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User Guide

Audass Plus Soft

Version 2019. Revision date August 21.

All rights reserved.
This guide is designed strictly for informational purposes.
Table of Contents

1. LOGIN ................................................................................................................................ 4
2. MAIN MENU ..................................................................................................................... 5
3. New User .......................................................................................................................... 7
4. NEW CONTRACT ............................................................................................................... 9
Management........................................................................................................................... 11
Step 1. ................................................................................................................................. 11
Step 2. ................................................................................................................................. 11
Rights Check ........................................................................................................................... 12
Step 1. ................................................................................................................................. 12
Step 2. ................................................................................................................................. 12
Provider Data.......................................................................................................................... 13
Information of the Attention and Services Requested ......................................................... 13
Send request for authorization of health services ................................................................ 13
FREQUENT QUESTIONS .......................................................................................................... 15
System Access
Audass Plus Soft It is a platform that allows entry via the web, so make sure the
internet connection is at least 6 Mb.

Make sure you have a username and password. The user is provided by the system
administrator, the password will be sent directly to your email.

If you forget your password or user, remember to contact the system administrator.

• Administrator
o Includes with the options to parameterize the indicators and user profiles,
it also allows you to manage the users of the system.
• Contracts
o You can perform all supplier management, create, modify rates, activate
and inactivate contracts.
• admission
o Allows you to manage requests, consult and finalize to refer to the billing
o This module does not support the deletion of requests.
• Billing
o Includes invoice query modules by dates, supplier and customer, as well as
invoice cancellation
o In this module the elimination of invoices is not supported.
• Reports
o Obtain the necessary reports to monitor and ensure clarity in decision
making within each process involved.
3. New User

• In the main menu Enter Administrator / users

• Fill in the form
• Assign the user profile
• Click create.

In this module you can also modify previously created users:

• Change user status (active / inactive)
• Password reset.
• Modify form data.

For information security, users cannot be deleted, they remain in the logical storage
of the system active or inactive.
• In the main menu Enter Contracts / New contract
• Fill in the form
• Choose the start and end date of the contract.
• Remember to attach the documents that support the registered information.
• Attach Excel formats, PDF maximum size 10 Mb each, in total 5 files per
• Click create.
Once the system has authenticated the user, to initiate the registration of the request
for authorization to provide health services.

Step 1.

Select in the “Management” menu located on the left-hand side of the screen, the
“Admission” sub menu.

Step 2.

The system directs the user to the rights verification page.

Rights Check

The affiliate identification process begins, capturing the type and identification
number data. This process contemplates the validation of the different conditions in
which the insured is in the system.

Step 1.

The system displays the Rights Check screen.

Step 2.

Choose the type of document from the drop-down list and enter the affiliate identity
document number; Select the Consult option.

The system will search for the affiliate and, if found, will show the information on the

Once the verification of rights has been carried out, the form for the request for
authorization of services is completed.
Provider Data

At the top of the form, the system will automatically load the provider data that will
generate the request and the affiliate data for which the application will be registered.

Information of the Attention and Services Requested

This section allows you to enter information relevant to the request as the type of
service requested, origin of the service. The user can display the tabs and choose the
option that corresponds to the case.

Send request for authorization of health services

As the final step of filling out the form, select the “Create” option that loads the
service request form for a last revision or otherwise select “cancel” option that
returns to the rights verification screen.

✓ Is it correct to use a user by several officials? Not by control of the use of the
application and the information processed in it.

✓ What should I do if I forgot the password? You must use the "forget your
password" option that will generate a new password addressed to the registered
e-mail or contact the administrator.

✓ How can I know the new password created? When I inform through "forget your
password", the application sends a new password to the email registered by the

✓ What should I do to change the password? Once the password has been assigned
by the application, the user has the option "change password", which allows him
to change the password as many times as he wants.

✓ Can a user's data be modified? The changes should be consulted with the

✓ When in doubt about the use of the platform, what should I do? Contact directly the
support of the information system administrator.

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