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Reaching a Wider Audience
Building a website for your business will mean you could
potentially reach these otherwise unreachable customers. People commonly
research businesses online before actually visiting the business location. So
having a well designed website will help encourage them to come and visit
you or be able to find your business in the first place.
Anyone, Anywhere & Anytime
An advantage of having a website is your business
information and details about your products and services can be accessed
by anyone, no matter where they are on the planet or what time of day it is.
The internet is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So even if your
business isn’t open your website will be!

Easy Access To Business Information

With a website, customers can easily access
information about your business. They can see what products or services
you sell, your prices, your location and much more.

Keeping It Fresh
Once a website is designed, you can keep it
up-to-date to be relevant to your business and encourage more visitors (and
potential sales). More and more people are using a blog to promote their

Publicity & Advertising

You may think of the advantages of a website in
terms of advertising and publicity for your business.Think of your business
website in terms of advertising for your business and you’ll be more likely to
see the value.

Links From Others & Viral Marketing

With a website and the current use of social
media and marketing, it is quite possible for a good idea, clever product or
business service to go “viral”. Viral marketing is a boom in recent years.

If your business is good, people will link to it, people will talk about it and
they will share their thoughts. Recognition of your business and your brand
will grow.

Securing Your Brand Online

The information on your website might be
unreliable if not updated on a regular basis. You need to ensure that changes
are made when necessary and have a disclaimer with regards to the
reliability of the information contained within.

Crashes & Uptime

A website that crashes is no good to anyone. This
is a serious disadvantage for a business. If your website is constantly
crashing or unavailable then people will not be able to find information about
your business and you could miss out on potential sales.

Difficultly Reaching The Right People

Because of the nature of the internet and the
sheer number of businesses already on the World Wide Web, you may find it
difficult to reach the right target audience with your website.While
our managed social media solutions can help improve your ranking and put
your business on the right footing.

We all hate spam. The internet equivalent of junk mail. This is
one of the disadvantages of a website which can cause you some grief.

Bad Publicity
Having a website risks attracting bad publicity. If a
customer is unhappy with your service or products, then they may feel the
need to vent their frustrations online and reference your website in their
Taking Advantage of a Business Websites
As you can see, the advantages of a business
website far outweigh the disadvantages. The potential for business
exposure, advertising and increased sales should be too good for any
business to pass up.

The best way to showcase your skills as a web design
agency is to have an impressive website of your own. In this example, the
homepage alone shows how the look and feel of its flat design and the elements
used equate to great web design skills.

What we like about this website is how it manages to

present its numerous products without looking too cluttered.It has a search bar on
the homepage, something we feel is crucial for any e-commerce website, as well
as a sliding banner that makes it easy for users to navigate to the different pages.

The key feature of this website is it that makes it stand

out from the crowd is how it promotes its brand as an approachable, easy going,
but very professional firm.

This website not only provides a well-presented menu,

it also offers gift card purchasing and reservations directly on its website.

It gives you great insight on the firm’s background,

including their projects and a complete list of their team.

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