Actividad Ingles

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You will look at ten photographs. For each photograph you will hear four statements.

will have to choose which statement has the best description of the picture.
first photograph

A) B) C) D)

Second photograph

A) B) C) D)

Third photograph

A) B) C) D)

TOEIC Practice - Part 3: Short Conversations

In this part you will listen to a short conversation between a man and a woman. After
the conversation, you will answer three questions about the dialogue. There will be
four possible answers for each question. Typical questions include, who, what, where,
when, why, and how. You may also be asked to make an inference.
Example 1:
First you will hear a short conversation
1. What are the man and woman mainly discussing?
A) A vacation B) A budget C) A company policy D) A conference
2. How is the woman traveling?
A) By plane B) By bus C) By taxi D) By car
3. Why aren't the man and woman going together?
A) The woman needs to arrive earlier. B) The man has to work overtime.
C) The woman dislikes air travel. D) The man has to go to the bank first.
Example 2 Office mates:
4. What does the man have to do today?
A) Visit his lawyer B) Get a massage C) Go to the doctor D) Make an
5. What can be inferred from the conversation?
A) The woman is the man's receptionist. B) The lawyer works in the same
C) The woman has no deadlines today. D) The man and woman have a
meeting this afternoon.
6. What does the woman offer to do for the man?
A) Answer his phone B) Call his lawyer C) Pick up the newspaper D) Take
notes at the meeting
Invitation to the party
You will hear a short recorded message. First, read the notes below. Then listen and
complete the notes with information from the message.
Call from: _________nadia_______________
Reason for party: _____________________
Date of party: _______________________
Time of party: ______________________
Name of house: ____________________
What to bring: _____________________
Reading, part 1
There are 5 questions in this quiz. Read each text and select the missing word or phrase.

1 make
Fun Day
Victoria Park 11 am-8 pm
Saturday 8th August
- Singing competition
- Barbeque miss
- Fireworks
One day only- don´t.______miss______ . it!

2 Open it up
Take it out
Your dinner is already in the oven.___warm it
up________ for ten minutes, Warm it up
Don´t leave it in the oven too long.
3 Visiting hours
Green Manor Hospital
Meal times
_______ Visiting hours _____________
14:00- 16:00 and 18:00-20:00 Business hours
If you cannot come at these times, please speak to the
nurse in charge

4 drink lots of water

Enjoy the hot weather this summer
BUT eat lots of ice cream
Protect yourself from burning
- keep in the shade use lots of sun screen
- _________ drink lots of water
- put on a hat
- wear long sleeves

5 low prices
Window cleaner
I am in your area on Thursdays great windows
- low prices
- friendly service free returns
- no job too small
Call Nick on 01322456672

PTE General Level 2 Listening, part 1

You will have 10 seconds to read each question and the corresponding options. Then listen
to the recording. After the recording you will have 10 seconds to choose the correct option.
There are 10 questions in this section.

Why is he giving information? A to tell people there is a problem on the

A to tell people there is a problem on the trains
trains B to tell people they might be delayed on
the roads
C to tell people they might not fly today
Where is he? A in a supermarket
in the kitchen of a restaurant B in the kitchen of a restaurant
C in a market place
What kind of charity does she support? A a homeless charity
B a children’s charity
C an animal charity
Who is the woman? A the swimmer’s mother
B a news reporter
C the swimmer’s teacher
What is the man doing? A buying a train ticket
B planning a journey
C getting directions to the station
How does the customer feel? A She’s satisfied with every aspect of the
B She’s not satisfied with the food.
C She’s not satisfied with the drink.
What is the result of the conversation? A The woman gives money to the charity.
B The woman doesn’t give money to the
C The woman will give money to charity
the following day.
What are the two people doing? A thanking
B persuading
C complaining
What’s the result of the phone call? A The customer books a table for Saturday.
B The customer books a table for Sunday.
C The customer doesn’t book a table at the
Thai Garden.

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