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I-left close, zip, H-left, 49 zone toss.

I right close twins, jet, 143 TB slip screen left

Green right flex L, zip, BOB clear-out, Y-arrow

Green left, quick bench-arrow

Green left close, 42 zone split
Bunch left close R (Y-right), zoom, BOB Y-shallow cross

Bunch right close, 48 backside slant

Flexbone left L, quick double sticks
Trey left split R, BOB all go’s H(WR)-comeback

(Missed play)
Ace left close, S orbit, 142 around, Z-skinny
(missed formation) 148 naked boot left
Flexbone left, 43 double stop pass
Bunch right, BOB, flood right (Z arrows, Y deep out, H out)

Bears: Quads left, inside three receivers stacked at bunch width: Spacing, with a backside fade.
Pass completed to the fade. Packers had a C-1 on it appears

I left, H-right, 142 all curls

Bunch left 49 zone toss, X-stop pass
Bunch left 46 wide zone toss
Wing left close twins, jet 29 (LG let DT go through B-gap for tackle)
Bunch right close R, slide, BOB Double zig-outs
Green left close L, BOB smash T-outlet
Black right R, slide wide, 43 zone RPO
Bunch right close R (Y left), slide (Slot), BOB mesh, Y-arrow

Green left R, 43 zone RPO

Trey left spit, T-left, BOB four-verts, slot comeback
Green right X-tight, slide, BOB clearout, H drag, T-leak left (QB scramble left and shovel pass to
TB for first down)
Green right, 43 RPO H-arrow screen
Green left, quick 44
Black right R, BOB, switch-verts

15 seconds till half

Black left spread, BOB verts, Y-middle
Black right R, slide to trips (slot as H), hail mary right
I-left close, zip, 48 zone toss
I-right flex, 142 X-out
Trey left close R, T-right wide, BOB 3-verts, H-T curls
Wing left twins, slide, 48 zone now pass…busted formation/play.
Trey left L, Quick snag-stick
Empty left close, BOB follow left-inside bench right
Green left close R, BOB

Green left close L, zip, 42 zone split

Wing right twins flex L, 148 pass
Green left close L, 148 Z screen left

Ace left X/Z-close, 49 zone

Flexbone left, 48 zone
Flexbone left, 42 zone double split
Flexbone left L, Quick Omaha
Ace right flex L, zoom 49 quick pitch
Black right L, BOB T-middle release
Black right flex L, zip, BOB

Lou right close twins, jet, 43 zone ISO

I-left near, 143 ISO, X-dig
Flexbone left, 48 zone
Deuce left trey R, zoom, BOB flood right
Flexbone left 148 naked boot left U-split arrow, flood left
Bunch left, 49 zone toss
Black right close, BOB verticals (quick snap)
Black right L, 42 zone
Deuce left, 49 zone
Trey right close L, BOB verts, QB run

4 minute drill
Flexbone right, 49 zone
Flexbone left close, 49 zone stop pass right
Flexbone left, 49 zone

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