Voc Review and Word Formation

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1- The ……………….of his life on a farm was disturbed when he decided to marry a
widow with seven children.
a. accomodotion b.education c.simplicity d.familiarity

2- This chicken is …………….I can’t even chew it.It needs another hour in the oven.
a.overtime b.overdone c.undercooked d.well-done

3- People who have supernatural power may ……………..your future if you show
them your palm.
a.recall b.forecast c.ignore d.deny

4- Our planetary system …………..over billions of years.

a.involved b.included c.evolved d.implied

5- Many people are very…………..their dictionaries when they read in a foreign

language which is a problem for reading rapidly.
a.dependent on b.beneficial to c.instead of d.ready for

6-Our letters are……………every morning at 8 o ‘clock.

a.allowed b.arrived c.delivered d.served

7- It is such a stupid film that it would be a …………….of time and money to go and
see it.
a. waste b.gain c.lot d. loss

8-My brother is really too kind: everybody has been taking ………….of him.
a. profit b.advantage c.example d.routine

9- The patient couldn’t ………….. what had happened before the accident.
a.recover b.recall c.remind d.restore

10- The suspects ……………… for breaking into Brown’s house for burglary at the
a. admitted b.reduce c.denied d.apologized

11-The ……………into the robbery of the bank took several months.

a.examination b.investigation c.organisation d.celebration

12-The secretary has been working much more …………….than the old one.We
should give her a pay rise.
a.certainly b.absolutely c.efficiently d.definitely

13-The village had to be …………..in the end because its water supplies gradually
went dry .
a.polluted b.abandoned c.persuaded d.immigrated

14-How can we get in …………….with Herbert? It’s been for ages since we last came
a.talk b.communicate c.chat d.touch

15- He was a/an ……………writer because he persuaded many people to see the truth
of his ideas.
a.ordinary b.well-known c.influential d.intellectual

16- Many motorists have …………….the speed limits on the motorway so the
accidents are inevitable.
a.avoided b.reduced c.ignored d.obeyed

17- The …………….of a nation is almost always based on per capita income.In other
words the richer the people are,the richer the nation is.
a. welfare b.disaster c. inflation d.success

18-At present ,the cheapest way of ……………electricity is by using the power of

wind flow but most countries use water to produce electricity.
a.consuming b.generating c.storing d.investing

19- It was such a successful ski-jump that the spectators were …………… and
a.stunned b.dissapointed c.anxious d.scared

20- At the office Mr. Theory is a very................. manager because he is able make good
judgements based on reason about unexpected events.
a.sensitive b.sensual c.sensible d.stressful

21- The car was…………… damaged.The mechanic said that there was nothing he
could do about it.
a.eventually b.luckily c.fortunately d.seriously

22-Genes ……………..a person’s appearance and hair.

a.alter b.create c.determine d.produce

23- It’s forbidden to use a dictionary ______________ the exam.

a.during b.while c.when d.meanwhile

24-If you knew what I had………………all those years, you would be more
a.lived through b.concantrated on c.brought about d.taken off

25- Doing research on the internet sometimes takes a lot of time.It’s just
very ........................... to get such a large quantity of data.
a.time management b.overtime c.time consuming d.waste of time

26- As he was a determined ...........................he became very successful in the last

elections due to his financial promises.
a.candidate b. client c.customer d.consumer

27- If a businessman is staying in a country more than 3 months or

working .............................., a full 10-year passport is required.
a.continent b.foreign c.overseas d.destination

28- Young children are naturally .........................about the world and everything as
they try to explore the environmet around them.
a. jealous b.curious c.courageous d.adventurous

29- Tony was found quilty of .........................as his fingerprints were found in the
house which was broken into 2 days ago.
a.murder b.crime c.suspect d.theft

30- After I had appiled for the job, I was called to have an interview in which they
offered me a...................................salary and a health insurance.
a.satisfy b.satisfactory c.satisfied d.satisfying


1) Because of the train strike, it will be ………………..to get to the train to London
2) According to a study, more and more people are refusing to eat ………………
food. (freeze)
3) He was so …………… with the play that he fell asleep.(bore)
4) When their case was considered, they had to accept the ………..of the court.
5) …………………. is a wonderful leisure activity but it can be very expensive.
6) In order to apply for this job, you should be aware of the necessary ………………
7) In my opinion the manager is quite successful and …………... man (education)
8) Her suitcase seemed ………………heavy for such a short trip.(necessary)
9) It is really ………………that you two are living in the same town and have never
met before. (ordinary)
10) His ………… is even worse when he is driving. (behave)
11) The number of ……………. people has been increasing day by day (home)
12) James and Liz have been............. married for 3 years and they have never had a
fight. (happy)
13) Five years ago, I had a middle-aged student who studied Law just for
his....................... (please)

14) Everybody should have the ...................to express his own feelings openly (free)
15) During the time I was working as a teacher in Dubai, the mail service was
so................. that I never had my mails in time. (rely)
16) Without economic................. it is not easy for women to be equal to men (depend)
17) She was given a special award for her ................in the field of social sciences.
18) His arrival was so .................. that everybody was shocked to see him. (expect)
19) Divorce is a very .....................problem in many countries In other words,
many .......................... are ending in divorce (spread/ marry)
20) Birth control.......................... women from getting pregnant therefore it should be
encouraged in ............................ countries. (protection/ population)
21) Some students have realized that university education is vital to one’s career and
regretted their ................ to give up studying (decide)
22) She had no ..................... but to quit her job to move to a new city with her family
23) Some people think that ..................for tobacco products should be banned on TV
24) I don’t think she’ll get the job because she is very..................... (experience)
25) In the late 19th century, Europe was at the climax of its.............. and ..................
power and there was great ............. among the major European countries .
(politics/ economics/ compete)


1- The ……………….of his life on a farm was disturbed when he decided to marry a
widow with seven children.
a. accomodotionb.education c.simplicity d.familiarity

2- This chicken is …………….I can’t even chew it.It needs another hour in the oven.
a.overtime b.overdone c.undercooked d.well-done

3- People who have supernatural powers may ……………..your future if you show
them your palm.
a.recall b.forecast c.ignore d.deny
4- Our planetary system …………..over billions of years.
a.involved b.included c.evolved d.implied

5- Many people are very…………..their dictionaries when they read in a foreign

language which is a problem for reading rapidly.
a.dependent on b.beneficial to c.instead of d.ready for

6-Our letters are……………every morning at 8 o ‘clock.

a.allowed b.arrived c.delivered d.served

7- It is such a stupid film that it would be a …………….of time and money to go and
see it.
a. waste b.gain c.lot d. loss

8-My brother is really too kind: everybody has been taking ………….of him.
a. profit b.advantage c.example d.routine

9- The patient couldn’t ………….. what had happened before the accident.
a.recover b.recall c.remind d.restore

10- The suspects ……………… for breaking into Brown’s house for burglary at the
a. admitted b.reduce c.denied d.apologized

11-The ……………into the robbery of the bank took several months.

a.examination b.investigation c.organisation d.celebration

12-The secretary has been working much more …………….than the old one.We
should give her a pay rise.
a.certainly b.absolutely c.efficiently d.definitely

13-The village had to be …………..in the end because its water supplies gradually
went dry .
a.polluted b.abandoned c.persuaded d.immigrated

14-How can we get in …………….with Herbert? It’s been for ages since we last came
a.talk b.communicate c.chat d.touch

15- He was a/an ……………writer because he persuaded many people to see the truth
of his ideas.
a.ordinary b.well-known c.influential d.intellectual
16- Many motorists have …………….the speed limits on the motorway so the
accidents are inevitable.
a.avoided b.reduced c.ignored d.obeyed

17- The …………….of a nation is almost always based on per capita income.In other
words the richer the people are,the richer the nation is.
a. welfare b.disaster c. inflation d.success

18-At present ,the cheapest way of ……………electricity is by using the power of

wind flow but most countries use water to produce electricity.
a.consuming b.generating c.storing d.investing

19- It was such a successful ski-jump that the spectators were …………… and
a.stunned b.dissapointed c.anxious d.scared

20- At the office Mr. Theory is a very................. manager because he is able make good
judgements based on reason about unexpected events.
a.sensitive b.sensual c.sensible d.stressful

21- The car was…………… damaged.The mechanic said that there was nothing he
could do about it.
a.eventually b.luckily c.fortunately d.seriously

22-Genes ……………..a person’s appearance and hair.

a.alter b.create c.determine d.produce

23- It’s forbidden to use a dictionary ______________ the exam.

a.during b.while c.when d.meanwhile

24-If you knew what I had………………all those years, you would be more
a.lived through b.concantrated on c.brought about d.taken off

25- Doing research on the internet sometimes takes a lot of time.It’s just
very ........................... to get such a large quantity of data.
a.time management b.overtime c.time consuming d.waste of time

26- As he was a determined ...........................he became very successful in the last

elections due to his financial promises.
a.candidate b. client c.customer d.consumer

27- If a businessman is staying in a country more than 3 months or

working .............................., a full 10-year passport is required.
a.continent b.foreign c.overseas d.destination
28- Young children are naturally .........................about the world and everything as
they try to explore the environmet around them.
a. jealous b.curious c.courageous d.adventurous

29- Tony was found quilty of .........................as his fingerprints were found in the
house which was broken into 2 days ago.
a.murder b.crime c.suspect d.theft

30- After I had appiled for the job, I was called to have an interview in which they
offered me a...................................salary and a health insurance.
a.satisfy b.satisfactory c.satisfied d.satisfying


1) Because of the train strike, it will be impossible to get to the train to London
2) According to a study, more and more people are refusing to eat frozen food.
3) He was so bored with the play that he fell asleep.(bore)
4) When their case was considered, they had to accept the decision of the court.
5) Photography is a wonderful leisure activity but it can be very expensive. (photo)
6) In order to apply for this job, you should be aware of the necessary qualifications
7) In my opinion the manager is quite successful and educated man (education)
8) Her suitcase seemed unnecessarily heavy for such a short trip.(necessary)
9) It is really extraordinary that you two are living in the same town and have never
met before. (ordinary)
10) His behaviour is even worse when he is driving. (behave)
11) The number of homeless people has been increasing day by day (home)
12) James and Liz have been happily married for 3 years and they have never had a
fight. (happy)
13) Five years ago, I had a middle-aged student who studied Law just for his pleasure

14) Everybody should have the freedom to express his own feelings openly (free)
15) During the time I was working as a teacher in Dubai, the mail service was so
unreliable that I never had my mails in time. (rely)
16) Without economic independence it is not easy for women to be equal to men
17) She was given a special award for her achievement(s) in the field of social
sciences. (achieve)
18) His arrival was so unexpected that everybody was shocked to see him. (expect)
19) Divorce is a very wide-spread problem in many countries . In other words, many
marriages are ending in divorce (spread/ marry)
20) Birth control protects women from getting pregnant therefore it should be
encouraged in overpopulated countries. (protection/ population)
21) Some students have realized that university education is vital to one’s career and
regretted their decision to give up studying (decide)
22) She had no choice but to quit her job to move to a new city with her family
23) Some people think that ..................for tobacco products should be banned on TV
24) I don’t think she’ll get the job because she is very inexperienced (experience)
25) In the late 19th century, Europe was at the climax of its political and economic
power and there was great competition among the major European countries .
(politics/ economics/ compete)

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