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Excretion, Coordination and Response

Revision Sheet

Excretion in flowering plants

Plants excrete two gases from their leaves, these are ……………….. and
…………........ …………………. They are formed from two processes that the
leaves carry out, …………………… and …………..… ……………….. The gases
are excreted through pores on the underside of the leaf known as

Excretion in humans

Excretory organ Product excreted

The kidney has two functions: The Urinary System



Structure of a nephron
Label the following on the
diagram of the nephron -
Bowman’s capsule,
proximal convoluted tubule,
loop of Henlé,
distal convoluted tubule
and collecting duct

Blood enters the nephron

from the ………………….
………………….., it then
passes into the ………………………… The blood vessels leading away from
the glomerulus decreases in diameter, this causes a build up of
…………………. in the glomerulus. Small molecules such as ………………,
………………….., …………………….. and ………………………. are filtered out of
the glomerulus into the …………………… …………………………, this process is
known as ………………………….…… The glomerular filtrate then enters the
proximal convoluted tubule where all of the …………………….. is reabsorbed
by ………………….. ………………………… and some of the …………………… and
some of the ………………………. are reabsorbed from the collecting duct, this
process is known as ……………………. ………………………….. Urine, made up
of ………………………, …………………….. and ……………………. then travels
along the ………………………. to the ……………………. where it is stored until is
exits the body through the …………………………

The …………………………….. detects the blood concentration. The hormone

………………., released by the …………………… …………………… controls the
volume of water that is selectively reabsorbed in the nephron.

Plasma Problem ADH released Effect of ADH Effect on

Concentration urine

Too much Less water

water reabsorbed
by nephrons

Homeostasis is …………………………………………………………………………………
Body temperature is maintained at a constant ………..

Too hot! Too cold!

Flowering plants responding to the environment

Part of Response to light Response to gravity



The positive phototropism the stem demonstrates increases the plants

chance of survival because
The positive geotropism the roots demonstrate increases the plants chance
of survival because ………………………..............
Tropisms are controlled by a hormone called ……………………..

Humans responding to the environment

Nervous Hormonal
Type of signal

Transmission of signal


Type of response

Speed of response

Duration of response

Reflex arc
Label the diagram to
show a reflex response s
tarting with stimuli and
ending with response

The Eye
Complete the labels

Hormones in humans

Adrenaline Ovaries Maintains the lining of the uterus.

Insulin Testes Controls the development of male

secondary sexual characteristics.

Testosterone Ovaries Controls ‘fight or flight response’. Increases

breathing rate, heart rate, flow of blood to the
muscles and converts glycogen to glucose.
Progesteron Pancreas Increases the conversion of glucose to
e glycogen.

Oestrogen Adrenal Controls the development of female

glands secondary sexual characteristics.

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