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ICT in Business

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an infrastructure that provide

access through communication technology (Rouse, 2017).The usage of ICT is
increasing over a few years. It is now part of each and every business to run the
operation smoothly. ICT has been embraced by the small to large organization to
manage the day-to-day operation. According to the International Telecommunications
Union (ITU) the usage of mobile cellular subscription has increased from 2.2 billion in
2005 to 6.95 billion in 2014 (Delmas, 2014). ICT has not only changed the way to
operate the business but also changed the method of working of people to completing
the tasks. Everyday activities involves the technological devices from travelling,
entertainment, banking, learning, shopping, conference and many more. In this
competitive business, ICT has played a game changer to all the organization. Those
who can provide quick and easy access to the customers focusing on the customer
satisfaction and protecting customer information, they are attracting a more customers.
In the recent time, the main focus is centered towards the learning and other financial
institutions (Wet, Koekemoer &Nel, 2016).
As ICT has transformed all sectors, e-learning is one of them. E-learning has influenced
different sectors but this journal focuses on e-learning in the banking sector which
created opportunities to learn individually without considering the time and space.
Banks are using e-learning as a medium of marketing, providing training, service related
information, top level management and staff communication. This has become
beneficial to both employee as well as bank. Employee can learn without interfering
their work and the spending on training is also decreased (Kalihari,2017).
Since the introduction to the internet, bank is one of the sector that has started their
services through internet banking. In past, professional trainings are given to the newly
hired staff but adaptation of the work environment may take longer to the personnel to
adapt. Banks support professional training as well as adopt e-learning applications to
support employee for further development and reduce the cost of the training
(Karaaslan, 2013).
This study was conducted on foreign-owned banks employee in Izmir. There are around
350 branches, 7,000 employee and over 3 million customers are served by the foreign-
owned banks in Turkey. This system was used to examine the performance of the bank
employees via e-learning. Each employee have their own username and password to
access the system. Employee can access the virtual library, courses, take exams and
can track their completed and upcoming tasks through application. It was found that
web-based training has been effective for the employee to enhance professional
achievement and gain sustainable growth. Whenever individual is stuck in situation
where they need help or unable to have face-to-face meeting, learner can interact with
the authorize person at anywhere and anytime to meet the requirements. Though a
majority of the bank personnel supported the concept because of the easy access to the
program at any time and place whereas there were a small group explaining about the
interest and unawareness of the program. By giving proper information, they help
people to use the system and increase productivity.
Hence, the usage of e-learning is increasing widely in the banking and financial
institution which has impacted positively in the work performance and career
development of the personnel.

Delmas,N. (2014).ITU Key 2205-2014 ICT Data. International Communications Union.
Retrieved from
Karaaslan, I. A. (2013). The effect of banking personnel’s access to e-learning
opportunities on their professional achievement. Turkish Online Journal of Educational
Technology, 12(2), p.269-280. Retrieved from
Kalihari, V. (2017, August 21). E-learning for the banking sector [Blog post]. Retrieved
Rouse,M.(2017,March).Tech Target. Retrieved from
Wet, D. Koekemoer, E. & Nel, J. A. (2016). Exploring the impact of information and
communication technology on employees’ work and personal lives. South African
Journal of Industrial Psychology 42(1). doi: 10.4102/sajip.v42i1.1330

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