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Glide with Flutter Kick

Mechanics Process
Expected Learning Outcomes
1. Execute properly the gliding skill and flutter kick
2. Feel safe in the water.
3. Develop values such as sportsmanship, perseverance and self discipline in any game or life
4. Apply the learned skills to promote well fitness and healthy lifestyle through competitive and
recreational swimming.
5. Help oneself and others in dealing with water circumstances like calamities.

The leg kick

 It’s a flutter kick where the legs kick in alternating order
 Bend the knees slightly
 Relax the feet and ankles (they should be almost floopy)
 Emphasize the down kick for propulsion

Practice Drill:
1. The students shall execute the proper gliding with flutter kick.

Arm pull and Breathing coordination

Expected Learning Outcomes
1. perform correctly and with confidence the freestyle

2. Feel safe in the water.

3. Develop values such as sportsmanship, perseverance and self-discipline in any game or life situation.

4. Apply the learned skills to promote well fitness and healthy lifestyle through competitive and
recreational swimming.

5. Help oneself and others in dealing with water circumstances like calamities.

1. Body position

• Log float

2. Leg movement

• Hip flutter
3. Arm movement

• Catch

• Grab

• Pull

• Push

Arm stroke

• Move the arms in an alternating windmill motion

• Pull each arm through the water with equal strength and arm reach to ensure that you swim

• Pull arms under water in an “S” pattern

• Cup the hands but keep the wrist and hand relaxed during the recovery.

The breathing coordination

• Raise one arm to begin the stroke. As the shoulder rises, turn the head only enough to leave the
water to breathe. Do not lift the head because it will slow you down.

• Take as many breaths as necessary and then exhale through the nose and mouth when the head
returns to the water.

Practice drill on the following stages of freestyle

 Body position

 Leg movement

 Arm movement

 Breathing and coordination

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