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Contribution of citizens and state government in Corona


The Prime Minister in his live address, went on to introduce a ‘Janta Curfew’ on
this Sunday, March 22, which he explained is a curfew imposed by the people on
themselves in order to prevent the community transmission of the disease. The
world is passing through a huge crisis, more countries are affected than World War
1 and 2, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he began his scheduled address on
the Novel Coronavirus outbreak in the country. He further urged the 130 crore
Indians who are facing the corona scare to ‘be responsible citizens’ and stay inside
their homes for the coming weeks. He called for avoiding all non-essential outings.

Several companies from across sectors are pitching in to help the government and
citizens fight the Covid-19 pandemic in India. From making masks and sanitizers
to contributing funds, many Indian companies have united to help citizens and
government fight the virus, which is gradually spreading across the country.

From evacuating stranded Indians from foreign countries in the middle of the
pandemic to setting up quarantine facilities and distributing essential items, the
Army has continuously been at the frontline. Besides healthcare workers and state
police forces, the Indian Army has been in a proactive role at the forefront of
fighting COVID-19 and providing assistance in various key areas across the
country and beyond. From evacuating stranded Indians from foreign countries in
the midst of the pandemic to setting up quarantine facilities and distributing
essential items, the Army has led the task. 

Fighter jets and transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force on Sunday carried out fly-
pasts over major cities and towns while military choppers showered petals on
leading hospitals across the country as part of a mega exercise to express gratitude
to lakhs of doctors, paramedics and other front-line workers battling
the coronavirus pandemic.
Several reports of discrimination against healthcare workers have emerged
recently, with many residential complexes asking them to vacate their homes, or
shopkeepers refusing to provide them with grocery, out of fear of the spread of
infection. Those fighting on the frontline against coronavirus deserve nothing less
than our unconditional support. However, healthcare workers themselves are
reluctant to go back home from hospitals, to keep their loved ones safe from
coronavirus. To resolve this issue, many people have offered their empty flats to
doctors, nurses and healthcare providers as temporary lodging.
Total lockdown has led to a rise in unemployment, especially among the daily
wagers. Living hand to mouth, this sudden lockdown has put underprivileged
people in a hard situation, with no money in their pockets and little food to fill their
bellies. While the government is still zeroing on a concrete plan to care for the
underprivileged, many have decided to share their wealth. So, India is pinning its
hope of containing the outbreak on social distancing and a complete lockdown of
major cities and towns. And the success is down to the efforts of unknown but
selfless workers.
Many workers, including doctors, nurses, paramedics, police, pilots, railway
workers and rubbish collectors, are braving grave odds every day. And medical
staff are at the forefront of these efforts. The central government has released Rs
17,287 crore after several states complained of inadequacy of funds to fight the
novel coronavirus outbreak.
The amount includes Rs 11,092 crore as advance payment of the first instalment of
central government’s share in State Disaster Response Mitigation Fund to states,
according to a government notification.
This comes at a time when several states have asked the central government to
clear their pending dues, for them to provide relief to poor and migrant workers
who have been impacted the most after Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced
a 21-day national lockdown. The Fifteenth Finance Commission had
recommended creation of funds for disaster mitigation along with disaster
response-National Disaster Risk Management Fund and State Disaster Risk
Management Funds. The commission had recommended that the total amount
allocated to states for SDRMF will be Rs 28,983 crore in 2020-21, out of which the
central government’s share would be Rs 22,184 crore.

Class- B.A LL.B
Roll no - 1914151

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