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Bakery Quality Control Program

The experienced staff of SFBI can design a comprehensive quality control program for your bakery, helping
you to produce breads and pastries of the highest quality while controlling production and expenses. This
investment in the future of your bakery gives you everything you need to build and maintain an efficient,
high-quality, profitable business.

Comprehensive Services:

 Business Strategy

 Business Efficiency

 Food and Labor Cost Control

 Production Scheduling

 Formulas

 Process

 Quality Control References

 Product Quality Follow-up

 Employee Training Manual

 Update Product Line (bread and pastry)

 New Product Development/Addition to Production

 Proper and Efficient Equipment Usage

 Preventive Maintenance Schedule

 Hygiene and Sanitation


 Annual Fee ~ $12,953

Annual Fee Includes:

3 visits per year, 3 work days for baker consultant, 1 visit, 2 work days, for business consultant for

future planning and progress monitoring.

On-Going Value:

 When you become a member of the Quality Control Program, SFBI will keep a record of your

bakery’s formulas and processes so that we can provide knowledgeable, consistent support on an

on-going basis.

Long Term Benefits:

 If you sign on for a contract of two or more years, SFBI will provide you with a Protocol Manual, free

of charge. (See below for a description of the Protocol Manual.)

Protocol Manual:

 SFBI will record and organize all the data specific to your business in a written manual that can

serve as a valuable tool for monitoring the activity of your business. Protocol Manual Fee (free with

a 2 year contract) ~ $12,000

Bakery Food Manufacture

and Quality
Water Control and Effects
Second edition
by Stanley Cauvain
Linda Young
Bakery Food Manufacture and Quality: Water Control
and Effects, 2nd edition describes in detail the role and
control of water in the formation of cake batters, bread,
pastry and biscuit doughs, their subsequent processing and the baked product.

Now in a fully revised and updated second edition, the book has been expanded and developed
through the inclusion of new information and references related to the formation and processing
of batters and dough into baked products.

The new edition includes a selection of case studies based on practical experience in the
manufacture and optimisation of baked products. Each case study, illustrated as appropriate,
considers the various roles that water may play in different manufacturing contexts.


Water and its roles in baked products

 The composition and heat-related properties of water

 Vapor pressure and relative humidity
 Water hardness
 Ionization and solutions
 The solubility of solids and their recrystallization
 Water of crystallization
 Vapor pressure of solutions
 Osmotic pressure
 Gases in solution
 Suspensions
 Colloidal suspensions
 Hydration
 Water as a plasticizer
 Surface tension and capillary action
 Gels and emulsions
 Water in bakery ingredients
 Using water as a processing tool
 Assessing water in baked products

The role of water in the formation and processing of bread doughs

 Wheat flour properties

 The formation of bread doughs
 Optimum dough water levels
 Wheat flour water absorption capacity and its determination
 Water levels in rye bread doughs
 Pre-hydration of flour, wheat and other grains in the manufacture of bread and sponges
 Water and dough development
 The effects of other dough ingredients on water levels in bread doughs
 Other factors affecting the level of water added to doughs
 Dough and water temperatures
 Water, dough rheology and moulding

The role of water in the formation and processing of batters, biscuit and cookie doughs,
and pastes

 The formation of cake batters

 Dissolution and hydration of ingredients in cake batters
 Water levels in cake batters
 Water-containing ingredients and their contribution to cake batters
 Flour properties and water levels in cake batters
 Gases in cake batters
 Wafer and other batters
 Control of batter temperatures
 Batter viscosity and its measurement
 Formation and processing of biscuit and cookie doughs
 Formation and processing of short pastry doughs.
 Formation and processing of laminated doughs
 The impact of ingredients on the water level in the formation of biscuit and c9ookie
doughs and pastes
 Biscuit dough and paste rheological properties
 Choux pastries
 Bakery products not based on flour

The contribution of water during processing, baking, cooling and freezing

 Water in retarded unbaked doughs

 The influence of moisture on white spot formation during the retarding of fermented
 The importance of relative humidity during proof of fermented doughs
 The contribution of water (steam) to expansion and product structure during baking
 Applications of steam during baking
 Surface treatments with water and water-based solutions
 Water and microwave baking
 The management of water losses during baking and cooling
 Water in frozen bakery products

Effects of water on product textural properties and their changes during storage

 The contribution of product moisture content to baked product character

 Loss of product freshness (staling)
 Effects of freezing and thawing on product texture and eating quality
 The impact of packaging on texture

Water activity

 Sources of moisture in bakery products

 Product moisture content
 The importance of water activity
 The link between moisture content and water activity
 Definitions of water activity and equilibrium relative humidity
 Water activity and microbial spoilate
 Water activity and the mould-free shelf-life of a product
 Effects of packaging
 Water activity and product rancidity
 The influence of ingredients on water activity
 Sucrose equivalence

Moisture migration and its control in composite products

 Mechanisms of moisture migration

 Fruited cakes and breads
 Cream cakes
 Sugar-based toppings
 Savory pastry products
 Sweetened pastry products
 Using stabilizers to control moisture migration
 Moisture migration in composity biscuit products
 The application of moisture barriers
 Use of packaging materials
 Moisture migration and product shelf-life

Methods of determining moisture content and water availability

 Determination of product moisture content and water activity

 Measuring moisture content
 Oven drying methods
 Electrical methods
 Summary of instrument types used for moisture measurement
 Methods for the calculation of moisture content
 Methods for the measurement of water activity
 Preparing samples for ERH measurement
 Instrumental measurement of ERH
 Methods of calculating water activity and ERH
 Other methods for calculating water activity
 Software to calculate water activity

Strategies for extending product shelf life

 Manipulating water activity using ingredients

 Storage temperature
 Effects of pH
 Extending the product shelf-life by adjusting water content
 Changing salt levels
 Effects of sugars on the cake shelf-life
 Using humectants
 Summary of the effects of recipe changes to the cake shelf-life
 Using preservatives
 Reducing moisture migration
 Extending shelf-life by other means

Gourmet Bakers Lahore

April 12th, 2009
Gourmet Bakers has completely changed the bakery scene in Lahore. Before the launch of this chain in the city, we had Shezan and
United Bakers among the top bakery names. Now for the customers, Gourmet means neat and bright stores selling fresh and crispy stuff
across the city. Whether you are in an upscale area or in some part of old Lahore, you can be sure to find a Gourmet outlet near you.

With the passage of time, Gourmet has continued to expand its products range. Mineral water, soft drinks, ice cream and milk are the
examples. I love their ice cream, especially the mango flavour. Gourmet milk is great as well. It has to be stored at 4 Centigrade and
must be used before its expiry date.

A few days back, I had to return some packets of the milk to the bakery because the milk had gone bad although the expiry date was yet
to come. Therefore today, when I went to buy milk from Gourmet, I requested the salesman to give me the packets from the refrigerator.
But he insisted that he would give me the packets from the basket which was lying right next to him.

To avoid walking a few feet to the refrigerator, the Gourmet staff takes several milk packets out of the refrigerator and places them in a
basket close to where they are standing behind the counter. It makes the task easy for them but since the milk is no more refrigerated, it
turns bad and the customer has to suffer.

Over expansion in businesses leads to weakening of control over the affairs of the companies unless things are handled really properly. I
don’t think Gourmet would be able to stop their staff from the above said practice. They appear to be very keen to get suggestions and
complaints from their customers but later they don’t do anything to rectify the complaints.

For example, on different occasions in response to their demand for a feedback, I have tried to bring to their notice that the receipts that
we get from Gourmet cash registers do not mention names of the items and therefore they are just useless pieces of paper. All reasonably
modern stores issue receipts with names of the items bought mentioned on the receipt and therefore Gourmet too should find it possible
to do so.

Instead of paying any attention to this, they have now made the receipts even more nonsensical. Now you find electronics brand names
like Sharp written on the receipts while there is no mention of the name Gourmet itself. Such high degree of obscurity on the receipts
may not necessarily be related to tax evasion schemes but it is quite annoying for the customers.

Despite these snags, I continue to shop at Gourmet because their quality is still good. Also, I love their orange logo. And today while
trying to look for their website I came to know that a bakery in Jinnah Super Market, Islamabad is also using the name Gourmat Bakers
One bakery re known to everyone lives in Lahore; Gourmet, which gain achievement of getting
maximum share of sweets and bakery very speedily. It was really appreciable that how they
manage to give a good quality food in less price than other local bakeries were giving. Good
quality, less price, what other thing customer could wish. Oh yeah, Reach, so they have more
than 80 branches in Lahore and almost reach every part of population in the city.

After some time they started vertical integration and gives their own brand products like milk,
ice cream etc. Everything was going really fine and their market share was growing day by day.
They were already in a good pace but they become a bit impatient and started to launch their
products more often, products like their soft drinks and mineral water. It is also a good sign to
introduce more of their own products with no cost of distribution, as they only show their
products in their own branches, which are almost in every part of Lahore.

But I think due to their new products launch they compromised on the quality of already existing
products. They are unable to manage the quality of their sweets (mathai) which was the initial
recognition of Gourmet, and which is still a highly running item. It is not only me who has
experienced their low quality sweets in previous months but some other fans of Gourmet as well.
My favorite sweet Gulab Jaman have become so tasteless in Gourmet that I never wish to eat it
from there any more. Same is the case with other sweets and bakery items.

They have also started to raise the price day by day, everytime you go, you see the different
prices, which are higher than before. They have started to present the sweets in Tin packing
which weighs 200 grams rather than light cardboard packing. People started to hate them as they
get only 800 grams of sweets by paying the price of 1000 grams, 1/5 th part is missing in
packing. I am amazed if they would be unable to stand for their core values; quality & price, than
what would happened next.

I’ve seen many of the fans of Gourmet bakers including me who tries to avoid it as much as we
can. I wish they could stay more in the ‘mature’ area of product cycle graph showing at the top
of this post. Well they have felt the response of the customer on packing issue and came back to
the choice of customer, wheter a cardboard or Tin packing. It is a good sign and I want them to
learn lessons in a speed in which they are raising their prices nowadays. Learn early and do
something about it or they are already on the way of downfalling.

Publication: Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville)

Date: Monday, August 31 2009

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Florida's Department of Business and Professional Regulation says every public food service
establishment -- including vendors, caterers and restaurants -- is inspected twice a year. Follow-up visits
are made if results warrant. The department calls the reports "snapshots" of the establishment's condition

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Glass Inspection
Optical Inspection of float, coated and automotive glass
at inspection time. Locations are in Jacksonville unless noted.

Violations which, if left uncorrected, are more likely to directly contribute to food contamination, illness or
environmental degradation. Examples include not heating food to proper temperature and not keeping
proper sanitary conditions. These restaurants received 10 or more critical violations in recent inspections


Existence of critical violations found in an initial inspection requires administrative action to ensure

1.1: Collaboration of marketing objectives

Being the gourmet holds the most market share in the bakers now a days ,

the perceived quality and services of the company will help to ensure a

better than average chance at a successful introduction of a new product.

Gourmet is very famous for introducing the new products to spark long terms

sales. It’s the specialty of the gourmet bakers to introduce a new product

with recent trends, it’s also reduce the risk of failure. In recent years

gourmet bakers capture large share of the market.

If we talk about else then the bakery items, dairy, beverages, Sohn halwa,

and ice cream also taking good records of selling. The main goal of gourmet

bakers is to increase revenue and profits.

So by analyzing all these unique features of gourmet business the immediate positioning of

gourmet came to mind is that:

• It is sweet store which gives complete range of sweets,

• Employees in a uniform neat and clean.

• Gourmet products are high quality sweets and full of freshness and taste.

• Their packaging styles are highly personalized according to the choice of customer and related
to the event. Price vise their positioning as already said is low price targeting every class of

• Strategies to make the consumer aware of the existence of a product
or service
• NOT just advertising
1. Market share capture



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