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gv @ (3 @ archiveorg Cc Design in structural steel gi STEEL BRIDGES 421 laminated with a minimum thickness of 5g in, Allow 9 psf for a subsequent biturni- nous wearing surface in the case of either concrete or timber. The steel flaor to be a battledeck, and 1.1 psf is to he added f¢ ised traffic pattern, Dype of ading truss Warren H2% | Concrete Warren : HO | Tin Warren ‘ Wis | 8t Warren ; 2 IS | Conerete Warren HS | Timber Warren j 120 | Stee Warren H20 | Concrete Warre 2 | Timber Prat HIS | Steel Pratt H2 | Concrete Pratt 2% | Timber Pratt HIS | Steel DEFLECTION AND CAMBER 918. Deflection, Deflection plays a somewhat more important role in bridge construction than in buildings. Where a bridge crosses a navigable st m, for example, or passes over a street where a minimum over clearance must be maintained, the amount of its deflection under maxi- m! loading may become very important information, In planning the erection of cantilever structures the amount of deflection that will occur must be known in advance. ‘There are several methods of finding deflections. The conjugate t hod was used for the plate girder in Chapter 7, since ordin: t deflection formulas fail in the case of beams with nonuniform sections. One of the work methods might have been employed. Any of these methods may also be applied to trusses although the conjugate beam when applied to a truss, becomes the method of elastic weights. A mor popular method of finding the deflection in a truss, however, is that of the Williot diagram which is explained below The Williot Diagram. The advantage of the Williot diagram, aside from the dispatch with which it may be applied, lies in the graphic picture which it presents. The amount and direction of movement from any joint in the trass may be seen at a glance by noting its position on the Williot elative to that of the chosen reference joint. It has seve uses beside that of finding, truss deflections. It may be used very effec- tively, for instance, in secondary stress analysis as an alternative to @ Pace 420 of 457 4 »> € ft DOME @ archiveorg Cc : Design in structural steel $913 STEEL BRIDGES type of floor. Therefore the methods advanced for computir distribution to the stringer in the cases of the concrete and laminated oth fail here. In the derivation of Eqs. 918 for the distribu- »y the laminated timber slab, for example, the participation wo adjacent stringers on either side of the loaded one For such close stringer spacing as is used in battledeck pus that 8 ill participate in the wheel lo to an extent that cannot be ignored, and that therefore an equi 10 0.90 ¢. to ¢, of Stringers Fig. 926. Amount of plate in T-beam action ond load token by stringer. analogous to 918 would be next. to impe ». Evidently the proportion of the load taken by the loaded stringer varies directly with the dis rs and research at the Fritz Laboratory® found it to vary same experiments between string along a straight line as indicated in Fig -d that the width of floor plate which participated with the demonst action showed straight line variation that was stringer in tee beam inversely proportional to the stringer spacing. See I which copied, with perm , from the AISC pamphlet, The Battledeck Floor for Highway Bri Steps of Procedure in Batiledeck Floor De "The following sequence should be followed in applying Eqs. 919 and the charts in Fig. 926 to the design of a battledeck floor DB Powe 410 of 457 4 »> € ft

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