VTFT Current Event

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For this assignment you will find a current event or article related to education and/or classroom policy.

Every day
articles are published about trends, strategies, for teachers, about teachers, with pros and cons about effective and
ineffective movements in education. As a future teacher, you should be reading these things. Often. Here are your
1. Be sure the article is credible, or at least presents a credible idea. Blogs aren’t always the most credible resources.
Look for .edu, .gov, .org website. BUT, there are plenty of valuable resources in .com sites too. Just pay attention.
2. You article must have been published within the past calendar year.
3. You must cite your source, include the website where I can access it.
4. Answer the questions below specifically and in a thorough manner. Each question should be no less than on
paragraph (double spaced).
5. Turn in on time.

Title of Article: “Experts caution 'covid slide' looming for children out of school”
Date Written: May 4th 2020
Name of Website: CNN
Link to article: https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/04/us/coronavirus-education-online-school-slide-

With the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus schools were forced to close, leaving students without

months of instruction. Most schools transitioned to an online remote learning strategy, however not all

students have access to the internet of the devices they need to access the instruction. The loss of

instruction is likely going to have an extremely negative effect on student learning. SpEd students are

suffering the most, they lack the support systems they had in school and thus are losing the skills they had

gained. Every year students go on summer break and forget some of the information they learned over the

school year, however the 2020-2021 school year may have an increase of forgotten skills that equate to

grade levels of set back for students. Despite the setbacks teachers are working tirelessly to provide

students with the education and practice they need, but will it be enough?
I have been seeing the “covid slide” in myself and my peers. This should be a major concern for both

parents and educators. I think that it is very realistic to predict that Covid will have an extremely negative

impact on students, especially those that are unable to access the internet! I think in a way it is outrageous

that this pandemic can have such a negative effect on a students life. There are going to be kids that come

to school in the fall unable to read or write at grade level, through no fault of their own. As someone who

had to attend tutoring to catch up in reading, I know it's going to be exceptionally frustrating! Especially for

younger kids, this will add to the industry vs. inferiority dilemma described by Piaget. I know as a child

feeling inferior due to my reading abilities hurt, I don’t want any students to experience that. While no one

can control the pandemic, I think that parents need to be informed about how they can help their child or

get help for their child. It should not be acceptable to let kids fall behind, the school system can not handle

setting every child back a year, the response from the school systems across the nation will have to be


This pandemic is going to change the classroom, it is going to change education for a very long time. The

article presents a future that is very near, where students are grade levels behind in their education. By the

time I am an educator we will still be dealing with the effects of this pandemic, in fact if I become a middle

or high school teacher I am sure that my first few years of teaching will see the effects of this pandemic. I

don’t know exactly how this will affect my students, they may have an aversion to being in the classroom, or

they could be behind in reading and writing, or perhaps ahead if the school system can recover well from

this. It will be incredibly interesting to see the effects of covid-19 on the student population. I hope that

the school system invests a lot into helping those negatively affected by Covid-19, because it is not fair to

tell kids that they didn’t try during this stressful time.

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