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Practice: Hit the bulls-eye

When someone aims for the bulls-eye on a dart board, they focus on
that singular point to increase their chances of hitting the target.

Why? Because they’re not likely to hit it if they’re looking the other way
or thinking about dinner.

We talked about getting your focus right in Hack #1, so in this game we’re going practice hitting a
figurative bulls-eye. This is purely to demonstrate that what you focus on is what you primarily see in
life – and yes, it’s thanks to ARAS.

How to play the game

1. Think of an object that’s not likely to come across your path easily. For example, a neon-pink

Don’t get too crazy with detail and say a neon-pink car driven by a celebrity with spinning rims
– and I’ll explain why in the next step.

Your bulls-eye object:

2. Look at the time right now and give ARAS 24-hours to bring this object forward for you.

The reason you kept the object less-specific in #1 above is because you’re only getting 24-
hours for this practice session. The more specific you make your object, the more hay you’re
adding to your hay-stack – so your needle gets harder to find.

Date and time in 24-hours:

3. Affirm the object you’re now committed on focusing on for the next 24 hours and note down
when you see it. Remember, ARAS is now going to keep a look-out for all instances of your

So, as per our example of neon-pink cars – you might all of the sudden start seeing a lot of
pink and neon-pink things as well as notice variations of pink cars – if not the neon-pink car

This means whatever your object is – ARAS might not hit the mark all the time, but chances
are, you’ll start to see a whole lot of things associated with your object.

And that’s the point of this practice – not to actually manifest (but who knows, you might!),
but to show you how ARAS works for you.

Date and time you spotted the object:

Copyright © 2018 Infinite Gratitude t/a Natural Healer. All rights reserved.

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