Thompson Coburn (DJ 5-4-20)

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MONDAY, MAY 4, 2020


Getting back to work: the employer’s risks

By Arthur F. Silbergeld symptoms. While difficult to such as fever, chills, cough, room/wysk/wysk_ada_rehabil-
and Kacey Riccomini prove, the litigation would shortness of breath, or other itation_act_coronavirus.cfm.
be costly. Employers should symptoms which the CDC has

s employers contem- review Centers for Disease noted, including loss of smell Absences/Returning to Work
plate re-opening busi- Control and Prevention guide- and gastrointestinal problems While the ADA and the Califor-
nesses and returning lines, including its Traveler’s like diarrhea and vomiting. nia Family Rights Act, among
employees to work, they face a Health Notice prior to allow- Employers have wider dis- others, allow employers to re-
number of litigation risks from ing employees to travel. Fur- cretion both on testing of em- quire a medical certification
the very workers they are put- that an employee is fit to return
ting back on the active payroll. If employees return to work and then to work, most health care pro-
Carefully addressing key legal viders may be too busy or too
issues may help to ensure a
one of them has COVID-19 symptoms, backlogged to accommodate all
healthy workforce and avoid the employer may be obligated to notify of the requests of their patients
the more expensive of these who are going back to work.
coworkers with whom he or she has had When certification is not possi-
OSHA Issues. Cal-OSHA contact of potential exposure. ble, a form from a local clinic
requires that employers main- may be requested or, at the very
tain a workplace that is safe ther guidance is at www.dir. ployees as they return to work least, a form which the employ-
and healthful. Labor Code Sec- dosh/coronavirus/Gen- and taking their temperatures. er prepares for each employee
tion 6300 et seq. Among many eral-Industry. html. Employers Test kits are still largely un- to sign stating that he or she no
considerations are: immedi- in large office buildings should available, and may not come longer has the virus or its symp-
ately sending employees with know procedures the building into employers’ hands before toms, or does not currently
respiratory symptoms home, management has established businesses are allowed to re- symptoms, and has not know-
offering training on coughing for sanitizing public areas and open. However, digital ther- ingly had personal contact with
and sneezing behavior, hav- restrooms, parking structures, mometers can be easily pur- anyone who tested positive, had
ing sufficient supplies in the security desks, elevators, es- chased. As employees line up symptoms, or travelled to areas
washrooms and hand sanitizer calators, and entryways. Alerts (perhaps each day) to have their where symptoms were known
in visible placements, provid- should be available for all ten- temperatures taken, some few to be prevalent.
ing protective equipment, and ants if any occupant tests pos- will have higher than normal
even redesigning workspace itive. temperatures and be told they The Privacy Issue
to enable better social distanc- cannot come to work. Any one The California Constitution
ing. Employers may need to The Testing Issue of them may have other symp- protects the right of privacy, as
provide, and employees may The Equal Employment Op- toms that have been associated do various laws and many court
need to wear masks and, in portunity Commission released with COVID-19. Moreover, if decisions affecting personal
some cases, gloves for some guidance on April 23 covering this occurs on the second or and health information. HIPPA
time. If employees return to COVID-19, essentially allow- third day after an employee and the recently enacted Cali-
work and then one of them ing employers to undertake has returned to work, whether fornia Consumer Privacy Act
has COVID-19 symptoms, the steps that might otherwise cre- there is an obligation to notify also are germane when dealing
employer may be obligated to ate issues under the Americans co-workers that one or more with personal health informa-
notify co-workers with whom with Disabilities Act, the Reha- co-workers has been turned tion. When an employer tells an
he or she has had contact of bilitation Act, and related equal away due to having symptoms employee whose temperature
potential exposure. Failure opportunity laws. The guid- again becomes an issue. Em- is elevated, who tests positive,
to do so could lead to a law- ance permits employers to ask ployers should follow new de- or who has other flu-like symp-
suit by any other employees employees if they are experi- velopments closely and refer toms and is denied entry, he or
who then come down with the encing known virus symptoms to she turns away to go home. The
employee may be sent home enter work, but if the Frlekin reporting time pay should min- printer ink, and other supplies
from work mid-shift after say- principle applies to employees imize the risk of liability. Em- as well as any work-related
ing he or she has a fever or has whose entries are delayed due ployers should refer to www. mailing costs. The percentage
had a difficult coughing spell. to testing, then that time must of expense that was reasonable
The fact that the employee has be paid. Off-the-clock claims navirus. html when employees were at work
a health problem becomes ob- are usually tested in expensive may not be reasonable while
vious to everyone else waiting class action litigation, where The Telework Expense Issues they worked at home. The ag-
in line or working close by. even if the employer wins, it is Some businesses have re- gregated expense requests may
Even if the employee can en- money out the door. Employ- mained functional by having be substantial, and California
ter, wait until the line clears ers conducting tests or taking employees work remotely. law provides no guidance as
or begin working and then ex- temperatures should consider Labor Code Section 2802 re- to what is reasonable in these
its, his or her absence may be whether paying an addition- quires an employer to reim- circumstances. Exercising dis-
noticed. Whether the employ- al 15 or 30 minutes of wages, burse employees for expenses cretion, setting uniform reim-
er inadvertently violates that even if it triggers overtime, is necessarily incurred in doing bursement percentages, and
worker’s privacy rights is an affordable and will avoid risk. their jobs. Employees in Cal- promptly payments will likely
open question. When practical, ifornia must be reimbursed a be appreciated and avoid dis-
taking a temperature, screen- The Reporting Time Issues reasonable percentage of their putes.
ing, or testing should be in a The California Industrial Wel- costs for using personal de- For many employers, these
space that is private, and any fare Commission orders require vices, including cell phones. have been difficult times, fi-
notice to co-workers should that an employee who reports Cochran v. Schwan’s Home nancially and personally. Tak-
not identify by name a col- to work but is not assigned to Service, Inc., 228 Cal. App. ing precautions in compliance
league who is absent for health at least one-half day’s work is 4th 1137 (2014). On getting with federal and California
reasons. Medical information entitled to one-half of his usu- back to work, employees who employment laws may help
obtained through these proce- al day’s pay but in no case less worked remotely may seek to avoid further complications
dures should be documented, than two nor more than four to be reimbursed for expens- when getting employees back
but stored separately from the hour’s pay, at the regular rate. es like internet access, paper, to work. 
employee’s personal file. If, however, a state of emergen-
cy is declared, as in the case of Arthur F. Silbergeld is an Kacey Riccomini is an asso-
The Off-the-Clock Issue COVID-19, reporting time pay employment litigator in the ciate in the same office and
If employees are waiting in does not apply if an employ- Los Angeles office of Thomp- can be reached at kriccomi-
line to have their temperatures er’s operation cannot begin or son Coburn LLP. He can be
taken (or to be tested if kits be- continue when recommended reached at asilbergeld@
come available), they cannot by civil authorities. Absent an
clock in until they are approved authorized state of emergency,
to enter and reach the time including when that state is lift-
clock. Under current case law, ed by authorities, the reporting
California requires that em- time obligation applies. For that
ployees waiting in line to have reason, if an employee reports
bags and backpacks checked to work, but is turned away be-
by security before exiting after cause he or she tests positive
clocking out but after clocking for the virus or his or her tem-
out must be paid for the time. perature is elevated, whether he
Frlekin v. Apple, Inc., 8 Cal. or she is eligible for “reporting
5th 1038 (2020) There is no time pay” is an untested ques-
guidance on the issue in the tion. In these circumstanc-
context of waiting in line to es, paying an employee the

Reprinted with permission from the Daily Journal. ©2020 Daily Journal Corporation. All rights reserved. Reprinted by ReprintPros 949-702-5390.

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