Brite Toolkit B

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My BRiTE Toolkit

Date: 19/05/2020 5:22 PM

Module "B": Building resilience................................................................................................................ 2

Module "B": Building resilience
How do you define resilience?
· The ability to get back up and try again when you fail or don't do something as well as you like.
Resilience is also key when reflecting upon situations to improve them into the future.
· Mindfulness and being kind to yourself and others are important aspects of improving resilience.
· Allowing people to make mistakes is key when building resilience.
How would you describe a resilient teacher?
· Able to deal with situations as they arise
· Has time management skills to balance work and outside of work life
· Has a positive attitude and outlook that students benefit from and can develop for themselves
· Willingness to learn and improve
· Is able to bounce back or get back up after a negative experience
· Having a good sense of humour and ability to laugh at yourself
· "A resilient teacher is “A person who utilises inner resources (strength) and external resources
(such as peers) to overcome challenges of the profession”"
· "A resilient teacher sees each challenge as a way to grow stronger"
· "A resilient teacher views their teaching as a work in process, always changing and growing for the
What do the experts say?
· "“both the capacity of individuals to navigate their way to the psychological, social, cultural, and
physical resources that sustain their well-being, and their capacity individually and collectively to
negotiate for these resources to be provided in culturally meaningful ways.” (Resilience Research
Centre, 2014)"
· "Researchers have also defined teacher resilience, for example,

“process of development that occurs over time” involving “the ability to adjust to varied situations
and increase one’s competence in the face of adverse conditions” (Bobek, 2002, p. 202)
“specific strategies that individuals employ when they experience an adverse situation” (Castro,
Kelly & Shih, 2010, p. 623).
“a mode of interacting with events in the environment that is activated and nurtured in times of
stress (Tait, 2008, p. 58).
“a quality that enables teachers to maintain their commitment to teaching … despite challenging
conditions and recurring setbacks” (Brunetti, 2006, p. 813)

For a review of the literature regarding teacher resilience, see Beltman, Mansfield, & Price, (2011).
· "“teacher resilience is not primarily associated with the capacity to ‘bounce back’ or recover from
highly traumatic experiences and events but, rather, the capacity to maintain equilibrium and a
sense of commitment and agency in the everyday worlds in which teachers teach” (p. 5)."
Little wisdoms
· ""When I encourage someone else, I see it as an investment in their resilience" - Steve
Karagiannis. "
· "“The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall” - Nelson
Mandela. "

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