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Walk the Wok Name: _______________

Walk Walk Sunday Date: 2/9/2008

Lesson: 195 & 196
Teacher: Googie Walkthewok

Memory Verse:
But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, "Do not be afraid; only believe, and she will
be made well." (Luke 8:50)
1. Lesson # 195- Parable of the Treasure and the Pearl (Matthew 13:44-46)
a. Parable of the Treasure (verse 44)
i. Two interpretations
1. Incorrect interpretation
a. Kingdom of heaven is glorious treasure
b. When you discover it, you sell everything to
obtain treasure
c. Incorrect because you ______________ buy
entrance to heaven; salvation is a free gift from
2. Correct interpretation
a. Field represents the world
b. __________ gave everything to purchase the
field so he might obtain the treasure
c. Treasure is __________
ii. Who does the world belong to?
1. (Genesis 1:26) God gave __________ dominion over all
the earth
2. (Genesis 3:13) Man forfeited the world to __________
when they obeyed the serpent
3. (Matthew 4:8-9) Satan tempted Jesus saying he would
give the world back to Jesus if Jesus worshipped Satan
4. (1 Peter 1:17-19) Jesus purchased the world not by
worshipping Satan, but by __________ on the cross
b. Parable of the Pearl (verses 45-46)
1. To Jews, pearl is not a valuable ornament
2. Prized treasure by gentiles (non-Jewish)
3. Pearl of great price represents __________
c. Conclude: Jesus loves you and paid the price to buy __________

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Walk the Wok Name: _______________
Walk Walk Sunday Date: 2/9/2008
Lesson: 195 & 196
Teacher: Googie Walkthewok

2. Lesson # 196- The Daughter of Jairus (Luke 8:40-56)

a. Two hopeful characters (verses 40-44)
i. Jairus
1. __________ years ago, a little girl was born (Jairus’
2. Brought great joy and happiness
3. Now, daughter is dying
4. Last hope: get to __________
ii. Woman
1. __________ years ago, began to bleed uncontrollably
2. Suffered through darkness and despair
3. Now, spent all her money on medical bills but could not
be healed by doctors
4. Last hope: just touch __________
iii. Conclude: Jesus is our greatest source of __________
b. Touch (verses 45-48)
i. Did Jesus know who touched Him?
1. __________
2. Jesus asked out loud because he wanted __________
to understand the importance of who touched Him
ii. One person vs the crowd
1. Many people press against Jesus
2. Only one person touched Jesus
3. Her touch was different from press of crowd
4. Jesus can minister to one person in a crowd
5. Question: Many pressing, many thronging, how many
are really receiving the touch of Jesus in their life?
a. Answer: How many people are reaching out to
Jesus by __________?
iii. Conclude: You can sit in a church but if you have no
__________ in Jesus you are not receiving the touch of Jesus
c. Spirit and body (verses 49-56)
i. At death, __________ separates from body
ii. The __________ is only a temporary vessel
iii. The __________ is the real me

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