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A race called "inma" [sex demons], who boasted influence in the depths of hell, had started to encroach on the human world.
Cleverly camouflaging themselves as humans, some inma manipulated people and drove them into a pleasure hell, using their
desire and sexual ecstasy for nourishment, as they expanded their influence. There were those who did battle with these
dwellers of darkness. Young girls who fought against the evils of man-demon heresy.
 People called them 『Taimanin』.
 Yatsu Murasaki swung her gigantic axe with an ear-splitting scream. The inma that had attacked her from overhead was
split in two.
「Teh, yaaah!!」
 Igawa Sakura quickly swung the kodachi she held in both hands. The heads of two inma who were approaching her from
the left and right were sent flying.
 But that was all. The inma who had been cut in half stuck together and stood up, like a film running backwards. The inma
who had become nothing but heads returned to their original positions, and calmly chased after them.
「Kuh, what's going on?!」
「I knew it, it's impossible like this!」
 Murasaki and Sakura yelled, frustratedly.
「If we take on guys like these, there'll be no end to it! Anyway, we withdraw here! Haaaaaah!!!」
 Igawa Asagi, the Strongest Taimanin, made her ninja sword dance wildly through the air. Several inma turned into lumps of
meat in an instant, but those lumps of meat, which had been scattered around, gathered back together. They were trying to
regenerate again.
 Asagi firmly bit her lip, making sure it wouldn't be noticed by the pair behind her.
(They're no mere mamono [demons]. For things like this to exist... It's like someone is manipulating them, but who?!)
 An unpleasant suspicion was spreading out inside Asagi.
 This should have been an easy mission. The two students from Gosha Academy, where Asagi taught, were Murasaki—the
head of the next generation of Taimanin—and Sakura—Asagi's sister, who would probably look just like her if one changed a
single cell. Since they were going to stand on their own as Taimanin someday, this mission was just to make them get a feel
for the atmosphere of an actual battle.
 However, the school at which they had finally arrived was the lair of unidentified monsters that even Asagi was
encountering for the first time.
 The girls could inflict fatal wounds with a single slash, but their Anti-Demon powers didn't get through to the inma. No, to
be precise, even if they killed and killed them, the inma would end up regenerating. As if they had been dead from the
beginning. However, the presences they sensed were undoubtedly those of living things. That was frightening.
(If it were just me, I would let whatever happens happen. But what should I do, bringing this inexperienced pair along?)
 Un-Asagi-like hesitation. Indecision not as a Taimanin, but as a teacher. That produced blankness in her mind.
「Onee-chan! They're undermanned over here!」
「Asagi-sama, this way, quickly!」
「Eh?! Don't, you two! That's a trap!!」
 By the time Asagi realized that, it was too late.
 A magic circle with a binding spell, which whoever was manipulating the inma had laid, was invoked, centred around the
「Wh, what is thiiisss?!」
「Kuuu, I, I can't move!」
 Within the magic circle, which shone red on the floor, Sakura and Murasaki were stiff, like they had been tied up with
invisible strings.
「Looks like I've finally caught the rats that snuck in. Oh, there's still one left, huh?」
 A man's voice came from behind them, where there hadn't been any kind of presence until just now.
「Kuh...... Ninja Art・Sword Battle Flower!!」
 Without hesitating, Asagi unleashed her strongest ninja art upon her opponent, who hadn't even let her notice his
 Hundreds of figures danced around, and the man was annihilated, being cut to pieces like confetti——Or so she expected.
「Wha?! N, no way, my art was......?!」
「O, Onee-chan?!」
「That's...! Asagi-sama failed?!」
 Sword Battle Flower had not been invoked. On the contrary, Asagi herself had become unable to move. The very Anti-
Demon power that lay inside Asagi had been sealed off.
「I wonder if that was magic—no, a ninja art—inside my barrier? You won't be able to use something like that, you know?
Still, it's interesting that you have magic ingrained in your genes.」
 The man appeared, dressed up in a silk hat and an Inverness cape, with a monocle in one eye. He was a magician.
「Who are you?! When did you place that art on me?!」
「Oh my, you didn't notice, then? This building itself is enveloped by my barrier.」
「Wha?! Something like that's...... Kuh, this was a mistake...」
「Well, as thanks for having given me tips about my new dolls, I won't kill you. There'd be no point, would there?」
「No point? Youuu...!!」

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「Now, I'm going to continue the experiment, so I'll leave your opponents to it. They're failed dolls. It's fine that they're undead, but
they'll only last inside the barrier.」
「Wait! You bastard, name yourself!!」
 But the magician had gone, paying no more mind to Asagi and the others than he would an insect.
 And then, the students—which the magic user had called failed puppets, and who had once been human—turned into monsters
possessed by lust, and drew closer.
「To get raped, without even knowing why...!」
「O, Onee-chan! This can't be happening!!」
「To experience something like this with Asagi-sama...... No, noooo!!」
「B, because I got careless...... kuuh...」
 The still-inexperienced pair made hopeless screams. But Asagi couldn't do anything. Her lip, which she had bitten down on out of
extreme chagrin, broke, and blood flowed out.
 One of the men, whose lust had been enflamed by her appearance, violently grabbed hold of Asagi's hair, and placed his hand on her
「Ngoh, oh, oooooohhhhhhh!!」
 The man's hand forcibly opened Asagi's mouth, and his erect meat pole was crammed into it.
 Her oral cavity was filled up by the meat pole, and a strong sexual stench pricked her nose. Her body, which had once had sexual
remodelling performed on it by an enemy, was stimulated without choice.
「Bujupuu, npu, juu, juru...... nnuuu, bujubujujuruu...」
 Before she knew it, Asagi was holding the man's penis in her mouth, and using her tongue to noisily slurp on it.
「Ahh, Asagi-sama has, such a nasty thing in her mouth...... B, but, what a dirty face......」
 Looking at Asagi, whose face had changed from that of the Taimanin she admired into that of a dog bitch, Murasaki forgot about her
situation and made an obscene expression.
 Tempted by her female scent, another man pinned down Murasaki's body.
「Wha?! What do you think you're doing?! My body is for Asagi-sama only...... Nooo, stop! Don't bring your filthy things near me!」
 Murasaki desperately tried to get away, but the man mercilessly thrust his cock into her vaginal hole, which hadn't even gotten wet.
「Fu, gu! Guu! Uuuuuh, nooo, being raped, I'm, being raped, guguguu...」
 Murasaki twisted her body in anguish and disgust. However, her torment was not limited to just her vagina.
「Hiih?! N, no way! Stop, that's my ass! Don't rape my ass, stooohhp!!」
 Murasaki screamed, becoming half-crazed, but her tightly-closed wrinkle was forcibly spread out by a cock.
「Ngiiiiih, ih, it hurrrts, asss, pull it ouuut! I, I'll kill you guyyys!」
 Having her front and back holes penetrated in quick succession, Murasaki made her entire body convulse.
「Onee-chan, Mucchaaann! Wh, why, did it turn out like thiiisss?!!」
 Sakura gasped, while shedding tears from the sight of both Asagi and Murasaki being horribly violated.
 Of course, Sakura's body had already been soiled as well. Sakura was being held in a man's arms, and having the depths of her
vagina plowed into by a meat pole.
「Nhi, iih, you cannn't, don't dig into, the back like thaaat! 'Cause, I'm, gonna go crazyyy!」
 In the face of female pleasure, Sakura, who had been violated to her utmost limits in the past, could do nothing but dribble love
juices from her vaginal hole.
「Hah, hii, Sakura, are you...... mmm, are you feeling it...... uuu, from getting raped?」
「Sorry, Mucchan... Haah haah, I can't...! When my pussy's dug into, I can't hold back the good feeling, ah aaaaahh!!」
「Me too, ohh, having my pussy, and ass, violated, nhohh, is starting to feel better! Because Asagi-sama, is getting off so much toooo!」
 Sakura and Murasaki exchanged looks with each other. Asagi, who they revered, was getting off more obscenely than anyone, and
had become a slave to the pleasures of cock.
「Ohh, good, cock feels good, won't stop cumming! Ohh, gumming gumming gumming, pussy's gumming haaaaaarrrd!!」
「Onee-chan, I'm cumming too! I'm gonna stop holding back! I'm cumming, so... Pussy's cumming, so, aah, cumming, cumming
「Meh too, Asagi-samaa! Cumming together wif Asagi-shamaaa, cumming cumming, hihyaaaa!」
 The young women, who fought the evils of man-demon heresy, were already slaves to desire.
 Nobody knew what kind of fate would befall Asagi, Sakura and Murasaki, whose minds and bodies were being soiled by the men's
dirty juices.

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「Haah! Kuhi, hiaaah! Coock, cock grindinn, feehs gooood, Asagi-hyamaa!!」

 The shameful voice of a dog bitch resounded in the orcs' breeding flesh prison. It was the voice of Murasaki.
「Ofuunnh, hiiah, Asagi-samaa, more, churn meh morre, please plow into mah nympho cunnnnt!!」
「Uhh...... Kuh, noisy girl.」
 With her nerves stimulated by the Taimanin's jarring gasps, Hell Knight Ingrid awoke from her short-lived slumber.
 She had been having a dream. It was a dream of herself and her master, Edwin Black. Of a future that would never come true now.
 Ingrid and Murasaki had fallen into Kiryuu's evil clutches, and they now existed solely to be kept as bodies for orc breeding
「Asagi-sama, baby, Ah'm happyyy! Inside my belly, my baby with Asagi-sama is saying that her cunt feelsh good at the shame
 Murasaki was being raped by a flesh tentacle monster that the orcs kept, while gazing vacantly at her pregnant belly with eyes that
had slackened from the pleasure.
 Of course, it wasn't anything like the child of Murasaki and Asagi. Once she had comprehended that she had gotten pregnant with a
monster's child, the armour of the Taimanin's tenacious mind had crumbled, and the woman had lost her sanity.
「Nhooohhh, oohh, Asagi-sama, cumming, I'm cumming, gunt'sh gumming, ohhhh, gumming gumming guhhiiiiiinnnng!!」
 Murasaki heaved her bulging belly, and wiggled her body back and forth over and over again. It seemed that in the woman's mind,
she was at the peak of happiness with Asagi, whom she loved.
 However, as far as Ingrid, who had once crossed swords with Murasaki, was concerned, such an appearance from her enemy was
simply repulsive.
「Kuhihi, why don't you also go crazy, like that Taimanin called Murasaki, or whatever? It'll be easier!」
 One of the orcs said to Ingrid, while boastfully flaunting his disgusting penis.
「Kuuh, I, I will not become like that woman. No matter how much you violate me, my mind, at least, will never be soiled.」
「Really, is that so? Well, that'll be more fun for us when we're raping you!」
 Expressing a vulgar smile, the orc grabbed firm hold of Ingrid's face, and thrust his hideous mass of meat into her mouth.
「Ngebooohhh, gebohh, obuuuuh...」
 The warty meat pole poked the lining of Ingrid's mouth, and then stuck into the back of her throat.
「Gobuh, k, kill me... No matter...... eboh, how much I'm violated...... mugugu, I'll never get pregnant with a lowly monster's child!!」
 Ingrid moaned, while being made to hold the orc's cum-covered mass of flesh in her mouth, and even shedding tears in humiliation.
「You won't be able to say nonsense like that once this stuff's been injected! It's Kiryuu-sama's specially-made pregnancy-enhancing
drug. Even if you try to protect your womb using your demon powers, with this, you'll get pregnant in one shot.」
「D, don't screw around, as if something like that――Nnhiiiiiiiiii!!」
 Ingrid felt painful jabs from some hypodermic needles on her skin, and immediately after that, her pleasure suddenly skyrocketed.
「Wh, what did you do?! Ohh, hot, womb's hot, it'sh, iiiiit'ssssh......!!」
 There was a desperate urge for pleasure, which seemed to shake her very womanhood from the core.
「Heh heh, you've started wanting semen, haven't you? Your womb wants to get pregnant, right?」
「Y, you're wrong! I don't want, the likes of a monster's child! Nooo, that's wrong! Stop, don't move, don't move your cock inside
 She acutely sensed the trembling of her womb, and a flesh tentacle began squirming inside her vagina.
「Nooo, wh, why, has it started feeling so good?! I don't wanna cum, I don't want to get pregnant!」
 Fear of losing herself. At the end, the name of Ingrid's master leaked out from her mouth.
「B, Black-samaahaah, I, I'mmmmm! Y, yours alone, oh oh, ooooohhhh!!」
 However, the monster's tentacle shot semen into Ingrid's womb, and once she felt that, everything burst out.
「Nhoooooohhhh, getting pregnannnt, making a baby right nooow, ohh gumming, gumming gumming, guhhiiiiiiinnnnng!!」
 Utterly overwhelming pleasure dominated Ingrid. The female joy of being impregnated. She could not defy it.
 That was the moment the armour of the Hell Knight's mind crumbled.

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