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A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand



“A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand ”


BBA (Logistics Management) 2017-20

Internal Mentor:
Prof. Shantanu

Submitted By:
Palak Sukhija
BBA (Logistics Management) UPES, Dehradun
SAP ID-500062649
ROLL NO. R380217020

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

This is for the present I declare, with the intention of this report is very original in all senses of
the terms and conditions and has a sense of honor and beliefs and shortcuts have not been taken
and I remained both meticulous and careful during the prevalence of this research work. I have
started on my possible point to keep this so informative and accurate work possible.

It can also be said here that during the preparation of this report a little help is taken from a field
of information and knowledge professionally, shared a full description of what has been
mentioned in the chapter of this report references.

Palak Sukhija
BBA (Logistics Management) (2017-2020)
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

This is to certify that the project entitled " A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and
Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand", presented to the University of petroleum and energy studies,
Dehradun, by Palak Sukhija, in the partial execution of the bachelor of business administration
(logistics management), is a work of good faith made by it under my supervision. This work in
particular there has been done nowhere else for any other grade. To the best of my knowledge, he
has made a serious effort and outside input for this project.

I wish you all the best for your future projects.

Mr. Shantanu Trivedi

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

It is to acknowledge with sincere gratitude the help, guidance and support I have received during
these project. I got to give my sincere feelings of gratitude towards the management of the
University and Dr. Neeraj Anand Sir, Head of the Department for providing me an opportunity
to work on the project.

I extend my gratitude to Mr. Shantanu, my internal guide for his advice and constant support.

I extend my deep appreciation to all those who have helped me to make this project.

Palak Sukhija
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

I. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................7
1. MEDICINAL PLANTS………………………………………………………9
2. AROMATIC PLANTS...................................................................................11

II. LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................20

III. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY...............................................................................26




IV. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...............................................................................27



 Questionnaire

V. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS...................................................................................30



8. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY………………………………………………………37

VI. CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................41

VII. REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………. 43
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


Figure 1 MEDICINAL PLANTS FOUND IN UTTARAKHAND.................................................10

Figure 2 AROMATIC PLANTS.....................................................................................................12
Figure 3 SOME PICTURES OF MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS..............................13
Figure 4 SUPPLY CHAIN OF MAP……………………………………………………………...15
Figure 5 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS.........................................................................................25
Figure 6 VALUE ADDITION…................................................………………………………...39


A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Medicinal and Aromatic plants are used by people in India since the beginnning of human life. Our early
ancestors learned to use medicinal plants for curing every kind of disease whatsoever. Aromatic plants
were used by people in their houses etc. There are unnumerable number of plants available in the
nature ,since the starting they are used differently and tested for medicinal or fooding purposes. Today ,
all the people around the globe uses these plants for good health. The users of these plants have several
benefits in their lives.
Medicinal plants are those plants which are used to cure diseases and other ailments. Examples of
medicinal plants are :
 Cayenne Pepper
 Garlic
 Lavender
 Lemon Balm

Aromatic plants are those plants which are used for their aromatic substances which can be used in
making perfumes , in cooking and in the food.
Examples of aromatic plants are :
 Dhavana

 Geranium

 Lemon Grass

 Mints

In Uttarakhand , there is a wide variety of medicinal and aromatic plants used by people for its benefits.
Not only this, supply chain of medicinal and aromatic plants in Uttarakhand is also vast which will
analysed in this synopsis.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) are organic crude materials, otherwise called home grown
medications, that are essentially utilized for remedial, fragrant as well as culinary purposes as parts of
beauty care products, therapeutic items, wellbeing nourishments and other normal wellbeing items.

They are additionally the beginning materials for esteem included handled characteristic fixings, for
example, fundamental oils, dry and fluid concentrates and oleoresins. There is an unmistakable modern
interest for MAPs on account of the expanded creation of home grown human services definitions; home
grown based corrective items and home grown wholesome enhancements.

What's more, customary human services professionals, conventional healers and utilization at the family
unit level have all added to the interest for home grown restorative items. Completed items produced
using therapeutic and fragrant plants are progressively recommended and purchased over the counter.
The worldwide market for plant and plant-inferred drugs is in this way expected to increment from $19.5
billion out of 2008 to $32.9 billion out of 2013, a yearly development pace of 11.0%, as indicated by a
recent report by BCC Research.

Of the more than 3,000 organic crude material species in worldwide trade, the report covers the most
significant sent out normal items (as far as worth and volume). Past releases of the report going back to
2001 are accessible. Download here an example report in pdf for nothing out of pocket.

Estimating the size of the segment is a key test in itself. This is for the most part because of the way that
there is no extensive and thorough posting of fit levy codes for MAPs and their concentrates. Numerous
nations are battling with the absence of explicitness of their duty plans and are hoping to include
increasingly explicit 8-and 10-digit codes for their most significant herbal imports and fares.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


Medicinal plants, likewise called restorative herbs, have been found and utilized in customary
medication rehearses since ancient occasions. Plants orchestrate several concoction mixes for capacities
including safeguard against creepy crawlies, growths, illnesses, and herbivorous vertebrates. Various
phytochemicals with potential or built up organic movement have been recognized. Be that as it may,
since a solitary plant contains generally various phytochemicals, the impacts of utilizing an entire plant
as medication are dubious. Further, the phytochemical content and pharmacological activities, assuming
any, of numerous plants having restorative potential remain unassessed by thorough logical research to
characterize adequacy and safety.

The most punctual chronicled records of herbs are found from the Sumerian civilisation, where several
therapeutic plants including opium are recorded on earth tablets. The Ebers Papyrus from antiquated
Egypt, c. 1550 BC, depicts more than 850 plant medications. The Greek doctor Dioscorides, who worked
in the Roman armed force, reported more than 1000 plans for medications utilizing more than 600
therapeutic plants in De materia medica, c. 60 AD; this shaped the premise of pharmacopeias for exactly
1500 years. Medication inquire about utilizes ethnobotany to look for pharmacologically dynamic
substances in nature, and has along these lines found many helpful mixes. These incorporate the regular
medications headache medicine, digoxin, quinine, and opium. The mixes found in plants are of
numerous sorts, however most are in four significant biochemical classes: alkaloids, glycosides,
polyphenols, and terpenes.
Therapeutic plants are broadly utilized in non-industrialized social orders, principally in light of the fact
that they are promptly accessible and less expensive than current drugs. The yearly worldwide fare
estimation of the a huge number of kinds of plants with suspected therapeutic properties was evaluated to
be US$2.2 billion in 2012. In 2017, the potential worldwide market for plant concentrates and meds was
assessed at a few hundred billion dollars. In numerous nations, there is minimal guideline of customary
medication, yet the World Health Organization arranges a system to empower sheltered and judicious
use. Restorative plants face both general dangers, for example, environmental change and natural
surroundings devastation, and the particular risk of over-assortment to meet market demand.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Some of the medicinal plants found in Uttarakhand.

Fig 1 :
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


A few plants are enriched with smell qualities and this is the place the definition sweet-smelling
originates from.

Such particularities are because of the nearness of unpredictable mixes known as basic oils. Thusly
sweet-smelling herbs have constantly established the most trademark part of the Mediterranean Cuisine.

Some of the Aromatic plants found in India are as follows :

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Fig 2 :
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

3. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Uttarakhand :

Fig 3 :
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


Uttrakhand, situated at the lower regions of the Himalayas, is described by assorted land highlights
running from snow-topped mountain tops in the North to tropical backwoods in the South. It has been
isolated into two areas the western locale Garhwal Mandal and the eastern regionKumaon Mandal. The
State is having about 61.1% zone under backwoods. In 2012-2013 the state sent out culinary herbs and
sweet-smelling produce worth 29.0 crore. Uttrakhand is a storage facility of rich assortment herbs and
therapeutic and sweet-smelling plant species. The Government expects to abuse this favorable position.
Uttrakhand has watched an expansion in the zone under development of sweet-smelling and therapeutic
plants. The quantity of ranchers occupied with development of fragrant plants in Uttrakhand has
drastically expanded from 301 out of 2003-04 to 2714 in 2006-2007 and the zone under fragrant plants
has expanded ten times. Uttrakhand has been pronounced a natural state, and for taking care of the
diverse parts of the MAP division, Herbal Research and Development Institute at Gopeshwar (1989) has
been named as the zenith office in 1989 for protection, advancement and manageable usage of the
significant Restorative and Aromatic Plant assets of Uttrakhand.

The returns received by the actors of the medicinal plant value chain namely villagers, middlemen and
wholesaler, constitute the total trade in medicinal plants. The villagers constitute the first link in the trade
in medicinal plants wherein the cultivators separately or combined collect the medicinal plant produce
and take them up to the processors for further refinement. There upon, the middle men intervene in the
medicinal plant trade and act as facilitators due to the lack of efficient infrastructure and link the
cultivators to the wholesalers for commissions. The wholesalers are the distributors of the medicinal
plant products to the ultimate markets and they carry out the work through a complex network of agents
and retailers. The medicinal plant value chain also included the secondary actors which are the industries
that use the medicinal plants and their extracts as their input materials and then the value added to them
through the processes operated on them through which the end products are obtained. The
Pharmaceutical industries and the Cosmetic industries are the prime example of the value addition made
to the medicinal plants. These industries use the medicinal and aromatic plants in fixed percentages and
the final pro.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

It characterizes a total arrangement of exercises which are compulsory to convey the item or
administration from starting through the various periods of creation to the end shopper furthermore,
disposing of the item after its utilization . The worth chain idea is a diagnostic methodology that is been
sent utilized for assessing the presentation of the advertising activities of any industry or association.
This sort of examination helps in distinguishing the escape clauses in the exhibition arrangement of
promoting activities also, executing measures for refining the private and open intercessions .

Therapeutic plants and its related items have a wide running esteem chain exercises related with it. Late
gauges propose that exchange related exercises of herbs is anticipated to accomplish a money related
worth of US$ 5 Trillion by 2050. Understanding this expanding request, it gets imperative to survey the
exercises that can be rebuilt for smooth progression of therapeutic herbs from makers.

Fig 4 :
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Uses of Medicinal Plants :

5. Growth of Medicinal Plants in Uttarakhand :

Uttarakhand is supplied with a rich assortment of plant species, a considerable lot of which have
therapeutic properties. As in different precipitous regions, these plants assume a significant job in the
lives of individuals in Uttarakhand. Other than giving fundamental human services, the plants produce
salary and work and furthermore have suggestions for the conservation of biodiversity and conventional
information in the state.

An enormous extent of the restorative plants provided from Uttarakhand are gathered from the wild. This
is especially valid for plants found in high elevation zones, which are by and large described by delicate
biological systems. Because of concentrated extraction, numerous types of restorative plants are
currently truly drained.

Perceiving the danger looked by various types of therapeutic plants, the Uttarakhand
government has defined a progression of approaches for their protection. These approaches have two
principle parts: a guideline of the assortment of therapeutic plants from the wild, and the advancement of
development to fulfill need and furnish ranchers with new salary openings.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

6. Cultivation of Medicinal Plants :

The Uttarakhand government believes the development of therapeutic plants to be significant for two
fundamental reasons:

a) development will give an elective wellspring of supply, and in this manner diminish the need to gather
these plants from nature. This will diminish pressure on undermined species and advance their

b) development will give an extra wellspring of pay for the state's poor rustic populace, which is
especially enormous in Uttarakhand.

As indicated by gauges by India's Planning Commission, in 2004 about 40% of the rustic populace in
Uttarakhand lived beneath the destitution line. This was a lot higher than the extent of individuals living
underneath the neediness line in provincial India in general in that year, which was about 25%.10 The
high occurrence of destitution in the state is to a great extent because of low and now and again declining
pay from agribusiness, which is the fundamental financial action for about 80% of the working populace.
The low pay is because of brutal atmosphere, poor soil conditions, little normal plot size and insufficient
access to innovation, data sources and markets. As comes back from customary yields decay, the
development of restorative plants supposedly has potential as a significant wellspring of ranch pay. This
is on the grounds that restorative plants are accepted to have various preferences over customary yields,
including significant expense, low vehicle cost due to higher worth per unit volume and long timeframe
of realistic usability.

The Uttarakhand government advances the development of therapeutic plants with various empowering
strategies. For instance:

a) it advances the possibility of the development of restorative plants among ranchers through media

b) it bolsters inquire about on development innovation of significant therapeutic plant species;

c) it has built up nurseries to proliferate and supply planting material and d) it has streamlined the way
toward enlisting ranchers as cultivators of restorative plants.

At the hour of setting up the task (2005) these strategies had been set up for around five years. Be that as
it may, their effect was little and little development of therapeutic plants was being completed by
farmers.12 Some of the imperatives which restricted development included mechanical challenges,
complex guidelines and absence of purchasers arranged to pay a premium.
Unmistakably enormous scope development of restorative plants by ranchers in Uttarakhand would be
conceivable just if these obliges were expelled through help and mediation by giving little scope
ranchers a safe market, appealing costs, and specialized and administrative help to empower them to
develop kutki (Picrorhiza kurrooa) and build up a manageable production network to Europe.14 The
main idea was to connect the ranchers to a solid market request that qualities economical development
rehearses. In the accompanying passages the paper depicts the experience of the task, and the exercises
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

got from it.



1. Study of Ruchita 2015 studied the impact International The study Farmers
Aromatic Pangaria[ of cultivation of Journal of showed that are not
and CITATIO medicated and Social several schemes getting
Medicated N Ruc15 \l aromatic products Sciences and like Jari Buti the
Plants in 1033 ][ CI in relation to new Management Yojna, National price
Uttrakhand employment Mission on they
ruc15 \l
generation and also Medicinal sshould
16393 ]
the supply chain Plants etc not get of
management of only increased the
these products the number of cultivate
throughout farmers in the d
Uttarakhand ; This state but also MAP’s.
paper centers encouraged New
around the others for the
development supply chain of generati
on to be
program running in these products.
Uttrakhand by [ CITATION aware
Ruc15 \l 1033 ] about
HRDI and its
significance in program
work age in the
hilly districts. in
2. Value Chain Tanya 2009 the study on the Natural Study also The
Analysis for Chhabra[ certifications and Resources & showed the middle
Medicinal CITATIO standerdisation that Sustainable distribution of men
Plant based N Tan09 \l define the safety Developmen the revenues sellers
products in 1033 ][ CI and quality norms t Department among the takes up
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

India: Case tan09 \l of products in the wholesalers most of

Study of 16393 ] supply chain of ,middlemen and the
Uttarakhand medicinal and the small revenue
aromatic plants ; vendors of all leaving
To understand the medicinal and farmers
value chain aromatic with
processes in plants ; The very
medicinal plant normalization little
industry of of the profit ,
Uttarakhand 2. To production farmers
identify the issues methods of the to be
in the value chain restorative plant fully
processes of the industry is awre of
industry 3. To famous for the the
analyze the impact advancement of selling
of standardization a more part.
of active deliberate,
ingredients of uniform and
value chain on the excellent
trade restorative and
fragrant plant
industry in
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

3. Impact of Priti 2009 This study shows increasing

present Kumari how this context several different
conditions of and Lalit can become a lead practices can
resources as M.Tewari sector in many help for
a form of [ CITATI parts of economic
natural ON uttarakhand development of
vegation Pri09 \l the region.
1033 ][ CI
pri09 \l
16393 ]

The Role of the exploration The survey

4. 2014 International Finding
analyzed creation shows that the
Theuraptic Journal of out the
and the board development of
Herbal cultural
Plants in through an medicinal
Medicine factors
industrycommunity plants can
vocation Bipin in usage
organization assume a
Joshi & of
advancement approach that can significant job
Rakesh medicin
improve the in the
in Joshi[ CIT al and
current therapeutic employment
ATION aromati
Uttarakhand Bip14 \l
plant esteem chain. systems of the
16393 ][ C The investigation townspeople in
plants ;
ITATION evaluated the high height of
bip14 \l neighborhood Kumaun district
d /
16393 ] impression of the of Uttarakhand.
utilization and As all family in
development of the locale have
therapeutic plants own territory,
and the the
requirement for development of
protection of these restorative
plants, just as the plants can profit
highlights of most families.
ies to
previously Simultaneously,
continuous plainly the
development accomplishment
practices and of development
choices for will generally
on of
expanded rely upon the
development profits from
al and
c plants
contrasted with
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

different and for

harvests. R and D

5. Review on Medicinal Plants Clearly in the

value chain 2016 supply chains have Journal of zone of
analysis of fluctuating Medicinal restorative plant
medicinal Mebrahtu necessities for their Plants look into there
plants and Hishe, development, asset Studies is a hole
the Zemede the executives in regarding
associated Asfaw, the wild, reaping, investigating How the
challenges Mirutse handling, and the worth supply
Giday[ CI critically chains which chain
TATION promoting. In exist for home should
meb16 \l request to get grown clinical be in
16393 ] serious in the items all the order to
restorative plants time collected be more
worldwide from the wild or innovati
commercial center, delivered in ve and
esteem chain must little scope efficient
turn out to be more farming and to
adaptable, practices. improve
imaginative, and the
effective, so it can quality ,
bring to showcase quantity
new items in a and
convenient timing
manner. of
es .

Medicinal CP[ CITA The exponential The exchange
6. Plants in TION 2015 development in Kala, Med restorative
Uttarakhand kal15 \l human populace, Aromat plants goes
16393 ]
State of joblessness, want Plants through a long
India to procure more chain of
cash, and partners from
expanding herb authorities,
agreeableness of neighborhood Costs of
home grown agents, urban medicin
medication are brokers, al plants
among few discount differ
invigorating dealers, makers from
components for and natural places
rising exchange healers. By and to
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

restorative plants large, the places,

minimal from
ranchers and urban to
every day wage rural
works gather areas.
plants which
they offer to the
nearby agents
and at some
point to any

This paper features Neighborhood

7. Upgrading Dyutiman 2012 the consequences barters are a
mountain chaudhar of an activity pivotal however
people in y research to update missing
medicinal [ CITATI mountain gatherers capacity in the
and aromatic ON of restorative and MAPs VC in
plants value dyu13 \l fragrant plants Uttarakhand
chains: 16393 ] (MAPs) like Indian that ought to be
lessons for straight leaves joined in MAPs
sustainable (Cinnamomum promoting
management tamala Nees and polices. The
and income Eberm) in Chamoli examination's
generation region of discoveries and
from Uttrakhand, India. approach can be
Uttarakhand, Gatherers were upscaled to
India defenseless against different MAPs
state guidelines for profiting
that compelled countless
their entrance to individuals and
inlet leaves biological
available for later systems in
backwoods and to Uttarakhand
MAPs showcases and past and
that were set up by add to the
the Government in discussion on
the swamps. green economy
in mountains.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


Fig 5 :
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


The objective of this present research are:
 To study the various problems faced in supply chain of medicinal and aromatic plants.
 To implicate solutions for problems in supply chain of medicinal and aromatic plants in


 The MAP’s supply chain in Uttarakhand is suffering from great deal of losses mainly in
the following areas:

 During postharvest

 During transit

 During sales

 Low profit margin to farmers:

In India farmers receive only 30% of what a customer pays, where as in U.S farmers
receive 70% of what customer pays.


While conducting the study the main problem was in collecting the facts and figures that are
updated. Also no prior research has been done in the area of increasing the profit margin to
In Uttarakhand there are mostly hilly areas where Medicinal and Aromatic plants are grown so the main
limitation was of transportation facilities.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


Type of research is secondary research which mainly considers the secondary data supported by
primary data collected by market place visits. The research analyses the various losses happening
n the supply chain of MAP’s and suggests an integrated approach to control the existing losses.


Data is collected by market place visits, physical observation and from sellers in Medicinal and
aromatic plants market.


 Questionnaire: I made a 11 question long questionnaire for the farmers and people related to
MAP’s cultivation to fill it . By this questionnaire we would be able to find out the views of
them .
The questionnaire is as follows :

1. Do most of the cultivation of MAP’s are done by poor farmers in their own household and not
commercially ?
 Yes
 no
2. By the current supply chain do you get enough medicinal and aromatic plants easily ?

 Yes
 No

3. Is the quantity of MAP’s received by places like Patanjali [ which are well known in Uttarakhand
] for patients enough ?

 Yes
 No

4. Which of the following techniques can help in the growth of supply chain of MAP ?

A] Cost cutting techniques

B] Time cutting techniques
C] Special vehicles for deliveries

5. In households for regular uses , Which medicinal plants are mostly in demand ?
A] Chamomile
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

B] Feverfew
C] Garlic
D] Ginger
E] Others

6. Is there enough support given by government to promote supply chain of MAP’s ?

 Yes
 No

7. Do you think the stages of supply chain of MAP’s should be cut down to be more effective and
efficient ?

 Yes
 no

8. Do you think people of Uttarakhand are aware on the uses , how to grow and conserve these
valuable MAP’s ?

 Yes
 No

9. Which aromatic plants are mostly used in households which has the most demand ?

A] Dhavana
B] Geranium
C] Lemon grass
D] Mints
E] others

10. Do you think government should fix prices of different MAP crops in order to help poor farmers
get a nominal income and not get fooled by middle men sellers ?

 Yes
 no

11. What challenges are faced currently in the cultivation of MAP’s ?

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

 procuring seeds or bulbs of MAP

 availability of land for cultivation
 selling of grown crops
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand



By the analysis of Supply chain of medicinal and aromatic plants in Uttarakhand . Findings are :

 The study showed that several schemes like Jari Buti Yojna, National Mission on Medicinal
Plants etc not only increased the number of farmers in the state but also encouraged others for the
supply chain of these products. [ CITATION ruc15 \l 16393 ] . Government launched several
schemes in order to encourage the supply chain of medicinal and aromatic plants.

 Study also showed the distribution of the revenues among the wholesalers ,middlemen and the
small vendors of all medicinal and aromatic plants ; The normalization of the production methods
of the restorative plant industry is famous for the advancement of a more deliberate, uniform and
excellent restorative and fragrant plant industry in India. [ CITATION tan09 \l 16393 ]

 Increasing several different practices can help for economic development of the region..
[ CITATION pri09 \l 16393 ]

 The survey shows that the development of medicinal plants can assume a significant job in the
employment systems of the townspeople Simultaneously, plainly the accomplishment of
development will generally rely upon the profits from restorative plants, contrasted with different
harvests. [ CITATION Bip14 \l 16393 ]

 Clearly in the zone of restorative plant look into there is a hole regarding investigating the worth
chains which exist for home grown clinical items all the time collected from the wild or delivered
in little scope farming practices. [ CITATION meb16 \l 16393 ]

 The exchange restorative plants goes through a long chain of partners from herb authorities,
neighborhood agents, urban brokers, discount dealers, makers and natural healers. By and large,
the minimal ranchers and every day wage works gather restorative plants which they offer to the
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

nearby agents and at some point to any imminent purchaser. [ CITATION kal15 \l 16393 ]



There were total 63 responses which showed that farmers do mostly household cultivation of MAP’s and
not done commercially .

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

There were total 63 responses , we got to know that we cannot easily get medicinal and aromatic plants .

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

There are total 63 responses and the outcome is no the quantity of MAP’s received is not enough .


The outcome is cost cutting techniques can help in the growth of MAP’s the most.

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Outcome is that chamomile is the most common medicinal plant which is the most in demand.


It is clear that government is not providing enough support to promote supply chain of MAP’s.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


There are in total 7 stages of supply chain of medicinal and aromatic plants , by this survey we got to
know that the stages should be cut down in order to make the supply chain more efficient and effective.


No, the people of Uttarakhand are not completely aware of the uses , how to grow and conserve these
valuable medicinal and aromatic plants.

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Dhavana is the most demanded , used aromatic plants in the households.


The main challenge faced by farmers in the cultivation of MAP’s are selling of grown crops , which is
because of not getting enough money as compared to the worth of the plants.

A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Yes the government should fix the prices of different MAP’s in order to help poor farmers get a nominal

 The study of the above will show the solutions to the problems involved in the supply chain of
medicinal and aromatic plants in Uttarakhand .

 Solutions then will increase the supply chain of these products which in turn will increase
employment and capital of the state.

Development of restorative and sweet-smelling plants (MAP) today isn't just a promising other option
and antithesis to wild assortment, empowering protection of regular hereditary fluctuation and endurance
of uncommon, endemic, helpless and jeopardized species, yet in addition speaks to an incredible
economy branch giving the high class quality crude material for pharmaceutical, corrective and the
nourishment business. Taming and development of the vast majority of restorative plants, typically
imagined as a minor harvests, face with numerous difficulties on little, medium and enormous scope
creation, relating both development innovations and market and costs changes.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Developed MAP material is progressively favored by the home grown industry, since it is simpler to
anticipate plant yield, quality and medication synthesis, particularly when contrasted and wild reaped
crude materials. In the event of developed MAP material, the chance of plant misidentification and
contaminated is barred. The gainfulness of development of restorative plants contend with benefit
reachable for standard field crops for which as of now exist a particular hardware and a standard
technique for use of composts and agrochemicals to control weeds, irritations and illnesses. For fruitful
huge scope development of MAP, the top notch crude material ought to be delivered utilizing low
information development techniques to be serious at the worldwide market and with plants gathered
from nature.

The most widely recognized issues with which the makers of restorative plants experienced are the
market, wealth and openness of wild populaces, agro-ecological conditions, work accessibility and costs,
interests in apparatus, post-reap preparing, and benefit of creation. Predominant genotypes are significant
for beneficial creation of the excellent therapeutic plants' line material. Out of completely developed
therapeutic plant species, just a little rate is obviously hereditarily characterized and spoken to on the
seed showcase in term of assortment.

Also to different yields, customary reproducing techniques, just as biotechnological methodology and
determination helped by sub-atomic markers are applied being developed of new assortments and
cultivars of MAP, focusing on progress of their attractive attributes. This alludes to expanded medication
yield and the substance of required optional metabolites.

Mapping of qualities and explicit DNA groupings associated with biosynthesis of specific metabolite
classes is by all accounts a future test in MAP reproducing programs. A large portion of genuine research
is centered around hereditary inconstancy among various taxa of therapeutic plants utilizing a few kinds
of DNA markers, including limitation part length polymorphism (RFLP), intensified piece length
polymorphic DNA (AFLP), irregular enhanced polymorphic DNA (RAPD), cleavage enhanced
polymorphic arrangement (CAPS), basic grouping rehash (SSR), and succession described intensified
locale (SCAR) markers.

In spite of the fact that the essential objective for characteristic control in therapeutic plants is the
substance of dynamic mixes, for advancement as harvests, fundamental agronomic characters identified
with consistency, soundness, development and improvement, and protection from biotic and abiotic
stresses, should likewise be improved.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Value Addition of cultivation of Medicinal plant Value Chain :

Fig 6 :
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

Detailed description of process of cultivation of Medicinal and Aromatic plants :

Fig 7 :
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand


After doing the whole study we got to know the following factors :

 There were total 63 responses of the questionnaire made which showed that farmers do mostly
household cultivation of MAP’s and not done commercially . Farmer’s are not encouraged
enough to grow these plants in a commercial level as there is very less profit margin of these
plants in the market.

 We got to know that we cannot easily get medicinal and aromatic plants , as per the current
supply chain of medicinal and aromatic plants , everyone is not getting these plants so easily.

 The outcome is that no, the quantity of MAP’s received is not enough by the places in need and
general people.

 The outcome is cost cutting techniques can help in the growth of MAP’s the most. Because
farmer’s are mostly affected by the cost of these plants.

 Most common in demand medicinal and aromatic plants in households are chamomile and

 It is clear that government is not providing enough support to promote supply chain of MAP’s.
Despite so many schemes started by government as stated above yet farmers are not getting
enough services .

 There are in total 7 stages of supply chain of medicinal and aromatic plants , by this survey we
got to know that the stages should be cut down in order to make the supply chain more efficient
and effective.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

 No, the people of Uttarakhand are not completely aware of the uses , how to grow and conserve
these valuable medicinal and aromatic plants. There should be many awareness programs in order
to make everyone aware of the uses of these medicinal and aromatic plants.

 The main challenge faced by farmers in the cultivation of MAP’s are selling of grown crops ,
which is because of not getting enough money as compared to the worth of the plants. As there
are many middle men sellers between farmers who grow these plants and retailers who sell these
plants and medicine made by these plants therefore , the price given to farmers is not enough and
the profit margin is way too less that’s why selling the grown crops is the main challenge faced
by them .

 In order to get the farmers nominal income and not get them fooled by middle men sellers ,
government should imply fix rates for these medicinal and aromatic plants.
A study of Growth and Supply Chain of Medicinal and Aromatic plants in Uttarakhand

VIII . References

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