Test Number Two

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Drinking Water Temperature

This test will determine the device’s effectiveness of keeping drinking water cold or the same temperature. One of our design
goals was to have drinking water remain the same temperature while the device is in the sunlight all day.

Pass/Fail Criteria
Pass – Water temperature in the container remains the same, or minuscular change in temperature (less than 5 degrees)
after the device is exposed to sunlight for 3 hours

Fail – Water temperature in the container changes by more than 5 degrees after the device is exposed to sunlight for 3 hours

 Thermometer
 Water supply
 Sunlight

Initial Conditions
 The prototype is completed
 Good weather, fair sunlight

Safety Concerns

Hazards Controls Completed (yes/no)

Device is hot after bathing in the Use gloves to touch, or move it to
sun for hours the shade once the time period is

Test Termination
The test must be terminated if the weather randomly changes. A slight change in weather probably won’t affect anything, but
nothing drastic can occur.

Step by Step procedures


1) Fill the drinking part of the tank up with water

2) Using a thermometer, measure and record the initial temperature of the water.
3) Close the tank
4) Move the tank outside so that it is constantly exposed to sunlight, Wait 3 hours
5) Open the tank. Record the final water temperature, and observe any change.

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