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For people with autism

People with AUTISM
Autism isn’t a disease! People mostly mistake on this
statement.. Autism is a difference. Most people who are famous
had/have autism like Wolfgang amadeus mozart and Albert
einstein. I know multiple people with Autism. Including My little
brother Nathanael Joy.
Symptoms in Autism

Autism’s Symptoms is Not playing with Toys normally, Not able to

talk to other and doesn't play with other kids, super hyper and
passiveness, Not right crying or laughing,Poor lack of speech,
weird attachment to strange objects, has difficulty with change of
routine and lack of awareness,danger and strangers.
Autistic Disorder
Rett Syndrome Childhood
Asperger’s Pervasive Disintegrative
(Only known for
disorder development disorder

5 types of autism
Last thing to say!!!!!!
Be proud of people with Autism!!

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