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FREEILM.COM (©). O@OO© FREEILM.COM Chapter: 10 The jewel of the world Br. m Words Meanings 1._| dynasty line, rule, reign, government 2,_| accession inheritance, succession, accede to throne 3. | signalized indicated, highlighted, marked out ¢._| ruthless merciless, savage, fierce, brutal, unforgiving 3._| extermination dying out, death, vanishing, ending, 6._| victor winner, champion, conquering hero 7. | lay their hands catch, seize, arrest, grip 8. | aquiline eagle-like, hooked, curved 9._ | exceptional ‘excellent, extraordinary, special, superior 10. | make one’s way proceed, go on, move on, go ahead 11. | wiped out killed, destroyed, eradicated 2. [escape Tuning away, flight, fleeing 13. | Bedouin an Arab of the desert, nomadic, wandering 14. | Dash rush, hurry, hasten 15. | Evidently obviously, clearly, undoubtedly 16. | Heed altend to, take notice of, consider, note 17. | Reassurance ‘word, guarantee, promise, vow, dath 18. | gain reach, arrive at, come to getto, attain 19. | penniless without a penny, poor, hard up, destitute 20. | set out/off depart, leave, embark, start out 21. | barely. hardly, scarcely, only just, just 22, [ assassination ‘murder killing, slaying, death 23. | pursued followed, chased, tracked, shadowed 24. | spy enemy agent, secret agent, intelligence agent 25. | refuge shelter, safety, security, protection 26. | subjugation Stibjugate, defeatyovercome, Conquer gainmastery over 27. | persist ‘Bon, keep On, continue, catty On» 28. | contest challenge, oppose, dispute, compete, fight, battle 29. | foe ‘enemy, opponent, rival, adversary. 30. | fervent passionate, ardent, intense, emotional 31, | rejoinder answer, response, reply, counterattack 32, | chiefly mainly, mostly, commonly, usually 33._| adversaries ‘opponents, opposers, enemies, foes 34. | favour ‘goodwill, service, approval, support, aid 35. | sermon preaching, teaching, speech, address 36. | delivered ultered, voiced, spoken, given, expressed, declared, announced, read 37. | title name, epithet, designation 38. | successor heir, next-in-line 39, | contented satisfied, pleased, happy, glad, cheerful 40._| shake off ‘get away from, throw off, get rid of, elude 41, | recognize ‘admitted, acknowledged, known, approved ®, [realm Kingdom, country, empire, domain, state FREEILM.cOM © @@QO FREEILM.coM @ @@QO FREEILM.COM (©). O@OO© FREEILM.COM | eonesottetate «| stable, regular, centralize, small . | tum to pay attention to, pay heed to, take notice of, attend to 5. | domain realm, kingdom, empire, state, dominion 7%. | aqueduct channel, race, watercourse, waterway 47. | erect build, construct, raise 48. | imitation resemblance, copying, taking as a model 49, | ancestor progenitor, forerunner, forebear 50. | villa ‘a pompous residence, a country residence, estate 51, | exotic foreign, non-native, imported, alien, 52. | verses Poetry, poem, lyric, ode, song 53. | found build, lay the foundations of, construct 34. | rival ‘equal, match, peer, fellow 35. | shrine temple, holy place 56. | forest a thick cluster of vertical objects 57. | column pillar, shaft 38. | cathedral church, of or pertaining to a bishop's throne 59, | boast possess, have, own, enjoy, pride 60. | arch archway, vault 61. | initiate institute, originate, launch, begin 62. | glorious excellent, magnificent, supreme, fine 63. | envoy a 64. | byzantine Consiantinople, Istanbul 65. | monarch: ruler, crowned head, | peror 66. | inhabitant resident, resider, dweller, habitant. 67. | yield give up, surrender, give way to 68. | magnificence glory, majesty, pomp, brilliance ®. | basin container, bowl, dish, pan 70. | statue sculpture, figure, representation 71. | beast of burden’ an animal that does heavy work 72. | illustrious famousawell-known, nobel, g 74. | reduce to re eto © 75. | order lawfulness, discipline, peace, law and order 76. | sagacity insight, understanding, good sense 77. | reign monarchy, sovereignty, power, rule 78._| proclamation ‘announcement, pronouncement, declaration 79. | mark identify, distinguish, indicate 80. | height peak, climax, perfection ‘81. | cultured learned, polished, refined 82. | inspire excite, stir, inflame, encourage ®. | awe honour, respect, veneration 1. | bordering ‘adjoining, situated at the edge 85. | subsequently succeeding, future, following ensuing 86. | threshold ‘doorway, doorstep, entry 87. | ankle the joint which connects the foot with the leg, 38. | saxon ‘a race of a Germanic people ®. [nun ‘a priestess FREEILM.cOM © @@QO FREEILM.coM @ @@QO FREEILM.COM (©). O@OO© FREEILM.COM style now call, term, name, label weavers ‘one who weaves, knitter, artisan, spinner 92. | tanning crushed bark of trees 98. | embossing to raise surface designs in relief 94. | raising bring up, rear, grow 9. | monopoly control of the trade in a commodity, service 96. | thrive prosper, succeed, advance, get ahead 97. | pottery ceramics, earthenware, stoneware 98. | mine pit, quarry, deposit 99. | ruby ‘gem, pearl, jewel 100. plain flatland, lowland, grassland 101. | inlay Put in, inset, decorate 102. peninsula 2 piece of land that is almost an island 108. peasantry ‘small farmer, son oF soil, rustic 104, glory splendour, magnificence, grandeur, majesty 105. extensive ‘wide, Targe, broad, vast 106. | amphitheatre stadium like 107. | numerous ‘many, very many, innumerable 108. | cascade Waterfall, falls, Fountain 109. | shrub tree, bush, a young tree T10. | consumption using, ancy ‘utilization TH | nautical THD. | testify THB. | supremacy, oy TIA. | coinage ‘currency, system of coins, the process of making, coins 115. patronize ‘be a patron of, sponsor, fund, aid, support 116. | principal Chief, leading, important, main, major 117. | pro-eminence merit value, worth, reputation: T18. | mosaic decorative pattern, decorative material 119. | endowment ft, present, donation, and 120. | salary ay, earnings, Remuneration TI. | of first magnitude ‘of the gz icance, very 122. | ransack iix ra pr. prin ={-Om i wihaviwo 124. | manuscript book, vale, publication manual 125. | catalogue index list record 126. | secure get, buy, purchase 127. | descendant issue, offspring, successors 128. | distinguished famous, notable, prominent 129. | enthusiastically eagerly, Kenly, excitedly 130,| rudiments ‘asics, a mere bepinning, first principles For More: Please visit FREE ILM ( FREEILM.cOM © @@QO FREEILM.coM @ @@QO

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