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q 2006 International Society for Analytical Cytology Cytometry Part A 69A:1092–1095 (2006)

High-Throughput Fluorescent Screening

of Transgenic Animals: Phenotyping
and Haplotyping
Daniel J. Hellrung,1,2 Gabriela Rossi,1 and Charles J. Link1,2
Iowa Cancer Research Foundation, Urbandale, Iowa
Immunobiology Department, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Received 2 August 2005; Revision Received 23 January 2006; Accepted 30 May 2006

Background: Methods for genotyping transgenic animals Results: agal epitopes were detected in wild-type but
currently consist of extracting genomic DNA from blood not agal knock-out samples. To validate these results, PCR
or tissue followed by PCR or Southern blot analysis. These was used to demonstrate the native agal gene in wild-type
methods when used to screen large numbers of animals and the pGKneo construct in agal knock-out mice. Fur-
can be time consuming and expensive. Therefore, we thermore, haplotypes were determined and mice divided
developed a novel method that allows high-throughput for backcrosses.
screening of phenotypic changes on leukocytes, resulting Conclusions: This screening method is useful for both
from the transgenic genotype. This technique allows preliminary screening of transgenic mice and the devel-
investigators to quickly screen a large number of animals opment of an inbred mouse colony by rapid determina-
without the need to extract DNA from each one. More- tion of MHC I haplotype. Here, we demonstrate the use of
over, since blood is collected for the initial screening, pu- this technique and show how it can be a valuable tool,
tative homozygotes can be confirmed by conventional saving time and resources in both investigator effort and
methods using the same blood samples. animal husbandry. q 2006 International Society for Analytical
Methods: We collected blood from wild-type agal posi- Cytology
tive and agal knockout mice and probed for the presence
of Gala(1fi3)Gal (agal) epitopes. Also, alloantigen speci-
fic antibodies were used to determine the haplotype of our Key terms: high-throughput; screening; phenotyping; geno-
outbred mouse colony in order to develop an inbred line. typing; transgenic; knockout; a((1,3))galactosyltransferase

The development of transgenic animals, including both with homozygous genotypes by methods such as PCR or
knockin and knockout types, has enhanced the studies of Southern blot analysis using DNA isolated from whole
many disciplines including immunobiology and transplant blood, tail tissue, or saliva (4–9). These screening steps
biology. For example, porcine organs have been inves- can often be time consuming and expensive not only in
tigated for transplantation into humans due to the many reagents but also in animal husbandry costs. Here, we
similarities between species (1). However, efforts have describe a microscopy based novel high-throughput method
been hampered by the existence of the xenoantigen of phenotyping transgenic animals that allows the investi-
Gala(1,3)Gal (agal epitope) on the transplant tissue. To gator to quickly determine which animals require further
address this problem, Lai et al. recently developed an genotyping. Moreover, since the technique employs the
a(1,3)galactosyltransferase knockout (aGT KO) pig, use of blood samples, the investigator can validate initial
thereby paving the road for organ transplantation in the phenotypic findings by extracting genomic DNA for analy-
future (2). Examples like this are numerous in the litera- sis by PCR or Southern blot, without the need to collect
ture; however, production and screening of transgenic ani-
mals still remain a laborious, time consuming, and expen-
sive process, regardless of the method employed. Several Grant sponsor: Department of Defense Army Breast Cancer Founda-
protocols exist for the production of transgenic animals, tion; Grant number: DAMD17-00-1-0292; Grant sponsor: Susan G. Komen
depending on the investigators’ goal (3). In most cases, a Breast Cancer Foundation; Grant number: 99-3215.
genomic copy of the gene of interest is cloned and trans- *Correspondence to: Charles J. Link, Iowa Cancer Research Foundation,
11043 Aurora Ave, Urbandale, IA 50322.
ferred into recipient cells, where random integration or E-mail:
homologous recombination between a wild-type allele Published online in Wiley InterScience (
occurs. Offsprings are screened to isolate those animals DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.20328
additional samples from the animals. Finally, blood sam- Table 1
ples can further be used to determine class I major histo- High-Throughput Phenotyping Protocol
compatibility complex haplotype of the animals, thereby 1 Collect 200 ll whole blood in heparinized tubes.
allowing the investigator to begin the process of develop- 2 Dilute 15 ll blood with 85 ll HBSS in 96-well round bottom
ing an inbred strain or to conduct haplotype specific plate.
experiments. 3 Mix samples with 100 ll of fluorescently labeled probe or
unconjugated probe.a Incubate 30 min RT.
4 Pellet cells by centrifugation for 5 min at 423g, wash with
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 200 ll HBSS, Repeat step 3 with secondary fluorescently
Detection of agal Epitopes on White Blood Cells labeled probe (or go to step 5), pellet cells again and wash.
5 Raise in 200 ll HBSS, transfer 50 ll to 96-well flat bottom
CD1 knockout mice (agal positive, hereby referred to plate, cytospin as in step 4 and view under fluorescent
as wild-type) were procured from the University of Chi- microscope.
cago animal facility (10) and a(1,3)galactosyltransferase Peripheral blood cells are labeled with a fluorescent probe
knockout (aGT KO, agal negative) mice were procured specific for the antigen corresponding to the transgenic geno-
from Michigan State University animal facility (11). After type and viewed under fluorescent microscopy.
an adjustment period, mice were bred in our AAALAC For primary labeled probes such as antibodies or lectins, do
not repeat step 3. For some applications cells may need to be
accredited animal facility and used in this study. The left fixed and/or permeabilized for the probe to bind. To increase the
leg of wild-type and aGT KO mice were shaved to expose number of blood cells or to detect more rare targets, lyse RBC’s
the saphenous vein. Heparinized Microvette CB300 tubes prior to staining.
(Sarstedt, Newton, NC) were filled with ~200 ll of blood
collected with a 25-gauge needle (Becton Dickinson,
Franklin Lake, NJ). Fifteen microliters of blood was trans-
ferred to a round-bottom 96-well plate (Corning Co., Corn- Therefore, 751 bp and 481 bp PCR products from aGT
ing, NY) and diluted with 85 ll Hanks Balanced Salt Solu- KO and wild-type mice, respectively, were expected. A
tion (HBSS, Invitrogen-Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA). PCR program of 94C for 30 s, 55C for 90 s, and 68C for
Samples were stained by adding 100 ll of 1 lg/ml biotinyl- 60 s for a total of 40 cycles was used. Results from the
ated anti-agal Griffonia simplicifolia IB4 isolectin (Vector aGT KO blood samples yielded the expected 751-bp frag-
Laboratories, Burlingame, CA) diluted in HBSS and incu- ment (Fig. 2, lanes 1 and 2). By comparison, the same pri-
bated at room temperature for 30 min. The biotinylated mers failed to amplify a band in the wild-type samples,
IB4 isolectin was detected with 0.5 lg/ml avidin conju- demonstrating absence of the neo gene in exon 9 of agal
gated phycoerythrin (PE, BD Pharmingen, San Diego CA). gene (Fig. 2, lanes 3 and 4). To confirm the presence of
Cells were pelleted by centrifugation for 5 min at 423g exon 9 of the agal gene in the wild-type mice, a primer
using a 96-well plate holder followed by washing with 200 downstream of the Sal I site was used to successfully
ll HBSS, and pelleted as before. Cells were resuspended amplify a 481-bp fragment (Fig. 2, lanes 5 and 6). A cDNA
in 200 ll HBSS, and 50 ll was transferred to a flat-bottom clone of the agal gene was used as a positive control with
96-well plate (Corning Co.). The plate was centrifuged as the same primers as the wild-type demonstrating the
above and analyzed by microscopy (Nikon Diaphot) using expected 481-bp fragment (Fig. 2, lane 7). No fragment
a Cy3 (532 nm) fluorescent filter (Table 1). IB4 isolectin was amplified in the control reaction, where all three pri-
successfully detected agal epitopes on white blood cells mers were used without DNA template (Fig. 2, lane 8).
(WBC) of blood samples collected from wild-type but not Techniques designed to enhance the process of produc-
aGT KO mice (Figs. 1a and 1b, respectively). Figure 1c is a tion and screening of transgenic animals that save the in-
bright field photo of a representative blood sample, demon- vestigator time and resources are in demand. Therefore,
strating the number of cells used in this assay. we have developed a novel high-throughput phenotyping
technique that allows the investigator to determine puta-
tive knockin or knockout homozygotes from WBCs, using
Validation of the agal Phenotype
direct or indirect fluorescent microscopy. Either a primary
Genomic DNA was isolated from wild-type and aGT KO labeled fluorescent probe such as an antibody or lectin, or
blood samples. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) screen- an unlabeled probe followed by a secondary detection sys-
ing of aGT KO was performed using the forward primer tem can be used to screen large numbers of samples in a
(GALFDJH) 50-GAG CAC ATC CTG GCC CAC ATC CAG microtiter plate within a short period of time. Moreover,
CAC GAG-30, which binds upstream of the SalI site in both cell surface and intracellular antigens are detectible,
exon 9 of the agal gene, and the reverse primer (NeoU) the latter requiring the cell membrane to be incubated in
50-GGT GGA GAG GCT ATT CGG CTA TGA-30, which a permeablizing agent prior to staining. By contrast, other
binds the 50 region of the neo gene. To screen the wild- phenotyping methods, such as flow cytometry, may be
type, PCR was performed with the GALFDJH primer and suboptimal for many reasons. First, this method requires a
the reverse primer (BGLGAL#2) 50-AGA TCT TCA GAC larger volume of blood to be collected from the animal,
ATT ATT TCT AAC CAA ATT ATA CTC-30, which binds 481 which can be particularly difficult in mice. Subsequent
bp downstream of the SalI site. To construct the agal sample collection may be needed to complete the valida-
knockout strain, Thall et al. inserted the pGKneo con- tion steps. Second, sample analysis is slower due to the
struct into the SalI site of exon 9 of the agal gene (11). necessity of handling individual tubes for each blood sam-

Cytometry Part A DOI 10.1002/cyto.a


be useful for some specialized applications, but for large

scale screening it may be inadequate. In our lab, we found
that the limiting step using flow cytometry was the num-
ber of samples that could be analyzed in a day. Using our
high-throughput screening technique, we found that the
limiting factor was how many animals could be bled in a
day, rather than analyzed. For example, using flow cytome-
try, at least 2 days of sample preparation and analysis were
required to phenotype ~30 animals. By comparison, our
rapid screening method required only 1 day for sample
preparation and analysis of over 80 animals. Moreover,
unlike the flow cytometry method, we could use the
remaining blood samples of putative homozygotes to
extract genomic DNA from the WBCs to validate the phe-
notype without having to collect more tissue from the
As with many phenotyping protocols, problems exist
when attempting to discern between homozygotes and
heterozygotes, particularly for knockin genotypes. For
example, heterozygotes resulting from the integration of a
marker gene such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) would
have a green fluorescent phenotype. However, using this
technique would still remain valuable for screening out
the null phenotype corresponding to aberrant or noninte-
grating GFP.
We have used this method in our lab to screen for the
agal null phenotype in 363 F1 offspring from F0 heterozy-
gote CD1 KO x aGT KO crossed mice. In these experi-
ments, we collected blood from each of the animals and
used a variation of the protocol in Table 1 that allowed us
to store blood samples long term. Samples were fixed and,
simultaneously, the red blood cells were lysed prior to
FITC conjugated IB4 isolectin labeling. Seventy nine ani-
mals were found to be agal negative and 27 of those were
tested for the double knockout phenotype of CD12/2 and

FIG. 1. (a) PE labeled anti-agal IB4 isolectin successfully detected agal

epitopes on CD1 KO mouse blood cells. (b) aGT KO mice do not express
the agal gene, as confirmed by the lack of anti-agal IB4 isolectin staining FIG. 2. PCR results after amplifying a region of exon 9 from the agal
of blood cells. (c) Bright field photo representing the number of cells gene, using genomic DNA extracted from blood samples. 1 kb DNA ladder
used in this protocol. was used as the marker. Lanes 1 and 2 are from aGT KO mice showing
the expected 751-bp fragment, corresponding to the agal specific amplifi-
cation of the neo used to disrupt the agal gene. Lanes 3 and 4 are from
CD1 KO mice, demonstrating the absence of neo in the agal gene. Lanes
ple and acquiring the flow data for each tube. Finally, a 5 and 6 demonstrate wild-type exon 9 of the agal gene, showing the
highly trained staff member must be capable of calibrating expected 481 bp band. Lane 7 is the positive control from a cDNA clone
of the agal gene, showing the expected 481 bp fragment. Lane 8 is the
the machine and acquiring the data for each sample negative control, where all three primers were used in the reaction with-
including controls. Using flow cytometry, therefore, may out template DNA. X represents a skipped lane.

Cytometry Part A DOI 10.1002/cyto.a

agal . Results of genotyping these mice by PCR using DNA from each of these animals for either PCR or South-
genomic DNA extracted from the blood samples validated ern blot analysis.
the phenotype observed using the fluorescent screening Techniques designed to facilitate the researcher in
technique. achieving results quickly and cost effectively are valuable,
The sensitivity and specificity of the assay will depend especially when they involve production of transgenic ani-
on the marker selected, the quality of the flourescent rea- mals. We have described a novel protocol that has vastly
gent, affinity for the ligand, and number (or concentra- decreased our time, effort, and expense in developing
tion) of ligands in target cells. For experiments like the transgenic colonies of mice for our lab.
one above, the agal epitopes were present in high con-
centration on the cell surface and easily detected by light ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
microscopy using the agal-specific isolectin. Therefore, The authors thank Dawn Bertrand and Robin Helton for
we found that with this application, the technique was expertise in maintaining the animal colony.
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Cytometry Part A DOI 10.1002/cyto.a

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