12th CH 8 English Synonyms

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FREEILM.COM (©). O@OO© FREEILM.COM Chapter: 08 China Way to Progress [Sran Words ‘Meanings 1. | flexible bendable, pliant, elastic 2,_| counter ‘oppose, resist, combat 3._| rigid fixed, strict, firm 4. | disregard slight, neglect, inattention 5. | attic storage, chamber, cellar 6 | bang burst, boom, cash, pop 7,_| occidentals western, westerly(countries) 8. | launch begin, start, initiate 9. | hug embrace, squeeze, hold 10. | devoted loyal, faithful, true 11. | quasi- ‘as if, having someone, resembling 12. | pilgrimage haj religious expedition, holy expedition 13. | battalions crowd, mob, throng, host 14, [end up Tesulbjinto, conclude, to reach a final condition 15. | dislocate |put out ofjoint, put out of place, disjoint 16. | delegation ‘mission, delegates, envoys 17. | souvenir a remembrance, a memory, @ token, reminder 18. | queue Tine, row, train, 19. | recognize accept, admit, grant 20. | mounting increasing, multiplying, growing 21. | awareness consciousness, sense, knowledge 22. | absurdity silliness, folly, foolishness 33. | oblivion inattention, negligence, disregard. ‘24. | guilt complex ‘guilt 25. | conservative ‘tonyentional, traditional, orthodox: 26. | bourgeois conventional, traditional, ordinary 27, | confront face, tackle, undertake 28. | enigma puzzle, riddle, problem 29. | colonial of or pertaining to a colony or colonies 30. | communist pertaining to communism, socialist 31. | come to power ‘gain power, to have authority, to govern 32. | iron age ‘when iron was commonly used for making tools and weapon 33. | economy ‘wealth, resources, financial management 34, | inheritance legacy, heritage, birthright 35. | shattering injurious, harmful, adverse 36. | experience involvement, observation, understanding. 37. | pervasive pervading, suffusive, extensive 38. | impact effect, results, impression 39, | schizophrenia Split personality, dual personality, personality disorder 40._| split cloven, cleft, disunited FREEILM.cOM © @@QO rereeim.com FREEILM.coM @ @@QO reeeim.com FREEILM.COM (©). O@OO© FREEILM.COM aftermath effect, results, outcome . | unfortune adverse, unfavourable, hostile 43. | heritage history, tradition, background 44, | mass pertaining to a large number of people 45. | withstand resist, fight, oppose 46. | ascetic fakir, recluse, hermit 47. | militant fighter, warrior, soldier 48. | root source, origin, basis 49. | plague ‘annoy, irritate, bother 50. | nutrition subsistence, food, nutriment BI. | gross plain, blatant, apparent 52. | inequalities imbalance, difference, unequalness 53. | consumption using up, expending, expenditure 54. | expansion enlargement, increase, extension 55. | decentralized distributed, spread out, dispersed 36. | automobiles car, motor car, motor, vehicles 57. | quote cite, mention, refer to 58. | neon lighted lit, bright, shining 59. | sign notice, board, marker 60. | exodus migration, fight, withdrawal 61. | peasant ‘small farmer, son of the soil, rustic. 62. | flight running away, fleeingadepanture, exit 63. | stay put dwell at, stay, reside at 64. | carry on ‘keep on, continue, maintain 65. | intensive total, complete, full 66. | caution care, attention, mindfulness 67. | deprived lacking, in heed, needy 68. | urbanise

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