Advanced Human Resources Management - Ch.5, Homework

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Advanced Human Resources Management -Ch.5, homework.

Date: 21/03/2018

What is the difference between a job and a position? Any kind can talk about host?

Employees perform jobs but fill positions.

Jobs have like characteristics related to the type of work being performed. For example an organization can
defined a single job to capture the properties of an Administrative Assistant or a Programmer.

Job is the tasks that one will perform within an authorized designation/post /roll of a company/organization.

Positions are related to organization structure. A position takes its definition from an assigned job and an
assigned department.

Position is a form of power being held by someone in a particular area or department of a company or a

So if an organization with an Administrative Assistant job defined as three people working as administrative
assistants each in a different department, there would be three positions filled where each position pointed to
the same job but to different departments.

For small companies position and job can often be thought of as the same thing but as organizations grow,
keeping the definition of a job separate from the definition of the structural component known as position save
time maintaining employee records when changes need to be made to either or both components

Position host the job.



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Advanced Human Resources Management -Ch.5, homework.

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