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Eder, Daniela
Lua, Judy Ann
Nalos, Lynette
Ramos, Sheeann
Silva, Morella Diane
Communication is very important because it is our way of expressing our feelings and
also we will understand each other by the use of it, because without communication there will be
no information to be spread and no knowledge to be develop.

Communication is an act of giving, receiving or exchanging information, idea and

opinions so that the message will be completely understood by the receiver and sender.
Primarily, the communication process involves a sender and a receiver. It is not only limited to
verbal but it is also by means of body language., like for example you are using a sign language
to convey a message to another person through the use of gesture, body language and sign
language. It is the transmission of an idea/thought or feelings so that the sender and the receiver
share the same level of understanding and also it is not only about tangible facts, information,
opinions, and determinable ideas but also the emotions or feelings is included. Communication is
important, because it is the act or a simple way to completely understand and express how we
feel and how we think to others. By the use of communication, it helps us to spread knowledge
and information among people, and for the people it benefits us all because by using
communication we develop social relationships with others. Many times, all people actually do is
to transmit information to one another, when we properly understand what the sender means, we
have been communicated effectively, and therefore we must always strive to communicate with
others so that they properly understand us.

Communication is the process of sharing meaning. It is the means by which make a

common, it is a systematic process in which individuals interact with and through symbols to
create and interpret meaning. The reason why the study of communication is important because
we spend more time communicating that doing anything else.

The communication can be done either with oral, written, facial or physical gesture. It is
to share something about ourselves. In addition to communication, it brings people together and
closer to each other. It bridges the gap between individuals and groups through the flow of
information and understanding between them.
The development of technology has considerably improved our lifestyle. There is no
doubt that over the years technology has been responsible for creating amazingly useful
resources which put all the information that people need by just using fineertips. It has made its
impact felt on each and every aspect of life, including communication techniques.Using
technology in communication has become a necessity, it's now part of life. The advancement of
technology has helped to advance the ways in which people communicate with each other.
(Ferell, Zachary)
These are the devices that helped to make a communication more accessible and convenient:
It is an instrument designed for the simultaneous transmission
and reception of the human voice. It is very useful and convenient to
use especially in the public places. There's a lot of telephone booth
installed anywhere, in the railroad, shops, post office, you just need to
put a coin and make a call.
It has radically altered the way that people work, socialize,
organize, and entertain themselves. New generation mobile phones support
many additional services and accessories, it provide the means to
communicate with friends, family, coworkers, and indeed most of the
world's population instantly.

Video cameras record live-action scenes that are available for
viewing via a stored or transmitted video feed. This allow the user to
create a permanent and detailed flow of events and relay the message
to other people.

Computers play a big role in terms of communication,with ways
of communicating with computers including email, instant messaging,
videoconferencing and more. Now computers use the internet and
provide mass communication, or the exchange of information on a
large scale.
It is a piece of equipment used to make sounds louder.
Loudspeakers are used in radios, audio players, Bluetooth speakers, as well
as many other areas. Traditionally, loudspeakers on mobile phones are used
to produce sound alerts for events such as incoming calls, incoming
messages and alarms.

It is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting

moving images. It is a mass medium for advertising, entertainment
and news. It is composed of multiple internal electronic circuits
including a tuner for receiving and decoding signals.

It is the technology of communication using radio waves
wherein it is used to carry information across space from a transmitter
to a receiver by modulating the radio signal. It's purpose is to convey
information from one place to another without wires.


It is a hand held, portable two way radio transceiver that are small
enough to take just about anywhere. It includes a microphone, speaker and

It is artificial satellites that relay receive signals from the Earth
and then transmit to other earth stations. It creates a communication
channel between source transmitter and a receiver at different location
on Earth.


It is an instrument used to record images and for photography.

The photos and videos taken by this are used to communicate by
telling a stories.
It is a device that projects an image onto a surface, commonly a
projection screen. It is used to expand the images or moving images
from computer screen that can be seen by a large number of people.

A process of converting optical images into electrical signals
from transmission over communication systems such as phone line,
internet, etc. It is designed to both send and receive documents so that
it has a sending part and receiving part.

It is a two way communication device that contains multiple circuits for
the purpose of transmitting and receiving audio or video transmission. It allows
a person speaking into a microphone to be heard on a speaker by people in a
different area.


It is a wireless telecommunication device that receive messages and

signals the user in a way of beeping or vibrating. User will be having a
personal number and anyone who wants to send a message to the user will
dial or quote the number with a message.
Essential relationship of Communication and Society is the existence of human being. Human
beings exist since they can communicate through their surroundings. Hence communication
created civilization, therefore communication can build society. So, since then, communication
and society are already developed and guides humans to innovation leading to an advance stage
of development and communication. Not only humans use communication but also other existing
species. But humans was different, humans are intellect than other existing species in view of the
fact that humans taught themselves how to use their common sense by teaching and studying
symbols to communicate. We are living in an age when changes in communications, storytelling
and information technologies are reshaping almost every aspect of contemporary life. Including
how we create, consume, learn, and interact with each other.

Communication improves culture of learning organizations and the behavior of individual

attitude which sharpens the confidence levels of an individual, for instance, enabling one to
connect with family, friends and society, finding a basis for conversation and social interaction,
gaining insight into the circumstances of others helping to carry out social roles. Communication
is easily overlooked, but the ability to communicate effectively is necessary to carry out the
thoughts and visions of an organization to the people. The importance of speech and words
whether through a paper or a voice is a communication medium to convey directions and provide
synchronization. Without communication, there is no way to express thoughts, ideas and
feelings. Communication is a necessity as we use it to network, spread ideas, and promote.

WHAT IS THE ESSENCE OF SICIETY? So Society is often understood as the basic structure
and interactions of a group of people or the network of relationships between entities. In a
society people developed communication which is a vital instrument used in socializing and
interacting with others. More broadly, a society is an economic, social, or industrial
infrastructure, made up of a varied collection of individuals since society is composed of
different individuals, groups and families.

IMPORTANCE OF SOCIETY it provides us with a system and a platform to work together

for the betterment of the world. With the collective efforts of the society, we are able to improve
our living and social conditions. Imagine how we would live without the knowledge and the
material things accumulated by the society in which we live, we would realize that we would live
without electricity and water, because we have not invented the generation and use of electricity
nor build water works.


 Communication across large distances made easier: We can now instantly

communicate to anyone without putting in much effort. You don’t need to wait for hours or days
for a reply. With the internet applications such as messenger, Facebook, Skype and etch. You
can easily communicate to anyone across the oceans without waiting.
 Positive effects on social lives: Socializing is the key to create and maintain a healthy
society. Communication has a great role to play here. The lives of people have been made easier
as the latest technology trends have made the process of socializing very easy and
straightforward. And also with the help of such communication media, we can easily deal with
the everyday tasks and routines.
 Mass communication made easier: Communication is not only restricted to the
individual level. The mass communication has been made easier through the communication
technology where multiple communication options are also available that save time and efforts.
 A help to the physically challenged users: Not many people are aware of this but
communication technology has surely helped the physically challenged lot in an impressive way.
Many specialized software has been developed and various communication boards have been
invented that have proved to be a great medium of communication to such people.


 Negative effects on health: Communication is surely one of the blessings of our society.
However, the present time is seeing an enormous number of people getting addicted to such
communication media and technology. It is always advisable to keep the use of such
communication media to the minimum.
 Spending too much time over the Communication technology: With the introduction
of various social media platforms and the various services they offer, people are often seen
clinging onto one or the other social media website or application. They tend to spend too much
socializing online that they tend to forget the real world around them.
 Misusing the communication technology: Many people out there have made
communication as a source to perform illegal activities by misusing its resources. Things such as
hacking, bullying over the internet and other cyber-crimes have become a common phenomenon.
This greatly affects the safety factor of the people in a negative way and poses a threat to privacy
of an individual.
IV. Conclusion

Communication is an act of sharing, exchanging or transferring information, ideas,

thoughts etc. from one person or group to another. The exchange of thoughts, ideas, concepts,
and views between or among two or more people, that is what communication defined. We have
3 major steps thoughts, encoding and decoding The thought is the information from the senders
mind, encoding refers to the encryption of ideas from the perspective of the sender, while the
decoding, it is the interpretation of information from the perspective of the sender, in other term
communication serves us a mean for connecting people and places.

The Communication can be done either with:

Oral - it's verbally transmitting information and ideas.

Example: Telephone calls, Personal discussion, interviews etc.
Written - Sending messages through letters.
Example: Internet websites, emails, letter etc.
Facial - Communicating using your facial expressions.
Example: Happiness, Sadness, Anger etc.
Physical Gestures - Communicating using for movement of hands, face and other parts of the
Example: Arms crossed over the chest, tapping or drumming the fingers etc.

Communication is important because it helps to express your ideas to one person and it's the
easier way to pass your information and thoughts, to understand what is said to us and it brings
people together, closer to each other.

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, whether in industry or in
our everyday lives, the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied science.
Technologies can be used in many ways, such as; emails, mobile phones, texting services, video
chat and social media channels, these devices can helps us to hasten our communication and
make our lives easier, we are able to communicate anywhere in the world and we are aware in all
kind of trends, besides those advantages it is always have disadvantages example cyber bullying
were some of the users suffer.

Technology relation to communication:

Nowadays, in communication we use technologies because we want to deliver or pass our
messages through emails, and you can send it to the persons you want to receive it, even in very
far places or in other country you can send images and voicemail clip too and you can
communicate using video call, this was the technology can help us to communicate.

It provides faster and more efficient methods of getting a job done, it helps our lives to remain
and become easier. As a student technology is very important because it can help us to find our
questions regarding to our lessons, and the information we want to find are not limited we have
many information and ideas we can learn and discover. Technology can make family or business
feels secured, there are applications, security devices and software that can help to secure your
financial data.

Society well known as the basic and interaction of a group of people. Now, what is the
relationship of communication and society? It matters about the existence of human being.
Communication created civilization, therefore communication can build society, communication
used to socialized and interact with others to help our society prosper.

With those communication devices we can communicate easier to those people we love who
live far from us but we should always remember that socializing is more important, used those
devices or technology to socialize through social media or in person, in that way you can help to
maintain a healthy society.

Communication media is useful and in fact it is already part of our lives those things we can
make our lifestyles easier but remember it always have a negative effects to our health addicted.
Some of us spend most of their time using their communicating media without knowing that it
can cause a unhealthy lifestyle some of the users they used the communication media or
technology as a source of illegal activities.
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