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0 Name Of Company


2.0 Introduction

VR Optometrist is based on the combination of 2 product which is Virtual Reality (VR)

headset and optometrist that also known as glasses or spectacles. This company will sells
VR headset that can combine with spectacle. VR is a technology that commonly used this
day. With the creation of VR indicates that the rapid development of science and technology
may be very useful in our live. VR is basically a complicated technology that required a
skilful person to handle it.

We already know that VR headset cannot be used for person that wearing glasses. This
is very disappointed because they need to remove their spectacles or put on the lens just to
experience the Virtual Reality World. People also got problem went putting the lens because
it will harm their eyes and can cause eyes damage in some cases people got blind because
of lens

So, our company have decided to create the product which is the combination of VR and
spectacles. This might require virtual reality engineer that skilful in handing the 3D modelling
and visualisation. This process will illustrate the VR headset to make sure there is no flaw or
damage to the VR headset. After that mechatronic engineer will make finish the final step
which is installing the software into the VR headset.

Our company also sell other optometry such as glasses, lens and other. We also provide
services such as repairing for broken glasses. So, customer can walk in to our shop to
buying a new glasses or lens.

3.0 Key Partners

Key partner is very important for every company. Company cannot stand alone, so we
need partner that can collaborate to ensure the establishment of company. The first thing is
regard the financial which is very important to runs a company. So,for my company I decide
to get the financial loan from MARA Bussiness Loan. MARA provides loan worth about
RM500,00 which is a suitable amount for my business that selling optometry item and also
VR headset. MARA also provide training for every new businessman/businesswoman to run
the. This is very helpful for me which had fewer knowledge about business.

The nest thing is I need to create account for my company. So I decide that Maybank is
the best for create company account. This will ensure the money transaction will smoothly
and faster. Other that, it will directly pay the debt that company had which is very helpful for
me that something forget to pay the debt. Next is customer can easily pay using credit card
without withdraw any money. This will make our company more customer-friendly.

Lastly, the most important thing is we need supplier for our product. This is easy task for
me because there are many supplier that are willing to supply their goods for my company.
But, as a wise businessman I will choose them who are supply high quality spectacles with a
reasonable price. Supplier also supply the branded spectacles such as Ray-ban, Levi’s,
Bonia and many more. The customer will have the right to choose what type of brand they

4.0 Key Activities

In order to expanding our company to global market, First thing we need to do is make a
research about the product and also want the customer want. Our company will undergo a
research a try to create a new type of VR headset. The product must undergo different type of
test to make sure it suitable for customer. Also we need to improve our VR headset by
developing new version every year. We also will ask customer feedback about our product.
Based on the feedback given, we will learn something and also will improve our product.

Beside that, our company also will create our new spectacle sub-brand which is meet
customer requirement. We will cooperate with a different designer that have specialist in design
spectacles. Our spectacles will have different features from others. Thus this will make our
company ahead from other company.

We also make a business planning to ensure that our company keep it track. In business
plan must have the target that our company need to achieve. The business plan will make sure
that every work will run smoothly and perfectly. Our company need to strive every target and
also become the top optometric in the world. The plan must have the short term and long term.
For example, In the short term our company will manage to achieve RM100,000,000 profits and
for the long term is our company manage to open more branch within entire world.

5.0 Value Proposition

To maintain our credibility in industry, we must make sure that our company can give
services and innovation product that different with other company. This will ensure that our
company can cope in the industry. The value proposition is very important to gain customer

Firstly, our company will make home to home services. This is an initiative for the busy
customer which doesn’t have time to walk in to our company. Customer can directly call us and
we will send our worker to customer house. Our worker will check customer eyes problem and
record the reading. With the record made, we will create a new glasses for our customer within
2 days. After the process finish, we will delivery the glasses to the customer. Customer also can
self-pickup their glasses at our company.

Next is, our company will also produce custom-made glasses based on customer want.
Customer have their right to choose what type of glasses they want. We believe that customer
always right. This will be done by we provide catalogue to the customer. Customer can
customize their glasses based on the catalogue. Customer an custom the type of brand, the
colour, the lens, the material of frame, and also the size of frame. From this, customer can
wearing a fully custom-made glasses.

Lastly is, our company will open booths at village area. Since our company is located in the
city, it is very difficult for people from village to walk in to our company. So, our company take an
initiative by opening booths at village. We want to make sure that all people can experienced
the benefits from our company so that ore company will be well known in the entire Malaysia.

6.0 Customer Relationship

Customer is very important to our company because they are our main income. Without
customer, company will gain no profits. Our company will using personal assistance to
communicate with customer. This relationship is based on human interaction. The customer can
communicate with a real customer representative to get help during the sales process or after
the purchase is complete. This may happen onsite at the point of sale, through call centers, by
e-mail, or through other means.

To gain relation with customer, we will make a coupon that will give 50% discount for the
fourth glasses if they already bought 3 glasses within a year. This is to ensure that the customer
will always buy glasses with us. The customer will be happy if they got discount and this will
gain relation with customer.

Next is buy by giving giveaway for every customer. The giveaway is by giving certain
amount of money to customer. The giveaways must be done by the customer. Customer must
do a favor like tag us in the media social or share our website to other group so that more
people will know our company. Thus we will get more customer and gain more profit. The lucky
customer will win the giveaways and they will get certain amount of money and also some
product from our company.

Lastly is our company will make a discount during every celebration for example Hari Raya
Aidilfitri, Chinese New Year, Diwali and any other celebration. We will give discount for glasses
that need to restock. This is different from the coupon because this discount only limited for
some product. We will make sure that the customer always buying product with our company.
So we must take a wise step to gain customer trust and also bind them with our company.

7.0 Customer Segment

Our product is very consumable and can be used by customer age 7 years old and above. It
design for every men and women within the world. Our product is very versatile because you
can use it no matter what the situation you facing. Our product is very durable since it is high
quality material. Since the price is very reasonable. Everyone with different level of income can
purchased it.

This also can be used by different type of occupation. No matter you are a teacher,
engineer, student, doctor or other. Our product is also for family purpose and any group can
share experienced using our product which is VR headset. Also, our product can be used for
education purpose that enable people to explore the world of Virtual Reality. Thus, our product
is suitable for generous type of lifestyle.

The main purpose of our product is to open the people mind about the Virtual Reality world
which very amazing and wondrous. Also, our product will have a significant value for people
who want to take Virtual Reality as their education process. I also recommend this product
introvert people which found themselves difficult to communicate with other people.This product
will help you to communicate in the Virtual Reality World.

To compete with other company. We must make sure to do more research about customer
segment. We need to find more the product is suitable for who. We have to focus more in
customer segment because more customer mean more income we get. Thus our product will be
consume by many different people.

8.0 Key Resources

First thing we need for resources is physical resources. To start our company, we need a
building to run the company. Our company also need a vehicle so that easy for worker to
delivery product to customer. This will also easier for us to open booths at the village area since
we have transport. Since our product is complicated, we need a very suitable machine to make
the product. Other that is we need to find the raw material to make the product.

Next is human resource. Human resources also important because we need worker to
handle the business. Also we need worker to create the product which is very complicated. The
worker must have experienced in creating the product based on customer want. We also need
Mechatronic Engineer to in charge in the making of VR Headset. In order to custom made
customer glasses, a designer must be there so that the customer can get clear result of the
design the want.

Financial resources is the crucial part where we need financial to run a business. Financial
resources including cash, loan and profit gain from company. The best way to keep company
profits is by opening bank account. Setting up bank account will ensure that flow of the financial
in good condition. If we have bank account, it will easier to apply for loans and also smooth the
transaction made between customer.

For intellectual resources, our company will make a new brand that will be commercial entire
Malaysia. The brand will lead our company to the top. The brand must have good logo and also
simple but meaningful moto that will facilitate for customer. Once the customer thing about VR
headset, they will immediately remember our company. The logo also must have message that
related to the customer. Our company will make a legal right to make sure no copyright happen.

9.0 Distribution Channel

Our company committed to sells product directly to the customer. The customer will walk in
to our company and make a purchased. Other channel is by doing delivery. Customer who had
problem to walk in to our company also can apply this method which lead us to delivery the
customer product in front of their doors. This required a transport that can load customer
product so that easily for us to delivery it. But we need to charge customer a little bit since we
need to cover the transport cost during the delivery.

To reach many customer, we will create a website which customer can search and also look
for product they want. Customer also can buy online through the website and our worker will
send it to your house. Other than that, we will also create company page in media social like
Instagram and Facebook. Our worker will take care the media social part. This method not only
can reach more customer but also can get feedback about the product. The feedback will be
uses to improves our product.

Lastly is by doing advertisement. We will create a banner and put them at the traffic light.
Also, we advertise at the newspaper which is very good ways to advertise since the price is not
to high. We must make a good strategies to make sure that our product will reach many
customer using this method. Its okay for us to pay some money for the advertise in the end we
will get more profit which is the more you give the more you get.

10.0 Cost Structure

Since I am the owner of the company, I must bear the risk it take. For that case, a good
financial management is need to manage the company account. A good strategies must be
taken to make sure that the financial in good condition. The first key resources which seem to
be higher is physical resources. There are a lot of expensive equipment and facility to
manufacture the product. Next is human resources. The increasing the nimber of worker will
also increase the wages. Every worker is important to make sure the business run in perfectly.

The other high cost is the manufacture of the product. We know that our product is very
high-tech and complicated to manufactured. It need every technology these days for example
3D printing which required high electricity usage to run it. The next is marketing which also
costly. Marketing is very important for us to promote our product and also will reach many
customer. The cost mention is variable that can be change based on the daily market.

11.0 Revenue Stream

The company profits is revenue from the product sells and also services apply to the
customer in return. This is the main revenue account for this business. This is the main
operating revenue account for this business. This company form of revenue stream is
transaction base revenue and service revenue also help. For transaction base revenue, it is
proceeds from the sales of our own products that are usually one-time customer payments.
Revenue is earned by a transaction from a customer.

For service revenue are generated by providing customers our service which is custom
design on product. Sometimes, revenues from sales and services appear to fluctuate with
customer demand and are more difficult to estimate. Seasonal variation will be most always as
significant contributing factor to the instability of products and services prices

Designed for: Designed by: Date: Version:
Business Model Canvas BMC Fawwaz 4/5/2020

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
- Apply loans from - Do research about product - Home to home - Personal Assistance - Customer age 7 and above
MARA - Create a new sub-brand services - Discount coupon for - Suitable for men and woman
- Open Company - Make a business planning - Custom-made product member - Can apply for any occupation
Account using Maybank - Open booth at village - Doing giveaway - Everyone can experience Virtual
- Supplier material area -Discount every Reality world
celebration - Help introvert people to

Key Resources Channels

- Physical resources - We use direct to
- Human resources customer channel
- Intellectual resources - We also have delivery
- Financial resources - Create website
- Media social page
- Advertisement

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

- Physical resources is the first costly key resources - Asset sales are our type of revenue stream
- Human resources is the second costly key resources - Customer pay for purchase our products
- Production is the first costly key activities - Customer are charged if products are custom made
- Marketing also costly key activities - Payment by cash or bank transaction


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