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University of Southeastern Philippines

Office of the President

No. 20200516-01
TO : DEANS, All Campuses
ASSOCIATE DEANS, All Graduate Schools




DATE : 15 MAY 2020

As part of the Memorandum Circular No.02, s. 2020 known as the “USeP Academic
Regulations Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic”, the following operational guidelines specific to the
graduate schools are hereby disseminated for implementation:

1. Operational Guidelines for Section 5.6.1. Thesis and Dissertation for Graduate
a. Annex A-1 ( Minutes of Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Presentation)
b. Annex A-2 (Minutes of Thesis/Dissertation Final Paper Presentation)
c. Annex B-1 (Actions Taken Report on Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s
Remarks during Proposal Presentation/ Proposal Review and Evaluation)
d. Annex B-2 (Actions Taken Report on Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s
Remarks during Final Paper Presentation/ Manuscript Review and Evaluation)
e. Annex C-1 (Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s Ratings Using Option1:
Virtual Presentation and Submission of Manuscript
f. Annex C-2 (Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s Ratings Using Option2:
Submission of Manuscript)
g. Annex C-3 (Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s Summary of Ratings)
h. Annex D-1 (Thesis/Dissertation Review and Evaluation Form for Proposal)
i. Annex D-2 (Thesis/Dissertation Review and Evaluation Form for Final Paper)
2. Operational Guidelines for Section 5.2.13. Conduct of Comprehensive Examination
3. Operational Guidelines on the Alternatives to the Required Stakeholders’
Consultation in the Conduct of Curricula Revisions

It is emphasized that these operational guidelines shall only be effective during the COVID
-19 pandemic.

For guidance and compliance.

Copy furnished:
University Records’ Office


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
I. Operational Guidelines for Section 5.6.1. Thesis and Dissertation for
Graduate Students, MC No. 02, s.2020 USeP Academic Regulations Amidst
COVID-19 Pandemic

On Section Face-to-face oral presentation is discouraged during this health crisis and
alternatives need to be available. Following the provisions of Section 5.6.1. of MC No. 02,
s.2020, graduate students who intend to do a thesis/dissertation proposal or final paper
presentation have the option to either (1) do a presentation through a virtual platform or (2)
submit a manuscript to the panel for review, evaluation, and rating. Below provides the
guidelines for these options:

1. Thesis or Dissertation Defense through Virtual Platform.

1.1. Proposal Presentation

1.1.1. The adviser confers with the program head, chairperson and other members
of the thesis/dissertation advisory committee (TDAC) for the use and choice
of a virtual platform. If use of virtual platform is possible, a date, time, and
choice of platform are agreed upon.
1.1.2. Student emails the manuscript to members of TDAC at least three working
days prior to schedule of presentation. If the health crisis situation permits,
members of TDAC may also require submission of the hard copy of the
manuscript through couriers, especially when the manuscript is more than
150 pages.
1.1.3. Presentations may take 1-2 hours depending on the peculiarities of the
paper and, perhaps, requirements of the college. It is suggested, however,
that the presentations be no more than 30 minutes; the question and answer
portion be no more than 1 hour; and, another 30 minutes is spent to discuss
other comments or suggestions.
1.1.4. The adviser takes minutes of the meeting using Annex A-1 in MS Word
format and emails the same to TDAC members within one day after
presentation. If TDAC members find these complete, each member emails
back the minutes (Annex A-1), with e-signatures in portable document
format (PDF), within one day after receipt. The adviser, in turn, emails the
signed minutes to the student and the program head.
1.1.5. The panel members’ incentives is paid through online banking or any other
money transfer scheme most convenient for the student and the TDAC
members. The student remits the total fees to the adviser prior to the
presentation while the adviser remits to the TDAC members their
corresponding fees within three days after the presentation.

1.2. Final Paper Presentation

1.2.1. The adviser confers with the program head, chairperson and other members
of the thesis/dissertation advisory committee (TDAC) for the use and choice
of a virtual platform. If use of virtual platform is possible, a date, time, and
choice of platform are agreed upon. In case a panel member cannot be
contacted despite all efforts and by any means, the program head
recommends a replacement to the college dean for approval.


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
1.2.2. Student emails the manuscript and actions taken report in Annex B-1 in MS
Word to members of TDAC at least five working days. If the health crisis
situation permits, members of TDAC may require submission of the hard
copy of the manuscript through couriers especially when the manuscript is
more than 150 pages.
1.2.3. Presentations may take 1-3 hours depending on the peculiarities of the
paper and, perhaps, requirements of the college. It is suggested, however,
that the presentations be no more than 30 minutes; the question and answer
portion be no more than one hour; and, another one hour is spent to discuss
other comments or suggestions.
1.2.4. The adviser takes minutes of the meeting using Annex A-2 in MS Word
format and emails the same to TDAC members within one day after
presentation. If TDAC members find these complete, each member emails
back Annex B-1 and the minutes (Annex A-2), with their e-signatures in
portable document format (PDF), within one day of its receipt. The adviser,
in turn, emails signed Annex B-1 and minutes (Annex A-2) to the student
and the program head.
1.2.5. Student’s rating is immediately deliberated upon by TDAC members using
Annex C-1. It is understood that they will do so using the virtual platform,
sans the student and adviser. Each TDAC member gives his/her rating,
affixes e-signature, and emails Annex C-1 in PDF to the TDAC chairperson
within one day after the presentation. The chairperson computes for the
average rating and its equivalent grade using Annex C-3 and relays the
information to the adviser and the student as soon as submissions by TDAC
members are completed.
1.2.6. TDAC chairperson affixes e-signature and emails Annex C-3 in MS Word
and the individual rating sheets (Annex C-1) to the program head within one
day from receipt of documents from TDAC members. The program head, in
turn, reviews the documents for completeness, affixes an e-signature on
Annex C-3, and forwards the same to the college dean. The dean then
affixes e-signature on Annex C-3 and emails back the file in PDF to the
program head.
1.2.7. Program head compiles the documents and emails the same to the
designated college staff for filing within one day from receipt of signed Annex
C-3 from the college dean.
1.2.8. The panel members’ incentives is paid through online banking or any other
money transfer scheme most convenient for the student and the TDAC
members. The student remits the total fees to the adviser prior to the
presentation while the adviser remits to TDAC members their corresponding
fees within three days after the presentation.

2. Thesis or Dissertation Defense through Submission of Manuscript.

2.1. Proposal Presentation

2.1.1. The adviser confers with the program head, chairperson and other members
of the thesis/dissertation advisory committee (TDAC) the option taken to
submit a thesis/dissertation proposal for evaluation.
2.1.2. Student emails the proposal to TDAC members.


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
2.1.3. The chairperson and other TDAC members individually prepares their
comments, suggestions, and evaluation using Annex D-1.
2.1.4. The chairperson consolidates submitted review forms (in portable document
format) and assesses if student may proceed with the proposed
thesis/dissertation or not by looking at the recommendations. If all TDAC members agree that the proposal is acceptable, the
student proceeds to work on the thesis/dissertation. The
chairperson affixes e-signature on Annex D-1 and emails a PDF
file to the student, adviser, and program head. If majority of the members of TDAC agrees that the proposal is
acceptable subject to some revisions, the chairperson
consolidates and harmonizes the comments/suggestions; confers
with the panel on the final content of the consolidated Annex D-1
by any means (e.g. virtual meetings, emails). The chairperson
affixes e-signature on the consolidated Annex D-1 and emails a
PDF file to the student, adviser, and program head. If at least half of the number of TDAC membership finds the
proposal unacceptable, the student needs to re-submit a
revamped or a new thesis/dissertation proposal. The chairperson
consolidates the comments/suggestions and affixes e-signature
on the consolidated Annex D-1 and emails a PDF file to the
student, adviser, and program head.

2.1.5. The panel members’ incentives shall be paid through online banking or any
other money transfer scheme most convenient for the student and the TDAC
members. The student remits the total fees to the adviser prior to
submission of the manuscript for evaluation. The adviser remits to TDAC
members their corresponding individual fees within three days after the
consolidated Annex D-1 has been emailed. Students whose earlier
proposals were deemed unacceptable are required to pay fees again when
they submit for another evaluation.

2.2. Final Paper Presentation

2.2.1. The adviser confers with the program head, chairperson and other members
of the thesis/dissertation advisory committee (TDAC) the option taken to
submit the final paper for evaluation. In case a panel member cannot be
contacted despite all efforts and by any means, the program head
recommends a replacement to the college dean for approval.
2.2.2. Student emails the final manuscript and actions taken report, Annex B-1, to
TDAC members.
2.2.3. The chairperson and other TDAC members individually prepares their
comments, suggestions, and evaluation using Annex D-2. Within 10 working
days of receipt of manuscript, Annex B-1 and Annex D-2 are e-mailed to the
chairperson in portable document format (PDF).
2.2.4. The chairperson consolidates the submitted Annex D-2 and assesses if
student may be given a rating or not given the recommendations.


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail: If all TDAC members agree that the final paper is acceptable
without need of any revisions, they email their ratings using Annex
C-2, with e-signatures affixed, in PDF. The chairperson
consolidates these ratings using Annex C-3 and affixes e-
signature. He/she then emails the student, adviser, and the
program head Annexes C-3 and D-2 in PDF. All Annex C-2 from
TDAC members are additionally emailed to the program head. If majority of the TDAC members agrees that the final paper is
acceptable subject to revisions, the chairperson consolidates and
harmonizes the comments/suggestions; confers with the panel on
the final content of a consolidated Annex D-2 by any means (e.g.
virtual meetings, emails). The chairperson affixes e-signature on
the consolidated Annex D-2. Panel members email their ratings
using Annex C-2, with e-signatures affixed, in PDF. The
chairperson consolidates these ratings using Annex C-3 and
affixes e-signature. He/she then emails the student, adviser, and
program head Annexes C-3 and D-2 in PDF. Annex C-2 is
additionally emailed to the program head. If at least half of the number of TDAC membership finds the final
paper not acceptable, the student needs to redo the
thesis/dissertation proposal considering comments/ suggestions.
The chairperson consolidates the comments or suggestions and
affixes e-signature on the consolidated Annex D-2 and emails a
PDF file to the student, adviser, and program head.

2.2.5. The panel members’ incentives shall be paid through online banking or any
other money transfer scheme most convenient for the student and the TDAC
members. The student remits the total fees to the adviser prior to
submission of the manuscript for evaluation. The adviser remits to TDAC
members their corresponding individual fees within three days after the
Annexes C-2, C-3, and D-2 have been emailed. Students whose final
papers were deemed unacceptable are required to pay fees again when they
re-submit for another evaluation.

Processes prior to and after thesis/dissertation proposal presentation (e.g. concept paper title
or topic presentations for approval; public forum) are not covered by these guidelines.
Colleges that require these may continue to do so provided they come-up with alternative
modes of implementation that considers convenience and the health safety of everyone

On Section Following the provisions of Section 5.6.1. of MC No. 02, s.2020, the
health crisis may not allow graduate students to freely move around and submit the
requirements for graduation. Whether the final manuscript was presented through a virtual
platform or by submission to TDAC members, students are to follow these guidelines:

1. Manuscripts being submitted for final review and approval of TDAC members shall be
accompanied by an actions taken report using Annex B-2. When TDAC members find it
necessary, a new set of (or consolidated) Annex D-2 will be issued and emailed to the
student, adviser, and the program head.


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
2. If the final paper is found to be satisfactory, reflecting all panel recommendation, without
need of any revision and ready for binding, student submits the final electronic copy of the
manuscript in MS Word and application for graduation with e-signature to the adviser and
the program head.
3. TDAC members affix their fresh or e-signatures on the approval sheets. The TDAC
chairperson affixes signature last and forwards the documents to the college dean who, in
turn, affixes fresh or e-signature. The dean emails the PDF file of the approval sheets to
the program head and adviser. The program head submits and/or emails the same and a
copy of the Abstract to the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) and the designated
College staff for filing.
4. Approval sheets with fresh or e-signatures and the Abstract need to be submitted to the
OUR not later than July 31, 2020.
5. Submission of two bound copies, electronic copies of the manuscript in four CDs,
application for graduation with fresh signatures are required to be submitted when students
claim their graduation credentials.


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex A-1

Minutes of Thesis/Dissertation Proposal Presentation

Title of Study Indicate the title of the study.

Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Sought Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.
Date of Presentation Indicate when the proposal presentation was held.
Venue of Presentation Indicate where the proposal presentation was held.

Particulars Comments/Suggestions
(These can be as detailed as possible to cover the different
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Review of
Related Literature and
Theoretical Framework

Chapter 3: Methodology

Other Comments/ Remarks

Prepared by Indicate adviser’s name with signature

Reviewed by Indicate panel members’ name with signature


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex A-2

Minutes of Thesis/Dissertation Final Paper Presentation

Title of Study Indicate the final (or approved) title of the study.
Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Sought Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.
Date of Presentation Indicate when the final presentation was held.
Venue of Presentation Indicate where the final presentation was held.

Particulars Comments/Suggestions
(These can be as detailed as possible to cover the
different sub-sections)
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Review of
Related Literature and
Theoretical Framework

Chapter 3: Methodology

Chapter 4: Presentation,
Analysis, and Interpretation
of Data

Chapter 5: Summary,
Conclusions, and

Other Comments/ Remarks

Prepared by Indicate adviser’s name with signature

Reviewed by Indicate panel member’s name with signature


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex B-1

Actions Taken Report on Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s Remarks during

Proposal Presentation/ Proposal Review and Evaluation

Title of Study Indicate the title of the study.

Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.
Date of Presentation Indicate when the proposal presentation was held.
Venue of Presentation Indicate where the proposal presentation was held.

Particulars Comments/Suggestions Actions Taken/Remarks

Chapter 1: Introduction  Number these comments or  Indicate the
suggestions if there are corresponding comment
many items. or suggestion number, if
many; indicate page
where action may be
Chapter 2: Review of
Related Literature and
Theoretical Framework

Chapter 3: Methodology

Other Comments/ Remarks

Prepared by Indicate student’s name with signature

Noted/approved by Indicate adviser’s name with signature

Reviewed/attested by Indicate panel member’s name with signature


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex B-2

Actions Taken Report on Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s Remarks During

Final Paper Presentation/ Manuscript Review and Evaluation

Title of Study Indicate the final (or approved) title of the study.
Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.
Date of Presentation Indicate when the final presentation was held.
Venue of Presentation Indicate where the final presentation was held.

Particulars Comments/Suggestions Actions Taken/Remarks

Chapter 1: Introduction  Number these comments or  Indicate the
suggestions if there are corresponding comment
many items. or suggestion number, if
many; indicate page
where action may be
Chapter 2: Review of
Related Literature and
Theoretical Framework

Chapter 3: Methodology

Chapter 4: Presentation,
Analysis, and Interpretation
of Data

Chapter 5: Summary,
Conclusions, and

Other Comments/ Remarks

Prepared by Indicate student’s name with signature

Noted/approved by Indicate adviser’s name with signature

Reviewed/attested by Indicate panel member’s name with signature


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex C-1

Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s Ratings Using Option1:

Virtual Presentation and Submission of Manuscript

Title of Study Indicate the title of the study.

Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.
Date of Presentation Indicate when the proposal presentation was held.
Venue of Presentation Indicate where the proposal presentation was held.

Particulars Score
Preliminaries (max. 10pts.)
 Adherence to prescribed format
 Exhibits writing proficiency
Chapter 1: Introduction (max. 10pts.)
 Clearly establishes the gap and discusses the need to conduct the research
 Highlights the importance and relevance of the study
 Problem statements, objectives, scope of the study, and terms used in the
study are clearly defined.
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Theoretical Framework (max.
 RRL is well developed and comprehensive to show what relevant and related
studies have to say about the study; identifies the relevant variables and
discusses how these are related.
 Identifies and discusses relevant theories; presents a clear conceptual
 Appropriate research assumptions and hypotheses are identified.
Chapter 3: Methodology (max. 10pts.)
 Identifies an appropriate research design that clearly specifies the methods
and procedures for collecting and analyzing needed information.
Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data (max. 15pts.)
 Results are organized and presented using appropriate tables and figures.
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations (max. 15pts.)
 Logical conclusions and recommendations are drawn from the results.
Presentations Skills (max. 20pts.)
 Exhibits clarity and logical presentation; findings and analysis are well
 Demonstrates confidence and mastery of the study presented; provides
satisfactory answers to probing and clarificatory questions of the TDAC
Total Score
Equivalent Rating

Equivalent Rating:
98-100 = 1.00 95-97 = 1.25 92-94 = 1.50 89-91 = 1.75 86-88 = 2.00
83-85 = 2.25 80-82 = 2.50 77-79 = 2.75 75-76 = 3.00 Below 75 = 5.00

Rated by Indicate panel member’s name with signature


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex C-2

Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s Ratings Using Option2:

Submission of Manuscript

Title of Study Indicate the final (or approved) title of the study.
Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.

Particulars Score
Preliminaries (max. 10pts.)
 Adherence to prescribed format
 Exhibits writing proficiency
Chapter 1: Introduction (max. 15pts.)
 Clearly establishes the gap and discusses the need to conduct the research
 Highlights the importance and relevance of the study
 Problem statements, objectives, scope of the study, and terms used in the
study are clearly defined.
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature and Theoretical Framework (max.
 RRL is well developed and comprehensive to show what relevant and related
studies have to say about the study; identifies the relevant variables and
discusses how these are related.
 Identifies and discusses relevant theories; presents a clear conceptual
 Appropriate research assumptions and hypotheses are identified.
Chapter 3: Methodology (max.15pts.)
 Identifies an appropriate research design that clearly specifies the methods
and procedures for collecting and analyzing needed information.
Chapter 4: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data (max. 20pts.)
 Results are organized and presented using appropriate tables and figures.
Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations (max.15pts.)
 Logical conclusions and recommendations are drawn from the results.
Total Score
Equivalent Rating

Equivalent Rating:
98-100 = 1.00 95-97 = 1.25 92-94 = 1.50 89-91 = 1.75 86-88 = 2.00
83-85 = 2.25 80-82 = 2.50 77-79 = 2.75 75-76 = 3.00 Below 75 = 5.00

Rated by Indicate panel member’s name with signature


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex C-3

Thesis/Dissertation Advisory Committee’s Summary of Ratings:

Title of Study Indicate the final (or approved) title of the study.
Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.

Panel Member Score

Panel #1
Panel #2
Panel #3
Panel #4
Equivalent Rating

Equivalent Rating:
98-100 = 1.00 95-97 = 1.25 92-94 = 1.50 89-91 = 1.75 86-88 = 2.00
83-85 = 2.25 80-82 = 2.50 77-79 = 2.75 75-76 = 3.00 Below 75 = 5.00

Prepared by:

Name and Signature

TDAC Chairperson

Noted by:

Name and Signature

Program Head, Name of Program

Name and Signature

Dean, Name of College


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex D-1

Thesis/Dissertation Review and Evaluation Form for Proposal

Title of Study Indicate the title of the study.

Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Sought Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.
Adviser’s Name Indicate name of the adviser

Particulars Comments/Suggestions
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Review of
Related Literature and
Theoretical Framework

Chapter 3: Methodology

Other Comments/ Remarks


[ ] Proposal is acceptable without need for comments or suggestions and student

may proceed with this proposed thesis/dissertation.
[ ] Proposal is acceptable subject to compliance to recommendations and student
may proceed with this proposed thesis/dissertation.
[ ] Proposal is not acceptable, requires a major revamp, and student needs to
submit another proposal.

Prepared by Indicate panel member’s name with signature


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
Annex D-2

Thesis/Dissertation Review and Evaluation Form for Final Paper

Title of Study Indicate the final (or approved) title of the study.
Student’s Name Indicate name of student.
Degree Sought Indicate the degree for which this requirement is for.
Semester/Year Indicate the current semester and academic year.
Adviser’s Name Indicate name of the adviser

Particulars Comments/Suggestions
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Review of
Related Literature and
Theoretical Framework

Chapter 3: Methodology

Chapter 4: Presentation,
Analysis, and Interpretation
of Data

Chapter 5: Summary,
Conclusions, and

Other Comments/ Remarks


[ ] Final paper is acceptable without need for further revision; student may be
given a rating.
[ ] Final paper is acceptable but requires revisions considering the comments/
suggestions; student may be given a rating.
[ ] Final paper is not acceptable and requires revamp; student is asked to redo the
paper considering the comments/suggestions and is not given a rating.

Prepared by Indicate adviser’s name with signature


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
II. Operational Guidelines for Section 5.2.13 of MC No. 02, s.2020 USeP
Academic Regulations Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic

Comprehensive examinations for qualified graduate students during this time of health crisis
shall be conducted online following these guidelines:

1. The college announces the schedule of its online comprehensive examinations through
the Public Affairs Division (PAD) and other modes of disseminating the information at
least a month prior to the scheduled comprehensive examinations.
2. Graduate students who intend to take the examinations need to email a signed copy of
their Letter of Intent, in portable document format (PDF), to their respective program
3. The program head verifies the graduate students’ qualification to take the examination
using the online system for student records and/or through the Office of the University
Registrar (OUR). He/she then submits a list of qualified students to take the
comprehensive examinations to the associate dean.
4. Students qualified to take the examinations are notified by the program head and are
advised to pay the applicable fees through the associate dean a week prior to the
examination date using online banking or other money transfer schemes most
convenient to students and the associate dean. Those who are able to pay are given
confirmation to take the examination, assigned examinee numbers and access
(usernames and passwords) by the associate dean.
5. Access is given early so examinees can explore USeP’s Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE) ahead of the examinations using a “How to Use” document. The comprehensive
examination panel members only receive their fees from the associate dean after
submission of the examination results. Only when it will be very difficult for the college
to conduct comprehensive examinations using the VLE will it consider using another
platform. The college should ensure that this alternative platforms will be able to provide
verifiable information (e.g. accessed only by qualified examinees; when examination
materials are downloaded and uploaded) pertaining to the conduct of the examination.
6. On recommendation of the program head, the college dean creates a panel who
prepares the questions (with desired/expected answers and equivalent ratings) for the
comprehensive examination by way of issuing office orders. For master’s programs, the
panel will have three members (one chairman and two members) while doctorate
programs will have four members (one chairman and three members). These panels
prepare the comprehensive examinations and submit the same to the associate deans
at least two weeks prior to the scheduled exam dates. As a guide for these panels or
when it might be necessary, the program head provides the panels a list of common
courses taken by students qualified to take the comprehensive examinations.
7. The panels are expected to design a maximum of 4-hour examination that will deny or
at least minimize examinees’ time to check the internet or through other means for
answers. Downloaded questions, problems, or cases used in the examination, in toto,
for example, should be avoided. The examination should consider those questions,
problems, or cases that require application of learnings from the courses or the program.
8. To avoid technical or internet connection issues, real time online examination is
discouraged or at least minimized.
9. It is understood that the examination will be timed and will only be available for
examinees to access over a specified number of hours after the examination has been
made available to examinees. Examinees should download the questions, problems, or
cases within two hours after the examinations are made available. They then are given
only four hours for the examination and be able to upload to the VLE their answers (or


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
as may be instructed by the college as sending by email directly to the college or
associate dean).
10. The associate dean informs examinees the guidelines and schedule (date and time of
availability) at least a week prior to the schedule of the comprehensive examinations
and administers the same using USeP’s VLE.
11. The associate dean forwards students’ answers to each of the panel members right after
the examination has closed or ended for rating. He/she keeps all records pertaining to
the examination.
12. The panel is encouraged to schedule an online oral examination to verify, validate, or
further evaluate students’ answers, especially for those in the doctorate programs.
13. The panel is given two weeks to check the submitted answers and come-up with the
summary of ratings report indicating who among the examinees passed or failed. The
panel’s report of ratings to the college dean is considered final. A score or rating of at
least sixty (60) percent is required to pass the comprehensive examination.
14. The college dean sends students notices of the results of the examination within three
days after receiving the report from the panel.
15. Technical issues pertaining to accessing, downloading the examination from, and
uploading of the answers to the VLE should be well documented by the student and
relayed to the associate dean. Considerations and appropriate actions are made and
decided upon by the program head, associate dean, and the college dean.
16. All other policies or practices used by the college are deemed to be followed. These
include how the panel chooses the questions, problems, or cases to be given in the
examination, or the choice of courses (e.g. research and statistics are always included)
to be considered in the examination, or scheduling the number of days for the
examination to be taken (e.g. two days for master’s programs; three days for doctorate
programs) and, if weights should be given to written and oral examinations.


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:
III. Operational Guidelines on the Alternatives to the Required Stakeholders’
Consultation in the Conduct of Curricula Revisions

In order for the colleges to proceed with the required stakeholders’ consultation for curricula
revisions or enhancements during this time of crisis, the following alternatives may be used:

1. Conduct of online (or phone) individual (or group) interviews with resource persons or

1.1. The program head, associate dean, and the college dean shall identify experts in the
field to be key resource persons.
1.2. The program head communicates with the experts, schedules the interview, and
identifies the most convenient virtual platform that everyone can use. Materials
(video/PowerPoint presentations or documents) that contain information based on the
outline below must be forwarded to the experts prior to the scheduled virtual meeting.
1.3. A group interview should be participated in by utmost five experts for effective
facilitation and be able to extract more information from each of the experts.
1.4. While the program head conducts the interview and initiates discussion, a faculty
teaching in the same program should be taking notes whenever a video/audio
recording of the activity is not possible.
1.5. A report summarizing or highlighting feedbacks should be prepared by the program
head in addition to the transcripts (or notes) for each of the interviewees who
participated in individual interviews.
1.6. The program head sends the experts’ honoraria through online bank transaction or
other money transfer schemes within three days after the conduct of the interview.

2. Conduct of Survey

2.1. The program head, associate dean, and the college dean shall identify respondents
for the survey to be conducted.
2.2. Materials (video/PowerPoint presentations or documents) should be provided or be
made accessible to respondents for information and backgrounder before they are
directed to answer the survey form.
2.3. The program head, or an automated system, collates and reports a summary of the

Materials needed to convey information to the interviewees or respondents must cover the
 Background of the curriculum being revised (e.g. number of years being offered, number
of graduates, when the program was last revised)
 Highlights of events that necessitate the need to revise or enhance the old curriculum
 Proposed curriculum
o Relevance of the program
o Target market
o Competencies being developed
o Program structure
o Courses to be offered (including a short description)

Feedback from or questions to be answered by interviewees and survey respondents need to

cover the items presented in the proposed curriculum. Additional feedback should focus on
whether the proposed program may be able to answer the requirements of employers.


Address: University of Southeastern Philippines Telephone: (082) 227-8192 local 257
Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero, Davao City Website:
Philippines 8000 E-mail:

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