Modul GEN

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How I can get to schoolIII
Weekly Test/GrammarIV
Daily ActivityV
Close FriendVI
Future PlanVII
Weekly Test/GrammarVIII
Tourism AttractionIX
Unforgettable MomentX
Describing PlaceXI
Final Examination/GrammarXII


About : Tentang
Answer : Menjawab
Ask : Bertanya
Because : Karena
Boarding House : Kos-Kosan

Bring : Membawa
Buy : Membeli
Can : Bisa
Come : Datang
Cheap : Murah

Difficult : Sulit
Easy : Mudah
Feel : Merasakan
Have : Mempunyai
Introduce : Memperkenalkan

Know : Tahu
Meet : Bertemu
Must : Harus
Need : Butuh
Say : Berkata

Stay : Tinggal
See : Melihat
Take : Mengambil
Tell : Memberitahu
Try : Mencoba

Think : Berfikir
Want : Ingin
With : Dengan
Without : Tanpa

Introduction yourself
Hello, My name is Peter and i am from London. I am very diligent and
outgoing person. My hobby is playing the piano. I love classical music, so i
usually play the piano every morning after work. My dream is to travel all
around the world. I plan to do this over the next 10 years. I have always loved
meeting new people and learning about new cultures.
Your turn!
Hello, My name is Amalia and I’m from Depok. To be honest I’m a shy
person in real life. My hobby is wasting my time to laying on my bed and
playing twitter or reading stories and manga. My dream is getting scholarship
on ITB University, or UNJ University. Next I wanna be a teacher or maybe a
manager on succesful company. I always loved to explore what I loved and
interested in.

Mind Mapping


Advantage : Manfaat
Around : Sekitar
Build : Membangun
Building : Bangunan
Cost : Biaya
Culture : Adat

Destination : Tempat Tujuan

Employee : Pegawai
Environment : Lingkungan
Establish : Mendirikan
Facility : Fasilitas

Habit : Kebiasaan
Invite : Mengundang
Less : Kurang
Located : Terletak
Need : Membutuhkan

Offer : Menawarkan
Provide : Menyediakan
Public Place : Tempat Umum
Rule : Peraturan
Security : Keamanan

Society : Masyarakat
Spend : Menghabiskan
Strength : Kelebihan


Hello, I would like to tell you about London. London is my hometown

which has population around 5 million people. London is the capital city of
Britain. London has many traditional foods such as Black Pudding, Bubble &
Squeak. Bubble & Squeak are made from meat, potato, carrot, and many
vegetables. The people here are kind, friendly, socialize.
Your turn!
Hello, I would like to tell you about Depok. Depok is my hometown
which has 2,6 million people. Depok is near Jakarta. Depok is bussy town.
Many vechile are using Depok road to go to their work. Depok has traffic jam
too, that can make many people angry and being annoyed by that. The language
in Depok is mixed, it called betawi sundanese.
Mind Mapping


Abroad : Luar Negeri

Actually : Sebenarnya
Arrive : Tiba
Allow : Mengizinkan
Choose : Memilih

Decide : Memutuskan
Determine : Menentukan
Drop In : Mampir
Fail : Gagal
Famous : Terkenal

Find Out : Mencari tahu

Find : Menemukan
May : Boleh
Let : Membiarkan
Order : Menyuruh

Pass : Lewat
Prepare : Mempersiapkan
Purpose : Tujuan
Reachable : Terjangkau
Refuse : Menolak

Register : Mendaftar
Scholarship: Beasiswa
Show : Menunjukan
Step : Melangkah
Suggest : Menyarankan

Than : Daripada
There is/are: Ada

How i can get to school

Hello, I am going to tell you how I can get to school, I currently study at
Mercubuana University West Jakarta, My major is Information system, faculty
of Computer Science. Before studying here, I got information this university
from my neighbor, because my neighbor is studying at Mercubuana University,
after asking my neighbor, I search more information on internet, and find how
much the tuition for per semester.
Your turn!
Hello, I am going to tell you how I can get to school, I currently study at
Vocational High School Taruna Bhakti Depok, My major is Industrial
Electronics Engineering. My home can be called near from my school, because
the distance isn’nt too far. I go to school by Grab. I paid Rp.5000 - 10.000 to the
driver for one trip. Sometimes I got traffic jam because too many vechile are
using the same road. The trip from my home to my school is 10 – 12 minutes.
Mind Mapping

Weekly Test
 Report 50 vocabularies in 3 minutes
 Speaking 3 topics

Grammar ( Part of speech)

Noun : Kata Benda

Contoh : Table, Car, Pen,

Adjective : Kata Sifat

Contoh : Handsome, Kind, Humble

Verb : Kata Kerja

Contoh : Play, Walk, Sing

Pronoun : Kata ganti benda

Contoh : My,your,Her,

Adverb : Kata Keterangan

Contoh : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Conjunction : Kata hubung

Contoh : After that, Then, But

Preposition : Kata depan

Contoh : In, On, At


Get Up : Bangun (Beranjak)

Wake Up : Bangun (Melek)
Take a Bath : Mandi
Wash The Face : Mencuci muka
Pray : Sholat

Take a Pee : Kencing

Take a Bowl : Boker
Prepare : Menyiapkan
Put Off : Melepaskan
Put On : Memakai

Take a Rest : Istirahat

Have a Breakfast : Sarapan
Have a Lunch : Makan Siang
Have a Dinner : Makan Malam
Take a Nap : Tidur Siang

Hang Around : Keluyuran

Have An Exercise : Mempersiapkan
Visit : Mengunjungi
Invite : Mengajak
Sight seeing : Cuci Mata

Stay up : Begadang
Have A Chit Chat : Ngobrol
Change : Mengganti
Tidy up : Merapikan
Oversleep : Kesiangan

Fall Sleep : Ketiduran

After : Setelah
Before : Sebelum

Then : Kemudian

Daily Activity

Hello, I am going to tell you about my daily activity. I usually wake up at

5:30 am, because i am muslim i must pray subuh prayer, before praying subuh
prayer i must take ritual ablution, after praying I always help my parents to tidy
up my bed room and make a food for having a breakfast.

Your turn!


Approach : Mendekati
Ashamed : Malu
Betray : Mengkhianati
Character : Sifat
Characteristic : Ciri-Ciri

Chubby Cheek : Pipi Tembem

Curly : Keriting
Describe : Menggambarkan
Dimple : Lesung Pipi
Explain : Menjelaskan

Fail : Gagal
Fat : Gemuk
Frizzy : Kribo
Get : Mendapatkan
Honest : Jujur

Ignorant : Cuek
Kind : Baik Hati
Loyal : Setia
Make Affair : Selingkuh
Persuade : Merayu
Share : Berbagi

Short : Pendek
Spoil : Manja
Straight : Lurus
Struggle : Berjuang
Tall : Tinggi

Thin : Kurus
Treat : Mentraktir

Close Friend

Hello, I am going to describe about my close friend, I have a friend who

is really close to me, his name is Panjul, he is currently studying at Mercubuana
university, he is kind person and humble, his hobby is playing football similar
to my hobby, he is extremely smart in playing football because he wants to be a
professional football player, he has purposes such as establish a company and
make a football school.

Your turn!
Mind Mapping


Plan : Merencanakan
Spend : Menghabiskan
Invite : Mengundang/Mengajak
Visit : Mengunjungi
Feel : Merasa

Decide : Memutuskan
Holiday : Liburan
Drop in : Mampir
Take : Mengambil
Call : Memanggil

Waiter : Pelayan
Order : Memesan
Seemingly : Kayaknya/Nampaknya
Corner : Pojok
Approach : Mendekati

Say : Berkata
Cave : Goa
Suddenly : Tiba-Tiba
Ashamed : Malu-Maluin
Use : Menggunakan

Food Store : Warung

Then : Kemudian
Shoot : Menembak
Back : Punggung
Turn around : Menoleh

On The Way : Dalam Perjalanan

Thirsty : Haus
Carefully : Dengan Hati-Hati
Clap : Menepuk
Some times : Beberapa Kali
Future Plan

Hello, I am going to tell you about my future plan, I have a big dream for
making a business, I want to make a business in sector start up, I think for the
future we have to compete our business in online shop, Therefore I want to
make an application for online shop such as Bukalapak, Tokopedia, OLX, and
many more, I want to provide a job field for society in my hometown.

Your turn!

Mind Mapping

Weekly Test

 Report 100 vocabularies in 5 minutes

 Speaking 3 topics



Rangkaian kata yang bermakna dan tidak berpola S + P / S + V

Pola : ( M + H + M)
M : Modifier ( Penjelas ) yang menjelaskan
H : Head ( Inti ) yang dijelaskan

e.g : 1. Sebuah buku 2. Kursi Merah


A Book Red Chair

Modifier ( penjelas )
Head ( inti )

Def : Rangkaian kata yang bermakna sempurna secara struktur, minimal berpola
S + V dan diakhiri dengan tanda baca pengakhir.

Full Stop

Question Mark

Exclamatory Mark

e.g : 1. Sam membaca 2. Sam membaca buku B. Arab

- Sam Reads Sam reads Arabic book

Ancient : Kuno
As Matter Of Fact : Kenyataannya
Budget : Anggaran
Celebrate : Merayakan
Challenge : Menantang

Complete : Melengkapi
Destination : Tujuan
Distance : Jarak
Even Though : Meskipun
Fair : Pekan Raya

For In Case: Untuk Jaga-Jaga

Inheritance/ Relic : Peninggalan
Interesting : Menarik
Kill Time : Mengisi Waktu
Myth : Mitos

Offer : Menawarkan
Perform : Menampilkan
Pick Up : Menjemput
Promote : Mempromosikan
Rent : Menyewa

Reservation : Pemesanan
Scenery : Pemandangan
Spend A Night : Menginap
Spend : Menghabiskan
Scatter : Menyebar

Statue : Patung
Tourism Attraction : Tempat Wisata
Tribe : Suku
Typical Food : Makanan Khas

Tourism Attraction

Hello, I am going to tell you about the tourism attraction in my

hometown. I am from malang which is located in east java, Malang has many
tourism attractions such as Jatim Park 1, Jatim Park 2, and Jatim Park 3, One of
them is favorite destination for holiday, Jatim Park 1 is like Ancol in jakarta that
provide many games such as Bianglala, Turangga, Kora-Kora and many more.
Malang has typical food, One of typical food that extremely well-known is
pecel. Pecel is made from Vegetables and sauce peanut and the taste is very

Your turn!
Mind Mapping


Announce : Mengumumkan
Avoid : Menghindari
Camp Fire : Api Unggun
Cast Away : Terdampar

Cave : Gua
Claim : Menuntut
Cloudy : Mendung
Direction : Arah
Disappear : Menghilang

Float : Mengapung
Get Lost : Tersesat
Raft : Rakit
Remain : Sisa
Rescue : Penyelamat

Responsible: Bertanggung Jawab

Ruin : Reruntuhan
Run After : Mengejar
Run Out : Habis
Scratch : Menggosok

Shade : Berteduh
Shelter : Berlindung
Signal : Tanda
Sink : Tenggelam

Unforgettable moment

Hello, I would like to tell you about my unforgettable moment. Last week
i went to bromo mountain with my friend, i used train to go to bromo mountain.
The cost is for about eight hundred thousand rupiah. I and my friend spend a
night in kampung inggris pare, Kediri. Bromo is one of beautiful mountain that i
have ever seen. I and my friend take a picture for capturing a good view, we
were in kingkong hill, in there we looked a gorgeous scenery, we saw the sun
rise among the mountain.
Your turn!
Mind Mapping


Capture : Menangkap
Conquer : Menaklukan
Construction : Pembangunan
Conversion : Perubahan
Decline : Kemunduran

Disband : Membubarkan
Existence : Keberadaan
Folk : Rakyat
Heritage : Warisan
Indigenous : Pribumi
Likewise : Demikian Juga

Listed : Terdaftar
Misery : Kesengsaraan
Nearby : Terdekat
Perforated : Berlubang
Pilgrim : Peziarah
Preserve : Memelihara
Realm : Alam/ Dunia

Reflect : Mencerminkan
Reign : Pemerintahan
Restoration : Pemugaran
Reveal : Mengungkap
Revolt : Memberontak
Sacred : Keramat

Sculpture : Seni Pahat/ Ukir

Shrine : Kuil/ Tempat Suci
Stem : Asal Kata
Submit : Mengajukan
Superstitious : Tahayul
Undertaken : Dilakukan
Describing Place
Hello, I would like to describe about my favorite place. Garden is my
favorite place because I can feel enjoy when I was in garden, One of my
favorite garden is Taman Menteng which is located in central Jakarta, I usually
go there every week when i have a spare time. I can explore my idea such as
drawing some exotic architecture and learning about English Language.
Your turn!
Mind Mapping

Final Examination

 Report 150 vocabularies in 5 minutes

 Choose 1 Topic


1. Simple Present
a. Habit In Present ( Kebiasaan di masa sekarang )
- e.g : Jay always comes late
b. Ability ( Menyatakan Kemampuan )
- e.g : Hasbi sings a dangdut song
Hasbi dapat menyanyikan lagu dangdut
c. Genreal Truth in Present
( Kebenaran umum di masa sekarang )
- e.g. : SBY is our President
d. Imperative
( Menyatakan perintah, larangan atau ajakan )
- e.g. : Eat ! Don't eat ! Let's eat !
- e. Future Time Time Table ( Jadwal )
( Menyatakan waktu yang akan datang ) \
-e.g : GEN akan buka jam 7 besok
GEN opens at 7 o'clock tomorrow
- f. Non - Progressive Verb
- e.g : Hasbi ( have ) has a cat now
- g. Series in action
( kejadian yang berurutan )
- e.g : SAM memberikan bola pada Nafis, Nafis menendang dan goal

SAM gives the ball to Nafis, Nafis kicks and goal
h. Headline News
( Judul Berita )
-e.g. : Jokowi mengunjungi Gen
Jokowi visits Gen

2. Present Countinous
a. Menyatakan kejadian yang sedang terjadi saat berbicara.
e.g : Dengar ! Elya sedang bernyanyi
Listen ! Elya is singing

b. Menyatakan kejadian yang masih dalam proses

 Ditandai dengan " this + time "
e.g : this week, this year
 e.g : Tahun ini Irfan sedang menulis novel
This year Irfan is writing a novel

c. Menyatakan kejengkelan
 Disertai dengan adv of frequency always, usually, never, often ...
 e.g : Desi selalu memakai sepedaku tanpa izin
Desi is always using my bike without permission

d. Menyatakan future time

e.g : Besok kita akan menghadapi ujian
Tomorrow we will have the exam
are having
e. Menyatakan kejadian yang berangsur-angsur berubah
e.g : Hujannya semakin lama semakin lebat
The rain is getting harder and harder
f. Temporary Characterisric Tumben

Memenuhi syarat kalimat nominal boleh di - continous - kan
e.g : Anang ( be ) is being funny right now

Makna " Tumben " Pr.C


- Planet Grammar Book

- Webster Hand Book


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