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Kubo Formulae for Second-Order Hydrodynamic Coefficients

Guy D. Moore and Kiyoumars A. Sohrabi

Department of Physics, McGill University, 3600 rue University, Montréal QC H3A 2T8, Canada
(Dated: September 1, 2018)
At second order in gradients, conformal relativistic hydrodynamics depends on the viscosity η
and on five additional “second-order” hydrodynamical coefficients τΠ , κ, λ1 , λ2 , and λ3 . We derive
Kubo relations for these coefficients, relating them to equilibrium, fully retarded 3-point correlation
functions of the stress tensor. We show that the coefficient λ3 can be evaluated directly by Euclidean
means and does not in general vanish.

plify the presentation; in the nonconformal case there

Results from the RHIC experiments, particularly the
are more coefficients [12] but there are no conceptual or
arXiv:1007.5333v3 [hep-ph] 7 Jul 2011

measurement of a large transverse flow [1], appear to

technical obstacles to treating this case with the same
show that the Quark-Gluon plasma can be well described
methodology developed here.
by hydrodynamics with a surprisingly small viscosity [2].
A major future goal for heavy ion experiment and the-
ory is to quantify how small the viscosity of the plasma CONSTITUTIVE RELATIONS FOR SECOND
is. This requires the numerical treatment of relativistic ORDER COEFFICIENTS
viscous hydrodynamics [3]. It has long been known [4–6]
that the relativistic Navier-Stokes equations are acausal We begin by defining the second order coefficients. The
and unstable. But the Navier-Stokes equations are just expectation value of the stress-energy tensor operator for
the result of a first-order (Chapman-Enskog [7]) expan- a fluid can be decomposed in terms of a local equilibrium
sion in gradients. Extending the expansion to second or- piece and an extra piece,
der yields numerically stable equations after a certain re-
organization is applied [5]. The drawback is that it adds hT µν i = Teq
µν µ
(u , ǫ) + Πµν ,
unknown coefficients. In the conformal case (which we Teq ≡ (ǫ + P )uµ uν + P g µν . (1)
will consider for simplicity), besides the equation of state µ
Here gµν , ǫ, P, u are the spacetime metric (in the mostly-
P (ǫ) at zero order and the shear viscosity η at first order,
plus convention), energy density, pressure as given by the
there are five new transport coefficients: τΠ , κ, λ1 , λ2 , λ3
equation of state, and flow 4-velocity. We work in the
in the notation of [8]. These have been evaluated in
Landau-Lifshitz frame, uµ Πµν = 0, which makes the di-
strongly coupled N =4 super-Yang-Mills theory in the µν
vision between Teq and Πµν unique; we normalize uµ so
limit of many colors [8, 9] and at leading order in weakly
that uµ u = −1. While uµ , ǫ, and gµν are ordinary func-
coupled QCD [10]. In each case λ3 = 0 at lowest order
tions of x, T µν is a Heisenberg-picture operator; hT µν i
in the respective (strong or weak coupling) expansion.
represents its trace in the density matrix describing the
Baier et al have also presented Kubo formulae for fluid.
two of these coefficients, τΠ and κ, which relate them The key idea of hydrodynamics is that, for a system
to well defined, equilibrium correlation functions of the which varies slowly in space and time, Πµν arises only due
stress tensor. Presumably, the remaining three coeffi- to the nonuniformity of the system and should therefore
cients λ1,2,3 can also be expressed in terms of stress tensor be expressible in terms of a gradient expansion in that
correlation functions. Doing so would put the definition nonuniformity. To write out Πµν to second order, we in-
of these coefficients on a solid footing and might aid in troduce some notation. We define ∆µν ≡ g µν + uµ uν ,
their physical interpretation and their theoretical calcu- which is the projector to spatial directions in the local
lation. In the remainder of this paper we will derive such rest frame. Angular brackets around a pair of Lorentz in-
Kubo relations for the three remaining second-order co- dices, hµνi , mean that the indices are to be symmetrized,
efficients. We do this first by showing how the first and space-projected, and trace-subtracted; that is,
second order hydrodynamic coefficients can be related to
1 µα νβ 1
the stress tensor in a background spacetime with pertur- Ahµνi ≡ ∆ ∆ (Aαβ + Aβα ) − ∆µν ∆αβ Aαβ . (2)
batively small geometrical curvature. Then we expand 2 3
in the metric as an external background field a la Kubo The shear and vorticity tensors are defined as
[11] and derive a relation between λ1,2,3 and certain fully σ µν ≡ 2∇hµ uνi , (3)
retarded 3-point stress-tensor correlation functions. This µν 1 µα νβ
allows us to determine the previously unknown pertur- Ω ≡ 2∆ ∆ (∇α uβ − ∇β uα ) . (4)
bative behavior of the coefficient λ3 (which is not zero) Rµν and Rµναβ are the Ricci tensor and curvature tensor
and to say something about its physical interpretation. respectively. In terms of these quantities, the most gen-
We restrict attention to conformal fluids mostly to sim- eral form for Πµν compatible with conformal symmetry

is [8] variables ha ≡ h1 − h2 , Ta ≡ T1 − T2 . Variation with

 respect to ha gives Tr , explicitly
∇ · u µν

Πµν = −ησ µν + ητΠ u · ∇σ hµνi + σ
3 −2i ∂W
√ = hTrµν (x)i . (8)

hµνi αhµνiβ
 −g ∂haµν (x)
+κ R − 2uα uβ R (5)
We use such a variation to pull down the T µν (0) factor
+λ1 σλ hµ σ νiλ + λ2 σλ hµ Ωνiλ − λ3 Ωλ hµ Ωνiλ .
we want to evaluate. After taking this ha derivative, we
set ha = 0 and hr = h, since we are interested in the case
EXPANSION IN BACKGROUND GEOMETRY of a classical background value h1 = h2 = hr = h. (The
difference ha represents possible quantum fluctuations in
the metric which we do not want to consider.) We then
We derive Kubo relations for λ1 etc. by considering
expand order by order in hrµν to obtain a series expansion
a system where some nonuniformity, either in the ini-
of hTrµν i in powers of h. Explicitly, we find
tial conditions or in the spacetime geometry, forces σ µν
etc. to be nonzero. It is particularly convenient to con- 1
sider an initially uniform, equilibrium system in flat space hTrµν ih = Gµν r (0) − d4 xGµν,αβ
ra (0, x)hαβ (x) (9)
but to introduce perturbatively weak and slowly vary- 1
ing spacetime nonuniformity which causes the fluid to + d4 xd4 y Gµν,αβ,γδ
raa (0, x, y)hαβ (x)hγδ (y)
experience shear and vorticity. Writing the metric as
gµν (x) = ηµν + hµν (x) (ηµν the flat-space metric), one plus terms of order h3 . Here Gµν,αβ,...ra... (0, x, . . .) is the
expands perturbatively in hµν . Since hµν couples to the correlation function of one Tr and 0 or more Ta ’s,
stress tensor T µν , this generates an expansion in cor-
(−i)n−1 (−2i)n ∂ n W

relation functions of multiple stress tensors, whose co- µν,αβ,...
Gra... (0, x, . . .) ≡ (10)
efficients are the response of the stress tensor to fluid ∂ga,µν (0)∂gr,αβ (x) . . . gµν =ηµν
nonuniformities. = (−i)n−1 Trµν (0)Taαβ (x) . . . eq + c.t.

Consider the expectation value hT µν (0)i for a system
initially (time t0 ≪ 0) in equilibrium at temperature T , The expectation value is with respect to the flat-space,
subject to a spacetime dependent metric perturbation equilibrium density matrix. Gra... is a fully retarded
hαβ (x), with hµν (t ≤ t0 ) = 0. The stress tensor is deter- correlation function [14], which is a nested commutator,
mined by from earliest to latest time, with Tr at the last time and
Z 0  innermost in the commutator, eg when x0 < y 0 < . . . < 0
hT µν (0)i = Tr e−βH T̃exp dt′ iH[h(t′ )] T µν the correlator is h[T (x), [T (y), [. . . T (0)]]]i. Here (c.t.)
t0 refers to the contact terms which are built into our def-
Z 0 
′′ ′′ inition of the n-point stress tensor correlation functions.
×Texp dt (−i)H[h(t )] (6)
This is discussed in [15]; the contact terms turn out not
to be important for evaluating η but they will contribute
(with T̃exp and Texp the anti-time ordered and time- to the evaluation of λ1,2,3 .
ordered exponentials respectively, H[h(t)] the Hamil-
tonian, showing explicitly its dependence on the met-
ric, and β=T −1 the inverse temperature). This is best KUBO FORMULAE
treated using the Schwinger-Keldysh (closed time path)
formalism (see [13, 14]; we follow the conventions in First we review the derivation of Kubo formulae for
[14]). We introduce independent metric perturbations the “linear” transport coefficients η, τΠ , κ [8]. Consider
for the T-ordered and T̃-ordered evolution operators in hT xy i in the presence of hxy (z, t). According to Eq. (9),
the above expression and define the generating functional at first order
 Z ∞  Z
W [h1 , h2 ] ≡ ln Tr e −βH
T̃exp i ′ ′
dt H[h2 (t )] hTrxy ih = − d4 x hxy (x)Gxy,xy
ra (0, x) + O(h2 ) . (11)
 Z ∞0 
×Texp −i ′
dt H[h1 (t )]′
(7) Using Eq. (1) and ∇µ T µν = 0 (energy-momentum con-
t0 servation), we derive that ui = 0 at O(h). We then
R√ evaluate σ xy , u · ∇σ hµνi etc. explicitly for this uµ and
−g1 d4 xL[Φ1 (x),h1 ]
= ln D[Φ1 , Φ2 , Φ3 ]ei hµν , finding for instance that σ xy = ∂t hxy . Substituting

− d4 zLE [Φ3 (z)] −i
−g2 d4 yL[Φ2 (y),h2 ]
into Eq. (5), we find
×e 0 e .
hTrxy ih = −P hxy − η∂t hxy + ητΠ ∂t2 hxy
One then defines the average metric perturbation hr ≡ κ
− ∂z2 hxy + ∂t2 hxy + O(∂ 3 , h2 ) . (12)

h1 +h2
2 and stress tensor Tr ≡ T1 +T
, and the difference 2

defining Gxy,xy (ω, k) = d4 xei(ωt−kz) Gxy,xy require inter-relations between Gµν,αβ and Gµν,αβ,γδ
ra ra (0, −x) and ra raa .
equating Eqs. (11,12) order by order in derivatives, we Each extra Kubo formula involves one stress tensor at
find zero external 4-momentum, arising from an undifferenti-
ated hµν in Eq. (16). We can always force hµν = 0 at
η = i∂ω Gxy,xy
ra (ω, k)|ω=0=k , (13) x = 0 where T xy is evaluated by a coordinate “gauge”
κ = −∂k2z Gxy,xy
ra (ω, k)|ω=0=k
, (14) choice. The invariance of the theory to such gauge
1 2 xy,xy choice enforces (Ward) relations between two point func-
(ω, k) − ∂k2z Gxy,xy

ητπ = ∂ G (ω, k) ω=0=k .(15) tions and three point functions with a Taµν at zero 4-
2 ω ra ra

momentum. Consider a stress tensor two-point function

These reproduce the Kubo relations obtained by [8].
in a spacetime-independent, background hµν :
To obtain higher order Kubo formulae for the nonlinear
coefficients, we continue this procedure to O(h2 ), for a hTrµν (0)Taαβ (x)ih = iGµν,αβ (0, x) (24)
background choice which allows nonzero shear flow and i
vorticity. To do so, we will consider Πxy arising when − d4 y hγδ (y)Gµν,αβ,γδ
raa (0, x, y) .
hxz (t), hyz (t), hx0 (z), and hy0 (z) are nonvanishing[19].
By our choice of indices, σxz = ∂t hxz , σyz = ∂t hyz , Ωxz = The gauge change which eliminates hµν is xµ → xµ + ξ µ
−∂z hx0 /2 and Ωyz = −∂z hy0 /2 arise at O(h), but Πxy with ξµ,ν + ξν,µ = hµν . Applying the gauge change to
will automatically only arise at order in h2 , and will not the lefthand side of Eq. (24), we re-express it in terms of
receive contributions at this order from the (ǫ+P )ux uy hµν and the flat-space correlation functions;
term. Since g xy is explicitly O(h2 ), we also only need the 
hγδ η µγ Gδν,αβ

equilibrium value of P [20]. Explicitly evaluating Eq. (5) ra (p) + (µ ↔ ν)
in this background to second order, we find 
+ η αγ Gµν,δβ
ra (p) + (α ↔ β) + (γ ↔ δ)
hT xy i = P (hxz hyz − hx0 hy0 ) + η (hxz hyz,t + hxz,t hyz )
κ = 2hγδ Gµν,αβ,γδ
raa (p, 0) . (25)
+ (hxz hyz,tt +hxz,tt hyz −hxt hyt,zz −hxt,zz hyt )
ητπ Choosing µν = xy, αβ = xz, γδ = yz,
+ (hxz,t hyt,z + hyz,t hxt,z − 2hxz,t hyz,t
ra (p) + Gxz,xz
ra (p) = 2Gxy,xz,yz
raa (p, 0) . (26)
−2hyz hxz,tt − 2hxz hyz,tt )
λ2 Now ∂ω Gxy,xy = iη by Eq. (13) and ∂ω Gxz,xz = iη by
+ λ1 (hxz,t hyz,t ) − (hxz,t hyt,z + hyz,t hxt,z )
4 rotational invariance, soEq. (21) follows. The same pro-
λ3 cedure applies for the other linear coefficients.
+ (hxt,z hyt,z ) . (16)
Equating with the h2 part of Eq. (9), and defining DISCUSSION
Graa (p, q) ≡ d4 xd4 ye−i(p·x+q·y) Gµν,αβ,σλ
raa (0, x, y)
Our derivation had two goals. First, we wanted re-
(17) lations, shown in Eqs. (18,19,20), for the second-order
we find the following Kubo relations: nonlinear transport coefficients in terms of equilibrium
energy-momentum tensors. Second, we hoped that these
λ1 = ητπ − lim ∂p0 ∂q0 lim Gxy,xz,yz
raa (p, q) , (18)
p0 ,q0 →0 p q →0
~,~ relations would shed some light on the nature or proper-
λ2 = 2ητπ −4 0 lim ∂p0 ∂qz lim Gxy,xz,yt (p, q),(19) ties of these transport coefficients. The most mysterious
p ,q →0 ~,q0,x,y →0
p of these transport coefficients is λ3 , which is found to
λ3 = −4 z lim ∂pz ∂qz lim Gxy,xt,yt
raa (p, q) . (20) vanish in N =4 SYM theory in the limit of many colors
p ,q →0 p0,x,y ,q0,x,y →0 and large coupling [9] and which is zero at order g −8 in
These Kubo relations are our main result. the weak coupling expansion, the order where λ1,2 are
We also find extra Kubo relations for η, κ, and τπ : nonzero [10]. Is it identically zero? Romatschke [12]
studied this problem (among others) using a generalized
∂ xy,xz,yz entropy current and showed that λ3 is related to a cer-
iη = lim G (p, q) , (21)
0 ∂p0 raa
p →0 tain modification of the entropy density in the presence
∂2 xy,x0,y0 of vorticity. Our Kubo relation allows for a direct evalu-
κ = 2 lim Graa (p, q) , (22) ation of λ3 in weakly coupled field theory.
pz →0 (∂pz )2

∂2 κ and λ3 have expressions involving space but not

2ητπ − κ = 2 lim Gxy,xz,yz
raa (p, q) , (23) time derivatives of stress tensor correlation functions.
p0 →0 (∂p0 )2
We may immediately set ω = 0 in Eq. (14) and
where besides the differentiated variable all other p, q p0 , q 0 = 0 in Eq. (20). The frequency-domain fully
components are taken to zero first. These extra relations retarded function Gra... is the analytic continuation of

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We thank Peter Arnold, Diana Vaman, Chaolun Wu P )/(k2 η) (k the wave number for hx0 ), and to include the
and Wei Xiao for pointing out an error in the original viscous term −ησ µν in Eq. (5), to correctly derive that
version of this paper, and Alessandro Cerioni, Paul Ro- ui = 0 after fully turning on the hx0 , hy0 perturbations.
[20] We are indebted to Peter Arnold, Diana Vaman, Chaolun
matschke, Omid Saremi, and Dam Son for useful conver-
Wu, and Wei Xiao for pointing out an error in the original
sations. This work was supported in part by the Natural version of this paper (see [16]). At this point we proposed
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. investigating Πxx using nontrivial hxy (z, t), hx0 (y). How-
ever, in this case g xx arises at O(h0 ), and so O(h2 ) cor-
rections to the pressure P must be evaluated. We failed
to do so, and therefore the Kubo relations in the original
version of this paper were in error.
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