Outflow of Foreign Exchange (Dividend To Foreign Companies Making Investments in Their Company) For Dividend Payments Against Export Earnings

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Dividend balancing was a old system under which companies were required to offset the

outflow of foreign exchange (dividend to foreign companies making investments in their

company) for dividend payments against export earnings.

For understanding the "Rupee State Credit Route" you have to go back to end of 90's and
early 2000 where the Indian government was obliged to export goods and services worth
4,000 crore every year to Russia to discharge India's outstanding loan. The Indian exporter
was not paid in cash, but only through letters of credit, to be honoured by the negotiating
(Indian) banks. For the Indian exporter to encash them here through the RBI as advising
bank, the `export' had to be shown. In nutshell the Indian Govt. or RBI paid the exporters
who exported the goods to Russia in Rupees and hence the name Rupee State Credit

Call Back Services

A callback, in this sense is a method of making low-cost international calls via a third country,
usually the United States, where call charges are considerably lower. One variation of this
technology was developed by IDT Corporation in 1991.[1] IDT Corp used a hardware solution that
was never widely accepted and ultimately failed and was surpassed by a software solution
concurrently developed by Jorge Blanco at MCI Telecommunications for The United Nations
Development Programme and their staff Wolfgang Scholtes and Kumar Navaratnum.
In order to use a callback service, a subscriber is allocated a unique number in, for example, the
US, which must first be dialled in order to trigger a return call. This is known (in the US) as a
Direct Inbound Dialing (DID) number, or in the UK as a Direct Dial-In (DDI) number. Where Caller
ID is available, it may be possible to use the same DID number for many different subscribers, as
the callback system will be able to recognise each subscriber's registered number.
On hearing a ringing tone, the subscriber simply hangs up and awaits the callback. On receiving
this, usually within a few seconds, the customer picks up the phone and dials the required
number. This may mean dialling in the North American format, as most callback services are US-
based, and callers are effectively calling from the US. For example, a number
in Manhattan would be dialled with the trunk code, area code and subscriber's number, as

1 212 xxx xxxx

A call to London in the UK, would require the international access code and country calling code,
as follows:

011 44 20 xxxx xxxx

In the North American Numbering Plan, 011 is used as the international access code, but in most
countries, 00 is used, in line with International Telecommunication Union's
Recommendation E.164.
The cost of making a telephone call via callback consists of two parts, as the caller is effectively
paying for an outbound and inbound call at the same time. For example, if a customer
from Spain is calling a phone number in Australia, and it costs 8 cents per minute to phone Spain
from the US (the callback, which is an incoming call) and 20 cents per minute to phone Australia
from the US (the destination call, which is an outgoing call), then the caller will pay a total of 28
US cents a minute. This may still be less expensive than calling directly from Spain to Australia,
which is primarily why callbacks are used.

Automated applications[edit]
Callback is often automated through the use of web callback or mobile phone applications by
companies such as GlobalTel and Jajah, or on Roaming SIMs.

Legal status of callback[edit]

Many countries have banned callback services, on the grounds that they are not licensed or
regulated by their governments, and deprive telephone companies in many developing countries
of revenue from international calls. People who provide or use callback services have argued
that these telephone companies are often state monopolies that charge unjustifiably high prices
for international calls. It may also be the only way of making calls to certain countries from
others, for example, Israel from other Middle Eastern countries.
Other countries have sought to use technical means to prevent callback, by blocking the inbound
and outbound calls made to and from DID numbers, or by disabling touch tone dialing. However,
this is also overcome by the use of speed dial numbers, while others use these services by
triggering callback via the Internet or SMS.
The use of callback in most developed countries has declined, owing to the liberalization of
telecommunication services, which allow more direct access to low-cost international calls,
without the need for a time-consuming process like callback. Also, the advent of Voice over
Internet Protocol services has allowed many people to make international calls via their computer
connected to the Internet, although sound quality can be poorer on slower dial-up connections
than on broadband ones.
International callback has been credited with opening global telecom markets because it enabled
competition to start up even if regulatory restrictions existed. It was popularized by a 1994 book,
"The International CallBack Book" by Gene Retske.


NRSR accounts discontinued since 01/04/2002.

Non Resident Special Rupee [NRSR] Account could be opened and maintained by an NRI being a
citizen of India or foreign citizens of Indian origin residing outside India. The accounts were non-
convertible / non-repatriable and were maintained in Indian rupees in the form of savings, current and
recurring or fixed deposit accounts.
The Reserve Bank of India ‘s Notification No. FEMA 52/RB-2002. dt.1st March,2002
notifying “Full Convertibility of Deposit Schemes For Non Resident Indians” has discontinued
the said schemes w.e.f.1-4-2002.  Hence, no fresh deposits will be accepted nor existing
deposits will be renewed on or after 1-4-2002.  Existing deposits upon maturity will be
converted to NRO account at the option of the account holder.
Provisions as regards eligibility, types of accounts, permitted debits / credits, rate of interest, Loans
against the security of funds held in NRSR account, change of residential status of account holder,
repatriation of funds by NRI nominee, and miscellaneous matters such as joint holding, operations by
POA etc. are provided under Schedule-5
2 Definitions :
1. “Non Resident Indian” means an Indian citizen or a foreign citizen of Indian
origin (excluding citizens of Bangladesh and Pakistan )  residing outside India .
2. “Person of Indian Origin” means an Indian citizen or a foreign citizen who;
1. at any time held an Indian Passport, or
2. himself or his parents or grand parents were citizens of India , or
3. is a spouse of an Indian citizen, or
4. is a spouse of person referred to in (i) or (ii) above.
3. “Overseas Corporate Body” means a Company, Partnership Firm, Society
wherein 60 % or more ownership lies with NRIs or a Trust wherein 60 % or more
financial interest is irrevocably held by NRIs.
4. “NRSR Account”  means a Foreign Currency Non-resident (Bank) account
referred to in clause (ii) of sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 5

1. ELIGIBILITY An NRI being a citizen of India or a person of Indian origin residing

outside India.[the said scheme has been discontinued since 1-4-2002  
vide Notification No. FEMA 52/RB-2002 dt.1st March, 2002]

2 CURRENCY Indian Rupees.

3. MODE OF DEPOSIT Foreign Exchange remittance from abroad  from FCNR / NRE/ NRO
Account / Deposit of  Foreign Exchange  during visit to India  or   income
from non-repatriable sources or  local sources .

4. JOINT HOLDING Permissible with other NRIs as well as Resident (resident attorney can
also operate).

5. REPATRIABILITY Principal and interest non-repatriable

6. INTEREST Compounded quarterly.

7. LOANS Available.

8. NOMINATION Permissible with Residents as well as Non – Residents.

9. WITHDRAWAL Freely allowed .

10 VARIOUS TYPES Saving, Current, Recurring  and Fixed Deposits account.


11. PREMATURE Permissible: – However for

period of  less than 15 Days   –   No     Interest payable,

Above 15 Days   –   Subject to Penalty – As per Bank Rules

Common wealth of Independent States

Member States

The Commonwealth of Independent States has 9 members, plus two States which are taking
part in some activities:
 8 December 1991  Full members
 8 December 1991  Ukraine  de facto participating; officially not a member
 21 December 1991 Armenia  Full members
21 December 1991  Turkmenistan  unofficial associate member
So, in essence; Immigration is the act of entering a foreign country to live for a long
period or permanently, while emigrating is the act of leaving a country to permanently
live in another

A margin call is the broker's demand that an investor deposit additional money or
securities so that the account is brought up to the minimum value, known as the
maintenance margin. A margin call usually means that one or more of the securities held in
the margin account has decreased in value below a certain point.

A foreign currency convertible bond (FCCB) is a convertible bond that

is issued in a foreign currency, which means the principal repayment and periodic coupon
payments will be made in a foreign currency. For example, an American
listed company that issues a bond in India in rupees has, in effect, issued an FCCB

A nidhi company is a type of company in the Indian non-banking finance sector,

recognized under section 406 of the Companies Act, 2013. Their core business is borrowing
and lending money between their members. They are also known as Permanent Fund,
Benefit Funds, Mutual Benefit Funds and Mutual Benefit Company

Transferable development rights (TDR) is a method by which developers can

purchase the development rights of certain parcels within a designated "sending district"
and transfer the rights to another "receiving district" to increase the density of their
new development.

In the United Kingdom, the football pools, often referred to as "the pools", is a betting pool
based on predicting the outcome of top-level association football ...

A  sweepstake is a type of contest where a prize or prizes may be awarded to a winner or

winners.[1] Sweepstakes began as a form of lottery. No purchase necessary to enter or win" and
"A purchase will not increase your chances of winning"

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