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The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2019) 103:4609–4619


Milling properties of Kevlar 49 fiber composite based on fiber

orientation in cryogenic cooling
Fengbiao Wang 1 & Yongqing Wang 2

Received: 8 January 2019 / Accepted: 21 May 2019 / Published online: 31 May 2019
# Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2019

Aramid fiber–reinforced epoxy resin matrix composite is an anisotropic and heterogeneous material. And the machinability is
strongly dependent on the fiber orientation. In this paper, a composite milling model was established based on fiber orientation θ.
Meanwhile, a series of cryogenic cooling milling experiments were carried out to research the influence of fiber orientation on
surface morphology, surface roughness, milling force, and tool wear. The results show that the acute angle milling has more
advantages than the obtuse one. When tool sweeps at about θ = 55°, the maximum milling force can be gotten. And the maximum
shearing action can be reached for latitude fiber at θ = 30°, as well as effectively chip broken for latitude and longitude fibers.
Similarly, with increased θ, the shearing fracture is weakened with insufficient chip breaking, but none affected for longitude
fibers. Besides, it can be predicted that when the cutting speeds are 50, 100, and 150 m/min, as well as fiber orientation 26°, 34°,
and 35°, respectively, the processed surface roughness is 0.93 μm, 0.71 μm, and 0.6 μm. At the same time, tool wear is relatively
serious with θ = 40° with a stable tool wear stage, and the processing effect is not affected. Furthermore, using the bigger cutting
parameters, the better cryogenic cooling milling effect can be obtained at fiber orientation near 30° with less burr defect.

Keywords Fiber-reinforced composite . Fiber orientation . Anisotropic . Cryogenic cooling . Milling properties

1 Introduction et al. [7, 8] divided the cutting area into three areas: chip
formation, extrusion, and rebound in the processing on aramid
Fiber-reinforced composites include quartz fiber, carbon fiber, fiber–reinforced resin matrix composite. They found that the
and aramid fiber, and so on. They all had excellent mechanical lamination direction angle of fiber-reinforced materials had a
properties, high and low temperature resistance, stable physi- great impact on the processing performance of the composites.
cal and chemical properties, and other advantages. Therefore, Bhatnagar et al. [9] proposed a cutting force prediction model
they were widely used in aerospace, national defense and mil- for fiber-reinforced plastics, and discussed the influence of
itary industry, and other fields [1–4]. However, most of these cutting direction on cutting performance and the shear
materials were anisotropic and heterogeneity because of its strength in plane of specimens with different fiber orienta-
different fiber directions with different stress-strains. So the tions. Su [10] studied the micromechanical behavior of chips
machining performance was highly dependent on fiber orien- of carbon fiber with different fiber orientations, and implied
tation [5, 6], and there were some machining problems such as that different fiber forces with fiber orientation led to different
large cutting force, low machining efficiency, and serious tool chip formation mechanisms. Sheikh-Ahmad [11] discussed
wear through traditional cutting methods. For example, Zhang five chip breaking modes of carbon fiber considering different
fiber orientations.
Besides, Su [12] studied the relationship between tool ro-
* Fengbiao Wang tation angle and carbon fiber milling quality, and he obtained that when the angles were 0°, 90°, and 180°, the cutting sur-
face quality was better, but poor for the others. Sahraie [13]
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, established a cutting force model based on fiber orientation
Shenyang 110159, China and calculated the shearing force of a single fiber in an obtuse
School of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, cutting. Ben Soussia et al. [14] found that when the fiber
Dalian 116024, China orientation was 0°–90°, the cutting process was mainly the
4610 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619

shear fracture failure of workpiece along the fiber direction cooling cutting method. Furthermore, the influence law of
under the action of tool extrusion. And when the fiber orien- fiber orientation on milling performance would be explored
tation was within 90°–180°, the process was the open fracture and clarified.
failure in the fiber/matrix interface, and the fiber was failure
when the fiber bending stress exceeded its bending limit.
Zitoune [15] executed the carbon fiber composite using or-
thogonal cutting process, and they obtained the influence 2 Cutting model based on fiber orientation
law of the fiber orientation on chip formation and fracture.
Meanwhile, they also studied the influence of tool geometry 2.1 Influence of fiber orientation on cutting stress
and deep on cutting force.
Similarly, compared with the traditional dry cutting, the The composite material shows anisotropy and its cutting
composites had great changes about their cutting proper- mechanism is quite different. The cutting removal of this kind
ties because of the changed mechanical properties in cryo- of material is affected by the material properties, but also by
genic. Reed et al. [16] found that the thermal conductivity the fiber orientation. Under different fiber orientations, the
of aramid fiber–reinforced composites was decreased with fibers are subjected to various upward stresses. That results
the decrease of temperature, especially in cryogenic. in different cutting loads on each fiber direction, and it also
Schutz [17] investigated the low temperature mechanical leads to different cutting performances of composite. As
properties of aramid fiber. And the result implied that the shown in Fig. 1, the x-y direction is machining direction, and
thermal expansion rate increased with temperature de- 1-2 is the main direction of single direction fiber layer, and
crease for unidirectional fiber layer. Meanwhile, that was their vector angle is considered the fiber orientation θ.
expansion along the fiber direction and contraction along Meanwhile, x-y coordinate is rotated θ; the 1-2 actual coordi-
the perpendicular fiber direction. At the same time, the nates are obtained. Therefore, the x-y direction stress Formula
thermal expansion coefficient had a downward trend for (1) can be expressed. In fact, the angle of θ is regarded as the
the fiber longitudinal layer, but rise for the lateral fiber angle between the feed direction and fiber layer in the actual
layer. Besides, the elastic modulus and compressive cutting relationship.
strength were slowly increased with lower temperature. 2 3 2 2 32 3
Sohei et al. [18] tested the mechanical properties of ara- σx cos θ sin2 θ −2sinθcosθ σ1
4 σy 5 ¼ 4 sin2 θ cos2 θ 2sinθcosθ 54 σ2 5ð1Þ
mid fiber materials at room temperature, low temperature,
τ xy sinθcosθ −sinθcosθ cos θ−sin2 θ
2 τ 12
and cryogenic environment. And the results showed that
with the decreased in temperature, the tensile strength and
fracture elongation of the material were decreased, but the By matrix transformation, the 1-2 principal stress can be
elastic modulus was increased, especially in cryogenic expressed as
environment with enhanced fiber brittleness. Wang et al.
2 3 2 2 3−1 2 3
[19] carried out the experimental study on aramid fiber– σ1 cos θ sin2 θ −2sinθcosθ σx
reinforced composites and optimized the cutting parame- 4 σ2 5 ¼ 4 sin2 θ cos2 θ 2sinθcosθ 5 4 σy 5
ters. At the same time, they found that the main cutting τ 12 sinθcosθ −sinθcosθ cos2 θ−sin2 θ τ xy
force with brittle cutting was reduced by about 15–20% ð2Þ
comparing with the dry one. The main defects such as
pilling and ablation were significantly inhibited, and the The Formula can be simplified, and it is
surface machining quality and integrity were greatly im- 2 3 2 2 32 3
proved. Furthermore, Xia et al. [20] found that cryogenic σ1 cos θ sin2 θ 2sinθcosθ σx
4 σ2 5 ¼ 4 sin2 θ cos2 θ −2sinθcosθ 54 σy 5 ð3Þ
cooling has an obvious effect on reducing the rounding of
cutting edge and tool outer corner wear. And it also can τ 12 −sinθcosθ sinθcosθ cos2 θ−sin2 θ τ xy
help to enhance the surface integrity in composite drilling
According to the cutting theory, the composite must bear
the cutting load in the x and y directions in processing, then
In cryogenic environment, the mechanical properties and
there is
microstructure of aramid composite would be changed signif-
8 8
icantly. And the influence of fiber orientation on the cutting < σ1 < σx cos2 θ þ σy sin2 θ þ 2τ xy sinθcosθ
properties would also be changed compared with the tradition- σ ¼ σx sin2 θþ σy cos2 θ−2τ xy sinθcosθ  ð4Þ
: 2 :
al dry cutting. Aiming at aramid fiber–reinforced resin matrix τ 12 σx −σy sinθcosθ þ τ xy cos2 θ−sin2 θ
composite, a milling model based on fiber orientation was
constructed in this paper. Meanwhile, the milling tests consid- At the same time, the shearing stress of rake face τr [11,
ering different fiber orientations were carried out by cryogenic 21–23] can be given by
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619 4611

Fig. 1 Cutting model based on (a) (b) (c)

fiber orientation angle: milling σ2 σ1
state model (a), coordinate x ω >0 x
relation (b), unit stress analysis (c)
f τ12
y tool τ12
>0 x
R τxy
2 σx
y y

F y cosϕ−F x sinϕ F x F y sinθcosθ
τ xy ¼ ð5Þ τ 12 ¼ −
αp  αe αe f z αp
where ap is the cutting depth (mm), ae is the cutting width F y cosϕ− F x sinϕ  2 
þ cos θ−sin2 θ ð9Þ
(mm), τxy is the shearing stress, and Φ is the shearing angle. αp  αe
Furthermore, the main end milling was expressed in
Fig. 2a, and the milling forces were feed force Fx, vertical When the tool and cutting parameters remain the certain
force Fy, and back force Fz in three intersection directions. values, the shearing stress of composite is affected by the main
In the process, the tool side edge performed part of side mill- cutting force, feed force, and fiber orientation θ. According to
ing (Fig. 2b). the maximum shearing stress theory, the material failure is
The stresses of cutting section in x and y directions can be attributed to the fact that the maximum shearing stress reaches
expressed by the limit value. When the composite material achieved the
maximum shearing stress in cutting, the cutting removal can
Fx be realized. In the specific cutting processing, some special
σx ¼ ð6Þ
αp •αe fiber direction angle can be taken, including acute angle, right
Fy angle, and obtuse angle, such as 0°, 45°, 90°, and 135°, and
σy ¼ ð7Þ the cutting models are shown in Fig. 3.
αp • f z
According to different fiber direction angles, Formula
where fz is feed of each tooth. (9) can be simplified to Formula (10)–(13).
The shearing angle Φ can be represented by the following θ = 0°
π F y cosϕ−F x sinϕ
ϕ¼ þ γ 0 −β ð8Þ τ 12 ¼ ð10Þ
4 αp  α e

where γ0 is cutter flank and β is helix angle which is related to

the used tool. θ = 45°
Because the shearing stress plays a major role in cutting, so  
1 Fx Fy
only the change of shearing stress is discussed here, then the τ 12 ¼ − ð11Þ
shearing stress in Formula (4) can be expressed as 2αp αe f z

Fig. 2 Model of milling: ω

cryogenic cooling milling model (a) hollow tool
liquid (b)
(a) and side milling processing
model (b)
Fz C B
side milling
surface ap
end milling
surface ap ae D
ae Fx E A
fiber layer
4612 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619

Fig. 3 Processing model for chipping

(a) chipping tool shear surface
different fiber orientations: θ = 0° (b)
(a), θ = 45° (b), θ = 90° (c), θ = tool shear surface
135° (d) x =45o
x =0o
y re
re workpiece workpiece

tool shear surface
(c) (d)
x =135o
x =90o
workpiece workpiece

θ = 90° edge. Because of the different processing modes, the proc-

essed surface has the different cutting forms with different
F x sinϕ− F y cosϕ
τ 12 ¼ ð12Þ treatment results. In addition, the cutting results are also influ-
αp  α e enced by fiber orientation. Therefore, the material milling pro-
cess can be divided into side cutting and end milling.
θ = 135°
Based on the direction of fiber layer, the milling mode can
1 Fx Fy be divided into vertical and parallel layers. Firstly, Fig. 4
τ 12 ¼− − ð13Þ
2αp αe f z shows the vertical layer milling. As being θ < 45°, the surface
quality of vertical milling is all better, and the remaining burr
According to Formula (10)–(13), when the shearing stress is very sparse at side and end milling surface. Meanwhile, the
is positive and reaches the limit value, the composite material workpiece surface can all reach the processing requirements.
is subjected to tensile stress and the removal form is tensile Furthermore, when θ = 30°, the best end and side milling sur-
fracture. But that is extrusion fracture for the negative shearing face can be obtained as well as with the least residual burr. It
stress. At the same time, the obtained shearing stress forms are can be considered that surface quality of vertical milling is less
different with different fiber orientations, which will lead to affected by fiber orientation with less than 45°, so this paper is
different chip breaking forms. not taken it as the key research.
When the fiber orientation is an acute angle for end milling,
the milling surface performance is less changed, and the sur-
2.2 Milling behavior of aramid fiber in cryogenic face quality is better at 45° than 0° (Fig. 5a and b). But it is the
cooling worst surface quality at 90° (Fig. 5c), and the burr removal
effect is also poor at obtuse angle milling (Fig. 5d), which has
Aramid fiber material milling should consider the processing the same result with the literature [7, 24]. Meanwhile, for the
behaviors, and it is included in plane milling of the main side edge milling, the machining quality is the best at 0° angle
cutting edge and the side milling of the secondary cutting relative to 45°. Besides, the cutting effect in right angle and
obtuse angle is still not ideal. Furthermore, an available acute
angle between 0° and 45° can reach the requirements of both
x end and side milling surface, so as to obtain the best acute
θ=40o angle cutting.
2.2.1 Analysis of side milling force on cutting unit based
end surface side surface on tool spiral angle

Based on the anisotropy of the composite, the milling force is

different following the sweep angle of tool, especially side
Fig. 4 Processing for different fiber orientations along layer direction milling considering spiral angle. Yang et al. [25, 26] combined
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619 4613

(a) (b) (c) (d)

workpiece workpiece
fiber orientation
fiber orientation feed
fiber n
tatio feed
orien fiber orientation
feed feed

Fig. 5 Processing for different fiber orientations along layer direction: θ = 0° (a), θ = 45° (b), θ = 90° (c), θ = 135° (d)

the tool sweep angle and entrance angle, as well as large axial
cutting depth ap > R (milling cutter radius). And then they at
classified the changing process of milling force with the tool dt ¼ ð17Þ
rotation angle. The improved conventional milling process
model within the rotation angle of unit tool tooth is shown where there is at = 2Rπ/z, z is the number of tool teeth.
in Fig. 6, as well as the following Formula And the Formula (3) can be deduced that
ap tanβ 2πR
αm ¼ ð14Þ dt ¼ ð18Þ
R ztanβ
where αm was the tool rotation angle in the range of axial In addition, according to the principle of metal cutting, the
effective cutting depth and R is the tool diameter. milling force Fβ can be decomposed into the positive pressure
The projection distance de of tool helix in the axial direc- acting on the rake face and the friction along the cutting sur-
tion can be calculated as Formula (15) in the range of cutting face. Therefore, in side milling, the cutting force Fβ acting on
angle. the cutting unit can be synthesized by the unit positive pres-
αn R sure component Fi.k.t and the unit friction component Fj.k.t, as
de ¼ ð15Þ shown in Fig. 6.
According to the specific test, the actual cutting force is
where αn is the entrance angle, and it is equal to θ, and it is affected by ap and ae with ae < R and ap < de. Assuming that
used to control the direction of cutting force, and it can effec- the main tool cutting edge is in the horizontal (latitude) direc-
tively reduce the chip. That has tion, the change of Fβ can be represented by Fig. 7. Firstly, the
tool starts from point B. As the milling length is increased, the
αn ¼ arccos ð16Þ cutting force goes up firstly. Because of the unchanged cutting
R length of the DF and the decreased cutting thickness, the cut-
where dt is the axial distance between two adjacent tool spiral ting force slowly rises to point F. When that is started to leave
The following equation is given: cutting zone
decomposition F
f 1st tool
micro unit 2nd tool
G blade
Fβ Fi.k.t ae A B
f E
F Fj.k.t Fβ
Fz F
Fx D D
Fy ap
ω C de
αn P O G
αm αt-αm-αn B αm+αn position angle
αm αn
H of tool tip

Fig. 6 Model of milling process Fig. 7 Model of milling force change by scan angle
4614 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619

(a) (b)

within 180°). Figure 8 can be seen as the cutting process of

Fx Fnt (Fxy) different fiber orientations. Similarly, the resultant Fxy of the
θ1 F t
feed force F x and the main cutting force F y can be
decomposed into the normal force Fn and the tangential force
Fn θ 2 Fn Ft.
Fy Fy In details, Fig. 8 shows θ1 between the tangential force and
latitude θ1
tool θ2 Fnt longitude fiber, as well as θ2 with the latitude fiber. As it is
tool Fx 0°°< θ1°< 90°, θ2 = θ1 + 90°; when it is 90°°< θ1°< 180°,
ω Ft (Fxy)
ω θ2 = θ1 − 90°. At the same time, the spiral rising force makes
the latitude fiber have concession phenomenon, which even-
fiber tually leads to the transverse fiber cannot be cut out and form
burrs. Specific as follows:
Fig. 8 Milling model based on fiber orientation: (a) 0°< θ°< 90° and (b) As 0°°< θ1°< 90° (Fig. 8(a)), it is conventional milling, and
90°°< θ°< 180° the latitude fiber is stretched by Fy and sheared by Fx, and the
longitude has the actions of Fx extrusion and Fy shearing.
the cutting area, the cutting force sharply decreases, until it Because Fy is larger, longitude fiber has better chip breaking
completely left the cutting area boundary point G to zero. So effect. Similarly, the milling thickness of each too blade
the cutting force is a process of constant change for the side changes from small to large (Fig. 7). Since the direction of
milling. Due to cutting insufficient of fiber composites, the Fx is opposite to that of feed, the fiber milling method is
burr phenomenon of fiber will often occur. Appropriate and extended by conventional milling.
larger cutting force can effectively prevent insufficient chip When 90°°< θ1°< 180° (Fig. 8(b)), it is climb milling and
breaking defects. However, the greater cutting force is not latitude fiber is squeezed by Fx and sheared by Fx, but it is Fx
better from the actual fiber cutting processing [19]. The larger stretching and Fy shearing for longitude fiber with the rela-
cutting force will lead to higher temperature rise with ablation tively poor chip breaking effect. At the same time, the milling
defects. At the same time, when the cutting force exceeds the thickness of each edge is from large to small, but the average
maximum compressive strength, the fiber weaving formation cutting thickness is large. The direction of Fx is the same as
point will be damaged and the structure will be incomplete. that of feed, and the cutting deformation and cutting force are
Therefore, suitable large cutting force should be used for reduced in squeezed climb milling method.
cutting. The research shows that the anisotropy fiber composite
leads to different cutting performances because of fiber
orientation. At the same time, when it has cutting at acute
2.2.2 Analysis of surface milling model angle and obtuse angle, fiber orientation has a significant
impact on the milling performance along the laminated
Due to the milling, the tool rotation leads to a changed angle surface and vertical surface of fiber. Furthermore, it can
between tool cutting edge and the direction of fiber layer (θ = be known that the effective breaking chip of latitude and
0° − 180°), as long as the effective cutting surface topogra- longitude fibers can be achieved within 45° acute angle.
phies are investigated in a feeding cycle (tool swept slightly Therefore, the optimal fiber orientation can be obtained

Fig. 9 Cryogenic experiment

platform: cryogenic cooling
machine (a) and liquid nitrogen
transport system (b)
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619 4615

Table 1 The cutting parameters

Fiber orientation/(°) Cutting width (mm) Cutting speed (m/min) Feed/(mm/r) Cutting depth (mm)

10 6 50 0.07 1.0
30 100 1.5
50 150 2.0
60 – –

through experimental research, which can be used to connected with the machine spindle. The inner-colding verti-
guide conventional dry cutting and cryogenic cooling cal milling tool bar was made by the Japanese Kyocera, which
milling test. had tool nozzle with a diameter of Φ0.2 mm and 2 TiAlN
carbide film blades (brand for YBG202), and the diameter of
2.3 Experiments the cutting department was ϕ14mm with helix angle β = 41°.
As illuminated in Fig. 9b, a DPL-175 MP pressurized liq-
2.3.1 Experiment material uid nitrogen tank (maximum 0.4 MPa pressure and 30 L/h
flowrate) made in Beijing Tianhai Industrial Company.
As the experimental material, the resin-based composite ma- Furthermore, a self-made liquid nitrogen temperature control
terial is composed of Kevlar 49 fiber and epoxy resin matrix. system was employed to inject liquid nitrogen with accurate
At first, the thin-gauge skin outside of the composite material flow parameters and to control the liquid nitrogen nozzle tem-
was removed, and then some rectangular (50 mm × 50 mm × perature T from 77 to 273 K in the cryogenic experiment
30 mm) workpieces were cut by sawing machine. At last, the platform. According to the closed-loop control of the temper-
rectangular were numbered. ature control system, a certain liquid nitrogen or nitrogen out-
put temperature can be obtained in tool nozzle. At the same
2.3.2 Manufacturing methods time, through the control system, the room temperature 300 K
can be controlled by the nitrogen rate from another nozzle in
As illuminated in Fig. 9a, a series of milling experiments were the tank.
performed on an independent research and development Based on the former research results, the detail process
three-axis vertical milling machining center equipped with parameters were shown in Table 1. Using single factor analy-
liquid nitrogen inner-injection function. This machine pos- sis method, the cutting parameters were the cutting speed of
sessed the highest spindle speed of 8000 r/min and the table vc = 50, 100, and 150 m/min; the feed of f = 0.07 mm/r; and
travel of 300 mm × 300 mm × 200 mm. The hollow tool was the milling width of ae = 6 mm, as well as θ = 10°, θ = 20°,
installed in the self-made inner-cooling handle, which was θ = 30°, θ = 40°, θ = 50°, and θ = 60°, respectively.

Table 2 Influence of fiber orientation on cutting surface in cryogenic milling (vc = 100 m/min, ap = 1 mm)

10o 30o 40o 50o


4616 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619

Table 3 The properties of composites at room temperature and low temperature [27, 28]

Fiber direction (°) Temperature (K) Tensile strength (MPa) Shear strength (MPa) Elongation at break (%) Modulus (GPa)

0 293 1530 37 2.7 63

227 1490 – 2.1 68
77 1330 29.3 1.3 84
45 293 125.4 – 6.2 6.4
227 120.8 – 5.7 7.0
77 89 – 1.6 11.9

Meanwhile, the tool blades were packed into a vacuum bag pits and burrs. But the cutting pits are again increased for θ =
with serial number after the milling experiment of every group 40°. Especially for θ = 50°, it accompanies by initiation and
cutting parameter. expansion micro crack. Furthermore, part layer fiber has not
been effectively chip breaking, as well as more burr residual.
Through the former research [4, 19], the tensile strength
2.3.3 Analysis equipment
and modulus of composite are increased in cryogenic condi-
tion (Tables 3 and 4), and the plasticity and toughness are also
An ultra-deep microscope digital microscope (KEYENCE
decreased. So the slippage resistance is large during process-
VHX- 600, Japan) with resolution of 54 million pixels was
ing, and the shear slippage amplitude is enhanced. And then a
used to measure sample surface morphology. A 3D surface
crack is formed in the shear slippage dislocation area, with
contourgraph (ZYGO New view5022, USA) with the vertical
bigger expansion speed, the composite is brittle. The mea-
resolution of 0.1 nm, lateral resolution of 110 nm, scanning
sured data was analyzed further. At 0° < θ1 < 45°, cryogenic
depth of 2–150 microns, and measurement of 0.001 μm was
cooling processing method is conventional milling, as shown
required to test surface roughness. Besides, a Kisler 9257b
in Fig. 8(a). It has a maximum milling force with 55° tool
three-phase dynamometer was employed to measure the cut-
sweep through Formulas (14) and (16). So milling force is
ting force at the cutting point. In the processing, the wear loss
increasing slightly at 0° < θ1 < 45° (Fig. 8(a)). Similarly, the
of the tool flank was measured by a 40 magnifier tool micro-
effects of Fx shearing and Fy stretching for latitude fiber are all
scope at 5-min intervals, and the wear pattern of the tool rake
enhancing, as well as Fx extrusion and Fy shearing for longi-
and flank face was observed.
tude fiber. Under the function of compression stress, shear
stress, and bending stress, fiber has brittle fracture whilst most
of fiber breaking point occurs at the maximum bending stress.
3 Experimental results and analysis Meanwhile, that leads to longitude matrix be easily cracked
and peeled off whilst cracks and pits are remained, as illustrat-
3.1 Milling surface morphology ed in Table 2. When it is 45° < θ1 < 90° (Fig. 8(b)), latitude

As illuminated Table 2, when the fiber orientation is θ = 10° −

50°, the end milling surface is very clean and complete with 1.8
flush fiber fracture and uniformly covered resin. But for side
50 m/min
milling, when fiber orientation is 10°, parts of the pit and burrs 100 m/min
appeared on the workpiece surface with the stripped resin and 150 m/min
clear fiber fracture. Similarly, when θ = 30°, the burrs on the
surface are reduced, and the processing surface quality is best, 1.2
and the fiber and resin are loss damage, as well as almost no (26,0.93)

Table 4 Cryogenic composites of 30% fiber and epoxy resin [18, 27]
* (34,0.71)

Materials Temperature (K) Modulus (GPa) Tensile strength (MPa) 0.6 **

Fiber 295 3.06 125 (35.5,0.6)
77 3.07 161 0.3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Epoxy resin 295 3.38 71 o
/( )
77 7.61 86
Fig. 10 Effect of fiber orientation on roughness (ap = 1.0 mm)
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619 4617

Fig. 11 Effect of fiber orientation (a) (b)

on milling force (vc = 150 m/min): ap=2mm ap=1mm
Fy (a) and Fx (b) ap=1.5mm ap=1.5mm
ap=1mm ap=2mm

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
o o
fiber orientation /( ) fiber orientation /( )

fiber stretching continues to be strengthened. Although Fx is compared with the speed change of 50–100 m/min and 100–
increased, after reaching a certain angle, the shearing action 150 m/min, the gap trend is obviously decreased. According
will be decreased due to the change of shear angle (Table 2 to Fig. 10, the minimum roughness may appear between θ =
illustrates that this angle near θ1 = 50°). At the same time, the 20° − 30° and θ = 30° − 40°, which is consistent with the op-
shearing action is little with larger angle, which lead to latitude timal result in Section 1 with around 45°. At the same time, it
fiber having only tensile fracture. And the shear fracture weak- can be predicted that the roughness can be achieved to
ened whilst cutting burr remained. However, the longitude 0.93 μm, 0.71 μm, and 0.6 μm when the fiber orientation
fiber continues to be treated by increasing Fy’s shear action. reaches 26°, 34°, and 35°, respectively, as shown in Fig. 10
When it reaches a certain angle, the Fx’s extrusion action is (*).
decreased. As a result, the longitude fiber shows no obvious
fluffing phenomenon and has fewer surface defects. 3.3 Milling force analysis

3.2 Surface roughness analysis As illuminated in Fig. 11, the milling force is changed less in
the same cutting depth with no more than 8 N for the bigger
As implied in Fig. 10, the surface roughness changes can be change. They all increased and then decreased. Similarly,
obtained under different cutting speed machining modes with there is less change for the cutting processing with ap =
θ < 60°. The roughness value expresses the obvious phenom- 1 mm. That can be presumed that the fiber orientation has less
enon of decreases first and then increases as fiber orientation effect on small cutting depth. But in different cutting depths,
increases. When the cutting speed is high, the overall machin- the maximum main cutting force almost always appeared
ing quality is better in cryogenic cooling cutting. But closer to θ = 30°, as shown in the dotted line position in

(a) (b) (c)

rake face
rake face rake face
tool edge
tool edge
tool edge

tool nose
tool nose tool nose

(d) (e) tool edge (f)

rake face

tool edge tool nose

tool edge
flank face
flank face
tool nose
tool nose

Fig. 12 Tool wear morphology of cryogenic cooling cutting: θ = 20° rake face (a), θ = 30° rake face (b), θ = 40° rake face (c), θ = 50° rake face (d), θ =
30° flank face (e), and θ = 50° flank face (f)
4618 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2019) 103:4609–4619

Fig. 11a. Meanwhile, the maximum feed force almost always time, it can be predicted that when the cutting speeds are
can be found in the vicinity of θ = 40°, as shown in the dotted 50, 100, and 150 m/min, as well as fiber orientation 26°,
line position in Fig. 11b. It can be implied that the optimal 34°, and 35°, respectively, the processed surface rough-
fiber orientation should be between 25° and 35°. This result is ness is 0.93 μm, 0.71 μm, and 0.6 μm. Meanwhile, the
consistent with the optimal cutting effect of vc = 150 m/min tool wear is relatively larger with θ = 40°, but the tool is
and θ = 35° in Fig. 10. It can be deduced that the relatively still in a stable wear stage, and its processing effect is not
large cutting force is beneficial to the cutting effect. affected.

3.4 Tool wear behavior Funding information This research was partially supported by the Basic
Science and Research Project of Liaoning Province (No. LG201711), the
Liaoning Key Fund of National Natural Science Fund (No. U1608251),
After 15 min, cryogenic cooling cutting for each experiment, and the Natural Science Foundation Project of Liaoning Province (No.
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