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Better When We’re Dancing

Sem. Joseph Raymund Mira


Karen screamed as we both ran towards the skinny couple. My lungs was screaming for me to stop while
my heart was pounding hard against my ribs, cursing with all the profanity it could yell. Outside, were all
my limbs with fats bouncing like jellies.

“We want to audition!” I panted as we caught with the couple.

For a moment, the couple looked at each other but then they looked at us and smiled.

“Okay then. Just fill your names in the blank,” the girl said, handing us a sheet of paper.

“And go to the school’s gymnasium, 4 o’clock,” the boy added.

So, excitedly, we scribbled our names. It’s been two months since we started rehearsing our routine.
We’ll definitely nail this audition.

“See you later then!” the girl said after I gave her back the paper.

“YES!” Karen and I both triumphantly shouted after the two left.

“I can’t believe it! We’re finally auditioning!” Karen squealed as she squeezed my arm while fanning
herself with the other. To be honest, my arm kinda hurts given by the fact that her hand was thrice as
big as the skinny girl has but then again, my arm was as big as the legs of the boy. I was just over

Then the bell rang so we ran to our class. As we both emerged from the door, almost every head turned
to us. Some with smirk while some with arched brow. My heart began to pound again. Oh my gosh!
They’re definitely judging us! The two of us mournfully looked at each other and then walked towards
our respective seats.

Just then, the hissing began. I could make words and they’re all definitely not positive. My ears turned
instantly hot, sweat oozing from all of my poors. Oh no! That’s not good. I slowly put my hand on my
armpit and my worst nightmare came true. It was damped and I knew for sure that it can be seen
through my shirt.

“Look! Troy has done it again!” someone shouted.

I gasped and before I could make a run for it, everybody laughed. Well, not everbody. Karen didn’t.
We’re the only obese students in this weight-and-figure-are-big-issue-school. She knew what I feel right
now. As I was at the door, the teacher emerged.

“You’re leaving Troy? Too bad, I’m planning to teach you a great lesson today. It would be such a pity to
miss it,” Mr. Gomez said while giving his kind smile.
I sighed. Mr. Gomez is my favourite teacher and his subject is my favourite too, World Literature. So, I
walked, hunched, back to my seat.

“Morning class! Today we’ll tackle Perseus story,” Mr. Gomez said enthusiastically.

Normally, I would be thrilled but my ears were ringing and my heart was pounding like crazy. Someone
had left a note in my armchair. Through my misty eyes I can see the distorted words.


I quickly crumpled the paper and forgot to listen to my teacher. All I could think was that, someone does
not know how to use proper tense.

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