Plastic Dominates World Economic: by Pellegrino Musto

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N ow in this modern world,

the use of polymers has
grown widely throughout
the globe. But the main is whether
research and development in this
molecular dynamics methods are
very important to reduce problems
related to biopolymers, organic
synthetic polymers or inorganic
polymers for multiple coarse
Currently like
we know, the use of polymers has
been widely used in different forms.
Polymers mostly have been
considered as competitiveness
field is important for a country to modelling. This field has been among all nation around the globe
create competition between nations. recognized with the awarding of the especially Malaysia I think. As
A revolution has taken place over 2013 Nobel Prize in chemistry to examples in economics,
the last 50 years in the of synthetic three key players in the arena, transportation, energy and defense.
polymers, whose applications have Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and It is important to maintain the
rapidly permeated most aspects our Arieh Warshel “for the stability pf this technology in a
daily aspect. The term ‘’plastic’’ development of a multiscale model country such as the strength pf
usually used for polymer even for complex chemical systems” as science and engineering polymers to
though not all synthetic polymer is stated by the Prize Motivation. create a good country and until it
plastic. Polymer is a part of our life become a good example to other
Research on natural and renewable
or in other word Polymer have country. But many issues have been
sources of polymers has been
become an essential and important raised that concern this field area,
thing in our life. Thing like both financially and politically. This
clothing, computer and mostly thing has led many companies to decide
made by largely of polymers. Our to cut back on long-term research.
life will be hard if Polymer doesn’t Meanwhile, university research
exist. Yes, it can’t be denied that budgets are under pressure. The
sometime this polymer thing’s give Federal funding, that the major
us bad effect such as environmental factor in the United State for
pollution issue and safety for human military research and
and wild life, but this problem can development have step back after
still be repaired to the point that it the cold war end. As the result,
has no adverse effects exist. the need for investment didn’t get
many encouragement or in other
What Is the benefit of Polymers?
word the investment prospect are
Furthermore, the research about under threat. But all these
polymer considered as the most problems can be mitigated by
challenging subject that is the main providing many job opportunities
focus of The Special Section to people. With the advance
Frontier of polymer chemistry. Polymers Science and Engineering,
Progress in the polymer is proven many parties will be attracting to
carried out around the world invest in this sector. So there is
by the awarding of two important
because of two issues. First, nothing to worry about. For your
Nobel prizes (Flory, 1974; de
environmental have arisen due to information, development of
Gennes, 1991). Polymer
following increased production and Polymers has been divided into
Technology has given many
disposal of conventional synthetic several parts:
benefits to the scientist by making
polymers and the desire to reduce 1.National Defense
their job easier such as membranes
dependence on western 2.Energy and Transportation
for gas mixtures separation, barrier
petrochemical oil production. So 3.Housing and Constuction
structures for food packaging and
vegetable oil has been used as a 4.Environment
durability. More people has become
very suitable alternative because it
closer in understanding the
is more properties such as Last but not least, how much
molecular spectrum that provides a
affordable, the functional groups Polymers Science and Engineering
great deal of information about the
present therein can be suitably can survive depends on how much
molecular that content in a contact.
activated for polymerization and benefits this field can provide for
Indeed, molecular mechanics and
can be renewable. the nations.

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