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H Wenzl, Clausthal University of Technology,

Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
& 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction Cycle Life

The cycle life is given in a number of cycles. Factors
All electrochemical power sources deteriorate over time.
influencing cycle life are the average state-of-charge
In contrast to many other technologies, however, the (SoC), the range of SoC during the cycles, and the depth
deterioration tends to be slow and predictable, and
of discharge when starting with a fully charged battery.
catastrophic failure is rarely observed. Owing to the
Depending on chemistry, a full charge (e.g., lead–acid
gradual decline in performance, it is important to have a
batteries), or a maximum SoC at the end of charging (i.e.,
clear definition of what constitutes end of lifetime.
some types of lithium-ion batteries) is recommended for
The following terms are used to denote different as-
lifetime reasons. Figure 2 shows a typical diagram for the
pects of lifetime (see Figure 1).
number of cycles that are possible within the lifetime as a
function of depth of discharge. Cycle life is the service
Service Life life of a galvanic cell or supercapacitor if the application
Service life is the time between its initial use or com- consists mainly of discharge and charge cycles and rest
missioning of the power source in a complete system and periods, which occur in any application, do not contrib-
the end of its useful life. In some applications, e.g., in the ute significantly to aging. In cyclic operation, a capacity
space industry or military, commissioning does not mean loss by 20% is often used as end-of-life criterion.
the beginning of a discharge or recharge. During service, The term is not used for fuel cells and primary batteries.
there can be periods of rest, of standby operation, or
power delivery in any combination. The length of the Float Life
service life is influenced by maintenance issues, regular Float life is the service life of a galvanic cell or super-
servicing, and, where applicable, exchange of faulty parts capacitor under mainly float charging conditions, i.e., the
or components with a shorter life than the cells them- battery is maintained at a certain voltage or SoC for long
selves, e.g., filters in fuel cell systems. periods of time. Float life is most important in standby
Sometimes the time of the actual operation of emer- applications where the energy content is seldom called
gency power sources is called operating life. In emer- upon but the maximum energy content must always be
gency applications, for instance, the operating time may available. Here too, a capacity loss of 20% is often used
be a few minutes or even seconds after many years of as end-of-life criterion and the term is not applicable to
shelf life, which in this case includes the standby time fuel cells and primary batteries.
after installing the battery.
Shelf Life
Calendar Life
Shelf life or storage time is the maximum storage time of
This term is generally used as a synonym for service life. a battery under open-circuit voltage conditions. At the

100 000
Number of cycles

10 000

End of life

Shelf 1000
life Service life

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time Depth of discharge (%)

Figure 1 Schematic diagram of shelf life and service life Figure 2 Schematic diagram of number of cycles vs depth of
(calendar life). discharge for a lead–acid battery for industrial applications.

Batteries and Fuel Cells | Lifetime 553

end of storage, the battery must still be capable of ful- cell during charging of a lead–acid battery is a desirable
filling all requirements without a prior recharge. Some value at a low SoC whereas the same value increases
primary cells, e.g., lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4), corrosion and degradation of the active materials when
stored at 20 1C have a self-discharge rate of B1.5% per the battery is fully charged. H. Wenzl and coworkers have
year and can be used even after years of storage without introduced the term stress factor to describe combin-
significant loss of capacity. Cells with conventional nickel ations of operating conditions, which induce or accelerate
oxyhydroxide (NiOOH) electrodes, i.e., not low self- aging. The concept stress factor is the bridge between the
discharge nickel oxyhydroxide electrodes, have a shelf state variables V(t), I(t), c(t), SoC(t), etc. and the know-
life of a few weeks after which they need to be recharged ledge that certain combinations of these have a particu-
before they can be used. Recharging at the end of the larly detrimental effect. Such combinations are called for
shelf life may be able to restore a cell to a nearly new instance overcharging, deep discharge, cycling at partial
condition as all reversible self-discharge reactions can be SoC, etc. Other combinations of state variables can have a
removed provided that irreversible self-discharge re- very low impact on aging and lifetime.
actions can be neglected. Sometimes, the term shelf life The study of the long-term performance of power
or storage life is also used to describe the maximum time sources typically focuses on two areas, diagnosis and
of storage after which the cell can still be used if it is prognosis. Diagnosis involves the examination of power
recharged before use. Conventional sealed Ni–Cd or sources and the determination of the nature and cir-
Ni–MH cells are an example for this use of the term. cumstances of their deterioration. Prognosis involves the
The cells need to be recharged after being purchased and prediction of future performance and the eventual life-
before use, and their shelf life is understood as the time of the system.
maximum time of storage before irreversible self-dis- Besides their intrinsic structure, electrochemical
charge processes lead to unacceptable performance power sources are commonly fitted with auxiliary com-
losses. ponents, e.g., pumps for cooling, heating and fuel supply,
Figure 1 shows some of these concepts schematically. monitoring equipment, and connectors and reformers.
After the end of the shelf life, the capacity as lead per- The malfunction of these components may also lead to
formance value may decrease more quickly or more system deterioration. Lack of maintenance and abusive
slowly than before or may even increase sharply due to conditions also lead to a decrease in lifetime but are not
recharging. treated here, although they are the cause of many power
source failures.
Aging Processes and Stress Factors
Any deterioration of performance is the result of changes End of Lifetime
in the chemical composition, concentration, and spatial
distribution of active and passive components, collect- In many cases, a single technical parameter is used to
ively called aging processes. Many of these changes are define the end of lifetime of an electrochemical power
irreversible, but a few are reversible. For example, elec- source. For batteries and supercapacitors their charge
trolyte stratification in lead–acid batteries may be re- capacity is of most interest. Often, a battery with a cap-
versed by stirring, or liquid water in proton-exchange acity below 80% of its nominal value, measured under
membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), which blocks the mass nominal conditions, is considered to have reached the
transport, may be removed by purging. Any discussion of end of its life. In applications of lead–acid batteries for
aging must therefore take into account reversible effects uninterruptible power supply systems, a lower value such
as well as irreversible effects. Their interaction is also as 60% is also used sometimes. These values are based on
important. The investigation of individual aging pro- the expectation that the rate of capacity loss increases
cesses in isolation never allows the successful prediction very quickly once such a low value has been reached.
of lifetime of the power source. Qualibat, a research project by a number of European
Aging processes are caused by unfavorable values of research organizations, provides information that this
the operating conditions or state variables over time: expectation is not valid for certain types of applications.
voltage, temperature, current density, concentration, For fuel cells, the cell voltage at a given temperature,
pressure, etc. and in particular their combination. Re- current, and fuel utilization is the key criterion. A 10%
versible processes are not considered to be aging voltage decrease is often taken as end-of-lifetime
processes. criterion.
An individual value of a state variable such as voltage However, such a one-dimensional view does not take
alone does not necessarily provide information on the into account that there may be a number of different
rate of aging processes or the deterioration, which has properties of interest in addition to sufficient capacity,
already been reached. A voltage of, for example, 2.4 V per e.g., low self-discharge rate, good charge acceptance, and
554 Batteries and Fuel Cells | Lifetime

Lifetime as a multidimensional vector integral effect of all aging effects is measured in one
100% parameter.
There are other definitions used for SoH, for example

Starting of ICE
based on the voltage of a power source after N charge–
100% 100% discharge cycles:
Ca g
pa kin
cit r an ty
y c i Vn 2Vthreshold
ld ac SoH ¼
Co cap V1 2Vthreshold
e acc
where V1 is the voltage of the battery at a specified point
esis eptan
tion r in the first discharge half-cycle, Vn is the voltage of the

100% 100% battery at the same point in the nth discharge half-cycle,


and Vthreshold is the minimum voltage acceptable for the





End of life is reached if the value of SoH is zero.


The SoF describes the ability of an electrochemical

100% 100% power source to fulfill certain functions, for instance,
Lowest acceptable value to fulfill the function starting of an internal combustion engine or providing
heat and power in stationary applications of fuel cells.
Value for a new starter battery
E. Meissner defined the SoF for starting as
Figure 3 Diagram showing schematically the end-of-lifetime
criteria for a starter battery as a multidimensional vector. ICE, Vmin  V1
internal combustion engine. SoF ¼
Vfresh  V1

where Vmin is the minimum voltage during the starting

low internal resistance for power. Some requirements process, V1 is the lowest acceptable voltage during the
may even be nontechnical, such as economical fuel starting process, and Vfresh is the minimum voltage of a
utilization and a high electrical efficiency. Therefore, battery in new and good condition during the starting
end of life should be considered as a multidimensional process.
problem, each dimension corresponding to a function SoF describes the performance of the power source as
that the power source has to fulfill. Failure to fulfill any is and depends on the SoC, temperature, SoH, and re-
one of these functions may then be considered to mean duction of performance due to reversible effects. For
that the product has reached the end of its useful life. each function that a power source has to fulfill (energy
Figure 3 illustrates this idea in the form of a multivector that can be delivered or stored, power that can be sup-
plot for lead–acid batteries for automotive applications. plied or taken up, self-discharge rate, charge acceptance,
The concepts state-of-health (SoH) and state-of- etc.), an appropriate definition of SoF has to be chosen.
function (SoF) are useful when discussing end of lifetime. End of life is reached when at least one function cannot
An overview is given by E Meissner and G Richter for be carried out anymore, i.e., its SoF is zero.
lead–acid batteries. They use the terms as follows:

Common Aging Processes

Cact  Cthreshold
SoH ¼
Cfresh  Cthreshold Aging processes that are the result of mechanical damage
or poor maintenance (water on the cell container leading
where Cact is the capacity of the battery under reference to self-discharge, lack of water in flooded aqueous sys-
discharge and charge conditions, i.e., nominal discharge tems) are not considered here. Also, aging effects as a
current and nominal temperature after a full charge; result of poor material choice, (e.g., cell containers or
Cthreshold is the minimum capacity acceptable for the other passive components, which leach materials and
application; and Cfresh is the capacity of a new battery poison the system) are not considered either.
under reference discharge and charge conditions. Aging processes can be divided into those that affect
As the capacity of lead–acid batteries can increase the functions used for the end-of-life criteria of the
after cycling beyond the value of Cfresh, this definition of battery directly and those that affect secondary require-
SoH may lead to a value above 1. If the reference charge ments, such as the recharging characteristics or the ex-
conditions have been chosen well, the SoH in this def- change current density of the side reactions. Changes in
inition describes a battery where all reversible effects that these secondary requirements have no direct effect on
lead to a loss of performance have been removed and the performance values but make the use of the system more
Batteries and Fuel Cells | Lifetime 555

difficult and thus may cause indirectly a loss of per- The microstructures of various power sources may be
formance values. An increase in the side reactions during damaged in the following ways:
charging, for instance, increases the temperature during
charging and slows down the charging process. Ultim- • Ostwald ripening
This describes the thermodynamic tendency of large
ately it is difficult to achieve full charge, particularly if
numbers of small particles to grow into a small
charging time or power is restricted as in vehicles and
number of large particles, having a smaller surface
renewable energy systems, and the battery may begin to
area. The catalysts in fuel cells and the lead sulfate in
age as a result of these effects.
lead–acid batteries are well known to be affected by
Although aging processes are technology specific,
this problem.
most can be considered under a few general sections, as
follows. • Changes as a result of the charging and discharging process
(batteries only)
The charged and discharged materials may have very
Corrosion of Grids, Internal Connectors
different properties. In addition to changes of the spe-
of the Cell, and Catalysts
cific volume, which affect all electrochemical couples
Corrosion of grid materials and catalysts is a function used in batteries, there may be differences in crystal
mainly of local voltage, local concentrations of reactants, structure and electrical conductivity. The change of
and temperature. The corrosion rate is usually highly specific volume tends to crack and destroy the active
nonlinear with voltage. Within certain voltage ranges, mass. Certain lithium alloys for instance suffer a volume
corrosion processes may be extremely slow or non- increase of as much as 700% between its maximum and
existent. Elsewhere, they can be very high indeed. minimum loading with lithium and the electrode
structure is destroyed. In lead–acid batteries, a number
• ohmic
Corrosion of grid materials leads to an increased
resistance and an uneven current distribution.
of aging processes are due to the fact that lead sulfate
has twice the specific volume of lead dioxide and lead.
In batteries, if the current path is disrupted as a result
of corrosion, the internal resistance of the battery may • Loss of contact with active mass particles in the electrode
The electrical conductivity of the active mass depends
become very high and the battery may fail completely.
on physical contact between constituent particles.
If explosive gases are present, there is a danger of
Changes in the particle size distribution of active
explosion in the instance when the current path breaks
materials, and the volumetric changes during charge/
discharge, can damage the electrical contact and may
• The corrosion of the catalysts in fuel cells leads to a
reduction in the active surface area and increases the
also lead to a reduced mechanical stability of the
electrode materials.
overpotential for a given current.
• The effect of corrosion can lead to mechanical dam-
age of the cell. In lead–acid batteries, the positive pole
In a few exceptional cases, the microstructure can be
regenerated by an appropriate discharging and charging
expands and may cause rupture of the cell container regime. The well-known ‘memory effect’ of Ni–Cd bat-
and leakage of the electrolyte. teries is an example of this.
• Corrosion processes may also leach impurities from
various components and thereby cause catalytic poi- Contact Problems between Electrolyte Solution
soning (or catalyze side reactions). and Active Materials
The electrical contact resistances between all com-
Changes in the Microstructure of Materials ponents must be as low as possible and very uniform. In
addition, the wetting properties of the electrolyte solu-
Many electrochemical power sources depend on
tion inside the active mass and the separator must be very
high-porosity or high-surface-area materials. In super-
capacitors, the electrodes typically consist of finely good. Usually there are few problems, but whenever the
electrolyte solution is immobilized in a matrix (gel in
divided carbon, which must be able to absorb electrolyte
certain types of lead–acid batteries, or polymer in lith-
solution easily. In fuel cells, the catalyst on the membrane
ium-ion cells), physical contact problems may arise. The
must be very finely dispersed and must also provide a
delamination of the membrane electrode assembly in
multitude of three-phase boundaries where the ion-
PEMFCs is another example of such contact problems.
conducting material and the electron-conducting ma-
terial meet, and where the fuel is freely available. In
Effect of Impurities
batteries, the active mass can best be described as an
intimate mixture of electrochemically active solid par- Impurities can affect the catalytic properties at the elec-
ticles interspersed with ionically conducting electrolyte trode/electrolyte interface, leading to chemical reactions
solution. and changes of crystal structure in active and passive
556 Batteries and Fuel Cells | Lifetime

BCI 2005 survey failure modes of batteries removed from service battery life
80% Combined

Cumulative battery life






0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132
Months in service

Figure 4 Starting, lighting, ignition (SLI).

Pass/no pass = end of lifetime

Effect on performance/state of function


Ageing mechanisms









ll c




Operating conditions

User requirements

Battery properties

Stress factors

Cross matrix to correlate the most


Voltage important impacts of stress

factors on the aging
Partial cycling mechanisms of cells and other
battery failure mechanisms

Time at low SoC

Figure 5 Diagram showing schematically the interaction among operating conditions, stress factors, aging processes, and lifetime for
a lead–acid battery. SoC, state-of-charge.

components. Impurities may be introduced by production Lead–acid batteries for forklift trucks used in refrigerated
processes, leaching processes, or may be present in fuel warehouses have a longer lifetime than those used in other
supplies (e.g., sulfur in fuel cells) or electrolyte top-up. applications and the lifetime of starter batteries in vehicles
correlates with the average yearly temperature of the state
in which the vehicle is used (see Figure 4).
Low temperature, particularly during rest periods or
The rate of all chemical reactions increases with in- during storage prior to use, therefore increases the lifetime.
creasing temperature, as a rule by a factor of two for each Power sources with high operating temperatures, e.g.,
10 K temperature increase. As a result, the rate of all self- solid oxide fuel cell systems or NaNiCl2 batteries, have
discharge reactions and chemical degradation processes to be heated up before use and, depending on appli-
doubles as well. In high-temperature conditions therefore, cation, are allowed to cool down when the system is not
the lifetime decreases. This is shown not only in many in use. The different thermal expansion coefficients of
datasheets of manufacturers but also in a field result. the materials and temperature gradients during the
Batteries and Fuel Cells | Lifetime 557

Table 1 Qualitative description of the relationships among some stress factors encountered in the use of lead–acid batteries for
renewable energy applications and aging processes
Aging processes Corrosion of the Hard/irreversible Shedding (loss of Water loss/drying out Active mass
positive grid sulfation material) degradation
(reduction of
Stress factors
Long time at low Indirect through A strong positive No direct impact None None
states of charge low acid correlation: longer
concentration time at a low SoC
and low accelerates hard/
potentials irreversible
Ah throughput No impact No direct impact Impact through No direct impact Loss of active
mechanical material
stress surface, larger
Charge factor A strong indirect Negative correlation, Strong impact Strong impact No direct impact
impact because impact through through gassing
a high charge regimes with high
factor and an charge factors,
extensive which decrease the
charge is risk of sulfation
associated with
a high charging
voltage (high
polarization of
Time between full Strong negative Strong positive Negative Negative correlation No direct impact
charge correlation: correlation: correlation,
shorter time frequent full increasing with
increases recharge decreasing time
corrosion decreases hard/
Temperature Strong impact, High temperature No direct impact Increasing with Low impact; high
positive helps to fully increasing temperature
correlation recharge the temperature degrades
battery (more negative
sulfate can be electrode
recharged). On the expanders
other hand, high
temperature leads
to more hard
sulfate at a low
A positive correlation means that the aging process is accelerated if the stress factor increases.

heating processes are potentially very damaging. The and an increase in the size of the hole. Ultimately the
number of thermal cycles for these systems is still very cell is destroyed. Similar effects are associated
limited and may determine the end of lifetime. with dendrite formation in batteries charged at high
All of the above effects lead to (1) decrease in the
Some power sources have failure modes that are dif-
amount of available active material, (2) decrease in the
ficult to detect and lead to a sudden failure of the power
effective area for charge/discharge, (3) higher ohmic
source. An example is corrosion of the group bar and
resistances, and (4) poor current distribution.
interconnectors in lead–acid batteries. The corrosion
attack is very difficult to detect during operation, par-
Short Circuits
ticularly during float charging. Once a component breaks
If the membrane of a fuel cell develops pinholes, then as a result of corrosion, the battery does not conduct
these may act as short circuits between adjacent cells electricity and, if the component breaks in an unfortunate
resulting in decreased efficiency, increased temperature, place, the battery may explode.
558 Batteries and Fuel Cells | Lifetime

Combination of Aging Effects Vmin minimum voltage during the starting

All aging processes take place in parallel and affect each Vn voltage of the battery at a specified
other. The end of lifetime of an electrochemical power point in the nth discharge
source is therefore the result of the complex interactions half-cycle
between the aging processes. Vthreshold minimum voltage acceptable for the
Figure 5 and Table 1 show the interactions among application
operating conditions, stress factors, and aging processes for Abbreviations and Acronyms
a lead–acid battery, and include a feedback loop that so- AM active mass
phisticated energy management systems could use. It ICE internal combustion engine
should be noted particularly that it may be beneficial for an PEMFC proton-exchange membrane fuel
aged battery to be operated differently than a new battery, cell
with an operating regime specially adapted to its age. SLI starting, lighting, ignition
Table 1 shows stress factors for lead–acid batteries SoC state-of-charge
and their impact on different aging processes. The impact SoF state-of-function
of temperature on aging processes is particularly note- SoH state-of-health
worthy. A high temperature is usually detrimental, but a
high temperature toward the end of charging will im-
prove the charge efficiency because lead sulfate dissolves
more quickly, making it more easily accessible to charg-
ing. Overcharging and active mass deterioration from
gassing and high charging voltage is then reduced. In See also: Electrochemical Theory: Corrosion.
contrast, high temperature at medium or low SoC at rest
is detrimental because it accelerates Ostwald ripening.
Further Reading
Summary Demettre D, Mattera F, Malbranche P, and Métain S (2000) Qualibat –
investigations for a quicker assessment of lifetime and other key
characteristics of photovoltaic batteries. Publishable Final Report of
The lifetime of an electrochemical power source depends the Project Funded in Part by the European Union, JOR3-CT97-
on the operating conditions of the application and the 0161.
interaction of different aging processes. Often the end of Meissner E and Richter G (2005) The challenge to the automotive
battery industry; the battery has to become an increasingly
lifetime is the result of a number of different aging pro- integrated component within the vehicle electric power system.
cesses, which together reduce the performance capability. Journal of Power Sources 144: 438--460.
As the rate of degradation is usually slow and predictable, Sauer DU (2003) Optimierung des Einsatzes von Blei-Säure-
Akkumulatoren in Photovoltaik-Hybrid-Systemen unter spezieller
there is no clear end of lifetime and the criterion for end of Berücksichtigung der Batteriealterung. Dissertation, University of
lifetime has to be defined application specific. Ulm, Germany, June.
Sauer DU and Wenzl H (2008) Comparison of different approaches
for lifetime prediction of electrochemical systems – using lead–
acid batteries as example. Journal of Power Sources 176(2):
Nomenclature Sinyama K, Magari Y, Akita H, et al. (2005) Investigations into
the deterioration in storage characteristics of nickel–metal
Symbols and Units hydride batteries during cycling. Journal of Power Sources 143:
Cact capacity of the battery under 265–269.
Vetter J, Novak P, Veit C, et al. (2005) Ageing mechanisms in lithium-
reference discharge and charge ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 147: 269--281.
conditions Wenzl H, Baring-Gould I, Kaiser R, et al. (2005) Life prediction of
Cfresh capacity of the new battery under batteries for selecting the technically most suitable and cost
effective battery. Journal of Power Sources 144(2): 373--384.
reference discharge and charge Wright RB and Motloch CG (2001) Calendar-life studies of advanced
conditions technology development program Gen 1 lithium ion batteries. Report
Cthreshold minimum capacity acceptable for the by US Department of Energy DOE/ID-10844.
Yokokawa H, Tu H, Iwanschitz B, and Mai A (2008) Fundamental
application mechanisms limiting solid oxide fuel cell durability. Journal of Power
V1 voltage of the battery at a specified Sources 182: 400--412.
point in the first discharge Zamel N and Li X (2006) Life cycle comparison of fuel cell vehicles and
internal combustion engine vehicles for Canada and the United
half-cycle States. Journal of Power Sources 167: 1241--1253.
Vfresh minimum voltage of a battery in a
new and good condition during the
starting process

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