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Kryptall Prevents Cellular Phone Tracking

Governments, marketing companies and hackers have wanted access to cellular phone locations for
years. The privacy concern is that if governments can track the location than so may hackers,
business competitors and criminals. KryptAll prevents cellular phone tracking while keeping your
calls and calling records secure.

Wilmington, DE, May 19, 2020 --( Governments, marketing companies and hackers have
wanted access to cellular phone locations for years. Governments around the world are now gaining
access to track cellular phones under the request to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. The privacy
concern is that if governments can track the location then so may hackers, business competitors and
criminals. KryptAll prevents cellular phone tracking while keeping your calls and calling records secure.

Privacy has been challenged in the past as stated in articles by ZDNet and Vice Motherboard that
revealed an industry of middlemen that acquired location information and resold it to companies. Raising
security concerns such as stalkers be able to buy their victims' location information. Effecting the safety
of every cellular phone user.

Forbes informs that as of April 3, Google provides, “generalized tracking data for 131 countries and
regions, to chart movement trends over time by geography, across different high-level categories of
places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and

Tracking has been going on for some time. As Forbes stated, “the main difference now is that
governments are also accessing this data.”

Coronavirus was the justification of this invasion of privacy to make it sound helpful and wise but now
coronavirus phone tracking now impacts us all - and this is just the start.

Citizens do not have to fall prey to being tracked. The global network of KryptAll servers that manage the
calls are encrypted with 3 levels of encryption, in order to guarantee the impossibility of tampering even
by the KryptAll personnel. Secure phones such as KryptAll provide secure encrypted calling without
calling records and protects from location tracking.

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