical
and religious groups like Christian who see this pandemic as the last days as prophesied in the
bible pastors and spiritual fathers stand to preach peace and hope for their followers and also
make donations like in Nigeria prophet T.B. Joshua is advising his followers to stay calm and not
to panic and has also made countless donations to people in need.

To conclude on Max Weber’s critical theory can applicable to combat the pandemic in Africa
because it highlights the biggest problems we face and are yet to face, it tells us who is there to
selflessly help us to fight and give us hope to stay strong and it will help us to see that if Africa is
to come out of this fight with its head held high it has to improve its health facilities and must act
fast in times of danger.

Functionalism which is also called structural function theory was developed by English
philosopher and biologist Hebert Spencer (1820-1903). Hebert sees society as a structure with
interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of the individual in society. To
him, just like the human body, every part of the society is important. Just like the society, every
structure of Mulungushi university is important for the institution to run smoothly. The structure
of Mulungushi ranges from the Vice Chancellor to the Dean of students then the Lecturers then
the student union and last but not least the students. For Mulungushi to work like a well-oiled
engine the members of the institution must work with each other just like one body in order to
overcome the challenges the school may face.

Mulungushi university it being an institution which is providing excellent learning services to the
students, must strive to make the customers that is, the students, a safe and conducive
environment that can accommodate them at all times. That been, the university should not only
base it’s polices on doing business but also work on projects that meet needs of everyone in and
out the facility.in so doing it will not only gain the trust of students but the society as well. As
mentioned before, the survival of Mulungushi is dependent on good systematic structure, so if it
is looking for a stable position on economical ground it must have a proper management which
will help formulate polices that will have it functioning economically stable. The lecturers at
Mulungushi must be able to have more research to help them improving on their lecturing skills
in order for them to have proper and quick response to the diligent students. I highly commend
Mulungushi for their ethical leaders who have been very professional at orienting their students
of the solid foundation at the university.

Working hard and studying hard by each student makes work rather easy for the Administration
to formulate polices that favor hard working students, these favors come in the form of scholar-
ships and bursaries to hard working underprivileged students, this is an act to help the students
achieve their degrees even without the necessary funds. Not forgetting basic needs like healthy
and security must be meet adequately, safety for student, lectures and everyone else involved
with the institution is necessary if the institution is to survive. Religious beliefs and ethical
boundaries must be respected adequately because it is these aspects that can make good
institutions like Mulungushi university fall. Mulungushi must do everything possible to
understand the morals, values, beliefs, languages and laws of individuals in relation to the
polices the school uses to stabilize its functions. Laws must be put in place to provide direction
and order for the students. The administration must highlight and fully explain on the existence
of the institute and every individual must comply or face the law that Mulungushi has put in
action, all this is to be done in order to avoid conflict. Religion and values must be monitored
due to individual that bring consequential downfall to the institute, therefore, survive every
individual must have a mind and spirit of acceptance, love, peace and respect for other individual
societal values, beliefs and religions regardless of their disability, gender, social position, race
and religion. Therefore, all individual regardless of position or power at the institution must
submit to the law of the institution and must have respect for other individual in order for
institute to progress and survive in this century.

In conclusion, if Mulungushi university was to survive the century the institution is to have a
good communication system between the levels of power and must have a fully functioning law
system that supports the writes of every individual and makes them equal because all life is
precious and everyone is equal regardless of their status, and finally every individual must have
respect for everyone in the institution regardless of race, gender, ethical group, social status and

theory and research of which comes first. Research and theory are only meaningful when work is
simultaneously done upon them. Research supplies the data; theory gives meaning to the data.
Theory in itself is defined as the idea that gives birth to a question which is also defined as
research. We are enlightened that theory before research. Ideas that individuals can bring so
many reactions to the existence of thoughts. These thoughts later become questions. Any thought
that has ever been introduced to the hearing of an ear and is required to identify for its purpose
has brought about doubt and debates about people’s intellect.

The hard truth is we live in a world where everything must be examined and proven for its
existence. Taking for example God, who is still been research because some groups do not agree
with the idea of the existence of this super natural being who they have never seen or felt
because he is invisible to the eye of the mortal body. It is possible to say we can see him/her
because he lives in us as a belief of religious groups, or because he/she is spiritual. Having
people thinking about that it is clearly canning for other individuals, because there is no proof
ever that this being has ever said with his voice that he/her made everything including man but
people read for themselves from a book which was also written by another man. To an extent it
may bring the feeling of some kind of political gamble by one of the smartest group of
individuals who want total rule over the world’s population.

The whole topic brings a lot of visions in one’s mind and it all leads to, lots of questions and
experiments. Proof making is what makes the research adventurous and interesting. It has been
proven that one thought that makes an impact irritation or interest to certain group of individuals,
which can make them travel worldwide in search for clues and answers.

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